One Tree Hill ~~Q.U.O.T.E.S.~~ From OTH

leytonlove14307 posted on Jun 19, 2008 at 08:34AM
One Tree Hill Quotes
Lucas (Voiceover):Sometimes i wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is There Still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable,left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us.
Lucas (Voiceover): Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie.
Peyton: Can we be friends again?
Brooke: Sure.
Peyton: Like before?
Brooke: I don't think so, like before is gone, Peyton.
Lucas: Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world...or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives. For better...or worse.
Keith: Just breathe, Lucas. It's all gonna be okay.
Lucas: Peyton! It's you.
Peyton: What?
Lucas: When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me. It's you. It's you Peyton.
Nathan: No way. We're winning this game, right, Luke?
Lucas: You tell me.
Nathan: We're winning this game
Nathan: I need to ask you a question. If I don't go to Duke, if I don't play college basketball- I mean if today is the best it ever gets for me, will that be enough?
Haley: Of course! Nathan, as long as you are a good husband and a good father to your son.
Nathan: What?
Haley: It's a boy Nathan. You're gonna have a son! Although I have to tell you, someday he's gonna tease his father for playing like crap at the state championship. You might wanna change that.
Skills: You said "Oh!"? Hold on. Peyton Sawyer says "I'm in love with you" and you say "Oh"? Nice work player!
Lucas: She caught me by surprise, what was I supposed to say, huh?
Skills: Not "Oh". Ok, what else did you say?
Lucas: I mumbled something about us being friends and then I left.
Skills: You believe that? That you and P. Sawyer are just friends!?
Lucas: Look, you know what Skills? For a long time I thought that maybe we'd be something more. It just never seemed to work out, you know? So, at a certan point you just gotta face the fact that it's not meant to be.
Skills: Even if she wants more?
Lucas: She's just a little confused. She's had a hard year and I happened to be there and rescue her a few times.
Skills: So maybe you're the one who's confused! Cause you didn't just happen to rescue her a few times. You didn't just happen to run into the school that day or save her from psycho-Derek. Peyton happened to be there, but you chose to be there. So, maybe you gotta think about that.
Nathan: You know, I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And I guess I never really felt worthy of it. Now I know that miracle wasn't for me. It was for us. All three of us!
Lucas: There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.

Haley: Stay the hell away from my husband.
Rachel: I was just giving him a proper thank you.
Haley: Please, your thank you's send people to the free clinic.
Peyton: Ha!!!
Brooke: What are you laughing at? Your "I love you"'s send people to their grave.
Peyton: Well in that case, I love you, Brooke.
Lucas: You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it.
Lucas: Because it´s only when you´re tested that you truly discover who you are. And it´s only when you´re tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere in the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the HEARTACHE and fear of what life has.
Lucas: But once in a while people push on to something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quite persistence of a dream.
Lucas: There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroad, afraid, confused, without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.
(to Rachel.) I understand you were inebriated. Several witnesses say you made a bit of a scene at the reception, said you were pretty upset with him. Now, when you're up to it, we're gonna need to take your statement about what happened on that bridge. I'm especially interested to hear how a professional driver could just lose control of a vehicle like that. I mean, I have my theory, but, for your sake, you better hope he wakes up and tells me that I'm wrong.
Lucas: Peyton Sawyer is a good friend. Brooke Davis is my girlfriend. At least, for now she is.
Things that take 14 minutes -- boiling an ostrich egg, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video. It also takes 14 minutes to get from the Melina bridge to Tree Hill hospital.
Lucas: My name is Lucas Scott. I'm a senior at Tree Hill High School. Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world. Maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you. Or someone like my best friend, Haley. If you're married, a senior in high school, and not sure if your husband is still alive, then I'd say your world is a lot like Haley's. Today was supposed to be the best day of her life. But it's amazing how things can change in the blink of an eye. Or, in this case, in 29 minutes.
Peyton: Someone once told me, Every song has an ending Jake, but is that any reason not to enjoy the music?
Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like this....Lucas is gone but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while....Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this 'stepping up'. In life, I call it pushing back.

