One Piece Age of the Pirates RP

blackpanther666 posted on Jul 18, 2012 at 07:40AM
This RP is based around the sucessful retrieval of One Piece by Straw Hat Luffy and his pirate gang. Pirates have begun to take over the world, starting with the dangerous line of ocean, known as the Grand Line. The Marines and the World Government declare war on the pirates and swear to wipe them out completely, by relying on the CP9 and Shichibukai... The original Shichibukai were wiped out by Luffy and a series of unfortunate events, but a couple of less known pirates have had enough of Luffy and his gang and want to destroy him. Steel Club Alvida, Pirate Buggy, Captain Kuro and a couple of others have congregated with World Government and the Marines have a plan - one that could destroy Monkey D. Luffy, the Pirate King, for good.

Character Format







Special ability:

Other abilities:

My pirate crew is called, the Dragonlance Pirates and the Captain is Rakki Tenshoku.


1. No god-modding. I want to promote fairness and equality on this forum.

2. No straight kills in battles, unless you are fighting Marine soldiers.

3. Please don't abuse others.

4. If you want to join, please ask first, then post a character.

5. If you are posting Devil's Fruits, then put them on Jstar's 'Make Your Own Devil's Fruit' and I will review them.

Shichibukai List:


Admiral List:

Namikiji (Cipher Pol Admiral)

N.b: This RP takes place 10 years after Luffy retrieves One Piece.

last edited on Nov 16, 2013 at 12:15AM

One Piece 387 replies

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over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Exorcist. Heh, I guess you could make a CPA, and it would be interesting to see such a person. XD. Okay, you guys can organise a meeting of the current Shichibukai, where Captain Kuro will feature, deciding to join them, in exchange for revenge against Luffy. XD. I will write a post at some point in the future, to introduce Buggy and Alvida as Shichibukai as well.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
[Two Journeys to Nowhere]

Simiao: You can’t be serious.

The captain of the Darkspine Pirates frowned down at him from the forecastle and said nothing. Simiao sighed, hefting the large canvas backpack in which all of his supplies were stored, and turned and walked away.

Simiao: Thanks for nothing.

He had only been with them for a few days, and yet they had taken great offense to him. It wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t control his sweat patterns in his sleep. It rarely turned to acid like that and melted a hole through the floor. It’s not like he hadn’t paid them well enough, he had fetched a hefty sum for some of his medicinal chemicals on the last island, and he had been very generous with him. It seemed that that was barely enough to get him aboard. Some people had no manners.

He didn’t turn around to watch the ship go out to sea behind him, it would be too painful. Not that he had enjoyed their company anymore than they had enjoyed his; they hadn’t exactly been a welcoming lot. Simiao just wanted to be at sea. He couldn’t say why, though it brought him some measure of peace that he could not attain anywhere else.

Of course, there was really no purpose to his wanderings at all. He had no destination, no waypoints, only a drive to wander, to move. He felt he would eventually find what he was looking for, as long as he kept moving, absurd as that was.

This island was nice enough. White sandy beaches on the coast, a dense thicket of trees teeming with wildlife as far as the eye could see beyond that, save for the gigantic tree positioned dead center on the island. It was most certainly inhabited – he could see a number of pillars of smoke rising in the distance – though the walk through the jungle would likely be a long and dangerous one. He would easily get lost. He didn’t want to end up at that tree either; he swore he could see the nests of some tremendous birds on its branches. So, he continued to wander the beach, hopeful that he would find his way to whatever civilization there was in due time.

It was an abnormally hot day, and though Simiao had reduced his perspiration down to the bare minimum, he quickly began to dehydrate. He reached back, double jointed arm easily reaching around to the back of his pack and undoing the clasps. The hand reached in and pulled out a single capsule. It was a large blue pill, about two times the size of a Rumble Ball and oval in shape, composed of two halves connected at the middle. He tossed it the air above his head, tilted back his head, and caught it in his mouth, chomping on it to separate the pill into two halves. A fine powder poured out, and Simiao grimaced as the awful taste of it filled his mouth. The powder evaporated almost immediately, restoring most of the water in his body. It was a neat trick, one concocted by Dr. Ho to combat a particularly dry year in Alabasta. He had learned the recipes himself, and could produce the powder in his sweat, so he’d taken to carrying around quite a few of them.

Those pills had saved his life more times than he could count, and aside from the chemicals at his belt, he cherished them more than anything else he owned.

They couldn’t be used endlessly. The body can only produce so much water from saliva and other materials without running itself dry completely. In their tests, Dr. Ho and he had confirmed that 5 uses was the maximum. He had never had to use it that many times in a row.

Feeling impatient, he took off at a jogging pace, long arms swinging in a haphazard manner. As he loped along, he kept an eye on the forest to his left, partially so that he wouldn’t be caught off guard by any sudden attack, but mostly to see if any of the plant life caught his interest. That was a rare thing these days. There was plenty of intriguing plant life unique to various islands, yet most were entirely superficial, containing no chemicals worthy of note. Some he had discovered were absolutely fascinating, but cracking their chemical formulae had proven difficult. Many of those he kept in his bag, along with a small supply of food, actual water, various climbing supplies and other traveling equipment. The bag wasn’t very heavy, but its size made it look imposing, since it was over 5 times his size.

His increased pace forced him to perspire more, though he did arrive much more quickly as a result. His elation immediately turned to dismay as he saw only the most basic of ships off the coast, hardly worthy of deep sea travel. Huts were well spaced about the open clearing, and a strange squat, broad people with skin a few shades darker than his own. They appeared to be some kind of human variant, though the spacing of their eyes and the vacant expressions they gave him as he approached made him suspect that they would be little help, if not altogether violent towards him.

It just had to be the latter. Many of the natives approached him with spears, leveling them at him. He didn’t seek a battle, so he raised his arms disarmingly.

Native: Who you? What you want here?

Well, at least they spoke his language.

Simiao: I mean you no harm. I’m a doctor.

Immediately they lowered their spears. Huh, perhaps they were smarter than he thought.

Native: Doctor? Like raccoon?

Was that a reference to something? Simiao couldn’t say, but whatever they were referring to, it was likely good for him.

Simiao: Yes, exactly like the raccoon! Do your people need a doctor?

Native: No. Racoon trained doctor before he left, saved island from war.

More cryptic words from a seeming simpleton. Well, perhaps this was his chance to gain something from being on this island after all.

Simiao: Could I meet him?

The native shrugged, and led the way, the others returning to their daily lives. As he passed the huts, he realized that he’d misjudged them. Much as their technology was still in the stone ages, many of them showed signs of advanced intelligence.

The visit to their doctor ended up being worth far more than he could have imagined. They had an entire library of data on doctoring techniques, many of which he’d never seen before. They had tested a wide variety of the plants on the island, and several had proven effective. Sure, most of that research was on plants he already knew well, but even a few new additions were a tremendous boon. He found himself getting deep into conversation with the doctor, elated to have a conversation with someone so knowledgeable, even if his speech itself left something to be desired.

