One Tree Hill HALEY J.

Lila856 posted on Jan 07, 2008 at 04:41AM
GRRR okay i am SO annoyed, i was trying to watch this episode in s3 but haley`s head keeps getting in the way, every 2 seconds. HALEY IS A FATASS THAT I CANNOT STAND. Everyone is ALWAYS complaing & moaning about the hot people - peyton, brooke & lucas. WTF, stop! The real ASS of the show is Haley J. Here is why:

1. Haley is a desperate ass who ruined Nathan`s life. No one ever liked her in that way before & when the first guy does, they go off & get married in like 2 months.

2. Everyones going on about how Lucas is a cheater, well what is Haley? Lucas loves Peyton & he wasn`t married to Brooke. Haley was married & left Nathan for CHRIS KELLER for a whole season. I don`t remember hearing a good apology, EVER!

3. All the time on the show, HALEY HALEY HALEY! That ass had to get preggers & ruin the grad episode too!

4. Why is Haley showed as "The Smart Tutor". She`s an idiot, should have been held back a year seeing as how it missed a whole season singing though it`s voice SUCKS. Oh no, what do they do instead? Make the preggo the valedictorian!!!! he should be punished & kicked out of school =)

5. Haley is not a good message for those 13 yr olds that enjoy watching the show- she promotes unprotected sex & obesity.

6. She`s ALWAYS barking about something, it gets on my nerves.

7. She says Nathan like "Naaaathan *breathe out*" SO FRICKIN SLOW, SPEED IT UP FATASS.

8. After watching the s5 premiere, halet is a teacher. WTF?? what will the kids do if they find out he was married, preggers in high school & went into labor on grad? NOT good!

well thats really all I can come up w// now & if you`re gonna comment defending the ass, better be smart about it!
last edited on Jan 12, 2008 at 09:53PM

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over a year ago jenniferm said…
WOW. I'm guessing you're not a fan of Bethany Joy Galeotti's character...Those are your opinions and I can respect that, but I completely disagree. Haley is actually one of my favorite characters on One Tree Hill for a bunch of reasons, but since you numbered yours I will number my direct contradictions to why I DON'T think Haley is a fatass as you so eloquently put it:

1) I actually think Haley was the BEST thing to happen to Nathan. How great was his life before they got together? He was failing his classes, treating everyone like crap, being controlled by Dan, the list goes on and on. Haley may have ruined his old life, but that was actually the best thing that could have happened b/c Nathan got a new and better life and started acting like a real man instead of a spoiled boy.

2)Haley did not leave Nathan for Chris Keller. It was just a kiss and it was a confusing time for her. Nathan encouraged Haley to go on tour with him. Nathan was her biggest supporter to follow her dreams.

3) It takes two people to get pregnant. At least they were married. Also, I don't think the graduation episode was ruined I think they had to have it happen just in case One Tree Hill wasn't renewed for anymore seasons just so fans wouldn't be cheated thinking what happened with Naley's baby?

4) Wow. First, Haley should not of been held back because she was so smart that she was actually ahead in all her classes and didn't have to attend class. I also think she has a good voice much better than some of the other "real" artists out there today. By the way, the word is valedictorian...she isn't parking a car she is graduating the top of her class...

5) I am not even going to dignify this one with an argument. Only to say she is a much better role model than any of the other characters like Brooke (premarital sex) or Peyton (Drugs) for example.
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Eh Haley is one of my favourite characters? And why would you call her a "fat ass"? I hope to God that you didn't actually mean it literally because if you did you must need glasses or something. Posting stuff likethat about people is well bent and you shouldn't do that!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
over a year ago Lila856 said…

over a year ago jenniferm said…
That's kind of what direct contradictions are. I'm saying everything the opposite of what you said because you've got it twisted IMO.
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
thank you..
i hate haley.
she acts like she is a Innocent little girl.
but then there she is pregnant and ruining Nathans life. i want him to leave her already! she runs away with chris keller. i could be his baby for all we know...
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
I don't hate haley and she is one of my fave characters, but in S2 i really didn't like what she did to nathan!!
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
I dont hate Haley but i just simply dont like her!
she is boring to me nothing interesting ever happens to her and when it does this interesting thing reflects more on Nathan then on Haley! i loved her in season 1 altough this marriage after a few months was suspicious! later she became boring!
like Laley their realtionship was so awesome in season 1 later they got less and less screentime together as truly amazing friends!
i do hope Laley will be closer in s5 and they will be more like in s1!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lizisme said…
i can't stand hayley she annoys me so much she acts all perfect when she is just as guilty as anyone else i hate her... i wish she was off the show...she thinks she is better then everybody else
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Yes love, I'm the moron .. And you're the one who makes so much sense when they type .. Anyway don't get your thong in a twist .. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion .. I happen to like Haley. If you don't that's up to you.
over a year ago Lila856 said…

