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Your Life at Hogwarts



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Harry Potter
Your Boyfriend: Harry Potter
Your Best Friends: Hermione and Ron
House: Gryffindor

What People Think of You:
Harry: I love her so much. She is beautiful! A wonderful friend, fun to hang out with, and everything I look for in a girl. I’ve never liked someone like this before.
Ron: Bloody brilliant! She is one of my best friends. Great to hang out with, fun, and a great friend. Plus, she’s really pretty. *blushes* But don’t tell Harry I said that…
Hermione: She’s one of my best friends, she’s like a sister! I always help her with her homework, and she helps me back when I need it. She is a great person and an amazing friend!
Fred: She’s fun to hang out with. She hangs out with Ron so I hang out with her too, once in a while. Funny and nice, and also pretty cute. I used to have the hugest crush on her before she started dating Harry.
George: Really nice, brave, and will do anything for her friends. Perfect for Harry. She’s also a really good friend. Ginny: Really nice and a really good friend! I love it when she spends the summer at the burrow with us! I just wish she wasn’t dating Harry.
Neville: She was always really nice to me. She never pranked me or made fun of me. She’s really pretty and I kinda sorta have a crush on her.
Luna: She’s really nice to me and never makes fun of me. Even though we don’t have much in common.
Draco: Filthy mudblood! She’s dating Potter, and is friends with a Weasley! I hate her so much.
Pansy: Bitch!

McGonagall: Excellent student. Gets good grades, and is fairly well at Transfigurations.
Flitwick: Good student, but needs to study a little more in Charms.
Sprout: Isn’t the best at Herbology, but she’s a very nice girl. Snape: Sucks at Potions.
Hagrid: Such a nice girl. Smart too.
Dumbledore: Good student, very smart, and a very nice girl.

How You and Harry met: You were on the train to Hogwarts for your first year. You were looking for an empty compartment, but there wasn’t one. There was a compartment with three kids sitting inside, so you slid open the compartment door. “Um, excuse me. Could I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” You said nervously. “Of course!” Said the boy with black hair and glasses. “I’m Harry Potter.” He said sticking out his hand. You politely shook it, your face turning red at his touch. “Thanks.” You said sitting down next to Harry. “I’m (Your 1st and last name).” “I’m Ron Weasley.” Said the red haired boy sitting across from Harry. “And I’m Hermione Granger!” Said the brown haired girl cheerily. “I assume this is your first year too?” She asked. “Um, yes it is.” You replied “I just know we’re going to be great friends!” She exclaimed. As the train grew closer to Hogwarts, you four started talking and really got to know each other. You became inseparable, and in your third year developed very strong feelings for Harry. You soon learned that he felt the same, and you became a couple.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I like what Fred said abaout me btw :)
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
Your Boyfriend: Fred Weasley
Your Best Friends: George, Fred, Ron, Ginny
House: Gryffindor

What People Think Of You:
Fred: She’s the girl for me. I can’t explain how much I love her. She’s hilarious, we always pull pranks together and I love her laugh. She’s beautiful, everything I want in a girl.
Harry: Good friend. Really funny and fun to hang out with. You’re never bored around her.
Ron: Like a sister to me already. She’s really nice to me, except that her and Fred always play pranks on me. But she’s really funny and a great friend. Fred’s really lucky.
Hermione: Really good friend. She’s really funny, but sometimes she isn’t serious. She always pulls pranks and gets herself into trouble. But I still like her, she’s really nice.
George: I’m happy for Fred. She’s my best friend I love spending time with her. Me and Fred love playing pranks with her, she’s really good at it and she’s hilarious. I used to have a crush on her but I’m over it now.
Ginny: She’s like a sister. She’s one of my best friends, and she’s really nice and funny.
Neville: She’s always pulling pranks on me with Fred and George. I know it’s only a joke, but sometimes they’re just mean.
Luna: I don’t really know her too well.
Draco: Stupid git. She’s dating a Weasley, she obviously has horrible taste. Why would she date him when she could be dating me? Except that she’s a Gryffindor.
Pansy: I don’t know her, but I hate her.

McGonagall: Gets into mischief a lot. Her and the Weasley boys. She’s a good student but is always causing trouble.
Flitwick: Gets fair grades, but doesn’t pay attention in class.
Sprout: She gets good enough grades, but fools around in class.
Snape: Horrible student. Never pays attention, fools around in class, and always causes trouble.
Hagrid: She’s a good kid, but gets into mischief a lot.
Dumbledore: She’s a handful, that one, but a nice girl and good student. I’m glad to have her here.