What’s more, he discovered who this “raccoon” was after finding his picture in one of the books. Tony Tony Chopper himself, one of the world’s best known doctors. He’d found a place he could seize upon, and he planned to make the most of it.

A constant lightning storm raged on the Isle of Clear Water. They were hit regularly by such storms, and the city that had grown around the island’s central lake, from which it got its name, was built to absorb the electric current that ran through it and use it for energy. It was one of the most advanced cities in the New World.

Hence, as Sergei wandered through the streets, clothing and features covered in a thick brown cloak and hood, he didn’t fear that any of the lightning strikes would be attracted to him. This day, he was alone. Dragon had given him leave to stop here, stating that he would return the following day to pick him up. It would be enough time. He’d tracked one of the Synod, the council of leaders who had escaped Terris along with him, to the very apartment in which he stayed.

His duties as a leader of the Revolutionary Army kept him occupied far too often, and yet he didn’t complain; their aim, after all, was one with his own. Still, every day he did not locate a member of the Synod, he felt like a failure in the eyes of his people. A Keeper couldn’t ignore his duties.

Rain pounded down from above in sheets, enough so that anyone with normal vision would have had difficulty seeing. He tapped into one of his tin bracers, enhancing his sight and allowing him a clarity few could achieve normally. He saw everything. A beggar holding his hand out for change, the odd electric streetlamps that glowed with an eerie blue light, a dog huddled under a small alcove to escape the rain. He had nothing but disdain for this city, which had received all of its riches from collaboration with the Marines. They say that Aokiji froze over the entire gigantic lake to prove the power of the Marines to them, though that was hardly a feat for him. Sergei had seen him freeze tsunamis in an instant.

Not directly, of course. At the time, he had been in training, set to take over the Keeper's role from his predecessor. It had been he who had seen the whole war play out before his very eyes, and stored those memories in one of the copper bracers Sergei now carried. He drew out the memory, feeling intense fury as he watched the superior Marine force smash the Whitebeard pirates, a scene he had played multiple times. He immediately placed the memories back, not wanting to fog them by hanging onto them too long. As he did, all of the images faded, and he could no longer remember any of the specifics of the war.

He couldn’t focus on that now. His anger would have to be sated later.

He rounded a street corner, stopping in his tracks. A group of shadowed men stood underneath a burned out lamp, hands in the pockets of their trench coats. Sergei made no move to avoid their line of sight, which would have been so obscured by the rain that they would hardly notice him. They likely had nothing to do with the man he sought, but he had learned never to trust perceptions. He gave them a wide berth, plodding by them and towards his destination.

At the end of the street was a building much like the others he had passed. It was 5 stories tall, squished so close to the buildings around it that they were practically touching. It was one of many with lights blazing in the window with that same, eerie blue glow. They seemed strange to Sergei, almost as though they drew in as much light as they put out.

He looked around at the rest of the street, drawing deep from his tin. Nothing in either direction; even the small group had moved on. Cutting off his enhanced senses, he sighed in relief and walked up to the door, giving it a light rap with his knuckles, and then he waited.

The man behind this door had once been Minister of Translations, an all important role for deciphering many of the more cryptic texts they received regularly. He had even worked with Nico Robin on one occasion, and there was a strong mutual respect there. It was said he had a child as well, though Sergei couldn’t verify if the child was his or an adoptee.

After waiting a minute, he rapped again, this time harder. Another minute passed, and still no answer. He shouted into the door, trying to be heard over the rain.

Sergei: Sazed, I finally made it! I found you! Please, open the door!

Silence. He grabbed the door knob, twisted, and the door pushed inward. It was only then that he noticed that the heavy wood of the door had been cracked, breaking the lock on the inside. He cursed, running inside and plowing through the living room and kitchen. No sign of anyone. He once again drew from his tin, listening carefully for any sounds. He could swear he heard breathing from upstairs.

He dashed up them, taking the steps 3 at a time. The first room he found was open and dark, a sleeping child evident within. He ignored him for the time being, charging forward to the next room and throwing the door open. It was an empty bathroom. He left it ajar, moving over to the next. He was greeted with a bedroom this time, larger than the one the child slept in. There had been a struggle here. The sheets were in tremendous disarray, the right corner of the bed shattered to splinters. He rounded the bed slowly, dreading what he might see. He needn’t have bothered; he knew what he’d see.

Sazed’s corpse lay on the ground, a puddle of blood drying on the carpet beneath him. There was no obvious point of injury, as there had been none on the last 3 members he had discovered. He had been dead for hours, his sightless eyes regarding the ceiling placidly.

Sergei had known the entire Synod to some extent. Each of them had made sure to get to know him, if only to ensure that their transfer of information to him could be made more easily. Sazed was another matter entirely. They had grown up together. He was the youngest of the mostly elderly Synod, though no less wise for it. He’d been one of the smartest people Sergei had ever known, and Sergei had depended heavily on him for guidance. When the shock of his death hit, all Sergei could do was fall to his knees before the corpse of his friend, eyes wide with horror.

A few seconds later, a voice came from the door.

Child: Mister? What’s wrong?

Sergei smoothed his expression as best he could, turning. The little girl was staring at him with one bleary eye, rubbing at the other with a tired little fist. She was definitely from Terris, though it was hard to tell if she had been Sazed’s or not. Sergei rose from his kneeling position, coming around the bed so as not to expose her to the corpse of her likely father.

Sergei: Just a friend. Your father told me I should come pick you up.

She grumbled: Daddy told me not to trust strangers. Besides, I’m tired.

Sergei smiled: What’s your name?

Child: Ryla.

Sergei: Such a pretty name! You don’t need to worry about me, Ryla. I’ll protect you, and I promise, I’ll find you a cozy bed to sleep in.

She looked ready to argue, but she was too tired to care much. He took off his cloak, wrapping it around her to protect her from the rain and lifting her up to carry her in his arms. He stepped out into the hallway and away from the decaying corpse that had once been his most trusted friend. He didn’t have to memorize the gory scene as he had with the others, nor the message that accompanied it, written in Sazed’s blood by his killer.


Why the killer had left the child alive, he could not know or begin to understand. Instead, he had left her orphaned, the fifth victim in his murders.