Nathan: You know it's been said that we just don't recognize the significant moments of our lives while they are happening. We grow complacent with ideas, or things or people and we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you've realized how wrong you've been that you realized how much you need it, how much you love it. God, I love this game.
Nathan: (voiceover) Every once in a while people step up, they rise above themselves. Sometimes they surprise you, and sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard, but if you look close enough you find hope in the words of children, in the bars of a song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you're lucky, and if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back.
Nathan: (voiceover) Have you ever heard the expression the best things in life are free? Well, that expression's true.

Lucas: (voiceover) Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred.How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children out into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?
Haley: Always..
Nathan: and Forever.

Peyton: You're always saving me.
Lucas: Somebody has got to.
Lucas: Most of our lives are a series of images, they pass us by like towns on a highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever.
Ellie: Every song has a CODA, a final movement. Whether it fades out or crashes away. Every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music? The truth is, there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just life.
Nathan: I was hurt Haley. But I was proud of you. Everyday.
Brooke: There are 82 letters in here, and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer. One a day, but I never sent them 'cause I was afraid....I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before. 'Cause you hurt me so bad, and I was afraid to be vulnerable. And I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel. And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did, but I just thought that you should know. This was how I spent my summer Luke, wanting you... I was just too scared to admit it.
Lucas: (voice over) Robert Louis Stevenson once said, "You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
Lucas Scott (Overvoice): "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: 'All are architects of fate... living in these walls of time.'" "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: 'All are architects of fate... so look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again.'"
Lucas: (voice over) Henry David Thoreau once wrote, "Live each season as it passes. Breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, but resign yourself to the influences of each."
Peyton: (voiceover) At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes -- all you need is one.
Lucas: I did something tonight, Peyton and I can’t take it back.
Lucas: Peyton, you gotta talk to me. What’s going on with you?
Peyton: I’ve been getting these creepy e-mails lately. And then tonight, this woman shows up and she knew things about me.
Lucas: What kinda things?
Peyton: She said she’s my mother! My mom’s dead, Luke. I was there in the hospital! I watched her die!
Nathan: So, what’re you doing here anyway? Tour playing Tree Hill?
Haley: No. They wanted me to become a solo artist and record a record or something, but, it didn’t matter without you. None of it mattered without you.
Lucas: So, when are we gonna get to that kissing part, anyway?
Brooke: Oh, I’d say right about now if you know what’s good for ya.
Brooke: Okay, putting aside the fact that I do look pretty good considering I've been on a plane for like a day and a half, you cannot ambush me at the airport with flowers and a nicely tanned end of summer body, considering the way we left things...three months ago.
Lucas: Actually I'm just here to pick up my mom from New Zealand. I didn't think you were coming in until tomorrow.
Brooke: You thought wrong. Oh, look, there’s my cab; quick, maybe you can tell me you love me or something!

Haley: Hey, that was your mom on the phone, she said she's gonna spend the night at the hospital with your dad.
Nathan: Unbelievable. We should have a Scott family discount.
Brooke: This is our new post-game party palace. All it needs is a P. Sawyer makeover, a little paint, couple of those creepy nobody-understands-me drawings that you do and a batch of hot boys.
Deb: As you know from my emails about Dan, I have been one miserable bitch. You?
Lucas: I still can't get used to that hair of yours.
Peyton: What? You did yours last spring and mine actually looks good.
Haley: Nathan, there wasn't a moment that my heart wasn't in Tree Hill.
Nathan: Unlike you I'm leaving and taking heart with me.

Nathan: Haley, I deleted you.
Haley: I understand if you don’t love me anymore.
Nathan: Always and forever. That’s what sucks, Haley. I still do love you. I always will. I just can’t trust you.

