One Tree Hill The Kiss

zarnitev posted on Apr 27, 2008 at 03:51PM
Hypothetically, Luke is back with Peyton. They have a fight and she finds out about the Brucas NYC kiss. Do you think that she would react to the news the same way that Brooke did when she found out about Leyton library kiss?

One Tree Hill 7 replies

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over a year ago wildcats13 said…
No, Peyton was never as over dramatic about that stuff as Brooke was. She knew that Luke was hurting, and could guess that he would be drunk ( if he never told her ). She might be hurt to think that as soon as Luke thought she was done with him, that he automatically went running back to Brooke, but I don't think that she would flip out and cause a big scence like Brooke did.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zarnitev said…
wildcats13: well, thats not true! peyton threw a fit when she found out that luke went to see brooke before coming over to her house (after the brathan sextape).
over a year ago wildcats13 said…
Oh, alright. Sorry I forgot about that. But, that's it right? After season 1 Brooke was so obsessed with keeping Lucas and Peyton away from each other, that even if Luke made a comment to Peyton or whatever she flipped out on him. But no matter what anyone did in the past, I still think that Peyton is mature enough to be understanding. Maybe in the heat of the moment she might be overwhelmed with the whole idea, and especially w/ her and Luke finally being back together, but she knows that he was really upset that she didn't want to get married just yet. Plus, she's waited all that time for him and she would be really stupid to jepordize that to make a big fuss over something that was done irrationally and in a drunken haze.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ritergrl said…
Actually, Peyton flipped out partly because of the tape, but mostly because Brooke made Peyton feel like the backstabbig whore, but Brooke had this huge secret, making Brooke a hypocrite.

And I don't really think Peyton would flip out about the kiss. Even if she did, Brooke would probably retell the whole conversation "I miss her so much," so she'd know it didn't mean much.
over a year ago lizisme said…
do you blame brooke for trying to keep peyton and lucas away from each other she couldn't trust peyton, and she loved luke she didn't want to get hurt again.
what brooke did was wrong but they were broken up and also nathan and peyton were never really in love (peyton even admitted that to haley in the first season, there relationship was sex)but brooke was in love with lucas both times... im not excusing what brooke did but its understandable why she would want to keep peyton away from luke....

i think peyton might get upset at luke but no at brooke because brooke stopped it... plus i don't think peyton will ever know about that, i doubt luke or brooke would say something
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
no becuse Brooke stopped the kiss! she might get upset with Luke but not with Brooke!
over a year ago Laurra said…
yer i think she might be upset at luke - not for long though! :)

peyton flipped out at lucas for goin to see brooke first wasnt really getting at him - she was just annoyed and took her anger out on the closest thing she could! i do that a lot hehe x!

i think brooke was right to try and keep luke and peyt away from each other after the wedding - too bad luke couldnt do it lmaoo! peyton took luke off her the last time how does she know shes not gunna do it again now there not friends? i would probably do the same if i was her - id be worried about loosing him.