He took the stairs slowly, smile still plastered on his face as he tried to lull her to sleep. He opened the front door, walked out and shut it behind him, making his slow but sure way down the street the way he had come. The rain had slowed to a trickle outside, but he was glad for even that. If she woke, she wouldn’t see his tears.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
A nice, long one, Whiteflame. Interesting happenings. XD
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
It was pretty much all I could come up with on a six hour flight. I tried working on the Clan Wars post and got nowhere, and then I worked on my post for Kouka Mono to some extent. *Shrug* it's less than I hoped for, but at least this one worked out.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Name: “Namikiji” Sakuya Minamitsu

Affiliation: CPA (Cipher Pol Admiral); marines, World Government, Cipher Pol

Age: 42

Appearance: At first sight, Namikiji looks like a normal woman; calm, soft-spoken, eyes holding a great sadness. This is a common appearance for grown women who live in the Grand Line and witness killing and wars. However, Namikiji’s intimidating marine coat that she wears hanging over her shoulders often distracts eyes. Like many high ranking officers, she does not actually ‘wear’ the coat. The sleeves hang at the sides as the entire piece of authority flutters in the wind like a cape. Back in the day, the three admirals (Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino) were massive and tall. Namikiji is just like them. People often say that she stands as tall as a tree, and is as thin as one, proportionally speaking. She wears a pale violet dress that hangs just past her ankles, exposing her high pink heels. Namikiji’s long black hair is tied into two ponytails that hand down at her hips, except the hair tie is place near the ends, making it seem like she has two large rubes hanging from her head. Namikiji’s facial features resemble the person she’d once been; a woman of beauty who came second only to Boa Hancock. With the stress of work and age, it is almost surprising how well she’s maintained her youth.

Personality: Namikiji means an “avenue of trees”. Normally, a stroll down such a thing would be calm and relaxing, with a light breeze blowing, rustling the leaves around to make a soothing sound. Namikiji lives up to this name, usually remaining calm and serene, never raising her voice unless she needs to be heard. At the same time, Namikiji is straight and firm, particularly with her beliefs. She never hesitates to speak her mind and tell the truth, giving her opinion regardless of what others may think. She is extraordinarily loyal and fiercely protective of her ‘personal justice’, unwilling to allow anyone do anything that may compromise it. At the same time, however, she is merciful and dislikes killing meaninglessly, valuing lives like precious gems.

History: Sakuya was raised as a normal child before joining the Cipher Pol agencies as an information investigator. Sakuya enjoys politics and learning new things in general, so the job was beneficial for her. She was raised in the South Blue on an island where she often practiced wood carvings before she was transferred to the North Blue and then the Grand Line, working in numerous places along the way. Her work showed her the dark side of all her information gathering and she gleaned knowledge that is not for everyone to see. Despite this, her curiosity was never satiated and she became a loyal and trustworthy member of CP8. She soon became an excellent political negotiator, being able to erect numerous treaties with countries all over between them and the World Government. She had even gotten into several fights, despite her nature, where she took initiative in order to uphold her own ideals. Thanks to her spotless record, she was promoted to the leadership position of CP8 along with her acquisition of a devil’s fruit and the pseudonym, Namikiji. Namikiji was a frequent visitor of Ohara, making friends with the scholars and researchers there as she shared her own ideas with them regularly, spending her vacations there. However, she had never known about them researching the Poneglyphs or the Void Century, and only learned of CP9 attacking the island through her numerous connections. She immediately headed over, but was too late. The island was already in ravages and the books had been tossed into the lake in order to be saved from the fire, though they weren’t of much use as they were. Wishing to see Clover, the first man who she had ever had a meeting of minds with, she found all of the researchers before the CP9 director at the time, Spandine. She arrived just in time to hear Clover’s entire conversation with the Gorosei, including the theory he has come up with. Due to the actions taken afterword, Namikiji promptly left with questions on her mind. Deciding to trust in the World Government she served, she headed straight to see the Gorosei.
It is unknown as to what happened after the meeting, which was closed off to everyone but the Gorosei and Namikiji, but Namikiji was promoted soon afterward and became the first CPA in history. From that day forth, she never spoke of the Void Century to anyone.

Special Ability: Mori Mori no Mi

Other ability: As an admiral, Namikiji possesses a strong level of haki, wielding all three forms, including the haoshoku, though she dislikes exercising it on anyone. Namikiji is also excellent when it comes to close combat, able to use a variety of weapons, though she prefers ones made out of wood.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Whiteflame. All you could come up with...? It seemed like a pretty darn good post to me, lol. XDD
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Heh, more saying that I was hopeful I could do more for the other RPs, was happy with this post.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Oh, I see. I misunderstood what you meant. XD. Oh well, I'm sure you'll get there in the end, dude.
over a year ago NateBind said…
[Whole team revealed! Meeting of five, part two]

(Some time after the meeting, the whole group assembled at Doukeshi's great mansion, having nowhere else to go. Though instead of having a little nice chit-chat and get to know with eachother, four of them began to complain about the leadership as they had not yet decided a leader for their group.)

Alejandro, after smashing his fist against a table: I dont care-! The strongest should recive it and that means, the one who will recive it is me!

(After such sentence the other three figures laughed loudly at his words, those three appeared to be all women of high caliber as everyone of them we're famous marines. Suddenly a woman appeared right behind Alejandro, placing her little dagger infront of his throat. Surprisingly or not, she seemed rather serious about reciving leadership.)

Asuka, rather angry tone: Shut up or i will kill you right away. Someone like yourself could never be the leader, as all you care about is money and lust for power.

Alejandro chuckled at her words: Y-you?! Kill me? Dont say such foolish things as you will vaporize before ever managing to place a single cut on my throat.

Hina, who observed their conversation for a while now: Hina annoyed. Both of you are not enough to be the leaders, one arrogant other vicious. I think that i would be the best of all for such rank.

Alejandro and Asuka: No! We've heard of your grand failure in New World, losing so many men while not capturing even a single pirate.

Hina: Hina angry... you will learn your place soon enough....

(The three of them suddnely clashed together, fighting like little kids over one delicious candy. As it was free for all fight, the women decided to get rid of Alejandro first, one appearing behind him with a kick in the back while the other one finished him from infront with a upper-cut, sending him flying right into furniture which was full of glass.)

Asuka smiled as one of her targets went down, now one remaining: Seems like its just you and me, huh~?

Hina: Hmph, dont get full ahead of yourself yet, girl. You will go down just like that pig.

(Once again they we're going for a clash but right before they managed to get in direct contact with eachother a shining arc of light appeared between them, cutting the floor itself in half. As they turned to the right, a young man with silver hair and with attire that of a noble's appeared infront of the main-door with another girl with long dark-blue hair.)

Doukeshi: Geez, you just arrived and yet you guys managed to create such a mess.. i assume that you we're confused about the leadership of thjis group, well.. that will be me.

Hope: Man~, they're acting like little kids.. I'l help that one to get out..

(Hope, slowly walked up to Alejandro who lied under the mess they had created. Thrusting her arm inside, she grabbed by his collar before pulling him out and placing on the couch. Afterwards all of them gathered around, now that the whole group was assembled and that little question found a answer.)

Asuka, appearing rather surprised by Doukeshi's presence: So.. they dragged you inside of all this aswell huh.. well i dont have anything against that, cutie~!

Hina: I think the same way.. Hina surprised- To see one of the noble's working under World Government as one of their main force.

Doukeshi: There is nothing to be surprised about or havent you heard that Royal Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo was defeated in Impel Down. The world will eventually act according to that incident. If im not wrong, the five will assemble a Shichibukai meeting. Since there will be new ones too, we will stay and guard the Five untill the meeting is over.