Brooke: LUCAS! Do not make me join you!
Lucas: Uh, a little privacy here.
Brooke: No, you've been in the shower forever! By the time I even get in the water it's gonna be...(Checks water) cold! Are you taking a cold shower?!
Lucas: No, the hot water-
Brooke: Gross! You are! You know what? Next wet dream, tell Peyton I said 'Hi'. Ew!
Lucas: Tennessee Williams once wrote: We all live in a house of fire. No fire department to call. No way out. Just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns down the house...with us trapped, locked in it.
Lucas: Lives better---money, popularity, fame---we ignore what truly matter--the simple things-- like friendship, family, love--the things we probably already had.

Nathan: (voiceover) Douglas Adams once wrote, he felt that his whole life was some kind of dream, and he sometimes wondered who's it was, and whether they were enjoying it.
Lucas: Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always. A promise, like a reward for persisting through life so long alone. A belief in each other and the possibility of love. A decision to ignore simply rise above the pain in the past. A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties. The celebration of the chance taken and the challenge that lies ahead. For two will always be stronger than one. Like a team braced against the tempests of the world. And love will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality. Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held, promises made long ago in the sacred space in our hearts.
Lucas: Kahlil Gibran once wrote: Your reason and your passion are the rudder and sails of your seafaring soul. If either be broken, you can but toss and drift or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining. And passion, unattended is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Lucas: Kill or be killed.
Dan: It's the way of the world.
Nathan: You know Miss. Ham, if more teachers dressed like sluts, attendance in this place would skyrocket.
Lucas: (voiceover) Octavio Paz once wrote: Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.
Brooke:(Brooke's Election Speech): I thought I knew you. But I guess it's easier to see what we want than to look for the truth. You think you know me but you don't. And that means you don't know what I can do. You see me as someone popular and has all the answers but that's not true. I may not always know what I'm doing but I'll try to make things better. And when I make a mistake, because face it, we all do, I promise I'll ask for your help. I can't do this alone, but if you'll take a chance on me, we can do great things together. I promise if you believe in me, I'll find the courage to reach for your every dream. John F. Kennedy said, "the courage of life is a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. And that is the basis of all morality".
Felix: Brooke, just talk to me. Just tell me how you feel. I know it's scary and I know you had a hard time with Lucas. But just tell me if you can show me your heart. Because if you do, I'll guard it with my life. Just say okay.

Brooke: Okay.
Peyton : Anna, it's not about who I am, okay. It's about who they are. They are people who hate, and they divide, and they feed off of people who don't fight back. Yeah I could laugh this off, but what about the girl who can't? Who's gonna help her. Silence only makes them stronger.
Anna: First they put away the dealers,keep our kids safe and off the street. Then they put away the prostitutes, keep married men cloistered at home. Then they shooed away the bums, then they beat and bashed the queers, turned away asylum-seekers, fed us suspicions and fears. We didn't raise our voice, we didn't make a fuss. It's funny there was no one left to notice when they came for us.

Lucas: Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote: No man, for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.
Anna: Man, Tree Hill's got some drama.
Haley : Wait a second, don't have a bed, do you? Did you...tell me, you didn't have sex in my bed, Brooke.

