Prince Michael Jackson You need to stop.

footballguy posted on Apr 12, 2010 at 06:44AM
First of all, I AM PRINCE MICHAEL JACKSON. I am only telling you this one time. If you fail to believe me, I don't care because I only wish to tell you something very important.

I mean no disrespect, in anyway. But please, stop posting OUR(Paris, Blanket and I's) Personal photos all over the net!

Firstly, these photos were never meant to be leaked to the public. They were stored in Paris's computer. Suddenly, I don't know how but a hacker hacked into Paris's computer and has published these photos everywhere.
Now, Paris is no longer able to access her computer and the photos lie in the hackers hands.

These photos are Childhood memories, PRIVATE CHILDHOOD MEMORIES, they were never meant for the public...

Again, I mean no disrespect when I say please, please...Stop using OUR private photos like they are your own. I beg of you.

Goodbye, I hope everyone understands.
By the way, thankyou for this page. It means a lot to see that people care for me and my Family. Thankyou, so much.


Prince Michael Jackson 78 replies

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over a year ago prince_luver said…
ummm hi......dont think ur Prince but i get u i would hate it to if ppl published pics of me all over the hopefully ppl will stop doing that! :) and bytheway.......pls don't pretend ur prince MJ
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago raachel96 said…
I don't think you're the real Prince, but I get what you mean. I don't post the pics everywhere or anything, so the REAL PRINCE doesn't have anything to worry about with me. :) BuhBye, poser.
over a year ago batava said…
Ok, but i´m inocent..!
over a year ago raachel96 said…
Batava, don't you believe this poser for one minute, you understand me? I get what he's saying about those photo's being private, but he is not the REAL Prince. okay. :)
over a year ago prince_luver said…
agree!!!!!! this is gonna be like "jaffarsuckslol" again...........(sigh)
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
The real Prince isn't crappy like you are. Imagine Prince saying, "If you don't believe me I don't care." Did you ever hear Michael saying that? Nope. And he raised his children to be responsible and sweet, and kind and caring. But it is true that hackers are getting into her computer but that doesn't mean she has to stop going on her laptop now does it? She changed the passwords and everything so no more leaked pics of Paris. Oh and the real Prince HATES braggers. So that's an epic flaw in you trying to be him. Bye poser!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago footballguy said…
I am Prince. Ok? That's the bottom line.
But, whatever floats your boat, I guess :)
I'm not asking you to believe me, all I'm asking is please, please stop posting OUR private photos all over the net. Please.
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Wow! The more you say stuff makes me not believe you more. When in the heck did your "father" teach you too be rude? "That's the bottom line" "Whatever floats your boat" They aren't YOUR photos anyway.
over a year ago footballguy said…
Actually, MY Father never taught me to be rude. 'm being as nice as I can, but in this situation it makes me angry what you are doing with OUR photos.
And yes, they are ours. And why can't I say "Whatever floats your boat".
What you all forgetting is that without the Paparazzi and the cameras, I'm just a regular 13 year old kid.
So, believe it or not :) I'm not even trying to convince you.
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Seriously you need to stop posing. You're name may be Prince, you name may be Jackson. BUT YOU ARE NOT THE SON OF MICHAEL JACKSON! And yeah Prince is a 13 year old kid! Well at least the REAL ONE anyway. And does anyone actually think Prince would be typing this crap having an argument with me? Thought not. It ticks everyone off what we're doing with the real Prince's photos. So why don't you just come out and say that you're fake. You don't have to pretend to be Prince just so we can stop posting it. And having happy-faces everywhere doesn't proove anything
over a year ago PrinceLover1999 said…
Hahaha hahahahahahaha you think your Prince, plz stop posing this dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've got to be kiddin me.
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
come 'on dude, STOP POSING AS PRINCE!, GOSH! THERE ARE LOADS OF THESE POSERS AND PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT YOUR GONNA BE BELIEVED, LOOKS JACKSON IS COMMON, BUT YOUR NOT MICHAEL'S SON, get a life, cause a good poser was difficult to find so back off, its really annoying little kid..! its not funny
over a year ago dragonfan said…
Michail jack son died he is not alive but i have heard none of his music i thought he was a great guy.
over a year ago dragonfan said…
and i see no pics.
over a year ago dragonfan said…
im confused
over a year ago dragonfan said…
Oh im new to fanpop so im not used to it yet.
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
big smile
Welcome dragonfan
over a year ago footballguy said…
'PrinceMJluv' I've never lied, so I'm not going to say I'm not Prince Michael Jackson.
I've told you so many times, I'm not trying to convince anyone, it's their choice. I'm just saying that I know who I am and I'm not lieing about that.
I'm not even trying to argue with you, nor prove anything with "Smily faces". Smiley faces are just a cool and kind thing.