Everyone, before their leave outside of the mansion: Understood, untill the meeting then.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
[Journey to the Grand Line]

(Rakki tensed his muscles. It was a hard life on a pirate ship sometimes, there were plenty of things to do and even more to do, when the original tasks had been completed. It didn't help that they had just had to sail through a rather large patch of rough weather. They had been trawling through 20-30 foot swells, with massive gusts of wind and and rain/hail constantly poruing down on them. Rakki was tired. It seemed about right that he should take a quick nap, before they got to theur destination - the Red Line, where they would cross and sail an upward current, one that would take them over to the Grand Line.)

Rakki: Tighten the sails, Jiero! We will make it to the Red Line, our dreams depend on it.

Long John: And, don't forget to keep an eye on the weather! I don't want to have to sail through anymore of that bad weather.

Rakki: Exactly! I'm going to go take a nap... I'll be back when I'm rested. Johnny, you can command while I'm asleep. By the way, tell that shitty cook to have something prepared when I wake up.

Long John: Will do. Have a good nap, shithead.

Rakki: I will... Shithead. (Rakki disappears for his nap, leaving Long John standing there with an amused look on his scarred face)

Long John: HEY, BUG-EYE!!! (Johnny yells to the Rokushiki user up in the Crow's Nest)

Bug-eye: WHAT??!!




Bug-eye: NOT YET!!!

(Long John sighed, they had been sailing for two weeks on end and should be close to the Red Line. He decided to go and find Yakama, their navigator, he would have an idea about their current location.)

Long John: (Entering the navigator's cabin) Hey, Yakama, have you been noting our position? How close are we to the Red Line?

Yakama: (Takes a drag of his cigarette, then blows it out the small cabin window, with a bored look on his face) Yeah, we should be there in about a day and a half, providing we stay on this current and we don't get any more bad weather.

Long John: I see. Well, let me know when we are getting closer and I'll wake the Captain up... You know how long he sleeps for, we'll be there by the time he finally prises himself out of that bed.

Yakama: (Laughs, in spite of the fact that Rakki is their Captain) Yeah, I know what you mean. Either way, I'll let you know when to wake him.

Long John: Thanks. I'll go keep an eye on things. I'll have that shitty cook bring something your way, when I see him next.

Yakama: I appreciate it.

(Long John exited the cabin and took his typical position at the bow of the ship.)

-A day later-

(Long John was almost falling sleep, when Bug-eye yelled loudly.)

Bug-eye: Land! I can see the Red Line!!!

(Long John jumped up and ran to the Captain's cabin, and banged loudly on Rakki's door. He heard a loud snore. Johnny opened the door and shook Rakki awake.)

Rakki: (Yawning) Have you sighted the Red Line?

Long John: Aye, aye, Captain. We should be there soon.

(They both leave the cabin and take their place at the bow of the ship, again. The Red Line continued to grow larger and larger, as they got closer and closer. It was essentially a large line of red rock, which ascended hundreds of meters above the sea and looked rugged. Rakki could see a gap between the rock, which, when they drew closer appeared to be an upward current, running up the mountainous terrain. Rakki yelled at the helmsman.)

Rakki: Oi, Kev, make sure you get us righ through the middle of that upward current, otherwise the Dragonet's Claw will be smashed to pieces!

Kev: Okay, Captain. (Kev straightens the helm, and the ship, bringing them right into the middle of the current. There is a bang and the ship begins to tip backwards, as it starts to follow the current up the Red Line.)

(After a few minutes of their hearts pounding and the ship being dragged along like a sack of meat, they reached the top, which evened out, then dropped straight back down. They careened down the current, like a sled on a river of ice, and eventually crashed onto the surface of the sea. This was the Grand Line, the Place Where Dreams Come True.)

Rakki: (A massive grin on his face) THE GRAND LINE!!! We made it!

(The crew cheered uproariously, and, pretty soon, barrels of rum were opened and the crew began to drink, as Kev directed them to a sheltered spot and Long John anchored the ship.)
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
big smile
I was thinking for the meeting of the Shichibukai for those of us that have one. we should each contribute to the meeting so flame does the introduction than some one else does the middle than some one else ends it. kind of thing..........the first round of Mihawk vs Karasu should be up some time on the weekend :)
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Wolf. Okay, man, sounds good. XD
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Well, before I do, I'm going to need confirmation on deaths. Doflamingo's obviously dead, but was that Kuma's actual death? Seemed a little overly simple, so I thought you might have to fight him for real soon. Also, never really saw Mihawk die, what happened there?

I'm also going to need confirmation on current members. I've got Lucia, Karasu and Cade, Boa may still be a member though I'm unsure on that, anyone I'm missing?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
like I said flame i'm going to be doing Mihawks death soon. it should be up by the weekend i'm busy this week :P
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Alright, soon as I get confirmation on who's involved, I'll write up a post and wait to post it till after you're done with yours.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Whiteflame. Yes, Kuma died. I know it was simple, but I didn't really want to drag it out. I was keen to begin writing for real and not about a fight against a Shichibukai member. XD
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
And Hancock? I was thinking of linking Cade to her, assuming she quit as a shichibukai, and maybe become the true pirate empress with Luffy, or something. If she's still a shichibukai, all the same.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
So do we only have 3 Shichibukai, or are others involved? Gotta have the full list.
over a year ago NateBind said…
Uh, Law.... what about Law xD? He was/is also a shichibukai xD
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
@Whiteflame. Well, we have Exorcist's character, and Wolf's character. Then we have Hancock, Buggy, Kuro and Alvida - so that leaves room for one more. I'm thinking that Don Krieg could make an appearance in this RP and have reassembled his crew, while Gin the Devil Man could be the final Shichibukai, and have eaten a Devil's Fruit. XD
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Nate. A good point. Well, we can forget about Hancock, she can be Pirate Empress with Luffy and be replaced by Gin.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
I keep forgetting about Law... I still see him as a supernova XD but I don't think that position is going to last long in the canon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Exorcist. Heh, same here, dude. XD

@Everyone. Right this the list of Shichibukai:

Exorcist's character
Wolf's character
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
actualy BP let's use some of Luffy's stronger villains like Bellamy, Enel, Arlong, maybe even a defected member of the white beard pirates who holds white beards death against Luffy. Christ mr.3 his Villain list of people who hate him is huge just the people in east blue like Buggy & Alvida are like a joke to me there even made fun of in the seris because there so well....weak. Kuro and kreig are strong but there's lot's more we can use. than just the east blue people know what I mean ?
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Enel would never become a Shichibukai and neither would Bellamy... Arlong would also never work with humans, because he hates them. The ones I put are the most realistic to become members of the Shichibukai. Also, I'm not using Krieg, I'm using Gin, but with the Pansa Pansa No Mi.
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
well considering Kuro hates titles and his crew and the life of the pirate, Buggy & Alvida both hate the marines and straw hats. I also think Gin's dead he said that poison was neutralized but he still only had a few hours to live. I was naming off names of past villains and Mr.3 becoming a warlord would be realistic it's just how we'd approach it. I'm not trying to shoot this idea down but Buggy & Alvida really don't strike me as Fearsome warlords of the sea. if you want to give someone the Pansa Pansa no mi it should be kuro he is captain of the black cat pirates
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Well, if I'm totally honest on this topic, I find Mr. 3 about as likely as Alvida, since they're now used mostly for comic relief. I have a theory about Buggy, but it's a potential spoiler even for manga readers. I agree that Kuro is more likely to have a panther related fruit, rather than Gin, who is as freaking badass as Sanji without a devil's fruit.

