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Pretty Little Liars Question

If u had 2 be any one of the 4 girls, (Aria, Spencer, Hanna, or Emily) who would it be?

I would be Spencer hands down!!!!!!!
huddy07 posted over a year ago
ashwa14 posted over a year ago
ayd89ames posted over a year ago
 FAN_tastic_grl posted over a year ago
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Pretty Little Liars Answers

MissMessyDress said:
ARIA FOR SURE!!! She pretty, like all characters, but she isn't dealing with her sexuality like Emily. She is not into drugs as well. Also, she doesn't steal and she has a life, unlike Hanna or Spencer... Plus, she dates a HOTTT guy!!
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posted over a year ago 
Tay-ter-tot said:
Spencer she has everything but a mom, which i would love to know who her mom is. like is it olivia or her real mom! haha i cant wait for book 7!!!!(:
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posted over a year ago 
JenJenbabiee said:
I wood deff b Aria.
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posted over a year ago 
TeamEdward484 said:
I would want to be Emily ; I think she's the prettiest. (:
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posted over a year ago 
iamagleek said:
Aria or Hanna
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posted over a year ago 
I love them!
morgiejonas posted over a year ago
taytrain97 said:
Spencer or Emily. Hanna has it pretty tough, and Aria...I don't think I'd wanna be in that whole "Ezra" situation.
I can handle Spencer's pressure, or Emily's confusion.
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posted over a year ago 
You definitly right!
morgiejonas posted over a year ago
lynnyvo said:
I would be Spencer because Wren is delicious. (licking my lips)
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posted over a year ago 
haha they made out in a kitchen
morgiejonas posted over a year ago
Lollipop2121 said:
I don't remember her name but the one played by Lucy Hale.
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posted over a year ago 
morgiejonas posted over a year ago
hsyw said:
i thought about this before, and i wouldnt wanna be any of them lol
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posted over a year ago 
lilster1 said:
i would be aria cuz seh is sooo pretty!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
my girlfriend dated a girl that looked exactly like her
morgiejonas posted over a year ago
paperskyx said:
It's a hard choice. Hanna is really popular and seems to have a great life, even though she gets involved with the cops a lot. And Emily is really gorgeous and nice, but she has a lot of problems she's sorting through. Spencer seems to get all the guys but she's really uptight. I'd have to choose Aria because she can be a drama queen, but in a way is still down-to-earth and cool, and she isn't fake.
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
Either Spencer or Emily
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posted over a year ago 
ritzopal899 said:
I would definitely be Aria.....she is super free and understands what is going on in life. She never gives up about the whole Ali incident. She never quits at anything and she is very sweet to most people who are around her. She will always try to help her long dead friend ali.
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posted over a year ago 
vivalavivian said:
of course aria!though she had some difficulties with her engteacherboyfriend..but i like this kinda of relationshipXD
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posted over a year ago 
AdeTiffSan said:
Emily :)
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posted over a year ago 
allandra123 said:
i'd definitly b spencer cause u could definitly get forgiven 4 something as stupid as that it's just a boy n no one belevied it was spencer who killed allison they all thought it was toby
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posted over a year ago 
kansasjayhawk said:
I think Aria because she can stay pretty calm in a tough situation which helps out with all the problems the girls got themselves into.
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posted over a year ago 
loverfan said:
i would be hannah
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posted over a year ago 
jinxuomeasoda said:
I would be Spencer. Even though her parents hate her and she kinda ruins their marriage a little (well, the dad does, but still). And also, the Golden Orchidd thing was pretty scary. But still.
I wouldn't be Hanna because her dad hates her and the Kate thing.
I wouldn'nt be Aria because Ezra creeps me out.
I wouldn't be Emily because she had to do the Tree Tops thing and had to go to Iowa and is dealing with Issaccs mom...she has a lot of problems!
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posted over a year ago 
ayd89ames said:
it will be hanna

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posted over a year ago 
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