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No Lucas. No Season 7 One Tree Hill Petition



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tvfan5 said:
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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Ivison said:
People ;) One of you have to post this petition on the CW forum!I would do it but I don't have an account there.(And maybe it's already there,I don't know,I hope so)

I just posted the link on the torrent tracker in my country from where I download the episodes.I hope this will help a little.
posted over a year ago.
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I don`t have a CW account either. I know many fans know about the petition cuz it`s all over OTH Fan Forum.
posted over a year ago.
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Ivison said:
It's good to hear! But I just was wondering that the producers and the director would not be able to finish the show in this season...Just...There are 7 episodes more(or something like that) but there are so many things to happen...Like Dan's situation,Leyton wedding and baby,The movie,Mouth and Millicent's situation,Nathan's future in basketball,Sam...They can't finish it GREAT for 7 episodes.. ;(
posted over a year ago.
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Umm hell no!!! Although the loss of Lucas from the show would be a great upsed I cannot imagine not watching One Tree Hill anymore. As long as they have good ideas for how the next season should progress I am ears! If the show ends it will be the tragedy of my life! But I don't think that Lucas should even be killed off of the show because that would just make it too predictable. Keith already died leaving Lucas, whom was basically his son, alone and it would be too predictable and repitive if Lucas now died especially after he gave Peyton Keith's ring.. All five characters must continue to be in the show together!
posted over a year ago.
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The petition isn`t about Lucas getting killed off the show, it`s about not bringing the show back for Season 7 if Lucas isn`t in it.
posted over a year ago.
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mtoll4 said:
I signed!!
posted over a year ago.
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Laurra said:
i signed too!

we should get those stick things and protest were oth film! :)

we shall not we shall not be moved (8)

:D lmao*

god oth without lucas will be soo dull! i hope mark sees sense!
posted over a year ago.
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I sign!

No Lucas No OTH!
posted over a year ago.
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Just signed
posted over a year ago.
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I signed!

posted over a year ago.