What I want to know is, though, why did you pick Hawkins of the supernovas?
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
@Exorcist. Hawkins was Whiteflame's idea. XD. I might have Gin with the Wall Wall fruit and Kuro with the Pansa Pansa fruit. That would make more sense.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Wolf. I'm not using Alvida, or Buggy anymore, anyway. Since the anime didn't actually say whether he was dead or not, I think we can use Gin in this RP. I don't want to use Mr.3, since he definitely doesn't strike me as fearsome either, unlike Gin and Kuro, who are definitely fearsome.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Well, I just want to mention that [SPOILER] after the War of the Best, where Whitebeard died, Impel Down had its first mass break out, and so on so forth, Buggy ended up with a lot of infamy. Tons of dangerous formerly imprisoned pirates, screen time talking with Whitebeard, and everyone now knows he used to be part of Gol D. Roger's crew and is 'pals' with Shanks, a Yonkou. Keep in mind, the Shichibukai lost a lot of people: Moria, Jinbe, and Marshal D. Teach. Which means they lost a LOT of their force as one of the three great powers and needed someone with a lot of infamy and intimidation to balance it out again. After the war, Buggy was sent a letter by the Marines which apparently surprised Galdino, to say the least.

In short, I suspected that Oda decided to make Buggy a Warlord.[/SPOILER]

Just thought I'd mention ^^
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
And I'm all for Gin and Kuro being Warlords. I can see that. Honestly, Hawkins surprised me. None of the supernovas struck me as having that potential except for Law and possibly Drake, since they're all adolescent rookies. Mais, c'est la vie. He's my favorite supernova, so I'll cope.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
@exorcist Essentially, I was considering which Supernova had the most potential while taking a route that isn't entirely pirate-like. Hawkins fit the bill. His clairvoyance seems like it could change his path easily enough, he has no obvious aspirations, his willsingness to ally with other pirates is still doubtful, and after his fight with Kizaru, it's not much of a stretch to say he has a healthy respect for the strength of the marines.

Drake certainly had a lot of potential as well, but he left the Marines, so he hardly seems like a good candidate. Kidd isn't the type to listen to authority, and he's the only other one I'd really consider capable enough to take on the role.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Everyone. Then it seems as though we are decided. XD
over a year ago NateBind said…
A quite line-up for a Shichibukai we have here. Good work, everyone.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
...Wait, does the description say "Cabe"? Well, for the sake of avoiding confusion (and not being shot in the knee-caps), his name is "Cade". Might want to change that, if you please XD

And I see now why you chose Hawkins. Honestly, not too many candidates who haven't been mentioned already come to mind for becoming Shichibukai, so it's not like I can complain.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Heh, yeah, my thoughts exactly.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
[Forced Journey, Onto Whiskey Peak!]

Simiao didn’t know how he’d found a ship. After only a few days in Torino Kingdom, learning from the head doctor there, he’d woken up on the small ship on which he currently resided, bobbing through the steady waves. The only sign of why it had happened was a note that had been left on his person, written nearly illegibly, saying something that looked like “sowy.” Couldn’t figure out what it meant, but all in all, he was happy to be off the island. It just didn’t feel right.

It really wasn’t much of a “ship” he was on; even the rafts of the Torino people were more ship-like than this. It was barely large enough to hold a small cabin with barely enough space for his long body, though it was wide enough to hold the overweight natives, if any had thought to join him. A small sail and his backpack were the only other things aboard.

He munched on a biscuit today, sipping water from a small pouch. He tried to keep to strict rations, not knowing how long he’d be aboard. He hadn’t brought a compass, couldn’t read the damn things anyway, though he had a feeling he’d run into land sooner or later.

He was proven right on his third day at sea. The strange island was dominated by massive mounds that looked like balls with half off their mass thrust into the earth. Smaller balls seemed to bud off of them, rising into the sky. The whole place would have looked peculiar if he hadn’t been made fully aware of Cactus Island during his time on Alabasta. The Baroque Works under former Shichibukai used to call this place home. Many of their members still did.

And he was about to land at a place called Whiskey Peak.

He’d heard little about this particular city, but as his small cog passed into the calmer waters of Whiskey Peak’s Bay, he couldn’t help but feel that what he was looking for was somehow right before his eyes. It was a ridiculous notion, of course. This place was nothing special, a city of bandits. What would he find here?

He tied up his little boat at the docks, not trusting in his feeling that this was the last time he would ever have to use it. He stepped down the small wooden pier, trying to whistle to himself in tune and failing miserably. Strangely, no one greeted him there. He had heard that these people often liked to greet new arrivals with promises of food and drink, though apparently they’d fallen on hard times. Either that or they’d realized that he was no catch at all. A mere 15 million beri bounty was hardly worth the trouble.

The large town had fallen on hard times. The paint on the buildings was peeling, and several of them were collapsed and left to gather dust. Men and women wandered about the town, going about their normal daily routine. Most barely spared him a glance, but some eyed him with malice and greed evident in their gazes. He didn’t watch any of them carefully – they were hardly important. Without the central structure of Baroque Works to back them up, they were entirely impotent. It wasn’t worth the trouble.

So he stumbled into a local bar, choosing at random. He’d chosen badly. It was an incredibly seedy bar, filled with people even at this early afternoon hour. Greedy stairs followed him across the room, even as he sat down at a stool, placing his pack on the one next to him.

Simiao eyed the bartender warily, though he kept his face smooth with none of the malice in his eyes that the others had presented. Then he shrugged, ordering a bottle of rum. He plucked a dusted bottle from off the counter behind him, and poured it into a clouded glass. Simiao grinned, dropping payment to the table and grabbing the glass. He downed it in one swig. The bartender’s eyes widened, but he didn’t miss a beat, refilling the glass. After a bit of repetition, color flowed into his cheeks, and he hiccupped regularly. The world began to revolve around him.

Guns were slid out of holsters, as well as more than a few knives. He could hardly tell. Sweat began to pour down his face and neck, and he shut his eyes to the world around him.

???: Look at that, he’s terrified!

???: Finally, a bounty! How much is this one worth?

???: No clue, never heard of him before. Still, he’s got to be worth enough to matter.

???: Well, he’s ours now. With all that alcohol he drank, it doesn’t matter how good a fighter he is. If he’s not out cold, he’ll be too drunk to fight.

Simiao: Dark rum. 40% alcohol…

His words were slurred but clear. Everyone in the room around him hesitated, giving him a queer look and suddenly being uncertain.

Simiao: 50% water… 5% caramelized sugar… and 5%... tryptophan. Too bad, it’s nothing interesting.