Brooke: I'm already washing your sheets.
Lucas (Voiceover) - Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.
Lucas:: You know, I have this picture in my room, of the team, from your 500th win. Now the man in that photo looks like a guy to me that still cares about something. We need you coach... Not just to win games. We need you in our lives. Have the surgery.
Haley: (to Brooke):Hi. We didn't recognise the address. We wont buy anything.
Brooke:: It's ok, we sold my pride around 8:30. I'd rather see you wearing my clothes than these 50 year old wannabes. So i'll give you the good friend discount.
Lucas:: What is Felix's deal anyway?
Anna:: He's not as bad as he seems.
Lucas:: So why didn't you tell Felix about me.
Anna:: It just never came up.
Lucas:: Look, Anna... I like you. And, I think, if we hang out I'm just gonna like you more, but, I don't wanna sneak around. You gotta talk to Felix.
Lucas: T.H. White said: Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think about us in return.
Brooke: Peyton, Look at us, Look at this day, We are practically a beer commercial. It would be wrong not to take it. So let's go. Hop on, best friend.
Lucas: (voiceover)Some people believe that ravens guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck. While more than one raven together, predicts trouble ahead (He looks out the window and sees many ravens are flying above the car)
Deb: How did we become so broken?
Keith: We fell in love, and at some point, the people we love forgot to love us back.
Haley: Nathan, I know I'm driving you crazy.
Nathan: No, you're not.
Haley: Do you think that I'm a tease?
Haley: Well, did you have fun tonight slave boy? Thanks for playing along.
Luke: Look, Haley, I know we've grown apart a bit lately, and I know we have a lot ahead of us, but I just want you to know I'll always be there for ya. And if Nathan doesn't see how special you really are, well then he's an idiot, cause I think your amazing.
Luke: Uhh, he wasn't there.
Haley: You sure, apartment 11?
Luke: Yeah.
Haley: Hmm, weird I just got his voicemail. I guess he really isn't there, I told you Peyton was easy.
Luke: Come on, I'll take you home.
Haley: Okay.

Peyton: Nearly midnight, looks like our dates almost over.
Nathan: Yeah, I think I was hitting on ya in the pool.
Peyton: You think you were?
Nathan: I don't know anymore, this whole good guy thing is new to me. I guess I'll always have feelings for you, Peyton, but I owe it to Haley to be a better guy than I've been. I just don't wanna be the kind of guy that cheats on her.
Peyton: Then don't be. Nathan, I'm proud of you, you know standing up to your dad, being a good guy for Haley, you've turned into the guy I always knew you could be.
Haley: No way!
Peyton: Haley, come on, remember when I made you those flyers for Open Mic Night.
Haley: That is really unfair, your a born artist, I'm a born klutz okay, I, I, almost drowned in the balls at Chuckie Cheese.
Peyton: Okay, but if we don't find a replacement we're gonna have to forfeit.
Haley: Don't you guys lose every year since grade school anyway so what's the big deal?
Peyton: It's important to Brooke. Do you know how terrible it is to be disconnected from your best friend? Look I really hurt Brooke and I just don't want her to be disappointed again.
Peyton: God, its good to have an escape route in case she tries to smother me with a pillow. How you doing?
Jake: Mmmm..having Jenny withdrawl.
Peyton: Yeah, but you need a weekend away to just relax and have a good time it doesn't happen too often.
Jake: Yeah, true, but there's been some new developments.
Peyton: Oh, really what are they? Sorry, cheer natzi calls.
Nathan: So now I know, I don't ever remember feeling like this, Haley. Yeah, like with my dad, but she abandoned me.
Haley: I'm sorry.
Nathan: I can't go back there, I can't live with my dad, either. I'm screwed.
Haley :Maybe not, there might be an answer.

