One Tree Hill The rest of the 1,659 reasons why we love brucas(it wouldn't fit in one forum)

lizisme posted on May 22, 2008 at 11:03PM
1134. Because he is something special she has found

1135. Because she is something special that he found

1136. Because everything that she does makes him go oh oh oh oh oh

1137. Because everything that he says makes her go oh oh oh oh oh

1138. Because Peyton doesnt need to mess with their love

1139. Because Peyton knows they are meant to be

1140. Because they were so confused but they made it ok

1141. Because he knows whathe wants and how he wants it

1142. Because she lights up his life

1143. Because Peyton doesnt treat him right

1144. Because she isnt alone when he is around

1145. Because he played the right cards

1146. Because love has no limits but Leyton does

1147. Because he makes her heart go giddy up

1148. Because she is his sugar dandy

1149. Because Brucas is like a barrier that can never ne broken

1150. Because he makes her feel importany

1151. Because the essence of Brucas will last forever

1152. Because they can begin again and shed their skin

1153. Because they can start over again like the edge of the ocean

1154. Because their relationship has attitude

1155. Because she isn't some goody too shoes who wont do anything

1156. Because he showed her the shape of his heart

1157. Because she may have skinny-dipped him Felix’s pool but she slept with Lucas in her Jacuzzi

1158. Because he would have bought her that bra

1159. Because she would love for him to swim in her pool

1160. Because he isn’t a Brooke in pants

1161. Because he raced Felix for her

1162. Because he is better than that

1163. Because she asked if he was ok

1164. Because he was jealous when Felix was talking to Brooke

1165. Because Peyton knows this is going to be interesting

1166. Because Felix is the rebound guy

1167. Because Anna is the rebound girl

1168. Because they have bigger problems than Peyton

1169. Because he smiles when he kisses her

1170. Because he protected Brooke from Felix

1171. Because he doesn’t take her parking place

1172. Because he doesn’t annoy her

1173. Because Felix is just going to move

1174. Because Anna has nothing on Brooke

1175. Because Felix has nothing on Lucas

1176. Because it's Jake's turn at Peyton, not Lucas'.

1177. Because he needs a girl with spunk.

1178. Because he calls her name in the middle of the night. (got that one from GG)

1179. Because they are lost without each other.

1180. Because they turn Tree Hill upside down and inside out.

1181. Because with him she doesn't have to be anything other than what she's been trying to be lately.

1182. Because with her he doesn't have to be anything other than what he's been trying to be lately.

1183. Because all she has to do is think of him and she has peace of mind.

1184. Because all he has to do is think of her and he has peace of mind.

1185. Because she didn't want Lucas to get-ay out-ay.

1186. Because Lucas and Mouth were totally jealous of Brooke-Felix.

1187. Because Brooke's 30 years away from giving up boys but Peyton already has.

1188. Because Lucas would pay that much to see Brooke in two doilies and a piece of wire.

1189. Because Brooke's not repellant!

1190. Because life is nothing without a few risks.

1191. Because Dan can't buy Lucas and Felix can't buy Brooke.

1192. Because Brooke is a much better scrapbooker than Dan!

1193. Because it's not too late to get it back!

1194. Because she never denied having a thing for Lucas.

1195. Because if every word she said made him laugh she'd talk forever.

1196. Because if every word he said made her laugh he'd talk forever.

1197. Because if she asked the sky just what they had it'd show together forever.

1198. Because if the song he sang to her could fill her heart with joy, he'd sing forever.

1199. Because they were happy just loving each other.

1200. Because Brolex just sounds wrong

1201. Because it's easy to make a friendship turn into something more (Leyton) but it's hard to turn something more into a friendship (Brucas).

