Pokémon Try these quiz questions

Pokegal4life posted on Aug 01, 2014 at 01:09PM
1. link (23 people have tried 30% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Woobat's gender has been revealed in the anime, so you can take "Unknown" out of the options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the answer correct)

2.link (25 people have tried 52% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Wobbuffet is Jessie's least favorite, so you can eliminate him from your options)

3.link (18 people have tried 39% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (There are only 19 Pokémon with a 100% male gender ratio, and Primeape isn't one of them. There are only 22 Pokémon with a gender ratio of 100% female and Primeape isn't one of them either. So you can eliminate 100% male and 100% female from your options giving you a 50/50 chance)

4.link (18 people have tried 17% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

5.link (15 people have tried 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Unknown" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance.)

6.link (16 people have tried 31% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

7.link (12 people have tried 17% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

8.link (15 people have tried 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

9.link (19 people have tried 26% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard") (You can eliminate "Swift" and "Double Team" from your options, thereby giving you a 50/50 chance.)

10.link (15 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Maybe she does, I don't know" and "Your questions are too easy. You need to ask harder questions" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance.)

11.link (13 people have tried 23% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

12. link (14 people have tried 29% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

13. link (17 people have tried 18% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard") Here I'll help you out with this one go here: link. This is a page on Bulbapedia that contains all the information about Ash including his Japanese voice actresses, both of his English dub actresses, and when each actress in the English dub voiced him.

14. link (13 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

15. link (18 people have tried 28% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard") (You can eliminate "None of the above" from your choices.)

16. link (11 people have tried 48% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

17. link (12 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (I'll provide some help for this question. Sandile evolved into Krokorok in the episode "Dancing With the Ducklett Trio" during a battle with Pikachu. "Dancing With the Ducklett Trio" was the 20th episode of the Best Wishes series, so therefore you can eliminate "Ash caught him in his debut" and "12 episodes" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the answer correct. Good luck and I hope my tip was helpful. I also hope everyone who reads this pays attention to the tip instead of ignoring it.)

18. link (15 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "I'm not sure" and "Genderless" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance.)

19. link (16 people have tried 56% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium) (On that question one of the options says "I haven't seen those episodes" even if you haven't just guess 'cause it means you're at least attempting to get the answer correct)

20. link (13 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (I'm going to say right now that one of the options is "He was selfish and just wanted to do as he pleased" but that's NOT the right answer, IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE!)

21. link (15 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Pound" from the options because he already knew Pound.)

22. link (16 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

23. link (17 people have tried 47% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

24. link (11 people have tried 36% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (I know one of the names may look confusing because a capital I and a lowercase l look exactly the same way.)

25. link (14 people have tried 43% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

26. link (14 people have tried 43% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

27. link (15 people have tried 20% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

28. link (15 people have tried 7% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard") (I'm just going to give the answer away. Go on link and watch the Japanese version of "Three Sides to Every Story". There are English subtitles, and the subtitles state that Piplup is male.)

29. link (14 people have tried 43% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

30. link (16 people have tried 44% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

31. link (18 people have tried 44% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "I don't know" and "What kind of question is that?" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance.)

32. link (23 people have tried 74% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Nobody" and "Somebody, but I don't know who" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance.)

33. link (10 people have tried 60% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

34. link (21 people have tried 43% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

35. link (24 people have tried 17% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

36. link (18 people have tried 39% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

37. link (24 people have tried 46% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

38. link (19 people have tried 16% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

39. link (19 people have tried 47% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

40. link (18 people have tried 44% have gotten it correct) (marked as "medium")

41.link (16 people have tried 31% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "All of them are female" from your options.)

42. link (9 people have tried5 6% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate Unfezant from your options because in the episode "Snivy Plays hard to Catch" Unfezant, (who was still a Pidove at the time), was revealed to be female. You can also eliminate Boldore because Boldore's gender hasn't been revealed yet at all.)

43. link (12 people have tried 75% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "easy")

44. link (14 people have tried 57% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium) (You can eliminate "It evolved in its debut' and "It didn't, Ash caught a Quilava that had already evolved" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the answer right.)

45. link (11 people have tried 64% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

46. link (10 people have tried 60% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

47. link {13 people have tried 62% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Just look at the bow on Axew's tail and the answer should become very easy.)