Luke: Brooke, I'm sorry.
Brooke: Yeah, sorry you got caught.
Luke: No, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Brooke: You did not just say that to me.
Luke: Look we didn't plan any of this it just happened.
Brooke:Go to hell!
Dan: Five-speed Mustang fully-loaded and it's all yours. I know this divorce has been hard on you, Nate I just want to thank you for sticking by the old man. What's the matter? Your not suppose to look around at a gift, ya know.
Nathan: It's not a gift, dad, this is a bribe.
Dan: A bribe, wow! Not exactly the thank you I was expecting.
Nathan: Ok, thanks for the car dad, now I can get away from you whenever I want.
Nathan: Wait a minute, is this, is this a new outfit?
Haley: He noticed, yes it is, it's all about the new me. Do you like?
Nathan: Yeah, but what's wrong with the old you?
Peyton: I was so afraid you weren't going to wake up.
Brooke: Hey, I want you to know that I'm here for you and whatever you need and if she's not home I might actually give you a sponge bath.
Luke: Actually, I can't do that for awhile.
Brooke: What, bath?
Luke: No, you know, sex.
Brooke: Wow, that sucks. A little cardio maybe just what ya need. What?
Luke: I'm going to need some time to figure some stuff out.
Brooke: Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
Luke: Yeah, see that's the thing.
Brooke: Are you breaking up with me?
Luke: I just think its the best thing for right now.
Brooke:Maybe for you.
Luke: Brooke, I'm sorry.
Brooke: Apparently not enough.
Haley: Nathan, I'm not in the mood right now.
Nathan: Lucas is awake, I was there when he opened his eyes, I went to see him.
Haley: Why?
Nathan: Because I knew you couldn't, I wanted him to know that you were thinking about him. Look I know it was wrong to go after you for the reasons I did, I can't apologize for that, but I'm glad I did, but I'm not that person anymore because of you. Let me take you to him.
Nathan: Hey, man. (Talking to Luke lying in the hospital unconscious.) I came here to talk to you. So, I'm here because, uhh, everything is screwed up, look I know you don't trust me with Haley, but I like her a lot, you know. She's hurting a lot now, too. She needs you to open your eyes, man. She feels like she can't be forgiven and I'm sort of in the same place. This accident it might not turn out so bad ya know, you can take a break from the game and people's expectations, I wish I had that chance. It might be hard to believe, but maybe your the lucky one you can get out. (Luke wakes up.) Hey.
Peyton: Hey, it's me. (Talking to Luke lying in the hospital unconscious.) Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, okay? Nevermind. Umm, I just came by to tell you that I'm probably not going to be around here much with Brooke here it's just kind of weird, but I'm with you Lucas, you know that, and I'll wait forever if I have, too. (Karen walks in.) Oh, I'm sorry, nobody was here.
Nathan: Yes, you can like this, alright, square your shoulders to the basket, bring the ball up right past your nose like this okay? Bend your knees a little, just relax your hips, and just shoot. Okay, that wasn't perfect, but it also wasn't embarrassing. It was actually kind of sexy.
Nathan: Was that your jump shot? Because if that was your jump shot I can't date you anymore.
Luke: Peyton, so how's everything with your dad?
Peyton: Good thanks.
Luke: Yeah, and uhh, how about us?
Peyton: That moment where we kissed right? I've been feeling guilty about it all weekend.
Luke: Me, too.
Peyton: Listen, let's just bury it and pretend it never happened. Okay?
Luke: Sure.
Brooke: People that are meant to be together always find their ways in the end.
Luke: You warm enough?
Peyton: I'm okay. I should probably get the heater fixed in here, huh?
Luke: You know I could have Keith take a look at it for ya, he's really good at that stuff. Do you want me stop and get some coffee?
Peyton: I'm fine, thanks. Thanks for doing this for me, Luke.
Luke: That's what friends are for right?
Peyton: Yeah.

Haley: So this uh, dinner is going to be pretty bad huh?
Nathan: Yeah, a massacre, my grandma's okay, its just my grandpa's pretty intense. You've met my dad, just imagines where he comes from.
Haley: Scary.
Nathan: Yeah, you should come tonight, maybe you'll make everyone behave.
Haley: I'll come if you want me, too.
Nathan: No, I wasn't serious, I wouldn't put you through that.
Haley: No, I mean if you're asking, of course, my answer is yes.
Nathan: Well, then I'm asking.
Haley: Well, then I'm coming.

Lucas: Peyton...I...
Peyton: Don't! It was stupid, ok? You're with Brooke now.
Lucas: (pause) Yeah.
Peyton: We just, we got carried away. It didn't mean anything.
Lucas: It didn't?
Peyton: Of course it did.

Brooke: All work and no Brooke makes Luke a boring boy.