1202. Because no one can ever replace your first love.

1203. Because it should be hoes on bros.

1204. Because they're pure hottness.

1205. Because wanting is not having (Leyton).

1206. Because it's till the end of time.

1207. Because it's the best of both worlds.

1208. Because he's never felt like that before.

1209. Because she's never felt like that before.

1210. Because they can build through the destruction.

1211. Because he wants to be with her.

1212. Because she wants to be with him.

1213. Because she'll follow through.

1214. Because he'll follow through.

1215. Because he'll stick around this time.

1216. Because his love for her kept him alive.

1217. Because her love for him kept her alive.

1218. Because the words he says to her are unlike anything that's ever been said to her before.

1219. Because the words she says to him are unlike anything that's ever been said to him before.

1220. Because the things he does for her are unlike anything that's ever been done for her before.

1221. Because the things she does for him are unlike anything that's ever been done for him before.

1222. Because she'll follow him to the ends of the earth.

1223. Because he'll follow her to the ends of the earth.

1224. Because Leyton wasn't good enough.

1225. Because he is her strength when she is weak.

1226. Because she is his strength when he is weak.

1227. Because it's not gonna be just a memory much longer.

1228. Because he knows what she wants.

1229. Because she knows what he wants.

1230. Because she stood by him.

1231. Because he stood by her.

1232. Because he brought joy to her life.

1233. Because she brought joy to his life.

1234. Because he made her wrongs right.

1235. Because she made his wrongs right.

1236. Because he made her dreams come true.

1237. Because she made his dreams come true.

1238. Because she found love in him.

1239. Because he found love in her.

1240. Because he held her up and never let her fall.

1241. Because he saw her through it all (like the pregnancy thing)

1242. Because she saw him through it all (like the accident when he hurt his shoulder)

1243. Because he is her voice when she can't speak.

1244. Because she is his voice when he can't speak.

1245. Because he is her eyes when she can't see.

1246. Because she is his eyes when he can't see.

1247. Because he saw the best in her.

1248. Because she saw the best in him.

1249. Because he lifted her up when she couldn't reach.

1250. Because she lifted him up when he couldn't reach.

1251. Because he gave her faith because he believed in them.

1252. Because he's everything he is because she loved him.

1253. Because she's everything she is because he loved her.

1254. Because he gave her wings and made her fly.

1255. Because she gave him wings and made him fly.

1256. Because when he lost his faith she gave it back to him.

1257. Because when she lost her faith he gave it back to her.

1258. Because no dream is out of reach.

1259. Because he had all her love.

1260. Because even if she doesn't know much, she knows she was blessed because she was loved by him.

1261. Because he was blessed because he was loved by her.

1262. Because her world is a better place because of him.

1263. Because his world is a better place because of her.

1264. Because they acted like they were in love.

1265. Because his heart isn't with Peyton.

1266. Because her heart isn't with Felix.

1267. Because he found someone special-Brooke.

1268. Because she found someone special-Lucas.

1269. Because sometimes you can't see what's right in front of your face.

1270. Because his life took a change when he met her.

1271. Because her life took a change when she met him.

1272. Because he arrested her mind.

1273. Because she arrested his mind.

1274. Because long live the queen bee, and he'll be the king.

1275. Because he's so in love with her he'll yell it from the rooftops.

1276. Because she's so in love with him she'll yell it from the rooftops.

1277. Because he'll wear a sign on his chest declaring his love for her.

1278. Because they'll be back again.

1279. Because it was more than a crush.

1280. Because he's not ashamed of it.

1281. Because she's not ashamed of it.

1282. Because they can try to love again.

1283. Because he can learn from his mistakes.

1284. Because sometimes the only way is jumping and he's not afraid of heights.

1285. Because she's not either.

1286. Because he's going to hold her closer than before.

1287. Because when he kisses her soul her body is free.

1288. Because they're not gonna let it end.

1289. Because they're not going down without a fight.

1290. Because he'll be free for her anytime.

1291. Because she'll be free for him anytime.

1292. Because everything else is overrated.

1293. Because he thinks about her over and over again.

1294. Because she thinks about him over and over again.

1295. Because he can't shake it.

1296. Because she can't shake it.

1297. Because he needs her so bad.

1298. Because she needs him so bad.

1299. Because Peyton will get over it.

1300. Because John Steinbeck was right.

1301. Because they showed the world what love was

1302. Because it was her beauty that captured his attention but it was her heart that won him over

1303.because there like peanut butter and jelly perfect together

1304.because they are like the sun and the moon, they can't exist without each other

