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Prince Michael Jackson Question

had any dreams about PRINCE? :)

my dream was , i was at my uncles house and he lives in califonia and he tells me he wants to inttoduce me to some one and when i come into the room i c prince in the room and im thinkin "omg its prince!" but i didnt say anything i was way to my uncles tells me and prince to go on a walk and im like umm so when were walking prince doesnt talk much at first then all the sudden he starts talking alot! his voice sounded really hot we talk for along time! then he asks me if i want to be his friend cause he needs one right now and im like defanitly! then my mom wakes me up and i was mad because the dream was awesome! it seemed so real! lol. i couldnt stop smiling :)
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
even tho i wasnt dating him in it (which would be amazing!) i still thought it would be pretty special to be his friend!
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
i know that's the best thing in your life which is friendship but with prince it is totally diff. i would've want to be more than
alice11814 posted over a year ago
 lauren_95 posted over a year ago
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Prince Michael Jackson Answers

Gracie1995 said:
haha, I was thinking about adding this question!
but anyways I had a dream a few days that started out where me and Prince were at a MJ concert on a date and then ended with Prince doing an interview about his father's death and he was dressed like a really weird mime, then I woke so I'll never know how the dream ended :(
but it was fun while it lasted!
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posted over a year ago 
lol nice dream i had another dream that i was with michael and his kids and they were talking about his death too and im just like your dads rite then they said they hated debbie then all the sudden paris was talking about emo shirts? and im just like wtf? lol. it was weird..haha.
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
haha, that is weird! I've have other crazy dreams about MJ and Prince but I can't really remember then enough to describe them :)
Gracie1995 posted over a year ago
me too! i like smile the whole day when i do! lol.
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
mayraaa_ said:
I've had mannnyy dreams mostly about michael. I've had like 4 dreams about prince there just not clear enough tho :/
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posted over a year ago 
alice11814 said:
i had a dream that prince was being inteviewed when he finished the interview he starts looking for someone but i didn't know who so i went up to him and asked him are you looking for someone and he said yea,you im all like ok then he asked me do you wanna be my girlfriend(we had already met alot of times so we were like best friends already fyi)i wanted to scream of happiness but then i would scare him so i just screamed inside i tried to stay calm so i said YES!we went for a walk outside and after we were tired of walking and talking we sat in a bench we were near to so he told me since the first day i met you i wanted to do something i've never done before(don't think wrong he wanted to kiss me)so we were leaning and almost about to kiss when my mom yells ,"Genesis,wake up".i'm all like UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!so i never got to kiss him but i hope i have that dream again=[
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i had a dream that prince was being inteviewed when he finished the interview he starts looking for someone but i didn't know who so i went up to him and asked him are you looking for someone and he said yea,you im all like ok then he asked me do you wanna be my girlfriend(we had already met alot of times so we were like best friends already fyi)i wanted to scream of happiness but then i would scare him so i just screamed inside i tried to stay calm so i said YES!we went for a walk outside and after we were tired of walking and talking we sat in a bench we were near to so he told me since the first day i met you i wanted to do something i've never done before(don't think wrong he wanted to kiss me)so we were leaning and almost about to kiss when my mom yells ,"Genesis,wake up".i'm all like UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!so i never got to kiss him but i hope i have that dream again=[
posted over a year ago 
Don't you wish sometimes your dream could continue??
mayraaa_ posted over a year ago
yeah but my mom always wakes me up when something good is gonna happen=[
alice11814 posted over a year ago
ur dream was kinda like mine but we were just friends in mine lol but it was cool wit me lol
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
but ur dream is way better!!! lol.
lauren_95 posted over a year ago
sheszuhmazinqx3 said:
`- i had a couple but cant remember them all; one dat i do remember is that; he had invited me to go ice skatinq w. him :) he was like a skating god; blanket & paris knew how to ice skate too. neways; since i dont -.- we held hands & we skated around the whole rink & hand in hand <3 i fell down; & he fell w. me; and we just start cracking up. and he leans & kissess me on the cheek... den i wake up :(
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posted over a year ago 
haha cool:)
alice11814 posted over a year ago
prince_luver said:
i had a crazy dream dat ma mum invited michael jacksons famz..... and it was sooooooo cooooll but prince was nice but i tink he liked ma cozin tasfia more den me bcoz he talked 2 her most of da time n asked her outttt.........sifh hate her now
at least she's younger den him im nooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
but i luuuuuv prince and always will n i luv ma coz as well
prince_luver posted over a year ago
prince_luver posted over a year ago
Barcefan221 said:
I did have a dream about him, but it wasn't a romantic dream. So I was sitting on a bench and I was wearing a weird outfit like Luna Lovegood and I was reading a book and he came and sat down and I was wearing Luna Lovegood sunglasses so I didnt know it was him and then we started talking, and bla bla bla.
And then we became best friends. The End. haha
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posted over a year ago 
Cynthia_x3 said:
if i remember well i had a dream when i was just in school .. then my teacher says 'we have a new student in our class ' and am like umm ok , then prince comes out of nowhere and my mouth drops, then the teacher tells him to sit next to me and i was about to just screamm, then he just stays quiet the whole day doing his work and everything , then when school was over he comes up to me and askes if he can walk me home and am like uhh suree , then we just start talkin about each other (it was a very interesting convo) soo then when we got to my house he said bye and kisses goodbye and i was about to faint, but then my mom woke me up for school -_- . but i loved the dreamm (FYI he kisses goodd (; lmaoo
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posted over a year ago 
ms-prince said:
I was already friends with them and i was jogging past their house (I was listening to mj)and blanket runs and screams breanna and nearly knocks me over and we laugh and he asked me if i cood spend the day with them and i said sure than as i was walking to the house & talking 2 blanket jermaine sees me and said breanna is that u i smile and wave he comes gives me a hug and picks me up (Very akward) than ask me how i've been and we all walk in and prince says who is i tell them to be quiet and snuck over and covered his eyes and hes like breanna im like hi he gets up and gives me a hug and we fell over and were laughing and katherine, paris and janet come down and there all like breanna! and i give them a hug than prince relized i was cold and gave me his red sweater katherine says i can spend the night it was a sat. 4 dinner we had spaghetti and after dinner prince ask me if i want to go for a walk i said sure so we walked and talked and than we looked at my phone it was 8:00 we've been out for over 3 hrs so we rush back katherine says it was ok and says we can watch the end of peter pan w/blanket and paris after we we're supose 2 go 2 bed so i went 2 go 2 sleep than when everyones sleeping prince sneeks down and we sit on the couch and talk all nite and i wake up laying againest him than i quietly got up and got ready and started to make eggs for evryone and woke prince up because we're supose to not see each other at nite by ourselves and not supose 2 talk all nite so no one knew we talked to each other all nite and i watch them like die into the water and stuff and i went home that nite my mom thought i was kidnapped cause i forgot 2 tell her i was spending the nite at princes and i got grounded 4 3 weeks but the weird thing is i never woke up i still havent waken up it's weird
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posted over a year ago 
TLCMichaelfan02 said:
I had this one dream where i had went somewhere with Prince Paris Blanket Jaffar Jermajesty and Alejandra (jermajesty and jaffar;s mom). I guess I went to karate with them because Paris and Blanket had on their karate uniforms. We were in the parking lot (the kind with a roof)and me and Paris were just walking around talking, then Blanket started crying. So I said Blanket what's wrong then Alejandra was like he's okay leave him alone get in the car. so we got in the car and i guess we went back home.
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posted over a year ago 
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