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Prince Michael Jackson Question

okay guys, i need help....

baisically what has happened is, i know this boy (bob) and he is 16, and i like him loads and loads, and he likes me. but one night he got really drunk and had sex with a 14 year old(sue), and he regrets it so much! and i was talking to my bestfriend (fatarse) who is in the same year as sue and she told me that the sue thinks she may be pregnant, but she isnt going to tell bob. and fatarse said to me that i wasnt to tell anyone at school, and if i did she would fall out with me but the thing is bob is really close to me, and if sue is pregnant and her mum finds out she will go to the police and bob will be put on the sex offenders list, and i really cant keep it form him, and i dont know what to do, because if i tell him its betraying fatarse, but if i dont then im just sitting back and watching his life get ruined. and i cant do that, because he is my everything, and so is fatarse, a little help please? :( oh and btw they arent really called fatarse sue or bob, it was for identity reasons lmao!
Let bob take the fall bob is 16 and shouldn't be drinking or having sex and u should stay away from him and Sue needs to get a abortion and he isn't a sex offender unless he is over the age of 18 or is 18 and can get in jail if he raped her but if not the mom can't do nuthin
iluvPrinceMJ213 posted over a year ago
but hes practiacally my boyfriend, and tbh it was as much her fault as his, aaaaand everyone was drinking, even 'sue' it was mainly sue anyway because she kept going onto him, and in england its over the age of 16 :D
megan-x posted over a year ago
okkkk :).
megan-x posted over a year ago
 megan-x posted over a year ago
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Prince Michael Jackson Answers

lewishunter said:
well i'm a dude, i'm good with this stuff.
do not tell bob that she's pregnant, because dudes always freak out. but tell him like 7 months into the pregnancy, because then he can't like run or anything.

+ he can't get in trouble with the police, unless the girl didn't want to have sex?

and if you like him, it's a bad choice. he drinks and has sex with other woman. is that really the ideal boyfriend?

hoope i helped ;D
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posted over a year ago 
your sooo sweeeet! ♥(:
love_mjackson posted over a year ago
He can be arrested if she wanted to. It's stauatory rape, and it's a federal crime.
UmOkayThen posted over a year ago
no i think its 16 here :D and this is the first time he's had sex lollll, and where i live near enough every 14-16 year old drinks :/.
megan-x posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb said:
Wow hats serious, I think you must tell Bob. Its not that I wanna roll into this Im just saying that If he gets to know and he notice's that you knew and you didnt tell him, I won't like it. Well I don't know cause the best thing is telling him first. And I think that will help cause when it gets to late, there are more problems.
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posted over a year ago 
i was going to tell him but thats risking my friendship with 'fatarse', and i dont think i could bare seeing him in the state he will be in once he finds out, im not telling him over fb, or anything, because something like that has to be told properly, like face to face, and i wont know what to do, if he like cries or, if he lashes out, i just do not know what to do no more:(!
megan-x posted over a year ago
I mean HE wont like it*
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
hahaha, yeah well im glad bob doesnt come on here because he will have another spaz attack because ive told the whole freaking world his life story, and stuff that he didnt even know about him self 8-).
megan-x posted over a year ago
lovelife_mjrox said:
ok calm down, i know people that have been in this situation before
1) he shouldnt even be drinking, even if it was a mistake
2) find out if the girl is pregnant before u tell anyone
3) if she is pregnant, then help her to tell her mom because u need to be there for her even though shes going through bad times
4) it was her choice to have sex with this boy so i don't think that he could be put under sex offenders because i think its like 18 and up
5) just stay away from him just for a while so each of you guys can sort out things and then when U r ready to talk to him then go ahead
6) forgive him if it was a mistake, but he shouldnt be getting drunk
7) and i know how complicated these situations r but just really be there for them because thats what theyre gonna need

and i know how it feel but its just part of life :D trust me
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posted over a year ago 
but shes a bitch, the only reason she hd sex with him is because she knew i liked him, she even admitted it to me, because the week before she did it with him, we were talking about it and i was telling her how much i liked him, and then when i found out i was like wtf are you doing? and she said getting back at you :(
megan-x posted over a year ago
oh no its ok i have friends like them but ill still pray for u :)
lovelife_mjrox posted over a year ago
just calm down, its probably nothing REAl big, i miss my period all the time! Just dont think of it that WAY
SashaPrince4ver posted over a year ago
xoMPPBxo said:
Firstly, its awesome you came to us, but you really should talk to a parent or counseller.

Second, I dont know where you live but where I live, a 16 year old having sex with a 14 year old is legal. But then again we dont live in the same place. Third, he should take responsibility. He shouldn't be drinking, or having underage, unprotected sex. And fourth, I've relized I havn't helped you, but as amazing as some of the advice on here has been, do tell a parent or counseller or an adult! Find out what the sex laws are around there, and tell Sue to make sure that her mom doesn't say anything. Also, betraying Fatarse isn't your main priority. Making sure that no one gets hurt is.
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posted over a year ago 
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