One Tree Hill Spoilers

lizisme posted on Jan 11, 2008 at 09:37PM
Episode 5.03
"My Way Home Is Through You"
Written by: John A. Norris & Directed by: David Jackson

Lucas’ (Chad Michael Murray) editor (guest star Michaela McManus, “The Beautiful Lie”) wonders about the timing of his recent creative inspiration. Brooke (Sophia Bush) and Peyton (Hilarie Burton) make business plans, while Mouth (Lee Norris) tries to win points with his boss Alice (guest star Kelly Collins Lintz, “Surface”). Lucas and Skills (Antwon Tanner) finally make some headway with the Ravens, while Nathan (James Lafferty) tries to wrestle free from Dan’s (guest star Paul Johansson) legacy. Bethany Joy Galeotti also stars. David Jackson directed the episode written by John A. Norris.

Scene 26 Brooke is shown a big house and ends up buying it from the owner.
Scene 38 Brooke is showing her new house for Peyton and tells there is a room downstairs for her.
Scene 42 At Lucas's house, he's writing. Lindsey is worried about BP back. Lucas reassures her she has nothing to worry about and tells her he loves her.
Scene 42 At Brooke's house. BP talking and drinking wine. Peyton asks, "What if Lucas's Lindsey brought you a Lucky Bamboo because she was marking her territory with you also."

Regarding the BL scene filmed at Karen's café. Lucus goes and says to Brooke, my mother wanted me to send her a picture of her cafe before you tore it up.
Credit: seagull88 @

The scene fimed at the RC. At the beginning of the scene, Brooke & Peyton are walking across the river court talking normally. At least it looked like. Then Peyton sat down on one of the picnic tables. Brooke was talking to her. It kind of looked like they may have been upset with one another, but i'm not sure. Then Brooke left and a few seconds later Lucas came over to Peyton. They talked for a few seconds and then Lucas left. The scene ended with Peyton dropping her head down into her hands like she was sad/upset.
Credit: lastnight @

Episode 5.05
"I Forgot To Remember To Forget"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

Scene 29 -Lindsey asks Luke if the "Luke and Peyton" from his novel....he says they didn't. She let's him now she was rooting for them. His assistant tells him someone from TH is here to see him, it's Brooke. They hug, happy to see eachother and Luke is glad she came. She says she wouldnt no miss to spend the night on town with a best selling author.

Scene 30 -Brooke's upscale apartment. Brooke tells Lucas that her mom moved out to NY a while ago since her dad travels so much. Brooke thinks they should just have a trial separation.

Scene 31- BL talk at a bar. Luke shows her the engagement ring for Peyton and she tries it on. The whole bar think they are the ones getting engaged. They play along with it. Later they take a horse-drawn carriage around Central Park talking about their future as a 'married couple' with the driver.

in the night they filmed 2 BL scenes, that were supposed to be in NY central park. we were afraid they would change the schedule and film something at studios but it didn't rain so they filmed outside. we couldn't see much. they used a short part of a street. there were lights, 3 cabs and 3 carriages. Brooke and Lucas carriages was white. the carriages gave us their back so we couldn't actually see Chad and Sophia while filming. they filmed scenes. the first was the carriages moving and there were extras walking and the cabs too. the second scene looked like a close up of Brooke and Lucas that talk with the guy that drives the carriage. we saw Chad a lot in between takes while Sophia stayed most of time on the carriage even when they didn't film, except for once when they adjusted her make up. but we saw her very close and my friend talked to her while they were still setting up the set, because she came to feed one of the horses. she had a black short dress with a golden stripe on the decollete. Chad had blue jeans, boots and a white botton shirt with squares (?).
Credit: Manu

BL get drunk, Lucas tries to kiss Brooke, they kinda kiss but Brooke is like no, you are in denial because Peyton just said "no" to your proposal.
Credit: seagull88 @

Episode 5.06
"Don't Dream It's Over"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

They're filming at C/B. I just got back from downtown....they're filming right now and one of the crew guys said they had some night shots to they'd be there a while longer. they were getting ready for setting up and stuff. I saw sophia..we were walking up to talk to her but she was talking with some other people then had to go back inside...and hilary was there too and we saw daphne....i don't know if anyone else was there though...but i did see the 3 of them.
Credit: jumpingforjoy @

One of my friends had a speaking role that he filmed today, so i am assuming it was on set. He is an actor. I know about the scene and the whole episode, but don't want to give anything away. It isn't 'Owen' from the 5.06 side. The side for my friend's character is not on the internet as far as I know. His scene only involves one cast member, but that's all i can say.
Credit: capefear @