How You And Fred Met: You were walking to the Gryffindor common room when you saw two red-headed blurs run around the corner laughing. You were late because you had to talk to Professor McGonagall about causing mischief in class. You figured you would get in trouble for being late too so you weren’t in the best mood. One of the blurs apparently wasn’t watching where he was going since he crashed into you, knocking you over. You dropped your pile of books and papers and the scattered everywhere. You sighed and bent down to start picking them up, when the red-head handed you a pile and continued to help you pick up your stuff. “Really sorry about that.” He said. “My name’s Fred Weasley. And you?” “(Your first and last name).” You replied. “Nice to meet you.” He said. “Why are you so late?” He asked suddenly with a mischievous look in his eyes. “I had to talk to McGonagall about causing mischief in class.” You said simply. “Ah, a troublemaker.” He said. “My brother and I are troublemakers ourselves. We pull pranks on people. It’s pretty fun, you should come with us sometime.” “So YOU’RE the ones who dumped a bucket of water on my head!” You exclaimed. “Quite right, love.” He replied laughing. You laughed too, and you two continued to walk back to the common room. Once you said the password to the fat lady and went through the portrait hole, you met up with another red-head who looked identical to Fred. “This is my brother George.” He said. “George, this is (your first and last name).” You guys spent the rest of the night coming up with new pranks, while Fred and George marveled at your brilliant ideas. You became best friends with the twins, but always had special feelings for the twin who knocked you over that one day. Even stranger, he always called you love which George never did. ‘Does he like me too?’ you thought. One night, after a particularly risky prank, you split up so it would be harder for Filch to catch you. You were running as fast as you could because you thought you saw Filch’s cat. You suddenly looked up and realized you had no clue where you were. You were walking along looking at your surroundings for something familiar, when someone slammed into you, knocking you over. ‘Not again!’ you thought as you looked up to see who it was. A smile instantly spread across your lips. “Fred!” you exclaimed as he helped you up. You jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He held you tight and let you go. “Hello, love.” He said. “Fancy seeing you here.” He laughed. “Come on, let’s get up to the common room before we get caught.” He grabbed your hand, locking your fingers together and you continued walking. “Hey (first name), can I ask a question?” He said sounding serious which was extremely unusual for him. “Sure, what’s wrong?” You asked worriedly. “Nothing, I just….Listen. (First name), I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, I just needed to find the right time.” He said, looking up at you. You nodded, urging him to go on. “Well, you’re my best friend. We’ve always been best friends, we do everything together, all the pranks. We have so much fun, and I don’t want to let that go. I don’t wanna wreck our friendship by telling you this. But I need to take a chance, I know I’ll regret it if I don’t. Listen, (first name), I really like you. A lot. I really want us to be more than just friends. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, please I really hope this doesn’t wreck our friendship.” He said. “Fred, I do feel the same way but you’re right. I don’t want to wreck our friendship. I’d be nothing without you. I really do wanna be more than friends but…” you trailed off. Suddenly, Fred leaned up and smashed his lips onto yours. Fireworks went off beneath your eyelids. You reacted immediately, your lips moving in perfect sync with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your hands tangled in his gorgeous red hair. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist pulling you close. You melted into him. It was the most passionate kiss you had ever had. He slowly pulled away and looked into your eyes. You stared back into his chocolate brown ones. They were filled with love and they could comfort you almost instantly. “(first name), I want you to be mine. Be my girlfriend?” He asked. The feel of his breath on your neck took your breath away. “Of course. I’m yours.” You told him. He pulled you into another long and passionate kiss. When you pulled away you whispered, “I love you Fred Weasley.” “I love you too.” He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. He pulled you close, and you walked back to the common room where you cuddled next to the fire the rest of the night.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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George Weasley

Your Boyfriend: George Weasley Your Best Friends: Fred, Ron, and Luna House: Ravenclaw (Yes I know he’s in Gryffindor, it doesn’t mean you can’t be together.) What People Think Of You: George: Girl of my dreams. I love her so much. She’s really smart, nice, and pretty. She helps me with my homework. She doesn’t really enjoy pranking though, but I still love her just the same. I wouldn’t want her to be anyone else. Harry: Seems really nice. I don’t know her all that well, but she spends a lot of time with George. Ron: I’m happy for George! She’s really nice, sweet, and smart. Perfect for my brother. She spends so much time at my house that we’re pretty good friends. Hermione: Honestly, I’m kind of jealous of her. She might just be smarter than me. Just because I’m younger… Fred: George is so happy. He always gets the hot girls though, it’s so not fair! She’s my best friend though, and we have so much fun together. Except she gets mad at me for pranking her. Says I “Went too far!” Ginny: She’s the best big sister ever! Well, almost big sister. I’m so happy she’s dating George, she’s the best. She’s nice, funny, sweet, and smart. Luna: My best friend! She’s so nice to me even though we don’t have much in common. She’s kind of shy, and doesn’t like to express herself, but I’m gonna change that. She doesn’t believe me when I tell her about the Nargles that steal my shoes either! Draco: Stupid git. Thinks she’s all that just because she’s smart. Pansy: Who? Teachers: McGonagall: Outstanding student! All A’s. Flitwick: Great student. Wonderful at Charms. Sprout: She’s great at Herbology. Wonderful student. Snape: She gets all A’s, but there has to be some magic involved. She can’t really be that smart, can she? Hagrid: What a clever girl! And a great student. Dumbledore: Wonderful student. Her grades are flawless. And such a nice girl. How You And George Met: You were getting on the train for your third year at Hogwarts. (George was going into his fifth.) You were struggling trying to get your suitcase up into the rack by the compartment. You groaned in frustration, when you heard a voice behind you. “Let me help you with that.” Said a handsome red-haired boy. He came up behind you and lifted the suitcase up and into the rack easily. “Thank you.” You said, and walked into the compartment. “Um, do you wanna sit with me?” “Sure! Just hold on a second, I’ll be right back.” He said with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. You sat down and got comfortable in the compartment waiting for him to come back. You heard the compartment door open and you look up. “What the!?” You exclaimed. There were two of them and they looked identical to each other. ‘He’s a twin.’ You thought. One of them, you guessed it was the one who helped you, grinned mischievously. “I thought that’s how you’d react.” He said. “By the way, I’m George Weasley, and this is my brother, Fred.” Each of them reached out and you shook their hands. “So which one of you was the one who helped me earlier?” You asked. “I am.” Said the boy on the right. “George?” You asked. “Yes, quite right.” George said. He sat down next to you and Fred sat across from you. “So, love.” Said Fred. “You never told us your name.” Finished George. “Do you guys do that all the time?” You asked. “Depends.” Said Fred. “Now tell us what your name is.” Said George. ” (your first and last name).” You said. “Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl.” George said. You blushed. “Thanks.” “So love, tell us about yourself.” Said Fred. You three really got to know each other, and became best friends. You did everything together, except for when they wanted to play pranks. You didn’t think it was very fun to make a fool of other people and laugh at it, even if they were the twins’ good friends. The summer after your fourth year, you went to the Burrow for the summer. You had become really good friends with Ron too. You shared a room with Ginny, who you had also become really close with. You and the twins were out in the backyard, fooling around, when Fred picked you up around the waist threw you over his shoulder, and threw you into the pond. “Fred what was that for?!” You screamed. He just laughed. George glared at him and took you inside to dry off and get changed. Once you were in clean dry clothes, you went and sat on the couch in the living room. George followed you and sat down on the floor in front of you. You had been sitting pretzel legged, but when he sat, you decided to mess with him. You uncrossed your legs, and put them over his shoulders, resting in his lap. He chuckled and looked up as Fred came in and plopped down on the couch next to you. He shifted so he was lying with his head in your lap. He looked up at you as you cleared your throat. “Do you mind?” You said sarcastically. “No not at all. This is pretty comfortable.” He said. All you could do was laugh. Only Fred. George stood up. “Move over Fred.” He demanded. “No, I think I’ll stay. This is really comfy.” He said. You had begun to play with strands of his hair. When he refused to move another time, you pulled as hard as you could. “Ouch, hey!” Fred said sitting up quickly. “Sorry Freddie.” You said in a mock apologetic tone. When Fred had jumped up, he left a gap between you two where George sat down. “Hey (first name).” He said warmly. “Hey Georgie.” You said smiling. “George, I was sitting there.” Fred said. “Not anymore.” George replied simply. Fred whipped out his wand. “Hey, hey, hey. Enough! I’ll sit in the middle so you both can sit by me. And Fred, you know you’re not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts!” You said. “Fine.” Fred said in defeat. You laughed at how childish he could be sometimes. You now lay with your head in George’s lap and your feet in Fred’s. George began to playfully stroke your hair. “FRED WEASLEY YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!” You heard coming from the twins’ room. “Oops.” Said Fred. “Gotta go. Mom’s angry.” “Finally he’s gone. I’ve been wanting to tell you something for the longest time.” George said. “What is it George?” You asked worriedly. “Come on, let’s go for a walk and talk about it.” You walked into the cool night air. George grabbed your hand and you locked fingers with his. “I have something serious to tell you.” He started. “Well, I don’t know how to say this, but, I really like you, (first name). I know we’re best friends, but I was hoping we could be something more. I mean, as long as it doesn’t ruin our friendship.” He said, nervously looking up at you. “George, I really like you too. And I do wanna be more than friends.” You said overjoyed. “So you wanna be my girlfriend?” He asked. “Of course George.” You said. With that, he pulled you into a nice long passionate kiss that was filled with love.

Not my personality at all, but hey, I'm dating George! :D x

And I'm a Gryff, not a claw >.<
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Ron Weasley
Your Boyfriend: Ron Weasley Your Best Friends: Hermione, Ron, and Harry House: Gryffindor What People Think Of You: Ron: I love her a lot. She’s the perfect girl for me, she’s sweet, funny, nice, and she’s really pretty. *Blushes* Harry: Great Friend. Really nice, smart, and funny too. Perfect for Ron. Hermione: Wonderful friend! You can trust her, she will do anything for you. She’s really nice and she studies with me when nobody else will! I’m a little jealous that she’s dating Ron though… Fred: Great person, and really nice. I honestly can’t believe Ron got someone as pretty as her. She is perfect for him though. George: I’m so glad her and Ron are together! She’s always over at the Burrow, and she’s so fun to hang out with! Fred and I love to pull pranks on her too, especially when she’s with Ron. She gets really mad sometimes, but she knows we’re only joking. Ginny: She’s like the big sister I never had! We’re getting really close since she shares a room with me when she stays over at my house. Neville: She’s really nice to me. She always stands up for me when Draco makes fun of me. I know I can trust her. Luna: I don’t know her too well, but she seems really nice. Draco: She can’t be too good if she’s dating a Weasley. Pansy: I don’t like her. Teachers give her too much attention, they think she’s really smart. Whatever. Teachers: McGonagall: Excellent student and fine young woman. Flitwick: Great at charms. Excellent grades. Sprout: Herbology isn’t her best subject, but she’s still doing well. Her and Ms. Granger must do a lot of studying together. Snape: Horrible student. Her and Potter always seem like they’re up to something. Hagrid: Such a nice girl. I love it when she comes over for tea with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Dumbledore: Great student. I never have any trouble with her at all. How You And Ron Met: In your first week of your first year at Hogwarts, you had been studying and doing your homework in the Gryffindor common room. A girl with light brown hair and large front teeth came over and plopped down a pile of books. “Hello. I’m Hermione Granger. And you are?” She asked. “(Your first and last name). Nice to meet you.” You replied turning back to your assignment. “I see you’re working on Potions homework too?” She asked. “Yes, I don’t know why Professor Snape has to give us so much homework.” You said. “Let me help you with that.” Hermione said and you two spent the night working on homework and studying together. You became great friends with Hermione that night. In the morning, you were walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast, when two boys saw Hermione and came over. “Hello Harry, Ron.” Said Hermione. “This is (Your first and last name).” “Nice to meet you.” Said the boy with red hair and freckles. “I’m Ron. Ron Weasley.” You shook his hand nervously as your face turned red. ‘Ron is really cute.’ You thought to yourself. “I’m Harry Potter.” Said the other boy who had black hair and glasses. You shook his hand, and you all went and found seats next to each other. You became the best of friends, with all three of them, but you always felt a little different about Ron. On stormy evening in your fifth year, you, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were sitting in the common room in front of the warm crackling fire. You were on the couch between Ron and Hermione, and Harry was sitting across from you in an armchair. You shuddered as a particularly loud crack of thunder raged outside. You pulled your robes tighter around your body as you concentrated on the crackling fire. You watched the flames dance around as they licked at the walls of the fireplace. As it grew further into the night, Hermione went up to her dorm since there was a Potions test tomorrow and she insisted that she needed to be well rested. Harry went up to his dorm to help Neville find his wand which he had misplaced. You lay down on the couch where Hermione had been sitting and jokingly put your feet in Ron’s lap. He looked up and smiled at you. You returned his smile, playfully pretending to kick him. Another loud crack of thunder sounded and you sat up and moved closer to the fire which, by coincidence, meant closer to Ron. You were inches from his body, and could feel the heat radiating off of him. You weren’t expecting it when he draped his arm around you and pulled you close to him. “It’s kinda peaceful though, isn’t it?” He asked as if he had just been deep in thought. “What is?” You asked. “Thunderstorms.” He replied. “They’re almost peaceful and relaxing.” “I guess. I just hate thunder.” You replied. “Don’t worry there’s nothing to be afraid of.” He said rubbing your back and pulling you into a hug. You sighed and hugged him back, breathing in his sweet scent. You cuddled your head against his chest and closed your eyes. “Thanks Ron. For everything. You guys have been the best friends I could ever ask for.” You said. “No problem.” Said Ron. You guys sat together in silence for a while before Ron spoke. “Hey, can I ask you something seriously?” He asked. He seemed a little nervous. “Sure of course.” You replied warmly trying to make it easier for him. “Well, I don’t know how to say this. But listen. We’ve been best friends since our first year. We’ve been through everything together. And I – I really like you. More than just a friend. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand.” He said sadly. “But please don’t be mad at me, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have your friendship.” “Ron, I-“ You started but were speechless. “It’s ok I understand.” Ron said looking really sad and upset. “No Ron, it’s not that. Listen, I really like you too. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear this. And I’m not mad at all, I’m the exact opposite!” You said. His face instantly lit up. He pulled you to him in a really tight hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling so safe in his arms. You sighed and looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes. He leaned in and gently brushed his soft lips onto yours. You reacted almost instantly, your lips melting against his. He wrapped his arms around your waist hugging you tight. It was the sweetest kiss ever. He slowly pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “Be my girlfriend?” He asked. “Of course.” You said pulling him back into another kiss.

Close or ESC KeyYour Life At Hogwarts (Really long and detailed results)Harry PotterYour Boyfriend: Harry Potter Your Best Friends: Hermione and Ron House: Gryffindor What People Think of You: Harry: I love her so much. She is beautiful! A wonderful friend, fun to hang out with, and everything I look for in a girl. I’ve never liked someone like this before. Ron: Bloody brilliant! She is one of my best friends. Great to hang out with, fun, and a great friend. Plus, she’s really pretty. *blushes* But don’t tell Harry I said that… Hermione: She’s one of my best friends, she’s like a sister! I always help her with her homework, and she helps me back when I need it. She is a great person and an amazing friend! Fred: She’s fun to hang out with. She hangs out with Ron so I hang out with her too, once in a while. Funny and nice, and also pretty cute. I used to have the hugest crush on her before she started dating Harry. George: Really nice, brave, and will do anything for her friends. Perfect for Harry. She’s also a really good friend. Ginny: Really nice and a really good friend! I love it when she spends the summer at the burrow with us! I just wish she wasn’t dating Harry. Neville: She was always really nice to me. She never pranked me or made fun of me. She’s really pretty and I kinda sorta have a crush on her. Luna: She’s really nice to me and never makes fun of me. Even though we don’t have much in common. Draco: Filthy mudblood! She’s dating Potter, and is friends with a Weasley! I hate her so much. Pansy: Bitch! Teachers: McGonagall: Excellent student. Gets good grades, and is fairly well at Transfigurations. Flitwick: Good student, but needs to study a little more in Charms. Sprout: Isn’t the best at Herbology, but she’s a very nice girl. Snape: Sucks at Potions. Hagrid: Such a nice girl. Smart too. Dumbledore: Good student, very smart, and a very nice girl. How You and Harry met: You were on the train to Hogwarts for your first year. You were looking for an empty compartment, but there wasn’t one. There was a compartment with three kids sitting inside, so you slid open the compartment door. “Um, excuse me. Could I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” You said nervously. “Of course!” Said the boy with black hair and glasses. “I’m Harry Potter.” He said sticking out his hand. You politely shook it, your face turning red at his touch. “Thanks.” You said sitting down next to Harry. “I’m (Your 1st and last name).” “I’m Ron Weasley.” Said the red haired boy sitting across from Harry. “And I’m Hermione Granger!” Said the brown haired girl cheerily. “I assume this is your first year too?” She asked. “Um, yes it is.” You replied “I just know we’re going to be great friends!” She exclaimed. As the train grew closer to Hogwarts, you four started talking and really got to know each other. You became inseparable, and in your third year developed very strong feelings for Harry. You soon learned that he felt the same, and you became a couple.