don`t even mess with me boyfriend . plus if you have such a big crush on haley, DON`T READ MY FORUM POST.
over a year ago lizisme said…
do you know "doyouknow" that if you don't like what people are saying then you don't have to anwser their questions
over a year ago Tinna said…
Okey Lila, calm down! We get it, you hate Haley and you hate everyone that doesn't hate her, do I have it right?

Look, I hate Peyton but I don't go yelling at people all my reasons and then when they tell me why they don't have the same opinion I go all freaky and yell and shout about A-MADE-UP-CHARACTER-FROM-A-SHOW.

There are some good points there (premarital sex, drugs...) that tell us the opposite of your opinion. Notice that word, OPINION? I think you need to look it up and learn it, hun.

Oh, and what the hell are you if Hales is obese? I think I'd walk right through you in the street, you're obviously that thin. Haley, or Bethany, is VERY HEALTHY. If you call that obese you've obviously been brainwashed by the media so bad that you'll never see the right way.

I hope you grow up one day. For your own sake.

-Oh and everyone. "She got pregnant and ruined his life". It takes two to tango, loves. What about HER life?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lila856 said…
OKAY tinna you`re just a hypocritical ass . at least most of those people stick to what they say . don`t you tell me not to hate on haley just cuz you have a gay crush on him & then go talking shit about beautiful peyton . go to hell boyfriend!
over a year ago Tinna said…
Look hun, drop the attitude. What's up with the attitude and the rudeness, honestly?

I said "Look, I hate Peyton but I don't go yelling at people all my reasons and then when they tell me why they don't have the same opinion I go all freaky and yell and shout about A-MADE-UP-CHARACTER-FROM-A-SHOW."

READ IT AGAIN. I wasn't saying you shouldn't hate Haley, I was saying you could be nice about it - polite at least. I was saying that just because you hate someone it doesn't make everyone that doesn't hate her an ass. Get a grip, hun.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
EWW stop calling me hun boy! & i`ll drop my attitude when you stop giving me yours, ASS. why do you keep coming back to my forum if you just *looove* halet? hmm i`d say your the one that needs to get a grip, or maybe a life!
over a year ago Tinna said…
I call who ever I want a hun, specially when they're calling me a boy. I don't have attitude... I may now, since you have got the world up your ass. Spots are public, you can't just "own" it even if you made it, so stop calling it "your forum". I don't love to hate, it's you. And honestly, I was gonna try to be polite to you and nice, cause you seem to have a problem but there's no dealing with you so fuck off.
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
Is it wrong to state one's opinion? No. It is when it starts getting offensive. But, a word of reason: you did name this forum "Haley J." You didn't say "I Hate Haley J." or "Come here if you think Haley is fat." It's not wrong to defend something that you think is right. It is wrong when people are getting sworn at and feelings are getting hurt. So please, just think before you type, because this is supposed to be a fun website. Thanks guys!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
lmao, okay thinkpink? no need to play hero!
what are you doing in the oth forums, do you even watch the show?
over a year ago lizisme said…
lol i love when people fight about stupid stuff.... if you don't like what people are talking about then don't leave a comment because all your doing tinna is starting fights so keep your OPINIONS to yourself. all your doing is starting a fight
over a year ago Tinna said…
I wasn't staring a fight, hun. Like ThinkPink says I was stating my opinions but that was just to hard for Lila to get so she fought back for no reason. I thought this was a free forum, where you could post wherever you want, but apparently not!
over a year ago abcd said…
wow... uhm no need to get mad
over a year ago Lila856 said…
OH i just read the one before thinkpinks

hahahahaha. funny funny.

1. haley is still a fat bastard.

2. i don`t like "tinna" very much!

3. lizisme, i totally get you =)

i`m just gonna stop now cuz this forum is supposed to be anti-haley not anti-dumbass who i don`t even know. kthx .
over a year ago lizisme said…
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Hahaha this is hilarious! Don't call me cheep .. And you don't need glasses to read capitals. I know I don't have to answer .. But it's a blog thing .. You're supposed to!

Besides this is BS ..