1305. Because he knows its meant to be

1306. Because he knows she's special

1307. Because she knows there's only 1 Lucas Scott

1308. Because he knows there's only 1 Brooke Davis

1309. Because they are ready to have happiness

1310. Because they will make it

1311. Because Karen didnt try to talk him out of her

1312. Because she asked him if he was ready to score

1313. Because she was worth his time

1314. Because he was worth her time

1315. Because he doesnt date just anyone

1316. Because she doesnt date just anyone

1317. Because when they madeout in the back of hte car it was not only hot but passionate

1318. Because she didnt bring so much drama into his life while they were dating

1318. Because chad and sophia said so!

1319. Because the only person that will see Brooke in the bra is Lucas

1320. Because peyton couldn't make up her mind

1321. Because brooke knew what she wanted all along

1322. Because every story has its drama but in the end non of it matters

1323. Because lucas went in the hottub with brooke not peyton

1324. Because they dont care what people think of them

1325. Because she brought out his better side

1326. Because he brought out her better side

1327. Becasue lucas doesnt give a rats **** about peyton

1328. Because she gave it her all

1329. Because all of the couples that matter will get together in real life

1330. Because if they dnt get together Carli will die of frustrationand nobody wants her to die

1331. Because peytons still not over jake

1332. Because brooke doesnt have a million emails to jake

1333. Because in a perfect world there would have been no Leyton

1334. Because he loves Brooke and he loves Peyton not

1335. Because they are different as can be and thats good

1336. Because they are like day and night

1137. Because the only thing Brooke is guilty of is giving him too much love

1338. Because she is the best thing he ever had

1339. Because he is the best think she ever had

1340. Because all love stories start off like that

1341. Because she doesnt like anyone but him

1342. Because she can't breathe whenever she thinks about him

1343. Because she can't speak whenever she talks about him

1344. Because everyone loves Brucas

1345. Because the more you have the less you are required to boast, and Brucas didn't have to boast at all.

1346. Because Leyton did.

1347. Because when he is with Brooke he forgets about Peyton.

1348. Because when he is with Peyton he still thinks about Brooke.

1349. Because it was unexpected.

1350. Because they give each other saticfaction

1351. Because their love is bombastic

1352. Because she is a slave for him

1353. Because she was born to make him happy

1354. Because he knows how to rock her body

1355. Because can't nobody love her like he can

1356. Because Peyton just rode Lucas' coattails.

1357. Because he loves the way she moves.

1358. Because he'll be her cryin shoulder.

1359. Because Leyton was love suicide

1360. Because he'll be the greatest fan of her life.

1361. Because she'll be the greatest fan of his.

1362. Because the BPP knows they belong together.

1363. Because he was captivated.

1364. Because she was captivated.

1365. Because we were captivated!

1366. Because Peyton didn't crawl back to the boyfriend formerly known as Brooke's.

1367. Because Peyton is going to end up like Karen.

1368. Because Brooke isn't.

1369. Because he'd die for her kiss and pretty smile

1370. Because our hopes for them were high.

1371. Because nothing needed to be said.

1372. Because she's not predictable and he needs that.

1373. Because Peyton wanted to see Karen, not Lucas.

1374. Because She's got that Boom Boom

1375. Because he can give her what she wants

1376. Because she was the one he felt worthy of giving his precious flower to.

1377. Because Leyton's got me questioning, where is the love?

1378. Because there is something wrong with the world when Leyton is together.

1379. ecause she can finally rest her head on something real, and she likes the way that feels

1380. Because on his way down he saw her and she saved him

1381. Because he's got the touch of her hand

1382. Because Chad & Sophia are the next Brad & Jen

1383. Because he knows exactly what's on her mind

1384. Because he let her wear his sweatshirt

1385. Because Peyton's goodies are staying in the jar

1386. Because he got her in the back seat

1387. Because their love-making has got to be mind-blowing

1388. because they put the sex in sexy

1389. Because they both have the most beautiful eyes

1390. Because he can rub her the right way

1391. Because she's his cheery girl

1392. Because he's her Broody boy

1393. Because if she didnt care she wouldnt make a big deal about it

1394. Because they keep bringing Brucas up

1395. Because they were the only 2 who were unsure of playing

1396. Because even Felix could tell there was something there

1397. Because Anna knew he had had a girl like Brooke

1398. Because if Brooke didnt care she wouldnt keep bringing it up

1399. Because she only wanted to hook up with Felix... she always wanted to date Lucas

1400. Because Lucas may have kissed Anna on their first "date" but he slept with Brooke on theirs

1401. Because Brooke and Lucas have a thing for a brother and a sister...

1402. Because she would have had more fun with Lucas

1403. Because they were standing beside each other during the choosing of teams

1404. Because Lucas was showing off that Brucas tattoo

1405. Because Anna was just a Dare

1406. Because Brucas cant be stopped

1407. Because Anna and Lucas have NO chemistry

1408. Because Felix and Brooke have NO chemisrty

1409. Because Anna's just a skanky hoe.

1410. Because there's only two things Brucas fans and Leyton fans agree on: Chad Michael Murray is HOT STUFF, and Anna needs to get out of the way!