The slur disappeared quickly from his voice, as did the color from his cheeks. Each of the drops that came off his body evaporated as it hit the floor, distilled alcohols mixed with small amounts of tryptophan. He kept the rest, it really wasn’t a terrible drink.

Several eyes twitched around him, and people lashed out, closer knives charging forward and guns cocking.

Simiao: Tenaga-zoku Gijutsu: Tan'itsu Hiji-ha.

The elbow closest to the wrist rocketed out in both directions, and with it, a wave of energy radiated outward. Though most of the people in the room didn’t move, they felt it push against them, and all of the glass in the room shattered in an instant. Once again, movement in the room froze. A couple of the more daring people in the room twitched forward.

Simiao: Are you so eager to see what happens when I use both elbows?

Even they hesitated at that. Simiao frowned down at the bench before him, irritated by the pools of stagnant, sticky liquid that were all that remained of his rum.

???: I know what you’re thinking. “Where’s all the rum gone?”

An oddly strong voice, considering his performance. Simiao turned in his seat, the crowd parting before a man who stood at the door. He seemed to command some respect.

Simiao: Do you plan on buying me more? Seems this place is fresh out.

???: You made quite certain of that. Who might you be, stranger?

Simiao: I “might be” Simiao, and contrary to this show of force, I’m a doctor. And who are you?

The other man smiled, striding forward to be more easily seen. His almond-shaped brown eyes were distinctive, his hair an even bigger mess than Simiao’s own. He was tall too, even taller than Simiao, and wore a black overcoat over a white singlet. He had the look of a tougher man, certainly not someone Simiao would normally mess with.

He smiled: My name is Rakki, and I think I’d like to buy you a drink.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Exorcist. Changed. My mistake, I could have sworn that Whiteflame called him Cabe when we were chatting yesterday, though I probably just imagined that he said that, rather than Cade, which he evidently did say.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Name: Gin 'The Devil Man'

Affiliation: Former Krieg pirate, Current Shichibukai

Age: Unknown

Appearance: While he is quite slim, and not very tall, compared to many of the other Shichibukai, and former Shichibukai, he is very strong and wields his weapon with skillful ease. Gin has short, brown hair, that is closely cropped to his head, but slightly longer at the fringe, where it seems to push upwards. His eyes are a dark colour (unsure what colour they are). Gin is about 6'0 tall, and quite lanky and slim, however, he does have a very well-defined musculature. Gin usually wears tight trousers, that are often dark coloured and tight-fitting tops, sometimes colourful and sometimes not. He also wears a bandanna on his head and only takes it off to fight.

History: Besides being the Division Commander for the Krieg Pirates for many years, his history is unknown. As far as we know, he grew up living a relatively normal life, however influenced by the roughness of the Krieg Pirates, which he had evidently become accustomed to during his time with them. After his near-death experience, where he was chronicly poisoned by Don Krieg himself, Gin sailed away with the Krieg Pirates, in order to save Krieg's life. Krieg denounced Gin and released him from his command of the Krieg division and Gin left them to sate his own dsires as a pirate, joining a relatively unknown crew and gaining a fairly large bounty on his head (62,000,000 beli). When Gin heard about the fame of the Strawhat Pirates, especially Luffy and Sanji, Gin decided to plea to the government to allow him a place among the Shichibukai. His plea went unheard, and he was very nearly captured by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki and his marine force; Gin disappeared off the face of the earth for about 7 years, finally re-emerging to re-join the pirate crew he spent some time with. When he heard about the defeat of Bartholomew Kuma and Donquixote Doflamingo, Gin decided to try his plea to the marines again and was subsequently accepted to the position of Shichibukai (it was known that Fleet Admiral Sakazuki had died 2 years prior, and the sole reason why he was accepted as Shichibukai; this was due to the fact that Fleet Admiral Aokiji had decided that Gin would make a great Shichibukai, as he was fiercely strong and determined). As a reward to his shunning a normal pirate's life to join the government, Gin was given a Devil's Fruit by Aokiji; the fruit turned out to be the Kabe Kabe No Mi (Wall Wall fruit).

Personality: Gin was feared by the men of the Krieg pirates, as being a frightening man, with terrible power; while there is much truth to this, the fact remains that he was not so imposing as people think and has a complex side to his personality. Gin, being the Devil Man, earnt his reputation by being a strong commander. While Gin can be sadistic at times, as well as feared, he can also be a very compassionate man, when others show him the same compassion (an example of this would his gratitude towards Sanji in the anime, where Sanji saved his life by giving him a free meal when Gin was literally starving to death. He also saved Luffy's life by giving his gas mask to him, in order to keep him from dying by the hand of Don Krieg). Gin is also an intelligent man, not intensely so, but enough to earn him a reputation of a man not be taken lightly.

Special ability/power: Kabe Kabe No Mi

Weapons: A mace-like weapon on a pole, which can be wielded with one hand, or two. This weapon has a large, iron ball on the end and a handle that reaches about a meter long. Due to his strength, he can wield this expertly.
over a year ago Angel-of-Light said…
big smile
Honestly, I Feel Proud of You, Panther. I Remember When I Was The Third/Fourth Comment, Nice To See This Thread Has Grown Since The Last Time I Visited.

Have A Great Forum Panther
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
[Marine HQ, 9:22 a.m.]

“Admiral, good morning!” The marines saluted promptly as the woman strode past them, her white marine’s jacket fluttering behind her like a cape.

“Good morning.” Admiral Namikiji greeted with a benevolent smile as she walked past. “Is anyone seeing the Fleet Admiral at the moment?”

“No, ma’am! He’s currently in there, taking a nap!”

“Figured as much.” Namikiji sighed under her breath, now smiling with amusement. “I’ll be speaking with him shortly. May you please keep everyone out, unless it’s an emergency?”


Two of the marines pushed against the massive emblazoned doors, taking a second for with the effort due to the weight before they swung open slowly with an echoing creaking sound. Immediately, the scent of a sea breeze blew in from the open windows, sending a nostalgic ripple through Namikiji’s body.

“Fleet admiral!” One of the marines saluted rigidly. “Cipher Pol Admiral Namikiji has come to see you!”

“Huuuhh?” The figure sitting behind the massive desk with his feet up shifted and stuck one thumb underneath his sleeping mask and pulled it up slightly to peer at who it was. “Oh, Sakuya! Come on in.”

“You’re so relaxed, Aokiji.” Namikiji sighed as she took a seat at the opposite end of the desk as the doors shut behind her. “Not that I’m surprised.”

“Come on, now. We’ve known each other for so long—why don’t you call me Kuzan like you used to?”

“Because we no longer have the same rank. You’re Fleet Admiral Aokiji now, remember?”

“Don’t remind me.” Aokiji muttered as he sat back in the chair. “I never wanted the position to begin with. I just think that Sakazuki took thing’s too far. If he wasn’t so set on his radical point of view—“

“He would still be alive?”

