Pokémon Poke-world rp

dargox posted on Jan 08, 2012 at 12:56AM
Ok in this rp u can start in any of the 5 reagends with any pokemon

There's two rules to this rp.
(1) post where your chara is dosen't matter where
(2) just have fun!
(3) Please use this info page for any chara u want to star in this rp

Home town and reagends:
Poke-team: (note: please show it's level and gender)
Other: (can add any other info)

(ok here my chara info)

Name: dex zero
Age: 21
Gender: male
Home town and reagends: goldenrod, johto
Other: n/a
last edited on Jan 08, 2012 at 01:06AM

Pokémon 376 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 376

over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'holds shadows hand as he walks back to the manor'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
As they reach the manor shadow says goodnight and falls asleep.

??? jumps through the window soundlessly late in the night.
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'is awake in the libary reading about arceus'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
??? sneeks up to Shadow and grabs her and drags her outside
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'hears the stryggle and runs outside' LET HER GO
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
??? narrows his eyes. "why should I?" he asks taking out a scythe
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'eyes light up and a two swords appear from his arms' i will kill you if you dont
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
???: cuts her wrist. Shadow is not even fazed
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: one last chance. LET..... HER.... GO
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
???: cuts her other wrist. Pearl glares at ???
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: THATS IT 'big black angel wings come out his back' YOU ARE DEAD 'stabs ??? through the head' SHADOW GET BACK NOW
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow leaps in the air and lands behind Seph
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: SHOW YOUR FACE YOU COWARD 'one of his black wings curls around shadow'
(hahahaha i made him just like sephiroth)
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
??? backs up a step
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: WHO ARE YOU 'points blade at ???'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Dantel: "my name is Danyel." he backs up another step
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: well danyel, if you come near my girlfriend again i will kill you slowly, now get out of here and never come back
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Danyel scowls and runs away.
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'swords go awat' are you ok shadow? 'unfurls his wing from around shadow'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: "Im...fine." her wrists are bleeding and a machene was cut off her arm and it fell to the ground
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: give me your hands shadow
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow shows Seph her wrists
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'holds her wrists and his eyes light up' i didnt want to show you this before because i thought you would fear me 'her wounds heal'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: "I dont fear you at all." she smiles. "I am a shape shifter. and I hold the keys to the underworld. anytime I want, I can unleash the dead into this world, but I never would."
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: well i am a fallen angel, i am most known as sephiroth, but i prefer seph as you know
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: smiles. "Im just glad dylen did not hurt you or me."
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'smiles' if he hurt you even more, he would not be alive right now
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow laughs. "probably not." she looks at the hill. "he wont be back for a while. I can tell in the way he ran away."
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: so what do you think of my wings?
'stretches his wings out'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: "there really beautiful. I cant do a lot but I can do this." she closes her eyes and becomes a small black cat.
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: dawwwwww can i pick you up while you are a cat?
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow nodds yes and leaps into Sephs arms.
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: awwwwww you look so cute 'hugs her'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow/cat purrs and rub agenst seph
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: hahahahaha 'strokes her head'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow/ cat smiles and meows
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'puts her down' i can transform too 'turns into a black eagle'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: "I can become bigger." she grows as big as a tree but now a black hound with red eyes, a hell hound
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: hmmmm well i can do this 'turns into a giant humanoid hawk'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow wags her tail and rips out a tree
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'eats a giant cookie'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow becomes human and eats a cupcake smiling at seph
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: 'turns back to normal and folds in his wings' 'shudder' it fells weird when i do that
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: *gives seph a hug.*
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: hugs back'
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow smiles. "I love you seph."
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: and i love you shadow
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow smiles. "Its really late...we should head home."
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
seph: uh we are right ouside the back door you know
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Shadow: "lets go inside." she laughs. She walks inside.