Ron WeasleyYour Boyfriend: Ron Weasley Your Best Friends: Hermione, Ron, and Harry House: Gryffindor What People Think Of You: Ron: I love her a lot. She’s the perfect girl for me, she’s sweet, funny, nice, and she’s really pretty. *Blushes* Harry: Great Friend. Really nice, smart, and funny too. Perfect for Ron. Hermione: Wonderful friend! You can trust her, she will do anything for you. She’s really nice and she studies with me when nobody else will! I’m a little jealous that she’s dating Ron though… Fred: Great person, and really nice. I honestly can’t believe Ron got someone as pretty as her. She is perfect for him though. George: I’m so glad her and Ron are together! She’s always over at the Burrow, and she’s so fun to hang out with! Fred and I love to pull pranks on her too, especially when she’s with Ron. She gets really mad sometimes, but she knows we’re only joking. Ginny: She’s like the big sister I never had! We’re getting really close since she shares a room with me when she stays over at my house. Neville: She’s really nice to me. She always stands up for me when Draco makes fun of me. I know I can trust her. Luna: I don’t know her too well, but she seems really nice. Draco: She can’t be too good if she’s dating a Weasley. Pansy: I don’t like her. Teachers give her too much attention, they think she’s really smart. Whatever. Teachers: McGonagall: Excellent student and fine young woman. Flitwick: Great at charms. Excellent grades. Sprout: Herbology isn’t her best subject, but she’s still doing well. Her and Ms. Granger must do a lot of studying together. Snape: Horrible student. Her and Potter always seem like they’re up to something. Hagrid: Such a nice girl. I love it when she comes over for tea with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Dumbledore: Great student. I never have any trouble with her at all. How You And Ron Met: In your first week of your first year at Hogwarts, you had been studying and doing your homework in the Gryffindor common room. A girl with light brown hair and large front teeth came over and plopped down a pile of books. “Hello. I’m Hermione Granger. And you are?” She asked. “(Your first and last name). Nice to meet you.” You replied turning back to your assignment. “I see you’re working on Potions homework too?” She asked. “Yes, I don’t know why Professor Snape has to give us so much homework.” You said. “Let me help you with that.” Hermione said and you two spent the night working on homework and studying together. You became great friends with Hermione that night. In the morning, you were walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast, when two boys saw Hermione and came over. “Hello Harry, Ron.” Said Hermione. “This is (Your first and last name).” “Nice to meet you.” Said the boy with red hair and freckles. “I’m Ron. Ron Weasley.” You shook his hand nervously as your face turned red. ‘Ron is really cute.’ You thought to yourself. “I’m Harry Potter.” Said the other boy who had black hair and glasses. You shook his hand, and you all went and found seats next to each other. You became the best of friends, with all three of them, but you always felt a little different about Ron. On stormy evening in your fifth year, you, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were sitting in the common room in front of the warm crackling fire. You were on the couch between Ron and Hermione, and Harry was sitting across from you in an armchair. You shuddered as a particularly loud crack of thunder raged outside. You pulled your robes tighter around your body as you concentrated on the crackling fire. You watched the flames dance around as they licked at the walls of the fireplace. As it grew further into the night, Hermione went up to her dorm since there was a Potions test tomorrow and she insisted that she needed to be well rested. Harry went up to his dorm to help Neville find his wand which he had misplaced. You lay down on the couch where Hermione had been sitting and jokingly put your feet in Ron’s lap. He looked up and smiled at you. You returned his smile, playfully pretending to kick him. Another loud crack of thunder sounded and you sat up and moved closer to the fire which, by coincidence, meant closer to Ron. You were inches from his body, and could feel the heat radiating off of him. You weren’t expecting it when he draped his arm around you and pulled you close to him. “It’s kinda peaceful though, isn’t it?” He asked as if he had just been deep in thought. “What is?” You asked. “Thunderstorms.” He replied. “They’re almost peaceful and relaxing.” “I guess. I just hate thunder.” You replied. “Don’t worry there’s nothing to be afraid of.” He said rubbing your back and pulling you into a hug. You sighed and hugged him back, breathing in his sweet scent. You cuddled your head against his chest and closed your eyes. “Thanks Ron. For everything. You guys have been the best friends I could ever ask for.” You said. “No problem.” Said Ron. You guys sat together in silence for a while before Ron spoke. “Hey, can I ask you something seriously?” He asked. He seemed a little nervous. “Sure of course.” You replied warmly trying to make it easier for him. “Well, I don’t know how to say this. But listen. We’ve been best friends since our first year. We’ve been through everything together. And I – I really like you. More than just a friend. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand.” He said sadly. “But please don’t be mad at me, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have your friendship.” “Ron, I-“ You started but were speechless. “It’s ok I understand.” Ron said looking really sad and upset. “No Ron, it’s not that. Listen, I really like you too. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear this. And I’m not mad at all, I’m the exact opposite!” You said. His face instantly lit up. He pulled you to him in a really tight hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling so safe in his arms. You sighed and looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes. He leaned in and gently brushed his soft lips onto yours. You reacted almost instantly, your lips melting against his. He wrapped his arms around your waist hugging you tight. It was the sweetest kiss ever. He slowly pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “Be my girlfriend?” He asked. “Of course.” You said pulling him back into another kiss.
Fred WeasleyYour Boyfriend: Fred Weasley Your Best Friends: George, Fred, Ron, Ginny House: Gryffindor What People Think Of You: Fred: She’s the girl for me. I can’t explain how much I love her. She’s hilarious, we always pull pranks together and I love her laugh. She’s beautiful, everything I want in a girl. Harry: Good friend. Really funny and fun to hang out with. You’re never bored around her. Ron: Like a sister to me already. She’s really nice to me, except that her and Fred always play pranks on me. But she’s really funny and a great friend. Fred’s really lucky. Hermione: Really good friend. She’s really funny, but sometimes she isn’t serious. She always pulls pranks and gets herself into trouble. But I still like her, she’s really nice. George: I’m happy for Fred. She’s my best friend I love spending time with her. Me and Fred love playing pranks with her, she’s really good at it and she’s hilarious. I used to have a crush on her but I’m over it now. Ginny: She’s like a sister. She’s one of my best friends, and she’s really nice and funny. Neville: She’s always pulling pranks on me with Fred and George. I know it’s only a joke, but sometimes they’re just mean. Luna: I don’t really know her too well. Draco: Stupid git. She’s dating a Weasley, she