I actually live in Wilmington and caught a small scene they were shooting at what was previously Karen's Cafe. it's now Clothes Over Bros. Brooke walks out of the store with Peyton following her, and Peyton says "stop being such a [Censored] to your daughter!" then they had a conversation.
Credit: rockstr009 @

They filmed a scene where the main 5 and one other new character filmed a scene around a table all day so dont know what that was about just that it was shot .I actually dont know who the sixth person was i was just told that hilarie, chad, soph, james, and joy were there and another new character. I am not sure if any drama happens but knowing this show i doubt they would film a dinner scene with all of them and not have some sort of drama. If I find out anything else I will post it though. Apparently its a dinner scene and a lot of dialogue which is why it took all day to shoot.
Credit: I Have A Brain

Episode 5.07
"In Da Club"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?


Scene 12 - Carrie approaches Nathan and asks what he and Lucas have been talking about. He says exes. Carrie wants to know if he means girlfriends or wives.

Scene 14 - At Tric. Brooke talking with the bartender Owen. Peyton sits down next to Brooke and Brooke tells her she bets she (Brooke) and Owen have sex right there on the bar. Peyon points out to Brooke's mom is also at the bar all "slutted up".

Filming on Friday October 5th. The only actors that were there that were familiar were Sophia, Hilarie, and Lee. We just wandered around the bar in the first 2 scenes and they were just between Hilarie, Sophia, and one of the new actresses, plus a bartender. And then in the next few scenes, I know it was Sophia introducing Lee to her assistant and trying to hook them up (during this, I had to dance right behind them to no music, it was kinda ridiculous lol) I was there for about 12 hours so it was a pretty long day and it seems that they all will be.
Credit: Princessbm @

More info about the filming on October 5th. The person I asked had no idea who played Owen but he was the bartender and the character's name was Owen. She said he was cute but not an actor she recongnized from anything else. In the first scene they filmed Brooke and Peyton were at the bar with a new actress, but she seemed way too young to be Brooke's mom. Someone else said to her that she was Nathan and Haley's babysitter or Lucas girlfriend. But she thought maybe she could be Brooke's assistant but she didn't see her face so it was hard to tell.But Brooke's assistant was in a later scene, but wearing different clothes because it was a different day, Brooke was trying to hook her and Mouth up. She said this week Monday (today)-Friday they're gonna continue filming scenes at Tric with extras. They are all gonna be scenes at the same day because they have to wear the same clothes every day this week.
Credit: anonymous source

Brooke and Peyton have a conversation about LP in this episode.
Okay well apparently some stuff has been blown out of proportion. I didn’t quote Brooke for the fact that I wasn’t on set so I didn’t hear any dialogue. I talked to some more extra’s and Brooke said something like you two are Lucas and Peyton, your supposed to be together. That was the jist of her conversation with Peyton.

As far as the BL scene, it’s a short scene where Lucas talks to Brooke about Peyton and Lindsey.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

Peyton admits that she came home to TH because of Lucas, and Brooke is kinda like, "Yeah, I know. That was obvious. I could tell the first time I saw your face at the airport." After Brooke's pro-LP speech, they hug at the end of this scene. After Peyton admits that she came back to Tree Hill for Lucas she asks Brooke why she came back and she said "for you" as in for Peyton then the scene goes on as written above. But she is also hiding something.

Owen is not a random, he is not a Nick, or a Felix or a Chase. He is a good guy and he will be sticking around for a while, no official word on how long though. Also, Brooke's mom is a slut. She makes Brooke feel very uncomfortable when she starts dancing on younger guys at Tric. Lindsey dyed her hair blonde...yes, thats right and its Peyton's exact shade.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

Lucas actually asks Brooke for a favor. He has been trying to get Lindsey and Peyton to be friends, and he asks Brooke for help with this. Brooke's hesitant, because although she likes Lindsey, Peyton is her best friend. She says that if it involves flirting with bartenders, then she can do it.
Credit: Curlyhead

In the BP conversation one of Brooke's lines is "You're Peyton Sawyer, he wrote a freaking book about how much he loves you!"
Also, Mouth and Alice got into a fight. And I finally got a view of Brooke's mom, she definitely was slutted up and they got into fight too, it was pretty funny. Just animosity about being mother and daughter.
Credit: anonymous source

So today we went by Tric and they were (and are still) filming so we talked to some extra's. Apparently there is a Alice/Mouth scene as well as a Brooke/Peyton scene. In the BP scene Brooke is being very pro-LP and tells Peyton that Peyton and Lucas are meant to be and she needs to go get her man back and next time when he proposes she better say yes.