1411. Because Lucas only did dare night because Brooke did it.

1412. Because Anna should have been on the girls team.

1413. Because Lucas likes big butts and Brooke's got curves.

1414. Because Anna's got nothin.

1415. Because Peyton doesn't either.

1416. Because he looks in her eyes and knows what she's feeling.

1417. Because she looks in his eyes and knows what he's thinking.

1418. Because watching Brucas is like watching your favorite baseball team getting a grand slam in the World Series.

1419. Because watching Leyton and Lanna is like watching the other team getting a grand slam in the World Series.

1420. Because we're keeping the faith.

1421. Because they have such a positive energy on screen.

1422. Because she appreciated him.

1423. Because he appreciated her.

1424. Because they broke the rules.

1425. Because rules are meant to be broken.

1426. Because she's in his head.

1427. Beacause he's in her head.

1428. Because he can't go on not loving her.

1429. Because she can't go on not loving him.

1430. Because he can't keep picturing her with Felix.

1431. Because he needs her so bad.

1432. Because she needs him so bad.

1434. Because the official Leyton song should be Where is the Love?

1435. Because her skirts pulled high and he's lovin it.

1436. Because loving her comes easy to him.

1437. Because loving him comes easy to her.

1438. Because it's all in the chemistry.

1439. Because Brucas is how it's meant to be.

1440. Because their love is so natural.

1441. Because their love is not just luck or illusion, it's so much more than that.

1442. Because it's not by chance they make the perfect solution.

1443. Because it's their destiny.

1444. Because we have something to believe in again.

1445. Because there's no explanation and there doesn't have to be.

1446. Because they've got each other come what may.

1447. Because when she touches him the reaction blows him away.

1448. Because they had fun.

1449. Because they bring the house down.

1450. Because he'll keep waiting for her, Anna is just there as a distraction, but we know that won't last long. .

1451. Because she'll keep waiting for him, Felix is just there as a distraction, but we know that won't last long.

1452. Because his lifes too short to live without her.

1453. Because her lifes too short to live without him.

1454. Because where she is is where he wants to be.

1455. Because where he is is where she wants to be.

1456. Because she drives him crazy.

1457. Because he drives her crazy.

1458. Because you can't fix what you know ain't broke.

1459. Because inside his heart is breaking.

1460. Because inside her heart is breaking.

1461. Because he'll show her love like he did before.

1462. Because she'll show him love like she did before.

1464. Because his thing with Anna and her thing with Felix is all part of a master plan to get them together.

1465. Because he misses the way she touches and teases him.

1466. Because she misses the way he touches and teases her.

1467. Because it's not over.

1468. Because they'll look back on it and realize it was true love all along.

1469. Because she belongs at his side.

1470. Because they pull us in.

1471. Because there's nothing he'd never do for her.

1472. Because there's nothing she'd never do for him.

1473. Because they'll stick together no matter what.

1474. Because he'll never let her down again.

1475. Because she's always gonna be around.

1476. Because whatever life puts her through he'll be there for her.

1477. Because whatever life puts him through she'll bet there for him.

1478. Because she can count on him thick or thin.

1479. Because he'll be there for her right till the end.

1480. Because when you love someone it's something, when somebody loves you it's another thing, but when the one you love loves you its everything.