obviously has horrible taste. Why would she date him when she could be dating me? Except that she’s a Gryffindor. Pansy: I don’t know her, but I hate her. Teachers: McGonagall: Gets into mischief a lot. Her and the Weasley boys. She’s a good student but is always causing trouble. Flitwick: Gets fair grades, but doesn’t pay attention in class. Sprout: She gets good enough grades, but fools around in class. Snape: Horrible student. Never pays attention, fools around in class, and always causes trouble. Hagrid: She’s a good kid, but gets into mischief a lot. Dumbledore: She’s a handful, that one, but a nice girl and good student. I’m glad to have her here. How You And Fred Met: You were walking to the Gryffindor common room when you saw two red-headed blurs run around the corner laughing. You were late because you had to talk to Professor McGonagall about causing mischief in class. You figured you would get in trouble for being late too so you weren’t in the best mood. One of the blurs apparently wasn’t watching where he was going since he crashed into you, knocking you over. You dropped your pile of books and papers and the scattered everywhere. You sighed and bent down to start picking them up, when the red-head handed you a pile and continued to help you pick up your stuff. “Really sorry about that.” He said. “My name’s Fred Weasley. And you?” “(Your first and last name).” You replied. “Nice to meet you.” He said. “Why are you so late?” He asked suddenly with a mischievous look in his eyes. “I had to talk to McGonagall about causing mischief in class.” You said simply. “Ah, a troublemaker.” He said. “My brother and I are troublemakers ourselves. We pull pranks on people. It’s pretty fun, you should come with us sometime.” “So YOU’RE the ones who dumped a bucket of water on my head!” You exclaimed. “Quite right, love.” He replied laughing. You laughed too, and you two continued to walk back to the common room. Once you said the password to the fat lady and went through the portrait hole, you met up with another red-head who looked identical to Fred. “This is my brother George.” He said. “George, this is (your first and last name).” You guys spent the rest of the night coming up with new pranks, while Fred and George marveled at your brilliant ideas. You became best friends with the twins, but always had special feelings for the twin who knocked you over that one day. Even stranger, he always called you love which George never did. ‘Does he like me too?’ you thought. One night, after a particularly risky prank, you split up so it would be harder for Filch to catch you. You were running as fast as you could because you thought you saw Filch’s cat. You suddenly looked up and realized you had no clue where you were. You were walking along looking at your surroundings for something familiar, when someone slammed into you, knocking you over. ‘Not again!’ you thought as you looked up to see who it was. A smile instantly spread across your lips. “Fred!” you exclaimed as he helped you up. You jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He held you tight and let you go. “Hello, love.” He said. “Fancy seeing you here.” He laughed. “Come on, let’s get up to the common room before we get caught.” He grabbed your hand, locking your fingers together and you continued walking. “Hey (first name), can I ask a question?” He said sounding serious which was extremely unusual for him. “Sure, what’s wrong?” You asked worriedly. “Nothing, I just….Listen. (First name), I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, I just needed to find the right time.” He said, looking up at you. You nodded, urging him to go on. “Well, you’re my best friend. We’ve always been best friends, we do everything together, all the pranks. We have so much fun, and I don’t want to let that go. I don’t wanna wreck our friendship by telling you this. But I need to take a chance, I know I’ll regret it if I don’t. Listen, (first name), I really like you. A lot. I really want us to be more than just friends. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, please I really hope this doesn’t wreck our friendship.” He said. “Fred, I do feel the same way but you’re right. I don’t want to wreck our friendship. I’d be nothing without you. I really do wanna be more than friends but…” you trailed off. Suddenly, Fred leaned up and smashed his lips onto yours. Fireworks went off beneath your eyelids. You reacted immediately, your lips moving in perfect sync with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your hands tangled in his gorgeous red hair. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist pulling you close. You melted into him. It was the most passionate kiss you had ever had. He slowly pulled away and looked into your eyes. You stared back into his chocolate brown ones. They were filled with love and they could comfort you almost instantly. “(first name), I want you to be mine. Be my girlfriend?” He asked. The feel of his breath on your neck took your breath away. “Of course. I’m yours.” You told him. He pulled you into another long and passionate kiss. When you pulled away you whispered, “I love you Fred Weasley.” “I love you too.” He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. He pulled you close, and you walked back to the common room where you cuddled next to the fire the rest of the night.
George WeasleyYour Boyfriend: George Weasley Your Best Friends: Fred, Ron, and Luna House: Ravenclaw (Yes I know he’s in Gryffindor, it doesn’t mean you can’t be together.) What People Think Of You: George: Girl of my dreams. I love her so much. She’s really smart, nice, and pretty. She helps me with my homework. She doesn’t really enjoy pranking though, but I still love her just the same. I wouldn’t want her to be anyone else. Harry: Seems really nice. I don’t know her all that well, but she spends a lot of time with George. Ron: I’m happy for George! She’s really nice, sweet, and smart. Perfect for my brother. She spends so much time at my house that we’re pretty good friends. Hermione: Honestly, I’m kind of jealous of her. She might just be smarter than me. Just because I’m younger… Fred: George is so happy. He always gets the hot girls though, it’s so not fair! She’s my best friend though, and we have so much fun together. Except she gets mad at me for pranking her. Says I “Went too far!” Ginny: She’s the best big sister ever! Well, almost big sister. I’m so happy she’s dating George, she’s the best. She’s nice, funny, sweet, and smart. Luna: My best friend! She’s so nice to me even though we don’t have much in common. She’s kind of shy, and doesn’t like to express herself, but I’m gonna change that. She doesn’t believe me when I tell her about the Nargles that steal my shoes either! Draco: Stupid git. Thinks she’s all that just because she’s smart. Pansy: Who? Teachers: McGonagall: Outstanding student! All A’s. Flitwick: Great student. Wonderful at Charms. Sprout: She’s great at Herbology. Wonderful student. Snape: She gets all A’s, but there has to be some magic involved. She can’t really be that smart, can she? Hagrid: What a clever girl! And a great student. Dumbledore: Wonderful student. Her grades are flawless. And such a nice girl. How You And George Met: You were getting on the train for your third year at Hogwarts. (George was going into his fifth.) You were struggling trying to get your suitcase up into the rack by the compartment. You groaned in frustration, when you heard a voice behind you. “Let me help you with that.” Said a handsome red-haired boy. He came up behind you and lifted the suitcase up and into the rack easily. “Thank you.” You said, and walked into the compartment. “Um, do you wanna sit with me?” “Sure! Just hold on a second, I’ll be right back.” He said with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. You sat down and got comfortable in the compartment waiting for him to come back. You heard the compartment door open and you look up. “What the!?” You exclaimed. There were two of them and they looked identical to each other. ‘He’s a twin.’ You thought. One of them, you guessed it was the one who helped you, grinned mischievously. “I thought that’s how you’d react.” He said. “By the way, I’m George Weasley, and this is my brother, Fred.” Each of them reached out and you shook their hands. “So which one of you was the one who helped me earlier?” You asked. “I am.” Said the boy on the right. “George?” You asked. “Yes, quite right.” George said. He sat down next to you and Fred sat across from you. “So, love.” Said Fred. “You never told us your name.” Finished George. “Do you guys do that all the time?” You asked. “Depends.” Said Fred. “Now tell us what your name is.” Said George. ” (your first and last name).” You said. “Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl.” George said. You blushed. “Thanks.” “So love, tell us about yourself.” Said Fred. You three really got to know each other, and became best friends. You did everything together, except for when they wanted to play pranks. You didn’t think it was very fun to make a fool of other people and laugh at it, even if they were the twins’ good friends. The summer after your fourth year, you went to the Burrow for the summer. You had become really good friends with Ron too. You shared a room with Ginny, who you had also become really close with. You and the twins were out in the backyard, fooling around, when Fred picked you up around the waist threw you over his shoulder, and threw you into the pond. “Fred what was that for?!” You screamed. He just laughed. George glared at him and took you inside to dry off and get changed. Once you were in clean dry clothes, you went and sat on the couch in the living room. George followed you and sat down on the floor in front of you. You had been sitting pretzel legged, but when he sat, you decided to mess with him. You uncrossed your legs, and put them over his shoulders, resting in his lap. He chuckled and looked up as Fred came in and plopped down on the couch next to you. He shifted so he was lying with his head in your lap. He looked up at you as you cleared your throat. “Do you mind?” You said sarcastically. “No not at all. This is pretty comfortable.” He said. All you could do was laugh. Only Fred. George stood up. “Move over Fred.” He demanded. “No, I think I’ll stay. This is really comfy.” He said. You had begun to play with strands of his hair. When he refused to move another time, you pulled as hard as you could. “Ouch, hey!” Fred said sitting up quickly. “Sorry Freddie.” You said in a mock apologetic tone. When Fred had jumped up, he left a gap between you two where George sat down. “Hey (first name).” He said warmly. “Hey Georgie.” You said smiling. “George, I was sitting there.” Fred said. “Not anymore.” George replied simply. Fred whipped out his wand. “Hey, hey, hey. Enough! I’ll sit in the middle so you both can sit by me. And Fred, you know you’re not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts!” You said. “Fine.” Fred said in defeat. You laughed at how childish he could be sometimes. You now lay with your head in George’s lap and your feet in Fred’s. George began to playfully stroke your hair. “FRED WEASLEY YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!” You heard coming from the twins’ room. “Oops.” Said Fred. “Gotta go. Mom’s angry.” “Finally he’s gone. I’ve been wanting to tell you something for the longest time.” George said. “What is it George?” You asked worriedly. “Come on, let’s go for a walk and talk about it.” You walked into the cool night air. George grabbed your hand and you locked fingers with his. “I have something serious to tell you.” He started. “Well, I don’t know how to say this, but, I really like you, (first name). I know we’re best friends, but I was hoping we could be something more. I mean, as long as it doesn’t ruin our friendship.” He said, nervously looking up at you. “George, I really like you too. And I do wanna be more than friends.” You said overjoyed. “So you wanna be my girlfriend?” He asked. “Of course George.” You said. With that, he pulled you into a nice long passionate kiss that was filled with love.
Draco MalfoyYour Boyfriend: Draco Malfoy Your Best Friends: Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco House: Slytherin What People Think Of You: Draco: Perfect girl for me. I have never liked anyone like this before. She hates Mudbloods just as much as I do and she loves making fun of the Weasleys with me. She’s everything I want. Harry: I hate her. She’s so mean to me and Ron and his family. Ron: She’s dating Draco. She’s just like him. Hermione: She’s so nasty to me just because I was muggle-born. Calls me a mudblood. Fred: She always makes fun of me and my family. I think she’s just jealous of how awesome we are though. George: She’s in Slytherin. I don’t want anything to do with her. Ginny: She’s always so mean to everyone. I don’t like her at all. Luna: I ignore her because she never has anything nice to say. Pansy: My best friend. She’s so awesome. She hates mudbloods, just like me. And she always joins in when I’m insulting them. Before I really got to know her, I was so mad at her for stealing Draco from me, but I’m over it now. Teachers: McGonagall: Isn’t a very good student. She needs to spend more time studying and less time talking during class. Flitwick: I wish she’d study more and pay attention in class. Sprout: Based on her grades, I don’t think she learned one thing this year. She just talks and laughs with other students during class. Snape: One of my best students! Gets wonderful grades, and I never have any trouble with her. Hagrid: Troublemaker. Harry tells me she’s nasty to anyone who isn’t in Slytherin. Dumbledore: She doesn’t get very good grades except for in Potions. She just needs to spend more time studying instead of sneaking around the castle at night with her friends. How You And Draco Met: It was your first year at Hogwarts, and you had just been sorted into Slytherin. You were sure you would be in Slytherin since most of your family had been. So far only one other first year was put in Slytherin. You couldn’t remember his name, but he was pale and had blond hair that was almost white. You went to the Slytherin table and sat down next to him. “Hello. I’m Draco Malfoy.” The boy said. “I’m (first and last name).” You replied. Draco stuck out his hand and you shook it. That night, you really got to know each other and you became best friends. In your fourth year, on the train ride to Hogwarts, you and Draco were sitting in a compartment. “(First name), you love me right?” Draco asked with a smirk on his face. “No Draco, I hate your guts.” You said simply. “Oh, do you now. I guess it’s your loss.” He stated still smirking. “You wish.” You replied. “I wish that it was your loss? I wish that you hated my guts? I wished that you didn’t love me? (first name), if I wished all those things, would I do this?” He asked. And with that, he kissed you roughly and passionately. You kissed back after a couple seconds of shock. You knew you had really liked him, but you never thought he liked you. He placed his hands on your hips, and squeezed as he pulled you close while your hands found their way around his neck. Eventually he pulled away long enough to whisper harshly, “You’re mine.” Then continue to make out with you.