Brooke did not say quote unquote "lp are meant to be". That was mine and Taylor's paraphrasing of what we heard. She did not use those words.
Credit: ErinLovesOTH

Brooke/Victoria scene: Victoria tells her daughter that she has lost her way ever since she has come back to Tree Hill. Victoria does not understand why Brooke wanted to come back to TH. Brooke says she is happy with her life there because she is with her friends. Victoria says they are not her friends b/c friends wouldn't use her. Brooke denies this acusation and retorts that mothers shouldn't use their daughters. She also comments that Brooke's company was struggling before she came along and helped her in NY.Brooke walks away to the bar for a drink.
Credit: Curlyhead

Haley and Nathan are talking at the bar. Brooke walks up to NH complaining about her mom. Haley replies back, "Hey, I'm a mom too." Brooke says that doesn't count b/c she was married and pregnant by the time she graduated high school, so she will be in a home by the time she turns 35. I don't think Brooke was insulting Haley. I think it was just supposed to be funny. Brooke walks away and Haley then tells Nathan she has to go backstage.
Credit: Curlyhead

Episode 5.08
"Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

Brooke/Owen are watching Jamie.
Credit: catc20

Episode 5.09
"For Tonight You're Only Here To Know"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

For some period of time, the girls will find themselves trapped/locked somewhere together.
Credit: UDflyer

One scene they filmed was with Sophia, Hilarie and two new girls. They filmed at school, in the library. One of the girls there had dark brown hair and it was kinda short .
Credit: Fall From Grace

Episode 5.11
"You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side"
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

Chase will return to the show.

In order to help Peyton get over Lucas, Brooke sets her up on a blind date. Owen and Brooke go with Peyton on the date. Unbeknownst to them all, the guy turns out to be Chase.
Credit: Taylor

On December 6th they filmed in Durham, NC at Macy’s. CS didn't film any scenes together alone but they filmed together but with other people (group scenes). Brooke, Owen, Lucas, Lindsey & Bevin had a scene together. Brooke, Owen & her mom also had a scene together. Brooke, Owen, Lucas & Bevin had a scene together. In that scene Bevin did most of the talking.

None of these extras could see anything "romantic" between Owen/Brooke they just filmed scenes together talking, nothing that made them look like an actual couple.

Episode 5.12
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

Lee/Sophia filmed a scene at COB. I don't know which date, but it was for 5.12
Credit: Curlyhead

Carrie kidnaps Jamie, but Dan saves him. Lindsey leaves Lucas at the altar.
Credit: MT

For the LL wedding Brooke is in a knee length purple strapless dress. Lucas is in a black suit with a white satan tie.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

Michaela wrapped filming yesterday (December 14th). She's gone for good.
Credit: ErinLovesOTH

The extra days were long and somewhat exciting. We started off by filming Haley walking down the isle as the maid of honor, next was Jamie as the ring bearer, Lily as the flower girl and finally Lindsey walked down the isle to “Here Comes the Bride”. We did various takes and angles of these people continuously making their way down the isle. Next we filmed the scene where Lindsey runs out of the church, and she does in fact run, and Haley runs out after her. Lucas stands there a little dumbfounded and looks quite hurt in his facial reaction. We also filmed the scene wear Peyton gets up and tells him she loves him and gives him the whole speech, the extra’s were asked to act surprised and then normal again when the camera pans back to Lucas b/c it is in fact a dream sequence.

We also filmed a scene where Peyton has a “dream” or it is considered a dream sequence. The extras were asked to stand right outside of the door to throw birdseed up in the air. I thought it would be Lucas and Lindsey of coarse but it happened to be Lucas and Peyton and Haley and Brooke both are there as Peyton’s bridesmaids in matching teal dresses. Peyton kisses Brooke on the cheek and her and Lucas ride away together. Hilarie also filmed a short scene where she just sat in her car outside of the church “thinking” this could be when this dream comes to light.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

The sperm baby storyline starts in 512. I know the sperm thing is set to happen as in she asks him and we never hear Lucas's answer and its unresolved at the end like everything else. There is absolutely no closure in 512, it ends in all cliffhangers.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

One Tree Hill 5 replies

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over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
So, theres only gonna be 12 episodes??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
oh why does it have to end as a cliffhanger??
over a year ago leyton4evahh said…
oh i hope writers strike will be off for good, great shows like OTH deserves the BEST.
over a year ago doyouknow said…
No there's more than 12 episodes .. I heard it was a full eason .. It's just cause of the strike I think !
over a year ago lizisme said…
no i think its only 12 because it started in januaryv same thing goes for lost ecept they have 16 episodes