Haley: I think your really brave to reconsider building who you are, I don't know if I could do that.
Nathan: You could if you tried, look I gotta go.
Haley: Oh, yeah. Hey, umm basketball practice starts up again today right?
Nathan: Yeah, I'm just not sure if I do. I'll see ya.
Luke: Your sure your parents won't come home?
Brooke: They could, but this isn't their jacuzzi.
Luke: Brooke, whose house is this?
Brooke: I don't know, does it matter?

Haley: If my parents come home I'm going to act like I have amnesia, so don't freak out if I pretend not to know you.
Lucas: It's not that hard. Peyton and I just don't make sense as a couple. She said so herself.
Haley: And then took it back!
Lucas: What are you, her lawyer?
Haley: I'm just... look, I've seen Peyton really try to make an effort to turn things around. It just sucks she got bit the first time she reached out to somebody, you know?
Lucas: Haley, I'm not the bad guy here, okay? Peyton's just too...hard.
Haley: Unlike Brooke, who I understand is nice and easy.
Lucas: She makes me laugh. She's honest. She's not afraid to be herself. Plus, she's not covered head to toe in issues.
Lucas: (voiceover) What a frightening thing the human is, a mass of gauges and dials and registers, and we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately.
Nathan: A month ago, do you think we'd be alone in your bedroom?
Haley: Oh, but we're not alone in my bedroom, we have the forefathers with us.
Nathan: They can watch.
Deb: (to Dan) Pack a bag and get out or so help me God I will stab you in your sleep.
Lucas: So why'd you call me, anyway? Why not Nathan or one of the guys?
Brooke: Because I knew you'd come through.
Brooke: We're young. We're fine. Let's do some damage.
Lucas: A guy drugged Peyton’s drink at a party. Brooke called me for help. I took her home, waited until she felt better. Truth.
Karen: As excuses go, that’s pretty solid. Is she okay?
Karen: Please tell me you were stuck in a land with no phones.
Lucas: I know I should have called.
Karen: Coming home would’ve been another option.
Brooke: What's your idea of your perfect date?
Haley: Watching you get hit by a bus.
Brooke: And a sense of humor. Nathan’s really lucky.
Karen: You remember when you said the other night that I had good instincts and that I should trust them?
Keith: Yeah.
(Karen leans in and kisses Keith)
Karen: You were right.
Brooke: What's your idea of a perfect date?
Haley: Watching you get hit by a bus!

Brooke: We have a hot tub.
Lucas: Brooke, I...
Brooke: We have a naked me in the hot tub.
Lucas: What if I told you there was someone else?
Brooke: Well, then normally I'd suggest a threesome.
Nathan: Why the coach is so easy with you, Jagielski
Jake: We party together.
Tim: Maybe they're lovers.
Nathan: (to Tim) Why? Did you two bake up?
Lucas: (voiceover) As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on."

