One Tree Hill BL Spoiler!!!!!!!! Don't read if u don't wanna know!

Leytonfan4ever posted on Dec 24, 2007 at 11:07PM
Ok so as some of you guys know...Peyton said "NO" to Luke's proposal (for some reason). Well i was strolling through fanforum and i found this spoiler it said it takes place after luke's proposal. Now this is a BL spoiler so if u don't wanna read than look away--god knows i've tried a million times to do that!

Brooke and Lucas are sitting in a crowded bar. Brooke asks if he saw the look on her face? She says you’d think someone spewed on her Jimmy Choo’s. Lucas says he’s glad she’s enjoying this. Brooke says, come on, he and Peyton are going to work things out. Luke says he doesn’t think so. Not this time. She says it sounds like he gave her an ultimatum, and trust her, there’s no better way to paralyze a girl. Lucas asks Brooke how many times she’s talked to Peyton since she left LA. This touches a raw spot for Brooke. She says it’s not Peyton’s fault. They’re both busy. Lucas responds, and today she broke up with her boyfriend. Has she even called you? Brooke doesn’t answer, and Lucas shakes his head. He continues and says things have changed. Brooke insists he’s just saying that because he’s hurt, and she gets it. But Brooke doesn’t think he meant any of it. There’s a long pause, and Lucas stares at the floor. Brooke continues and says, you know what? We should get drunk. Really, really drunk. Then she asks to see the ring again. Lucas hands her the ring, and the bartender takes notice. He says, congratulations! The crowd applauds, and BL try to protest, but the bartender continues with champagne on the house. >There’s more applause, and Brooke/Lucas exchange a look- why not? Brooke puts the ring on and puts on her best smile as champagne flows freely.

Okay, here's this:

In Central Park: Both are a little tipsy. Brooke implies that the ring got them free drinks all over Midtown. A horse-drawn carriage driver notices them, asks if they want a ride. Lucas responds by continuing the joke about their engagement and the ride becomes free.

As they ride through the park, the driver asks them about their future life together. They share a glance, having no choice but to play along. They trade off in their responses. Brooke says they'll be a power couple, and Lucas says and still have time for a big family. He says he'll coach little league and she says she'll buy cookies for the team. He says they'll spend their summers at the beach and she says "and winters in South France." Lucas ends with "it won't matter as long as we're together." The driver says that's the key--finding someone to love and have them love you back. "Love is what it's all about." End of act four.

So this is AFTER he proposes? I'm confused.

BL get drunk, Lucus tries to kiss brooke, they kinda kiss but brooke is like no, you are in denial because peyton just said "no" to your proposal. Its Lucas's hotel room in NY. Brooke is helping him like walk because he's completley wasted! It is just a "pop" kiss.

Ok i know all BL fans are getting the wrong idea and probably thinking BL will be together or have a chance in S5...Honestly i wouldn't count on that..i mean luke PROPOSE to peyton...although i have a feeling he may propose again or try to work things out with peyt, but they have some drama so it may take awhile...actually i downlaoded a scene of LP in S5 (i wish i could uplaod, but i can't) and peyt looked really mad at Luke because i guess (as i heard Luke say) he hates that peyt had a date for Brooke's C/o/B party thing and he got pissed and just left and peyt ran after him saying why is he being like this and he says "That guys isn't right for you" or something like that and he says something bout it's not fair or whatever and peyt says back "it's not fair to lindsay either" or something like that..idk you guys should see it. i went off track...where was i..oh BL! Im not sure if there is a chance for them..Luke tried to kiss brooke and she stopped him...if she still had those stong feelings for luke..don't you think she would've took that kiss alittle bit futher since LP were broken up?? Actually u know from the spiolers i've read seems Brooke is Pro-LP. Anyways i guess that's all i have..i mean i have more spoilers, but i don't want to give everything out.

NOTE:The spiolers may change or may not even be in the show so plz try not to get your hopes up.
last edited on Dec 24, 2007 at 11:20PM

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