Aokiji just nodded solemnly. Despite their differences, he still respected former Fleet Admiral Akainu as a colleague and fellow pursuer of justice. Namikiji could understand the sentiment. The man had been a true marine, no doubt.

“Sakuya,” Aokiji went on, ending the silence. “As head of the Cipher Pol agencies, I’m guess that you came here to speak with me about the most recent reports?”

“Yes.” Namikiji nodded. “Shichibukai Bartholomew Kuma was killed recently in a one sided fight. Shichibukai Donquixote Doflomingo, murdered in the depths of Impel Down.”

“Hmm?” Aokiji sat up straighter then, eyebrows raised slightly. “I didn’t hear about that yet. Doflomingo as well?”

“I just heard about it on my way here as well. Apparently Doflamingo had forged the signatures of the Gorosei and went into Impel Down before causing heavy destruction on Level 4. The guards promptly put him down before learning of his motive or purpose. That’s the report.”

Aokiji stared into Namikiji’s eyes, seeing the subtle reseveration in it.

“Out with it.” He sighed. “What are you thinking?”

“One of my men had gone to recover Doflamingo’s body. The destruction he saw was clearly due to Doflamingo’s ability. The corpse was real as well—he’s certainly dead. But Doflamingo’s ability would pretty much render even the awakened zoan guards down there useless. If it were Magellan, I would understand, but there was no poison. It looked more like he’d been shot or stabbed to death.”


“Oddly shaped wounds littered Doflamingo’s body. The one I’d sent isn’t the most professional, so the ‘or’ was the best he could give me. But one thing’s for sure; something’s being covered up. I could have an autopsy done to be sure…”


Namikiji focused on the fleet admiral, who was frowning worriedly at her.

“‘Leave it’, right?” She guessed wryly. Aokiji nodded firmly.

“Impel Down’s reputation was already called into question years ago and the trust hasn’t been the same, especially with Magellan’s demotion. There were no prisoners who escaped, and everything seems to have been settled. If there was something that needed to be covered up, then let them be. If we can’t trust them, how can we expect others to?”

“As you wish, Fleet Admiral.” Namikiji bowed her head formally, and Aokiji snorted.

“Stop it already!” He muttered. “More importantly, can you get the word out to have the Shichibukai gather? I don’t like how they’re dropping one by one. It’s probably a good thing that we’ve already got that Lawson girl joining after all. Ever since Hawk-eye lost his title as the strongest swordsman to “Pirate Hunter” Zoro, things just haven’t been the same. God forbid another one dies off…we’re going to need to find replacements for them to keep up the balance.”

“Don’t just choose the first people that come to mind.” Namikiji warned as she stood up. “Remember what Marshal D. Teach had done to take advantage of our disarray?”

“I know.” Aokiji rested his head on his hand tiredly as Namikiji headed out the door. “I just hope I didn’t jinx things.”

Thought I'd use Namikiji's debut to progress things a bit. There was a OP ost that i wanted to fit with this, but for the life of me, I cannot find it >.< On another note, I only know of two of the three marine admirals. There's Smoker and Wolf's character, but who else is there?
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
I thought BP was making the fleet admiral and Aokiji resinged because of Akainu being fleet admiral
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
alright first part like I promised

-invitation to a duel part one-

-Mihawk approached marineford as each of the marines ran scurrying to get notifications to the other Shichibukai Mihawk walked proudly down the large hall as he saw Admiral Kiya standing just outside the meeting hall finally he spoke- "Admiral I have something I wish to speak to you about."

-Kiya turned toward mihawk and snorted- "fine what the hell do you want Pirate ?"

-Mihawk sighed- "as you know I can't retain my strength of strongest swordsmen forever Age is catching up with me. in order to do what I have to the right of Shichibukai does not allow it. witch is why I am resigning my rank of warlord to whoever you wish. farewell Admiral go ahead and put up all the wanted posters of me you want I don't care." -Kiya's eyes went wide- " Mihawk!, How dare you ! YOU can't just walk away from us marines ! your a warlord of the sea!" -She unsheathed her blade but Mihawk seemingly disappeared- "What the ?" -Kiya was furouis and confused she snorted and stormed off to the training ground to let off some steam-

-third half of the grand line summer island-

-Karasu had been preparing to set sail toward marine forward when he had recvied a letter two days ago from a unknown man telling him to set sail toward a spring island with a enternal log pose Karasu was ready to depart when Mitsukai came running out- "Captain let me go with you I know you'll need medical attention I know you." -Karasu sighed- "very well hurry up and get your things I am running behind schedule."

-After mitsukai had grabbed his things Karasu set sail and arrived at this spring island three hours later, Karasu stepped onto the foreign ground unsure of what awaited him until he finally made it to a some what clear area where there was a few trees but a large enough clearing that it almost looked like a arena. Karasu's eyes widen at the sight of Mihawk standing agaisnt one of the trees a smile on his face-

Mihawk: "What took you so long ? I am surprised you are the first one here I thought for sure Roanoha Zoro would of been here long before you."

-Karasu only had a grin on his face- "I see so than this isn't just any duel but a duel to determine your sucessor and who will hold the title of the strongest swordsman"

-Mihawk nodded- "that is correct I do indeed intend to find a sucessor. Age is a very cruel thing Karasu I'm sure you've come to realise eventually we all die even those of us that are the strongest will be dead shortly we can't rain supreme forever. But my question to you is do you have the Ambition, will power and strength to succeed me ?" -Mihawk unsheathed his blade Yoru from his back-

-Karasu walked forward unsheathing his blade another Saijo O Wazamono make known as Kuchibashi. this blade was the size of a normal Katana made of pure black steel with odd markings on it. Mihawk smiled- "so you found yourself a top tier sword let's see if it obeys you as well as my Yoru" -the two lunged at each other striking there blades against each other Mihawk manouvered around Karasu and swung down his blade in a way that would kill him but Karasu managed to turn parry the blade casuing them to be in a dead lock an explosion of wind echoed from the two baldes clanging from agaisnt one another Karasu and mihawk both smiled-

Mihawk : "you've improved alot Karasu"

-Karasu only smiled back- "thank you Master however Complement me when your dead." -Karasu used his strength to repel the large blade and go for a strike at Mihawks stomach Mihawk swung his large blade down ward casuing Kuchibashi to sky rocket into the ground witch shot Karasu up ward exposing his back. Mihawk got a grin as he swung Yoru at Karasu's side , Karasu used the momentem to flip over Yoru. he leaped away sliding on the ground facing mihawk. Mihawk picked up Kuchibashi and tossed it toward Karasu who caught the blade-

-Mihawk smiled as a cut formed on his cheek- "you really have improved but warm up is over"

-Karasu smirked- " I couldn't agree more Sensei"

over a year ago silverexorcist said…
In BP's post for Gin's history, it said that Sakazuki died two years prior and Aokiji became fleet admiral, so that's what I went with.
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
Sakazuki and Aokiji had a duel that lasted three days Aokiji lost the duel to Sakazuki and resgined because he was upset that Sakazuki had won.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Yes, and in this story, Sakazuki is already dead, meaning that the one person Aokiji resigned to avoid is now gone. The Marines could very easily accept his return, and since Kizaru's missing (for whatever reason), Aokiji would be the best candidate to take on the Fleet Admiral position.
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
oh I see okay everything makes sense again xD
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Angel-Of-Light. Heh, thank you. XD
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Basil Hawkins

Appearance: Hawkins is a tall man, with black triangle symbols on his eyebrows, red eyes, and golden hair that reaches down to his hips. He also has a black cross tattooed at the base of his throat at the front of his neck.