posted over a year ago.
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Fred Weasley

Your Boyfriend: Fred Weasley Your Best Friends: George, Fred, Ron, Ginny House: Gryffindor What People Think Of You: Fred: She’s the girl for me. I can’t explain how much I love her. She’s hilarious, we always pull pranks together and I love her laugh. She’s beautiful, everything I want in a girl. Harry: Good friend. Really funny and fun to hang out with. You’re never bored around her. Ron: Like a sister to me already. She’s really nice to me, except that her and Fred always play pranks on me. But she’s really funny and a great friend. Fred’s really lucky. Hermione: Really good friend. She’s really funny, but sometimes she isn’t serious. She always pulls pranks and gets herself into trouble. But I still like her, she’s really nice. George: I’m happy for Fred. She’s my best friend I love spending time with her. Me and Fred love playing pranks with her, she’s really good at it and she’s hilarious. I used to have a crush on her but I’m over it now. Ginny: She’s like a sister. She’s one of my best friends, and she’s really nice and funny. Neville: She’s always pulling pranks on me with Fred and George. I know it’s only a joke, but sometimes they’re just mean. Luna: I don’t really know her too well. Draco: Stupid git. She’s dating a Weasley, she obviously has horrible taste. Why would she date him when she could be dating me? Except that she’s a Gryffindor. Pansy: I don’t know her, but I hate her. Teachers: McGonagall: Gets into mischief a lot. Her and the Weasley boys. She’s a good student but is always causing trouble. Flitwick: Gets fair grades, but doesn’t pay attention in class. Sprout: She gets good enough grades, but fools around in class. Snape: Horrible student. Never pays attention, fools around in class, and always causes trouble. Hagrid: She’s a good kid, but gets into mischief a lot. Dumbledore: She’s a handful, that one, but a nice girl and good student. I’m glad to have her here. How You And Fred Met: You were walking to the Gryffindor common room when you saw two red-headed blurs run around the corner laughing. You were late because you had to talk to Professor McGonagall about causing mischief in class. You figured you would get in trouble for being late too so you weren’t in the best mood. One of the blurs apparently wasn’t watching where he was going since he crashed into you, knocking you over. You dropped your pile of books and papers and the scattered everywhere. You sighed and bent down to start picking them up, when the red-head handed you a pile and continued to help you pick up your stuff. “Really sorry about that.” He said. “My name’s Fred Weasley. And you?” “(Your first and last name).” You replied. “Nice to meet you.” He said. “Why are you so late?” He asked suddenly with a mischievous look in his eyes. “I had to talk to McGonagall about causing mischief in class.” You said simply. “Ah, a troublemaker.” He said. “My brother and I are troublemakers ourselves. We pull pranks on people. It’s pretty fun, you should come with us sometime.” “So YOU’RE the ones who dumped a bucket of water on my head!” You exclaimed. “Quite right, love.” He replied laughing. You laughed too, and you two continued to walk back to the common room. Once you said the password to the fat lady and went through the portrait hole, you met up with another red-head who looked identical to Fred. “This is my brother George.” He said. “George, this is (your first and last name).” You guys spent the rest of the night coming up with new pranks, while Fred and George marveled at your brilliant ideas. You became best friends with the twins, but always had special feelings for the twin who knocked you over that one day. Even stranger, he always called you love which George never did. ‘Does he like me too?’ you thought. One night, after a particularly risky prank, you split up so it would be harder for Filch to catch you. You were running as fast as you could because you thought you saw Filch’s cat. You suddenly looked up and realized you had no clue where you were. You were walking along looking at your surroundings for something familiar, when someone slammed into you, knocking you over. ‘Not again!’ you thought as you looked up to see who it was. A smile instantly spread across your lips. “Fred!” you exclaimed as he helped you up. You jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He held you tight and let you go. “Hello, love.” He said. “Fancy seeing you here.” He laughed. “Come on, let’s get up to the common room before we get caught.” He grabbed your hand, locking your fingers together and you continued walking. “Hey (first name), can I ask a question?” He said sounding serious which was extremely unusual for him. “Sure, what’s wrong?” You asked worriedly. “Nothing, I just….Listen. (First name), I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, I just needed to find the right time.” He said, looking up at you. You nodded, urging him to go on. “Well, you’re my best friend. We’ve always been best friends, we do everything together, all the pranks. We have so much fun, and I don’t want to let that go. I don’t wanna wreck our friendship by telling you this. But I need to take a chance, I know I’ll regret it if I don’t. Listen, (first name), I really like you. A lot. I really want us to be more than just friends. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, please I really hope this doesn’t wreck our friendship.” He said. “Fred, I do feel the same way but you’re right. I don’t want to wreck our friendship. I’d be nothing without you. I really do wanna be more than friends but…” you trailed off. Suddenly, Fred leaned up and smashed his lips onto yours. Fireworks went off beneath your eyelids. You reacted immediately, your lips moving in perfect sync with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your hands tangled in his gorgeous red hair. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist pulling you close. You melted into him. It was the most passionate kiss you had ever had. He slowly pulled away and looked into your eyes. You stared back into his chocolate brown ones. They were filled with love and they could comfort you almost instantly. “(first name), I want you to be mine. Be my girlfriend?” He asked. The feel of his breath on your neck took your breath away. “Of course. I’m yours.” You told him. He pulled you into another long and passionate kiss. When you pulled away you whispered, “I love you Fred Weasley.” “I love you too.” He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. He pulled you close, and you walked back to the common room where you cuddled next to the fire the rest of the night.

>:) i got what i wanted.... for the B.F. part anyway.
posted over a year ago.