Nathan: I remember this one summer, I was playing little league baseball and I was the pitcher and my dad was the coach. Anyway, this kid, Billy Lyons, he was a great hitter. Everything he hit was a homerun. So, you know, he got up to the plate and there was nobody on base so I just walked him. Four straight pitches, nothing even close to a strike. So my dad calls a timeout, comes to the mound, and I’m thinking he’s gonna say like, smart move or good thinking son, something like that. But instead... instead he grabs me by the arm, and he kicks me in the ass as hard as he can. I mean, he literally took me by the arm so that I wouldn’t like, go flying, he kicked me so hard. Then he brought Stevie Planking in to pitch, sat me on the bench, never mentioned it again.
Lucas: That sucks.
Nathan: Yeah. So just think about that the next time you’re feeling sorry for yourself.
Lucas: So this Haley thing… you know, for some reason she feels like you’re not full of crap. Don’t take advantage of that.
Nathan: I’m not going to.
Lucas: I know you’re not. Because if you do, you’re going to live to regret it.
Nathan: Bring it on. Hey, listen. Look, man, you didn’t have to get in that car when those guys grabbed me. Especially after you warned me not to.
Lucas: Right, whatever. You know the way I see it, I mean, if they would’ve taken you out, who the hell else am I gonna have to fight with, right?
Nathan: Same person I have.
Brooke: We should totaly hang out together. What is your name?
Haley: Haley.
Brooke: Yeah. I don’t like that name. Lets call you ... Brooke!
Lucas: (To Peyton) Hey. So I saw Nathan in the shower, yeah, no wonder you broke up with him.
Karen: Okay, what does this dress say to you?
Lucas: Uh .. beware of crazy ladies who talk to dresses?
Lucas: (voiceover) John Steinbeck once wrote “It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live for our death brings no pleasure on the world."
Haley: So… support me! When I’m tutoring someone, and they get it, and that light goes on, I feel good! I feel worthy. The same way that you feel when you play basketball. Besides, having things gotten better for you? The team’s left you alone, the hazing’s stopped? Yeah. So, that’s worth the risk for me. What’s not worth the risk it us. We’re friends and that is important to me.
Lucas: I saw you with him.
Haley: Who, Nathan? God, he got a good grade on that math quiz. It was nothing.
Lucas: I want to believe you, Haley. I do. But I don’t think you’re telling the truth.
Haley: I am telling the truth Lucas. There’s nothing going on.( Lucas sees her bracelet that Nathan gave her)
Lucas: Nice bracelet.
Lucas: I'm an idiot.
Haley: I know.
Peyton: What’s wrong is how pointless all of this is!
Brooke: Stop saying that!
Peyton: No! Because it’s true. What difference does it make if you sleep with a popular guy, or you go to the right party, or you know the moves to some moronic cheer to do with some lame ass game I could care less about?
Peyton: You're not even close. You're not even in the neighborhood close!
Deb: You know, there is a chance that Lucas and Nathan could get along if their father encouraged it.
Dan: True. But there’s also a chance that hell could freeze over.
Peyton: It’s not about the car. It’s about you. I finally saw you clearly for the first time last night. The way you treated me, the way you treated Tim, the way you treated your brother.
Nathan: Don’t call him that.
Peyton:: And the way you’re playing that girl.
Nathan: What? Are you talking about Haley? Is that what this is about? Peyton, she means nothing.
Peyton: Okay, if that’s the case, then you’re an ass. And even if she does mean something, you’re still an ass and what’s really sad, Nathan, is that you’re too stupid to get that. So thank you for being such an amazing son of a bitch last night. You really made this a no-brainer.
Lucas: So, if anything were going on with you .. anything important or weird, or confusing .. I mean, you could still be honest with me about that, right?
Haley: Yeah, of course.
Lucas: (He tosses her hat on the counter) You left that in Peyton’s car.
Haley: Yeah this is my house. Um... we're staying here while we renovate the mansion.
Nathan: (Laughs) It's not like I was trying to show off.
Haley: Wasn't that your default setting? Sorry.
Peyton: How's the tutoring going? You're tutoring Nathan right? It's ok. He tells me everything.
Haley: Yeah, he said he needed some help.
Peyton: Maybe you could teach him to stop being such a jackass.
Haley: I will put that on the lesson plan.
Peyton: Just be careful ok.
Haley: Yeah, sure.
Peyton: Does Lucas know your helping Nathan? (Haley looks at her in disgust.) You know, you say a lot when you keep your mouth shut. It's okay. I'll keep mine shut too.
Lucas:(voiceover) E.E. Cummings once wrote; To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.
Karen: Haley comes from a big family. When Lucas met her, I think they were eight or nine. But she saw it was just me and Lucas, and she said "Yeah, I come from a big family. I think you guys need me more."
Karen: You know, Sheri, I came down here wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly you’re still the same petty little bitch you were in high school.
Nathan : Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I’m gonna be fine.
Haley: Good.
Nathan: I mean, F is for fine, right?
Nathan: Well, well. The gang’s all here. I told you it was gonna get worse. Now, see, normally this is when you become part of the team. We’d have a keg, tell some war stories but you had to know that wasn’t going to happen, right? Look, these guys made a choice to back me. But we’re going to be nice, and we’re going to let you walk away. Just quit the team, man. Otherwise, it’s going to get ugly.
Dan: Happiness doesn't come cheap. Hell if it did we would all be smiling.
Lucas: Oh, I think you got the wrong car.
Brooke: Nah. Don’t mind me. I just have to get out of this uniform. So, uh, anyways, I’m Brooke. But you probably knew that. Can I tell you that that last shot was awesome? How’d it feel? Good, huh? You know it did.
Editor: Interesting, where have you studied?
Peyton: Um, mostly in my bedroom. Is that bad?
Lucas: (voiceover) Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.
Lucas: Your art matters, that's what got me here.
Haley: She doesn't want to go. She doesn't wanna see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists if I hear the story again. Let's go.
Lucas: I didn’t want to be like him and I was afraid that I’d become him if I played. In the gym, I felt like he had a piece of me. I never felt like that on the playground.
Karen: Well, I’d say he’s taken enough from us. I took the night off to watch my son play again. The way that he used to when he loved the game more than anything.
Nathan: You've got some ugly toes, girl.
Peyton: No, I don't.
Nathan: Yeh, you do. They're practically like fingers.
Peyton: Well, then just focus on the middle one.
Peyton: Dear diary, my dad doesn't love me. P.S. stay out of my life!
Peyton: Do you wanna come in?
Lucas: What about Nathan?
Peyton: What about him? ... What are you doing?
Lucas: You just said ...
Peyton: I didn't invite you to come in. I just asked you if you want to. Thanks for the ride.
Karen: It's hard to fight the things we are afraid of. Sometimes we just need a little help.