1481. Because all she wants is for him to wrap her in his arms and tell her everything is okay.

1482. Because we cannot let the past cloud our conception of the future.

1483. Because she's a bad girl with a heart of gold.

1484. Because we're obsessed!

1485. Because everything happens for a reason and their love is the greatest reason.

1486. Because they're better off together.

1487. Because it's in the stars.

1488. Because their love is everything it's cracked up to be.

1489. Because their love is worth fighting for.

1490. Because it was against all odds.

1491. Because it's only a matter of time.

1492. Because nothing else matters when they're together.

1493. Because the past is only the prologue of their story.

1494. Becuase if you judge people you have no time to love them, and he didn't judge her.

1495. Because it's the different but life long love of the popular cheerleader and the tortured jock.

1496. Because the tortured jock and the tortured artist is just too torturous.

1497. Because it can be something even greater if they only got the chance.

1498. Because a true friend stabs you in the front, not the back.

1499. Because they got dirrrrty.

1500. Because people that are meant to be together always find their way in the end.

1501. Because theirs is a forever kind of love.

1502. Because he was a superstar ready to score.

1503. Because it's a risk she knows she's got to take.

1504. Because they're waiting for the love train.

1505. Because they had it all and they were fools to let it go.

1506. Because nobody does it better together.

1507. Because they can't forget the past.

1508. Because he's in her thoughts and dreams.

1509. Because he's the closest to heaven she'll ever be and she doesn't want to go home right now.

1510. Because she's the closest to heaven he'll ever be and he doesn't want to go home right now.

1511. Because they define awesomeness!

1512. Because even Brooke is not as skanky as Anna.

1513. Because it's true that through all this Anna crap, he's just seeking Brooke.

1514. Because it's true that through all this Felix crap, she's just seeking Lucas.

1515. Because he needs her to touch him.

1516. Because she needs him to touch her.

1517. Because when they're together everything else becomes perfect.

1518. Because they did it in a hot tub, not a janitor's closet.

1519. Because there wasn't any whipped cream in that closet.

1520. Because he doesn't know why he ever retreated from her arms.

1521. Because his arms of love reached out to her.

1522. Because she gave him her whole soul.

1523. Because love like that doesn't go away.

1524. Because watching Lucas/Anna is just plain frustrating!

1525. Because their romance was far from simple.

1526. Because their love is intense.

1527. Because Felix isn't Lucas!

1528. Because Anna isn't Brooke

1529. Because she thought he was another mechanic stripper

1530. Because she felt inferior to him

1531. Because Felix is just using her

1532. Because she was jealous of Anna

1534. Because his old best friend his her new one

1535. Because she was in love

1536. Because if he really loved Peyton they would be together by now

1537. Because he gave her the time she needed

1538. Because they had sex in the janitors closet

1539. Because it didn’t matter where they were, as long as they were together

1540. Because Anna and Peyton can try all they want… but they will NEVER be what Brooke was to him

1541. Because Mouth and Felix can try all the want… but they will NEVER be what Lucas was to her

1542. Because he truly loves her

1543. Because he fixed her car for free

1544. Because he broke up with Anna for her

1545. Because he knew she was better than that

1546. Because its not who you take to formal, its who you take home

1547. Because he took her home

1548. Because she took his hand

1549. Because Felix will only ever be number 2

1550. Because she wanted to walk to school with him

1551. Because he went with her

1552. Because their hearts are the same

1553. Because she can fix his heart

1554. Because they were together like old times

1555. Because she missed talking to him

1556. Because she missed their friendship

1557. Because he missed “them”

1558. Because he hugged her by

1559. Because she wanted to see him at school

1560. Because he was lying to himself about not loving her

1561. Because they spent the whole night together

1562. Because he took her for breakfast

1563. Because they are going to be “friends” now

1564. Because he went to her house

1565. Because there were no “benefits”

1566. Because they would have kissed if Anna hadn’t walked up

1567. Because his face said it all when he saw her with Felix

1568. Because he loves the real her

1569. Because she still loves him

1570. Because they are the new Ross and Rachel

1571. Because he fought for their friendship

1572. Because they missed each other

1573. Because he never knew what he had until it was gone.

1574. Because deep down she STILL loves him.

1575. Because she thinks he's the best.

1576. Because we ALL KNOW they have the same heart.

1577. Because she missed it...she missed him.

1578. Because he followed his heart and it lead it to her.

1579. Because he feels like she's slipping away and he WON'T have that.


1580. Because he couldn’t breathe when he saw her making out with Felix.

1581. Because Pucas made you want to hurl yourself off a cliff.

1582. Because she knows he thinks she looks amazing.

1583. Because he said, “What are WE going to do?”

1584. Because even Nate knows that SOMETHING’S up.

1585. Because love is someone who makes your heart ache in a good way.

1586. Because his ego couldn’t take it.

1587. Because she REALLY missed him!

1588. Because she cried after reading his speech.

1589. Because we all know she was on his elevator list.

1590. Because we all know he was on her elevator list.

1591. Because he knows he wanted to look.

1592. Because even Keith thought he made the right decision by being with Brooke.

1593. Because she knows that Dan’s just an “old perv”.

1594. Because she’s the only girl he knows that could pull off that dress.

1595. Because he was her shoulder to cry on.

1596. Because he was a perfect gentleman.

1597. Because no one else stands a chance if these two can’t make it.

1598. Because she waited up for him.

1599. Because she’s the only one who has that certain affect on his heart.

1600. Because her showing up makes living with Dan and Deb bearable.

1601. Because he knows that she can get DIIRRRTY too.

1602. Because he gave her the shoulder nudge.

1603. Because she knows Nikki is one crazy ****.

1604. Because she gave him the shoulder nudge.

1605. Because he unintentionally gives her “the look”.

1606. Because she unintentionally gives him “the look”.

1607. Because he stares at her when he thinks she isn’t looking.

1608. Because she stares at him when she thinks he isn’t looking.

1609. Because he continues to open doors for her.

1610. Because she’d rather read his book than be at Felix’s party.

1611. Because he smiles whenever she speaks.

1612. Because he’s the only one who understands her.

1613. Because Pucas didn’t even ever really EXIST.

1614. Because he VOTED for and SLEPT with her!!

1615. Because he helped her with her speech.

1616. Because the whole Pucas thing has gone full circle.

1617. Because Felix can take his buttons and shove em where the sun don’t shine.

1618. Because she wanted Lucas to see the bra.

1619. Because she can get lost in his eyes.

1620. Because she can light up a room.

1621. Because she used a sock puppet for her speech.

1622. Because she can pull off discount clothes.

1623. Because he LOVED that she called them “squellers” until fourth grade.

1624. Because everyone saw the chemistry, and they were jealous!!

1625. Because he got spanked by her in pool.

1626. Because she knew it was wrong for tutorwife to lie to boytoy.

1627. Because she was the first person to see something funky going on with tutorwife and guitar boy.

1629. Because he made her feel like she was meant for something more.

1630. Because she’s nice to the most hopeless people ( Mouth).

1631. Because Fergie and Skillz like her way more than they like Peyton.

1632. Because her dad can play golf “ like freakin’ Michael Jordan” !

1633. Because she is in touch with God. (“If I know you did it, then he does too!”)

1634. Because she disliked Chris from the start.

1635. Because Felix bought her a stoner party, but Lucas bought her a book and magazines she would have rather read!

1636. Because she’s the only person who could pull off the lobster suit!

1637. Because Lucas’s Lust Factor would have been a perfect 10, but Felix would have gotten negative twenty-three million!!