I'll say it once more, believe me or not. It's your choice.
If you want me to leave, just tell me and I will go.
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
uuhh idk guys, there is a possiblity it could be him
and dont you judge me haha
i have my opinionss :)
if you are prince, your really cool :)
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Ok leave then. First jaafarsuckslol, then another poser, then another poser, then a Paris poser, then a Jaffar poser, now you. We don't need all this crap. Go pretend to be Prince on facebook, twitter or myspace. Anywhere but here.
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
what if he actual is prince ?
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Oh come on!! Do you think Prince would be this rude?! HECK NAH. Some of u people are blind. No offence.
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
well idk im confused i reccon there a possiblity
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Yah! There's as much of a possibility of that being Prince as Beyonce being my mom! Seriously we've gone through enough posers
over a year ago pmjluv said…
douchie pass me tha douchie omg so why the hell do you care cause it didn't say nothing omg princemj luv shutdown & SHUT THE HELL UP DANG IF THATS REALLY WELL I DONT NOTHING YOU TALK TO MUCH SHUT THE HELL UP DANG NOW I THINK YOU MESSY SHUT THE HELL UP PLEASE DANG & I DONT KNOW IF ITS HIM OR NOT AND IF IT IS / I LUV YOU PRINCE
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
That made no sense at all. Stay off drugs because apparently ur on crack.
over a year ago Chee323 said…
haha u crack me up PrinceMJluv
over a year ago footballguy said…
pmjluv, If you love me, then I love you too :)
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
You know what? My name is PrinceMJluv, and I can honestly say... I LUV THE REAL PRINCE NOT WHOEVER THIS DUDE IS. Why would ANYONE love a poser?! Because they believe their lies? Guess so.
over a year ago MrsGuadaJackson said…
^lol i guess it was for pmjluv..the other user.. And yeah PrinceMJluv.. this dude is definitely a poser.. No doubt in it..
over a year ago AnnaJinji said…
omg i am so like bored with these things's making me soooo bored can't u guys stop ? i am just so confused .. these things all around is so junk nothing else ...
over a year ago footballguy said…
PrinceMJluv, I wasn't talking to you haha.
Sorry, but I was talking to the other Girl lol.
And I'm not a poser :)
MrsGuadaJackson, I'm not a poser, but if that's what you choose to believe, then I respect that :) Thank you.
AnnaJinji, I'm bored too haha.
over a year ago PMKJFAN said…
Wow first Jaafarsuckslol and now footballguy? Confusing.
over a year ago prince_luver said…
u should just QUIT posing!!!! u hear me????? QUIT!!!! i don't believe u and so don't the others!
over a year ago billiejean808 said…
Ok this is very confusing?????
over a year ago ukiss_prince88 said…
poser""that is fake!!
over a year ago raachel96 said…
It's not confusing. He's a poser; it's as simple as that. He's rude sometimes, which I don't think Michael tought his children to be. And anyone, ANYONE, can make an account and claim to be Prince. Until he shows any of you proof, then do not believe him. Make sure that if he does show you "proof" that it's not photoshopped.
footballguy, just leave, okay? :)
over a year ago magic001 said…
I don't think Prince would have time to have an arguement with total strangers convincing them of who he really is. It just doesn't seem right. If your a poser please do the right thing and stop. I'm am being kind as I humany can and I want you to do the right thing and stop treating MJ fans like fool.
On the other hand if this is really Prince then I will tell that I love your daddy and you and your whole family. But please take my advice and if you are the real Prince then don't wasn't your time on people who won't believe you but don't hate them too because we all love you so deary thats why were fans of you :) xx
but if your fake get fucking ass off and stop fooling us!!
over a year ago Mrs_Princeymj said…
you make me lafff =)
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
I know who you were talking to. I ain't stupid
over a year ago footballguy said…
big smile
magic001, if you love us, then we love you. We love you more!
And my Dad loved you too, all of his fans for all of their love and support! :)
over a year ago TheFunnyChick95 said…
Youre not Prince. Seriously, what exactly do you win by doing this? We've already been through controversy with Jaafarsuckslol, and youre no different. Seriously, get a life.
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
I agree with TheFunnyChick95! GET OUT
over a year ago UmOkayThen said…
This annoys the heck out of me because not only is it stupid, but it doesn't make any kind of free loving American sense! It's people like you that make me resort to painkillers!( I'm not an addict or anything:) Reading ignorance makes my head throb in pain)
over a year ago footballguy said…
Haha I'm sorry "UmOkayThen"
Please, if I bother you so much tell me to leave.
over a year ago raachel96 said…
big smile
over a year ago princeofpop said…
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
over a year ago TheFunnyChick95 said…
PrinceMJluv is right, JUST GTFO!!!
over a year ago Chee323 said…
wel why dont you just ask the real prince, PrinceMJluv if hes got a fanpop?? and paris too??

that will shut everyone up