Lucas: (voiceover) There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and mesires. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us.
Peyton: So, what did you bet?
Lucas: I win, Nathan stays on the team.
Peyton: Why?
Lucas: Because it's the last thing he wants. And anyway, it's not about him.
Lucas: Can I ask you a question?
Peyton: It's a free country...
Lucas: Why are you a cheerleader? I mean, no offence or anything, but you're above the least cheery person I know. ... Come on let me give you a ride. I'll let you insult me.
Peyton: First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys such as jercks?
Lucas: Did you change your hair?
Karen: If by "change" you mean "drag a brush through it," then yeah.
Dan: You're despicable, you know that? Letting the dreams of this team just vanish. You're full of crap.
Coach Durham: It comes with old age, constipation.
Dan: Yeah. And this bet tonight is that a joke, too? Or would you really quit the team? You have everything to lose here and nothing to gain.
Nathan: Sometimes what you call "everything," I call "nothing."
Karen: Then you said something I’ll never forget. You said you felt bad for the kids who never figured it out, because when they grew up and had kids of their own, there wouldn't be any gifts on Christmas morning. You're a good kid, Luke. But sometimes I feel like you're sitting out your life on account of me, and I don't want that for you. My past is not your future, okay?
Lucas: Anyway... Guys kept teasing me about it, about how Nathan’s dad was my dad, too. So I asked my mom, and she said he wasn't. But I'd get home, and I hear her crying in her room. I knew it was true. So I never went back. I told my mom it was because I didn't want to have to see his face. But, it was mostly because I didn't want her to have to.
Nathan: What do I want? What do you want, man? I mean, other than my girlfriend and my spot in the lineup, huh? None of us want you on the team, man. I don't want you. The guys don't want you. My girlfriend sure as hell doesn’t want you. --but here's the deal. You and me, one on one. You can name the time and place. If you win, I'll quit the team. If I win, you crawl back in your little hole and you remember your place in all this. Time and place, baby. Time and place.
Nathan: ... and i'll see you tomorrow.
Peyton: How about you don't see me tomorrow?
Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the one that you say 'why do they publish those?' because you're not on the cover, hah?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

Lucas: No foul, basket counts, besides you won't score again.
last edited on Jun 19, 2008 at 08:35AM

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