Prince Michael Jackson How Prince Makes Me Feel

tiver posted on Mar 08, 2010 at 08:09PM
prince makes me feel good inside he reminds me of a tootise roll when i look at him i cry at night becuz i think i will never meet him i love him like a whole cheese pizza prince makes me wanna dance and sing i picture him kissing me and feeling his lips apon my cheek i feel like we were alomost meant 2 be i hope 1 day my prince charming will meet me

Prince Michael Jackson 12 replies

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over a year ago princesskellie8 said…
Thats exactly how I feel
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
awwww that was so sweet, honestly I feel similar :/
over a year ago jackson_kids said…
sweet and i think alot of people feel that way. i do
over a year ago Mrs_Princeymj said…
awww! i think you already know how prince makes me feel, and i could write pages and pages about how he makes me feel but im only gonna write a paragraph or two?!

Prince makes me feel magical like im his princess, even just when i see a picture of him i instantly imagine myself and Mr Jackson cuddling. i cant stop loving him! HIS love is MY drug..we have so much in common (ive listed them on fanpop before, and it was very long!), this makes me feel even closer to him! i have a wide imagination and can daydream all day about him and only him! i think up the most magical, fairyale stories of how i met him but never manage to write them down because they are never ending! i feel happy when i see him and begin to think of the song 'Thriller'(his fave song) and the colour red (his fave colour)!

My cure to this chemical romance is to meet him one day. i will open up to him and tell him E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G about my love for him. though i am aware he might take me as a freak so i must be careful! LOL! or i just might keep it all in and wait for him to open up to me! we will be best friends to begin with and then a couple to end! you'll all be reading about my Fairytale wedding in approximatley 10yrs time..x

Every single Prince lover will now what im going on about x
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lodwicka said…
i lik him 2
i lik him 2
over a year ago Mrs_Princeymj said…
^ Buff-Tinnggg =P x
over a year ago AnnaJinji said…
omg sad ..... u know what i mean ...
over a year ago Mrs_Princeymj said…
meee? :( x
over a year ago Mrs_Princeymj said…
he makes me feel amazing!"
over a year ago beemj said…
that's sad...i feel the same way :`(
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
It is sad :(
over a year ago pmjlover1997 said…
hahahahahahahahahahaha tiver, i thought dat u thought dat JUSTIN BIEBER wuz makin' u feel dis way if u r fallin' 4 prince once again
hahahahahahahahahahaha tiver, i thought dat u thought dat JUSTIN BIEBER wuz makin' u feel dis way if