1638. Because she understood his speech.

1639. Because she has been redeemed and so has he.

1640. Because he gave her so much more than stupid buttons.

1650. Because she walked into his life, and his world was still.

1651. Because he walked into her life, and his world was still.

1652. Because he’ll always be her Konstantine.

1653. Because she’ll always be his Konstantine.

1654. Because somehow they always find their way back to each other in the end.

1655. Because whipped cream never tasted so good!

1656. Because contrary to what Peyton/Pucas fans believe, DEPRESSED does not equal DEEP !

1657. Cause their vibe’s right!

1658. Cause Pucas is a no-go !!!

1659. Cause love triangles are sooo last year!

One Tree Hill 80 replies

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over a year ago brucas4ever said…
i think we should turn this into a game like we keep naming reasons why bl should be together!
over a year ago ALwaYzN4evA14 said…
1660. Because he went to the airport.. eventho she told him not to come!!!
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
1661. because pucas only has 480 and brucas has 1661 reasons why they should be together.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
1662.because lucas and peyton make pucas.. aka. makes me want to puke!
1663.becase tla was made up for season five and equals totally lame asses;brucas4ever!
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over a year ago addiee said…
1663.he said that he was the man for her but ha he wasnt !
over a year ago Laurra said…
lmfaoo addie ly <3

heres a few why we dont like them together -
luke treats her like shit when hes with her.
brooke was insecure when she was dating him/thinking about dating him - cause she knew he loved peyton!
each time lukes with brooke he cheats on her!
im going to quote brooke 'she doesnt stand a chance, ive been the lindsey between LP and it is not a good place to be!'
brooke is a leytoner! - she wants peyton to be with luke! at the church when peyton was giving up on leyton, brooke gave her faith!
plus brooke knows luke loves peyton - as shown in one of the s5 episodes!
brooke - 'you still love her dont you, peyton'
luke - 'i have to go see lindsey'
brooke - 'oh this is gonna get interesting' < with a big grin on her face!
she wont hurt peyton - she knows leyton are end game and doesnt wanna change that!
i dont recall luke writing two books that are love letters to brooke, do you- NOO they were too PEYTONN!!
if i was brooke - i wouldnt want luke near me - the amount that hes hurt her!
sophia doesnt even like brucas so why should we! mark is a leytoner - hes making them destined for each other.

brooke has got soo many guys after her at the minute - with owen coming back, ethan, the vibe she had with chase before he left! brookes just gunna get hurt even more adding another one! - and screwed up luke WILL hurt her!

whenever luke is with brooke each time he goes back to peytonn!

i didnt even bother reading all those reasons you put - not even gonna waste my time! but i do know if there was someone sad enough to write out leyton ones there would be soo many moree!

last poiint is brucas arent meant to be together cause leyton aree! <<<33333

leyton tla <<<33333

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
the way lucas treats brooke, lucas has never said he hated brooke, correct me if im wrong but didn't he say that to

1664. becasuse lucas never said he hated brooke...
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over a year ago lizisme said…
leyton fans stop being so immature i am not even going to read your commments.
just because leyton deosn't compare to brucas you guys are mad.
well get over it
i have never looked at your reasons why you love leyton, because i have better things to do.
if any brucas fans want to add another just start at 1665(cut out what addie said) and go from there.
you guys really need to get a life.
im sorry you are so jealous that leyton doesn't have this many reasons to be together

1665. because pucas fans can't resist checking out brucas stuff. they are so bored with leyton(i would be too).
1666. because even pucas fans are bored with pucas
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over a year ago brucas4ever said…
1667.because he knows things about her( purple monkey scene)
over a year ago Laurra said…
reason 1665 - this is a oth spot! at least we arnt as sad as all you are goin on the LEYTON spot! like i said before is someone were to write out reasons why leyton should be together there would be way more than this - but i wouldnt waste my time writing it out!

look we need to get a life - you guys need to get a life - on the leyton spot you waste time rating videos 1, writing lame comments on picks - you need to stay the fuck away! we dont need your germs near it! at least i keep to my own spot, you just cant keep away - so you must be bored with brucas if you choose to go on the leyton spot! and just to add this makes you the immature ones and now hypocrites! everything you said then, i have pointed back to you guys!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Laurra said…
oh and just so you know - luke doesnt hate peyton he took it back on the last eppy! or did you all tune out at that bit! probably time to go and dream about brucas getting back together in your fake world!!

post this shit on the brucas spot intead of on here if you dont want leytoners commenting!! see we cant do it either way cause you guys keep slithering into our spot!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
brucas4ever/lizisme`s fake account say "pucas" one more time & me & laura will come down to that trailer park & KICK YOUR NERDYBOY ASS
over a year ago Laurra said…
lmaoo! yeah get told lol
over a year ago lizisme said…
laurra i have never rated any any leyton stuff poorly. sorry but i don't like wasting my time and btw when i rate things i give it 5 stars or i don't rate at all. ill admitt when i first joined fanpop i went on the leyton spot but i don't care anymore(when i went on the leyton spot i never rated there stuff). and i don't know if its you but there are a ton of leyton fans who go on the brucas spot and rate everything poorly.

ok so i have tried to be nice to you lila i apologized well apprently you are too immature to accept it. i don't feel like fighting so say what you want but i don't want to be involved in fights. addie started shit and i didn't want to fight but i don't get why you guys can't just leave it alone. i don't go on the leyton spots or look at leyton things because i honestly don't care. have fun picking fights and starting trouble because im sick of having to defend myself.
lila ive tried to tell you many times but you don't accept it.