Does it really matter?
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
well for me Haley is definetly the most boring character on OTH!
over a year ago bellywalks_2007 said…
shes boring, the most boring deffo, but i dont dislike her, i can understand why you lot all hate her, but i actually proper hate peyton but i dont like go on leyton spots, and peyton spots having ago at all the people who do lik her,

Other people are entitiled to their opinions, the same as you are lila, and what gives you right to have ago, when what both sides are saying are complete opposites so you're just as wrong as the other.
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
lila, you spelt valedictorian wrong, its one word, not sure if i spelt it right but you did spell it wrong
over a year ago Lila856 said…

claire- yeah sorry girl i`ll fix it, i was thinking of like the valet parking signs loll .

1. peyton haters just don`t like peyton cuz everyone knows no one but her has a chance at ending up w// lucas . =)
2. i understand people have their own opinions, i don`t remember saying they didn`t, bellywalks_2007!

k like the first sentence sums up the fact that i don`t like halet so what i can`t seem to understand is why those 2 people who have a crush on it are reading for!!! if something was anti-peyton, brooke, leyton, etc. i wouldn`t sit there & read it . doesn`t that mean they don`t have a life? that`s what i was saying sheesh don`t gotta spazz!
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
I think that peaople dislike LEYTON because there is a chance that Brucas wont be together if they are, some people like Brooke AND Peyton, like me...
over a year ago Lila856 said…
yeah cuz you`re a brucas fan who doesn`t have that much of a problem w// leyton, right?
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Hey Lila I agree with like 98% percent of what you say but all of your posts make me laugh! In a good way by the way. Major lol moments.
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
well, ah guess not...I don't hate them, but I still prefer Brucas by far...
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
i think its wrong ppl hating Peyton just becuse they dont like Leyton!( i noticed a lot of that here! i am not talking about all of Brucas fans)
i personally love Brooke she is my 2nd fave character! and i also like Naley too altough i would prefer Brathan!
over a year ago ThinkPink20 said…
Hey, lila, before you resort to anymore immature name-calling, please read this:
over a year ago greekthegeek said…
no reason for being mean :(

it's not that fanpop spirit
over a year ago Lila856 said…
thinkpink20, never again! all your comments are like you trying to play hero in the situations, why are you even on the oth boards, YOU DON`T EVEN WATCH THE SHOW . & i`m not trying to be mean to you right now but yeah .
over a year ago brookesawyer said…
Lila I have been your biggest fan since I saw fanpop, will you be my friend? Very loveable girl...
over a year ago brookesawyer said…
I hate Haley too
most fat, least liked lol
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I felt this forum was kind of going off topic so I would like to say something. I don't really care about all this drama amongst the fans because I love all the characters and situations on One Tree Hill. I am going to be objective and say that Lila has a right to state how she feels even if it is something that we disagree about. I just won't even comment in those situations. I do agree that if you are not part of the spot, why are you looking in the forums? I know the forum is public but if you watched the show maybe you would understand Lila's point of view better. The reason I decided to say something is because it is not right to accuse someone of cyber-bullying. Yeah she called you an ass but cyber-bullying is MUCH more than that. Even though Lila's behavior is in your opinion "not the Fanpop spirit" remember that this is the internet and people are going to act the way they want.
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Of course she has a right to say how she feels! If she doesn't like Haley se can say that if she wants .. Just because I don't share the same views doesn't mean you have to get personal! Lila you hate Haley .. Big deal! So why get so worked up about it?
over a year ago Lila856 said…
LOLL okay let me just say, i only don`t like haley in season 2, 3 & 4 . i think is she`s a lot better this season - a lot less annoying & finally got one solid hair color again .
over a year ago bellywalks_2007 said…
your so stubborn lila
over a year ago Lila856 said…

over a year ago lizisme said…
over a year ago sk8ergirl08 said…
i dont like haiey that much since she left Nathan to be with Chris. Nathan can be more happier without her i say. did u like last week epsiode fom oth Lila??
over a year ago brookedsbaby said…
I don't like Haley that much either. I mean I don't hate her guts but not a fan either.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
yeah i LOVED last week`s episode! i even liked haley scenes, didn`t bitch all the time but did when it was the right thing to do, YOU GO GIRL

hehe :]
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Haha I agree with you lila! Her hair was a bit bent for a while! Hahah! And she did piss me off in S3!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
THANK YOUU, lol! i couldn`t stand her in s2 & s3. i guess she was OKAY in s4 but still annoying . i like her so far this season & i remember i liked her in s1 too!