His attire includes a pitch black coat with a white ruffled neckline and black ruffled sleeves. He also wears plaid trousers with white ruffled cuffs halfway up the leg. Black boots adorn his feet with white laces on them and a dark ornament made of fur circling the lower part of his torso, with a lighter shade in the middle of it. He also has a pink sash tied around his waist, with a piece of jewelry hanging from it. Hawkins also wears dark gloves and an armor-like armlet can be seen on his left arm around his left biceps, which also extends to cover his left shoulder.

Devil Fruit: Ningyō- Ningyō No Mi (Doll Fruit)

Seishin Hokaku (Spirit Capture): This ability enables him to redirect any instances of physical damage inflicted upon him to another person using straw voodoo dolls, leaving him unharmed but forcing his victim to take damage amounting to what he would have. He can choose who among the people he’s attached to receives the damage of any given attack. After bodily damage is taken, voodoo dolls that represent the people who took the damage are shed from his body, showing the effects of the attack.

Butsuri Hokaku (Physical Capture): This ability allows him to “capture” a portion of any opponent with a single cut from any metal source. A small area around the wound becomes property of Hawkins, absorbing any injuries that go to the same location on Hawkins’ body.

Goma no So (Devil Conquering Phase): Hawkins transforms into a giant scarecrow-like entity. He also resembles a voodoo doll seemingly made from straw, with metal nails functioning as claws/fingernails. It boosts Hawkins' defensive power against physical strikes. However, he is still as vulnerable to other damage as he is in human form, just with greater offensive capabilities.

Goma no Tatchi (Devil Conquering Touch): Any nerves pierced by the needles produced during transformation have their connection to the brain shut down completely, often making movement of a given limb more difficult as the fight goes on.

Weaknesses: The number of voodoo dolls that Basil keeps on his person is finite. While the number of dolls he can create can be up to 20, each requires a crewmate to attach to in order to redirect to him or her. Each attack corresponds to a single doll, so if he is hit more times than he has dolls to redirect the damage, he becomes just as vulnerable as an ordinary human. Rapid fire attacks and attacks that come in quick succession are especially potent against Hawkins. The dolls' ability to transfer damage is limited only to bodily injury.

His scarecrow form also presents a significant weakness. Though the form grants him greater strength and attack capabilities, the basics of his Devil Fruit still apply. This means that using the form provides his enemies with a much larger target, making it that much easier to exhaust his supply of voodoo dolls through repeat damage. He also reverts to human form upon running out of dolls in battle.

Other Abilities: He can use cards to assist him in determining the outcome of any event, as well as the likelihood of his own success. This allows him to determine the outcome of a battle and act accordingly. When he’s using his cards, they appear to levitate before him, and are capable of having their positions changed at a touch.

Weapons: Hawkins carries around a single-edged sword on his right hip, which has an elaborate pommel shaped like a voodoo doll. When connected with his abilities, it allows a wider range of effect to each cut inflicted, over that inflicted by his metal needles or other implements.

He also has a metallic armlet clasped around his left arm can act as a bit of armor, protecting him from attacks, though it is merely a prosthetic attachment that keeps his arm in his socket.
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
-Invitation to a duel part two-

-Mihawk smiled at Karasu- "I will end this duel here and now." -Mihawk Rushed forward swinging his sword in a verticle fashion when the blade hit the ground a large green sickle shaped beam of energy raced forward. Karasu smirked and evaded the move with ease- "I saw that coming Sensi why are you still holding back ? or has age taken it's toll on your body ?" -Mihawk kept swinging his blade launching compressed Air from his blade that raced toward Karasu-

-Karasu's gave a look of surprise but he managed to return the favour by launching A few slashes of compressed air himself. Mihawk leaped into the air swinging his blade downward once Karasu evaded to the left but was hit by one of the on coming strikes Mihawk had Launched. Blood sprayed from Karasu's Right shoulder Blood flowed from Karasu's mouth. the warm liquid Ran down his arm. Karasu let out a slight whimper of pain as Mihawk came striding from behind swinging his Blade in hopes to slash Karasu in half-

-Karasu brought up his sheath and Blocked the strike causing him to slide back slightly. Karasu smirked as he pulled up his blade and managed to lunge his blade into Mihawks under belly Mihawk's eyes went wide as Blood begun to flow from his mouth finally mihawk coughed up blood. He winced as the blade entered his flesh- "heh heh, Smart using your...Haki to harden your weapons" -Mihaw leaped away covering his wound with one hand and sliding on his feet he was panting heavily with exhasution- "your something else now Karasu to think i'd Have to use this one you"

-Karasu smirked- "oh and what's that ?"

-Mihawk ran forward- " Kokuto Kogetsu" -Launching a small enough wave of cutting air that tore through the ground and trees as it raced like lighting toward Karasu who was caught off guard it smacked into his chest causing a Gaint gash to form on his across his chest Diagonally. Blood spraying from his mouth the impact of the slash casued him to go sky rocketing across the Island the impact of a tree stopped though Karasu left a good imprint of himself in the bark as he fell to the ground slamming beneath it Karasu staggered to his feet blood dripping from his forhead just above his right eye forcing it shut Karasu was also panting as he tightend the grip on his sword his injuries kept on getting worse so this was his Sensei's true power-

-Mihawk stepped out of the woods Yoru now on his back- "oh good your still alive" -Mihawk smiled- "I give congratulations your one of few who managed to give me his kind of injury." -Mihawk placed his hand over the wound Karasu had inflicted-

-Karasu sprinted forward. Mihawk evaded the some what sloppy strike and unsheathed Yoru as the two blade clashed casuing Large blasts of wind to destroy the surrounding area Karasu smirked as the two parried and dodged each others strikes until finally Mihawk striked toward Karasu injured shoulder suprisingly Karasu took the hit the wound became Deeper and Karasu let out a loud yell but he forced his arms up and slammed them down slashing through Mihawks hat blood sprayed from his face Mihaw grunted and withdrew a fair distance. Mihawk put his hand to his eye and saw blood. Karasu had sliced through Mihawks right eye Mihawk put his hand on his palm- "you YOU BASTARD YOU TOOK MY RIGHT EYE!"

-Karasu brought his sword back up and spit out some blood- "damn right....I did." -Karasu was panting with exhaustion-

-Karasu smiled- "Let's end this"

-Mihawk smiled- "Indeed I feel the Balance of the world's strongest swordsman shifing."

END so Mihawk has lost his right eye :O Karasu is in bad shape who will Regin victories :O