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Prince Michael Jackson Question

Never Give Up. :) (please read) part 2..the rest didn't fit

Now from the people reading this it may sound like I was poor, but every single day that I have been living; I've always had close on my back and a roof over me. (even though one night it was a car roof) In my mind I was never poor, I was just not as wealthy as other kids. I had nice clothes, and food to eat everyday.
The reason why I am telling people this is because I want people to understand that no matter what situation you are in, always have hope. Always have faith in yourself. After living in all these places it made me into a stronger person. It taught me to be happy with what I have and to never take anything for granted. It taught me how to always have faith in myself. It taught me how to never be greety. And most of all, it taught me how to never give up.
Just to let people know, me and my family are doing fine now. And to clear things up with my mom. She is a great woman. Having seven children is not an easy task. She tried her best and she did a great job with us. I love her to death and I am so proud of her for never giving up on us, she is a single mother handling all of us. My little sister and my little brother are staying with their dad right now though, but she is still caring for us. I am very proud to have a mother like her, she never gave up on us.
And the reason why I am so real about things is because of my life. So that's why.
The main point of all this is to never give on your dreams. If you want somethin then go and get it. Try your best and never put yourself down. Always have faith in God, and if you don't beliven him, then always have faith in yourself.
Anyways I'm done now, sorry it was so long, and thanks for reading. :)

Never Give Up. :) (please read) part 2..the rest didn't fit
guys please make sure you read the 1st part 1st link
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
awww... that is soooo amazing. my dad was like that 2, he had 7 kids (2 were not biologically his but he treated them like they were)... this is amazing <3
SashaPrince4ver posted over a year ago
that is sooo nice i love the message your trying to send to us
tiver posted over a year ago
 dsgt5 posted over a year ago
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Prince Michael Jackson Answers

TheAwesomeness said:
This is very inspiring. I feel like doing everything to the fullest. You should be a motivational speaker :)! Thnx!
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posted over a year ago 
thanks :)
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
Any time. :)
TheAwesomeness posted over a year ago
FluroUndies said:
i can totaly relate to the story i am just like that but i don't mind like io mean we get by so it dosent bother me
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posted over a year ago 
ohh ok, you read the 1st part right, because if you only read this part then it dosn't really make sense
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
iluvPrinceMJ213 said:
You should write a book on your life and how it began to get better as an insperational book.
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posted over a year ago 
I've kind of been thinking about doing that but my mom might get mad that I'm writing this stuff on here, I still want to do it though, thanks :)
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb said:
You're very sweet, this touched my heart. Mother is a person who wipes your tears with a kiss, mothers are magical :)
Nobody can give up, just look up and you will see
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posted over a year ago 
:) that's so true
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
xoMPPBxo said:
I'm amazed, I never knew that about you. I'm amazed by that, you and your family. You yourself stay strong. I am inspired and almost crying. :D
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posted over a year ago 
thank you, im glad that you're inspired, and we are doing really well now
dsgt5 posted over a year ago
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