p.s. i don't live in a trailer park
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over a year ago Lila856 said…
scuse me , wth are you talking about?
do you mean how brucas4ever isn`t your fake account? well why does it have the same IP address as you a.k.a. in the SAME HOUSE as you .
& don`t you even dare call me & laura immature . i have been nothing but nice to you for the past month hoping you`ll stop being so anti-peyton but you`re only getting worse so i totally give up! & all laura is saying is that you wanna convince yourself brucas is cute, do it in the BRUCAS spot ;]
over a year ago lizisme said…
you are such a stalker she is my sister i don't know why i am justifing myself but i don't know what to tell you she is two years younger then me, she has brown hair, brown eyes I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE I HAVE TO TELL YOU BUT PLEASE STOP STALKING ME.
and i have been trying to be nice too. i can post brucas stuff on the oth spot if i want to. last time i checked there is a similar leyton forum on this spot but you don't see any brucas fans commenting on it
over a year ago Laurra said…
thats were your wrong - brucasers have to have a say on everything! even if it doesnt concern them! ITS ONLY FAIR THAT LEYTONERS CAN DO THE SAME!
im not saying its just you going on the leyton spot i mean loads of you do it! its like been intruded - nearly every pick has a brucaser commentin saying they 'hate leyton' or 'brucas forever'! and were just sick of it!
over a year ago lizisme said…
well i noticed that all are stuff on the brucas spot was getting rated badley so i mad this forum on the brucas spot on may 23: link
i have been really trying lately to stop all the fighting but sometimes i can't take it and i defend brucas like in this forum.
and are picks have leytoners commenting how they hate brucas and not to drop any names but addie is always on the brucas spot, she comments on everything so i thought it was about time i say something
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over a year ago Laurra said…
and why do you think addie went on the brucas spot? she only go the idea of going on yours after she got fed up of you guys coming on ours! ill stop addie going on yours if you stop all your people going on ours! but if you guys carry on coming on ours then im gonna join addie and write comments on your pathetic spot!
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over a year ago lizisme said…
ok so maybe its neither of us but there is obviouly fans from each spot going on the other spot. i put that forum up to try to stop them i guess it did't help, but i will talk to the people that i know.
over a year ago doyouknow said…
This is hilarious? 1666?
Here I have some Leyton reasons for you : Because Lucas wrote to THE WHOLE WORLD that he would always be inlove with Peyton.
Because his art matters
Because he started writing again when she came back
Because he's always saving her
Because she will always love him
Because she's his comet
Because he doesn't hate her
Becasue he finds it hard to see her

I could go on but I really couldn't be arsed. Brucas was cute but come on they were really only a reason to prolong Leyton from getting back together.
over a year ago Laurra said…
^^ lol there is a leyton one - i found it before!

lizisme -ive told addie on msn not to, but if we do find any brucasers on the leyton spot ive told addie she can do what she wants going on your spot!
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over a year ago lizisme said…
doyouknow- if you are going to do this then why shouldn't i go to the leyton forum and list all the reasons the suck together? i have the answer becuase i have better things to do and becuase i don't like wasting my time starting fights that could be prevented

laurra i will message the people and it not my fault if they don't listen please have addie not rate my stuff because i don't touch hers.
over a year ago Laurra said…
yeah shes on msn nah - ive told her and she said she wouldnt unless you guys carry on going on our spot then shell carry on! and she said shes not the one rating the stuff low and you can go fuck yourself! - lmfaooo - her words not mine! :P
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over a year ago addiee said…
lizismee, What thee fuckk mann
it aint me rating your stuff loww so dont go telling people itss me bitchh! so why dont you go fuckk of to yourr little brucass bitt and stopp bloody pissing me off CUNTT :@:@
over a year ago Laurra said…
lmfaoo! ly addieee! xx
over a year ago addiee said…
Lool its truee thouu shee has to stopp telling you to tell me that im rating her stuff low fuckk sakee im not on only leyton fan aroundd here
over a year ago Laurra said…
i know! i agree with ya - lurve ya msn namee! pmsl! :)

i wanna see what lizisme has to reply back to that! :P
over a year ago addiee said…
Lmaoo,Where Has Shee Gonee?!? ¬_¬
over a year ago Laurra said…
i really dnt know!!
over a year ago emybabe said…
bloody hell lizisme no wonder why ur getting al this crap.....lmaooooo luvzz Lila and addiee and laurra haha uv got me peeing maself laughing!!!!!! ill ave to start talking to you addiee lmaoo and no laurra you can't kill me for stealing your fans :P

Anyways the only reason why you've put this is because weve put that for leyton and what makes this soo bloody funy is that theres no reasons for them to be together so i dont see the point........ And yeh like we believe that your otherr pthetic fake account is your "sister" go tell lies to some one who actually believes them and heres a tip for least make your fake account-i meen your "imaginary sister" look real....becase as you can tell NOBODY IS BUYING IT
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over a year ago Laurra said…
haha emma - you can add addie but she more my friend than yours :P haha o.m
lizisme emma is MY sister and you can kinda tell were two different people!