48. link (10 people have tried 30% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

49. link (15 people have tried 73% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Everybody" and "Nobody" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the right answer.)

50. link (12 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

51. link (14 people have tried 29% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

52. link (14 people have tried 64% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (you can eliminate "He wasn't disobedient" from your options.)

53. link (13 people have tried 31% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

54. link (12 people have tried 17% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

55. link (10 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

56. link (11 people have tried 45% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium') (The question asks "How many Moves does she know?" and there's a picture of Iris' Emolga) (You can eliminate "None" and "I'm not sure" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the answer right.)

57. link (10 people have tired 60% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "There is no difference" giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the right answer.)

58. link (12 people have tried 42% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

59. link (9 people have tried 56% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

60. link (19 people have tried 37% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate Brock from your options)

61. link (9 people have answered 11% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

62. link (15 people have answered 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

63. link (13 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

64. link (13 people have tried 8% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

65. link (13 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

66. link (13 people have tried 46% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Are the options randomized each time? The way I originally put the options were A.) Iris' Emolga, B.) Her Minccino, C.) Ash's Pikachu.) and D.) B and C are both correct)

67. link (12 people have tried 42% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Two options for this question are Kenny and Zoey, but they didn't even compete in that Contest so now that you know that you have a 50/50 chance. Good luck)

68. link (12 people have tried 42% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

69. link (13 people have tried 8% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

70. link (14 people have tried 36% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

71. link (15 people have tried 40% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Neither" from your options.)

72. link (12 people have tried 17% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

73. link (15 people have tried 60% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

74. link (17 people have tried 59% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "I have no idea" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance of getting the answer right.)

75. link (19 people have answered 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

76. link (19 people have tried 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (One of the options is the reason the episode was banned from airing outside of Japan, and the other is the reason EP038 was banned from airing outside of Japan, so be careful not to get them mixed up)

77. link (20 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (Notice the word NOT all in capital letters)

78. link (16 people have tried 25% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

79. link (16 people have tried 13% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

80. link (23 people have tried 22% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

81. link (14 people have tried 7% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

82. link (9 people have tried 22% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

83. link (8 people have tried 25% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

84. link (15 people have tried 40% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

85. link (557=?) (9 people have tried 44% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

86. link (14 people have tried 64% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

87. link (15 people have tried 27% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

88. link (17 people have tried 29% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

89. link (9 people have tried 56% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

90. link (13 people have tried 62% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

91. link (12 people have tried 25% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

92. link (9 people have tried 33% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

93. link (9 people have tried 56% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

94. link (13 people have tried 38% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

95. link (11 people have tried 64% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

96. link (14 people have tried 57% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

97. link (14 people have tried 36% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "genderless" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance)

98. link (16 people have tried 44% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

99. link (15 people have tried 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

100. link (10 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "Unknown" from your options) (Woobat and Yamask had their gender revealed in the same episode)

101. link (14 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

102. link (12 people have tried 67% have gotten the answer correct) (You can eliminate "Unknown" from your options giving you a 50/50 chance)

103. link (17 people have tried 53% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

104. link (20 people have tried 70% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium")

105. link (18 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (I believe Ash's Talonflame is female, although this hasn't been confirmed yet in the anime.)

106. link (13 people have tried 23% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

107. link (10 people have tried 50% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "medium") (You can eliminate "None of he above/all of them are male" from your options.)

108. link (23 people have tried 22% have gotten the answer correct) (marked as "hard")

Here are several different questions I posted in the quiz section that are marked as hard or medium that could and should be marked as easy. Try them and see if you can get them right. One of the questions is already marked as "easy" but I decided not to remove it from the list because somebody may get the answer wrong eventually making it go back to "medium".
last edited on Aug 19, 2016 at 06:49PM

Pokémon 4 replies

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over a year ago Pokegal4life said…
FINALLY somebody got the answer right about Jessie's Woobat.
over a year ago Pokegal4life said…
I just don't understand why so many people get my questions wrong. If you've seen specific episodes from the anime, these questions should be SUPER easy.
over a year ago Pokegal4life said…
I wish that more people would try to answer these questions.
over a year ago Pokegal4life said…
Please spread the word about this forum. I want lots of people to try and answer my quiz questions.