One Tree Hill New Sides for 5.18

dermer4ever posted on Apr 18, 2008 at 12:44AM
Here are all the sides that I just found at oth Forums.

Scene 40: Airport. Brooke walks into the airport carrying Angie. She pauses in the middle of the “bustle of lives” and tries to be brave.

Scene 41: Television Station - Corridor. Mouth and Millicent are returning from lunch when Steve eyes Millicent, and introduces himself as the “new Sports Guy.” Millicent says hello, before introducing Mouth as the “better Sports Guy.” Millicent and Mouth then walk away, smiling.

Scene 42: Hospital. Dan looks across at Reverend Carter, and begins to tell him that he’s scared. The countdown is on for Dan, and he just has to wait for the beeper to go off so that he can get his new heart. Carter already lived a good life, but Dan needs time to make amends. Dan asks Carter to “take one for the team” so that Dan can use the rest of his life to redeem himself. Carter remains unresponsive, but alive.

Scene 43: River Court. Peyton is spray painting something on the court, with a serene, peaceful look of concentration on her face.

Scene 44: Nathan and Haley’s House - Pool. Nathan is working out as Haley walks up to him, and asks how Jamie is doing.

Scene 62: Lucas suppresses a grin. He tells Brooke that he’s been thinking about what she’s done for Angie, Rachel, and so many other people. She saves people, and he’s grateful that he’s been able to share that. Brooke appreciates his words. Lucas then rises to leave, and asks Brooke to let him know when Angie is safely home. As Lucas begins to walk away, Brooke stops him, and tells him that she wouldn’t have been able to get through this without him. Brooke then steps forward, and hands Angie’s monkey to Lucas, before telling him that she loves him. Lucas responds that he loves her, too, and they hug.

Scene 63: Television Station. The studio is buzzing as the news is about to start. The anchorman, Rick, is in his suit coat and boxers because he had an accident with his coffee. Bill says they’ll be starting with the story about a UCLA signing, and asks where the script is. Jerry runs to the new Sports Guy, Steve, with the script, but Steve tells him he doesn’t need it because he has the prompter. Steve arrogantly tells everyone to “watch and be amazed,” before throwing the pages away.

One Tree Hill 5 replies

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over a year ago brucas4ever said…
omg brucas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i kinda think it might be just a "friendship i love you"... but that would be great if they get back together!!

over a year ago laughingGrl said…
prob just a friendship i love you.

~~ leyton fan
over a year ago leytonlove14307 said…
Well i think brucas wont get back together HINT my name LEYTON ALL THE WAY and its just a friendship think lucas will do anything for his close friends.
over a year ago leyton4evahh said…
i'm pretty sure, it's a friendship i love you...i don't think Brooke will do that.
over a year ago Laurra said…
haha - the way its written it makes it sound casual as if its something you say everyday - like a friendship i love you :)!!

i dont think there INlove at all - no matter what everybodys saying- there friends and care for each other- i dont get the inlove vibe! like i do with leyton! <33