emma has kate and rob gone??
over a year ago emybabe said…
yepp but hey coming bak up in half an hour
and yeh lizisme this is what a reall sister is likee u should get onee oh yeh----i forgot your saying you have when its realy your lameass account!!!!!!
over a year ago ritergrl said…
Omg! You Leyton fans TOTALLY ROCK!
Love you all!!!
And tbh, if you posted this stuff in the Brucas spot then everyone would have stayed away.
over a year ago Laurra said…
haha just read some of these anwers and most of them either dont make sense or belong to leyton!!
so ive took a few that i think are more leyton and put them on the leyton one!
over a year ago emybabe said…
exactley see isnt it weird how evryone gets it but youu..... i wonder why
over a year ago Laurra said…
like when you said his heart isnt with peyton - what show are you watching! his heart isnt with brooke or manface ! it IS with peyton!
over a year ago ritergrl said…
My personal favourite is
1621. Because she used a sock puppet for her speech.
Nothing says I love you like using a sock puppet for a speech.
over a year ago Laurra said…
lmfaoo - seriously?? i havnt read them all, i give up couldnt be arsed - got kinda boring when nearly all of them are meant for LEYTON!!

the sock speech had nothing to do with brucas! lmfaoo! losers! yeah why dont you go make up some more fake crappy reasons just so it looks like more points!
over a year ago addiee said…
Lmaoo,So Truee
over a year ago Laurra said…
where has lizisme gone??
she was replying back dead quick when it was just me but after you said that addie shes no where to be seen! i think you frightened her off lol
over a year ago lizisme said…
i am not going to read your comments
i have a life i don't have to be on here every second.
addie if you want to pretend you don't go on the brucas spot then don't leave comments.
i don't have time to read each one of these but i will not go back on this forum because to me this is only a tv show and i can care less about what you think
over a year ago Laurra said…
^^ er she never said that - she said she doesnt rate stuff low! shes admitted she leaves comments!

and this point 1319. Because the only person that will see Brooke in the bra is Lucas - since when?? most of tree hill have saw brooke in her bra! all of tree hill high have saw her topless FGS!
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
i could really care less if you don't think me and liz are sisters.. get a life!

1668.becasue even pucas hate pucas so much that they read all the reason why brucas should be together !

1669.Because Pucas fans love brucas

1670.because even Pucas fans can't come up with reasons why pucas should together

1671.becase pucas fans can't come up with reason in their own forum but bl can..
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over a year ago Laurra said…
aww- how much of a time gap is it from the two users - i think thats enought time too switch!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
guys trust me not all brucas fans are this way!
its just mr.lizisme w. his fake accounts!
okay so brucas4ever is your "sister" but what about heylow, supersweet, dagman16 & those billion fake accounts .
you`re such an ass! "i have a life so i won`t read that"
okay then dumbass you won`t read the truth but you`ll sit on your butt all day making fake accounts on the internet to have YOUR opinion backed up? mmmk you`re just the king of parties!!!! *sarcasm*
& BTW, you know you read it, ahahah
over a year ago Laurra said…
^^ lmfaoo - we all know he reads it! he just says that to cover himself up looking cool and hard :P
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
1672.Because Pucas is jelous of bl's reasons why they should be together
1673.Because Bl Fans Rock!
1674.Because Peyton is crazy
1675.Because we love them
1676.Because Pucas fans Suck and so do Pucas
1677.Because Luke dated Brooke First
1678.Because Bl Fans aren't crazy
1679.Because we love The way he looks at her
16680.Because Brooke has No One/(needs LUcas) and peyton has her art
16681.Because when lucas's mom gets mad he can go to brooke
16682.Because Karen like bl more
16683.Because Brooke went as lucas's date to keith's wedding!
16684. Because Bl can't be called pucas
16685.Because the Bl spot is better than the pucas spot!
16686. Because Bl fans aren't mean
16687.Becasuse Brooke loved lucas before peyton
16688.Because Brooke comes home with lucas in season 6!(hope so)
16689.Because Brooke adds fun to the show and lucas need fun(not depression!
16690.Because Bl are perfect together
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Lizisme this is the ONE TREE HILL spot! Not the Brucas spot! I can say what I want here. I wouldn't go on the Brucas spot and start shoving what ithink down people's throats! The whole point of the forums was for people to EXPRESS THEIROPINIONS! If you didn't want us Leytoners objecting why the hell would you post this on the OTH spot?

I have a few more Leyton ones actually
Because Brucas fans still refude to believe that Leyton are endgame.

And since when does Karen like BL more? Last time I checked Karen was a Leytoner?

And Peyton loved Lucas first! Did you see an episode the rest of us didn't see where is shows that Brooke had been pining over Lucas all through High School? Do you not remember the first season?
over a year ago DietCokeGirl said…
I'm not trying to insult someone's favourite couple (even though leyton are better) but NO ONE, NO ONE can GENUINELY believe that a sock puppet (that Lucas was in no way involved in) and the order in which you date someone reflects on how good a couple they are.

That's just crazy.
last edited over a year ago