Pokémon Random pokemon rp yay

-Wednesday- posted on May 03, 2011 at 03:13AM
Let's rp together
My character is taminari she's 12 and her pokemon is Dratini
Yayayayayay don't b shy
Battle talk hang out be random and have fun
last edited on May 09, 2011 at 01:40AM

Pokémon 2218 replies

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over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: *to Chantel* I guess now. Return everyone! Hop on Thunder!
Thunder: Raichu!
Izzy: *thinking* I wonder how gary is....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
fax: well we will know when guardian of deoxys tell where the hell we r
over a year ago kitmolly123 said…
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
fax: u itachi let mesee yer hand *grabs his hand* oh yes *lets go* oh yes u r the guardian of mewtwo
over a year ago suukifox said…
angel: ok ok itachi. sheesh * angel sat silently and took out her scetch book and started 2 skctech a picture of mew.*

itachi: now wat r u up 2 angel.

angel: im scetching my mew.

itachi: why dont u scetch eveybodys pokemon. if thats ok with you guys.
over a year ago shadowrulz said…
ok we are at sunnyshore city beach...shouldnt take long *hands map to chantel* im gonna go to victoy road and train a bit so when that guy with the dark genosect comes back i can beat him and go for the championship bye........
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: It's fine. Come on out everyone! *sends out, Blackash(Gengar), Tepig, and Umbreon*
Thunder: Raichu!
over a year ago kitmolly123 said…
over a year ago suukifox said…
itachi: WAT!!!!!! let go of my hand fax.
over a year ago shadowrulz said…
(gotta go to bed guys see u 2morrow about 4-9 o clock)
(gotta go to bed guys see u 2morrow about 4-9 o clock)
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
fax: cynthia isnt there shes also in the distortion world shes with taminari and we r no where near snowpoint dimwit
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
(she did)
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Blackash: *walks over to Fax* Gengar?
over a year ago suukifox said…
* itachi returns his pokemon back in his pokeballs and sents out flygon*

itachi: i have 2 go as well and plz take care of urself angel.* itachi climbs on flygon and flies away.*

angel: i will itachi.
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Blackash: *Pulls at Fax's shirt* Gengar! Gengar!
over a year ago suukifox said…
angel: fax how in the world did u know that itachi is guardian of mewtwo.
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: Wat is it little gengar? *pets it's head*
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Blackash: GENGAR! *points into woods* GENGAR!!!
Izzy: Something must be in there. Blackash never acts like this!
over a year ago suukifox said…
angel: itachi is not going 2 b a guardian. he is a gym leader back at home where i live.
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: it's a ability that was given to me I'm supposed to gather all of the guardians of the legendary consul and itachi and u r part of the group of guardians like me
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: it's too late it has been decided he can't refuse or he will die mewtwo will suck the life that it's intertwined with and he will die
over a year ago suukifox said…
Mew:mmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeewwwwwwwwwww ( someone is out there but i must protect angel)

angel: who is out there!!! show ur self!!!
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
?????: *walks out of woods* Hey Izzy!
over a year ago suukifox said…
* itachi spots something odd in the caves near Mistralton city*
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: Gary!
Gary: *sees everyone* Hi my names Gary Oak.
last edited over a year ago
Izzy: Gary!
Gary: *sees everyone* Hi my names Gary Oak.
over a year ago suukifox said…
itachi: *shrieks*

flygon: fllllllllly ( i must take itachi back 2 angel quick)

itachi: leave me alone who ever u are.

???: ( i will take ur soul)
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: Angel, this is my bud Gary Oak.
over a year ago suukifox said…
mew: mew mew( plz dont scares us)

angel:....? * angel has a future vision now*

( mew turned around and saw that angel had indeed had a vision)

over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: I told u he refused he may die if he doesn't accept his mission
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: Angel!
Gary: Is she okay?
over a year ago suukifox said…
mew: mmew mmew ( plz dont scares us)

angel:....? * angel has a future vision now*

mew: mew mew ( mew turned around and saw that angel just had a vision of the furture.)

angel: *screams*
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: she is having a vision of the future
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Gary: Is that bad? Oh and hi, my names Gary Oak.
over a year ago suukifox said…
angel: its something or someone is after itachi

mew: mew mew ( mew saw into angel`s mind. and there was something taking or kidnapping itachi.)
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: *gasps* We have to help!
over a year ago suukifox said…
angel: ( smiles and then faintes)

mew: mew meeeeeeeew ( something is wrong)
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: no doubt it's mewtwo he refused so mewtwo wants to take his life
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Gary: We need to help. Izzy, we should take my Fearow and Skarmory.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago suukifox said…
???: * blasts flygon away and took of hold itachi by the throut*

flygon: flllllllllyyyyy( put my master down)
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: I agree Gary. Are you guys coming too?
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: wait *speaks softly at mewtwo telepathically * mewtwo plz stop itachi will come with us plz don't take his life u need him mewtwo don't*
over a year ago suukifox said…
???: ( ur master is weak)

flygon: fllllllyyggggon * used hyperbeam at him*

itachi: oh yeah. * used sharigan at this thing and escaped out of his hands*
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Izzy: We cant just do nothing!
over a year ago suukifox said…
mewtow: * blasts his telpathic rite back at fax* ( he will die)
over a year ago suukifox said…
mewtwo:( wat do you want guardian)

itachi:........?* looks at flygon and walks next 2 his pokemon*

mewtwo:( sends a psyic blast back 2 who ever was talking 2 him)
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: *says back no plz u musent them the consul will b incomplete and everything will stay unbalanced u know that very well anyway this is the boy u picked when he was born and u two wre supposed to b together as parteners so plz do not kill him he doesn't understand this sorta stuff plz spare him*
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Ty:Itachi can't die!
over a year ago animegrl52p said…
Gary: What the heck is with your friends?
Izzy: I have no idea.
Gary's Umbreon: Umbre!
Izzy's Umbreon: On! Umbreon!
over a year ago suukifox said…
* angel also sends a future vision to mewtwo tell him 2 team up with itachi.*

mewtwo: ( i will not serve a weak human)

itachi: i will not die here.
over a year ago -Wednesday- said…
Fax: mewtwo u know how angry lord arceus would b with u if u killed him