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One Piece Question

Do you know about shank's power?? He is equally strong with mihawk and also one of the yonkou. So of course he has eaten devil fruit or something like that right? He also used sword and what i hear his bounty is about 700 million.

 amie7396 posted over a year ago
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One Piece Answers

fordsr said:
it is unknown if he has eaten a devils fruit there is no indication that he has but he does seem similar to Mihawk in that he is strong with out eating a devil's fruit.... we do know that he as of luffy's childhood wasnt a devil fruit user de to his swimming to save luffy
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posted over a year ago 
right.. i almost forgot when shank saves luffy..
amie7396 posted over a year ago
And that his bounty is about 700 million is bullshit , thats just becouse someone put a fake wanted poster pic on google , so idiots think its true
timmotei posted over a year ago
look through the whole manga , they never even talk about his bounty
timmotei posted over a year ago
486693 said:
shanks is able to use any weapons available in the battlefield i dun think he had eaten any devil fruit even till now
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posted over a year ago 
JusBethan said:
Ion't think he's the devil fruit type, he mocked Luffy of being unable to swim, and when Luffy ate the devil fruit he told him that it's terrible and ti made him a hammer.
The devil fruit he had with him - the Gomo Gomo No Mi - he was carryign to sell, so it seemed, so I doubt he'll eat one, just sell oen if he finds one.

I also believe he was gainst devil fruits because Buggy was in a sence of sign it ruined his life eating the devil fruit. I think they were taught this by Gol D. as well, I doubt Gol D. had oen either and it might of been soemthign he learnt or believed in while apprentencing on his ship with Buggy.
But that part's jsut a theory.
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posted over a year ago 
namichawn said:
i dont think so.not all yonkou have devil fruit abality.he same with gold roger,right?
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posted over a year ago 
----EnsO---- said:
remember that incident with shanks when luffy was a little boy...he saved luffy from the sea king...i think he has some strong controlling and commanding abilities...just the look of his eyes when he commanded the beast to get lost...the sea king was so frightened that it disappeared the same moment...
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posted over a year ago 
Haoshoku Haki... The Conquering King's Haki - that's why the Sea King left.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
You'd think he'd want to do that BEFORE getting his arm chomped on.
SamuraiWolfie posted over a year ago
@SamuraiWolfie. Yes, you'd think. I guess there was a reason behind it, though. You'd also think that his Kenbunshoku Haki would have allowed him to be where the Sea King's mouth wasn't... Lol
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
rustyryley said:
Well for one he uses the kings dispossision, like luffy has he doesn't relise yet. But to stop kudo or watever the other emperor with one arm he is strong.
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posted over a year ago 
ya a lot of people don't seem to know that and kudo is currently the strongest yonkou so to be able to hold him off just proves his worth
akay posted over a year ago
What? Of course he realises he can use the Haoshoku Haki... he's a Haki master, probably close in Haki strength to Rayleigh... he consciously used the power to save Luffy. @akay. Strongest in terms of DF power, because he has that artificial Zoan... the Typhon. However, there's no record of any of Kaido's other powers, plus, the term 'strongest creature in the world' was given to him by Law. He is a Yonkou, that much is certain in terms of his strength, but all of the Yonkou are strong. He supposedly fought against Whitebeard and obviously never won, plus Shanks held him off and returned with less wounds than he got from Teach... the rumor surrounding Kaido is open to speculation and I doubt he is stronger than Shanks, or Teach... fact will only be proven when we actually see him. Plus, akay, nothing has ever been said about him being the strongest Yonkou... there hasn't been a comparison between him and the other three yet - you're referring to what Law said about him.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
mizuki007 said:
i dont think he has a devil's fruit power cuz he save luffy from the sea thinkgy mijig which means he can swim and it was never mentioned that he has one. we'll just have to wait and find out
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posted over a year ago 
Leiro said:
Shanks did not eat a Devil Fruit. It's about his Haki and skill. People also say it's 700 millions but Oda hasn't revealed Shanks' bounty yet.
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posted over a year ago 
Shanks- said:
i didnt eat a devil fruit id probobly get so drunk id fall of the ship and drown hahahahahahaha
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posted over a year ago 
That's funny! And probably sooooooo true!! Lol!!!
Lulu50000 posted over a year ago
Lol. Funny stuff.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
Lulu50000 said:
I don't think that Shanks has eaten a Devil's fruit. Not everyone in the One Piece World has. Zoro, Sanji and Roger were all fine without one, so why can't Shanks be? Besides, he doesn't need one. He's a swordsman able to rival that of Mihawk's ability (at least he could before he lost an arm, I'm not sure about now since Mihawk refuses to challenge One-armed has-beens...) and he's got all three types of Haki under his belt. He's fine without a Devil's Fruit and that's how I want him to stay.
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posted over a year ago 
blackpanther666 said:
He can't have a Devil's Fruit ability - considering that he told Luffy off for eating one, it just doesn't seem like something Shanks would do unless he has a reason - plus, he can swim, at least from the time when he saves Luffy. While there's no evidence off him eating one or not, between then and now, I just plain doubt it - he's strong as it is - he doesn't need a fruit.
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posted over a year ago 
weakako123 said:
shanks eat no devil fruit, remember when he saved luffy? he can swim so technically, he ate no fruit
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posted over a year ago 
wolfmaster3000 said:
You have it wrong Shanks isn't around Mihawks power him & Mihawk were Rivails and made battles that only legends were formed. Once Shanks lost his arm Mihawk lost interest in his "Rivail" until he found Zoro. Shanks could just be really strong Much like Mihawk & a few other characters. As of right now Big mam doesn't have a Devil fruit power nor does Kaido ( I say for now until we actually see them in action ). & yes Luffy did Resent Luffy for eating the Devil fruit not because he hates them. But because HE was going to EAT IT for himself XD XD
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posted over a year ago 
Mihawk is an idiot, then - if he'd seen how well Shanks blocked Whitebeard's attack, he'd realise that Shanks is most likely stronger than him. I'm guessing you're joking about Shanks and the Devil's Fruit...
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
Mihawk never had the chance to fight whitebeard while shank seem already had a fight with whitebeard several time..and this made him one of the yonko..not because mihwk had a fight with shank mean that they are the same level...
jyndsix posted over a year ago
No in the Sub I watched Shanks scolded Luffy yes , But shanks was saving the devil fruit for himself
wolfmaster3000 posted over a year ago
I don't think that is right... In the subs I watched, Shanks scolded Luffy for eating the fruit, because Shanks believes that is would be foolish to give up the ability to swim, just for extra powers.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
27september said:
shank is one of the yonko and his pirate not in large number like whitebeard...or other yonko(maybe), this because all of his crew including shank highly strong. 1st of all never being mention shank bountry. 2nd he may mihawk rival as a swordman but for better figher shank unrival based on his haki. 3rd he known without the devil fruit. for that i will say that shank now is one of the strongest three in one piece.
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posted over a year ago 
it never indicated in the whole mange/anime that shanks haki is stronger then mihawks. we can assume since he is a yonkou but they both possess all three haki's
akay posted over a year ago
nope i dnt think shanks have ate the devil fruit...remember he was totally against luffy 4 eating devil fruit....and made him understand that he lost (luffy) lost his ability to swim...and if he have eaten the fruit he might be sink with luffy instead he was able to help luffy.........but seriously he is amazing....he is this powerfull without the power of devil fruit power......he is more like my one piece idol....with one arm he is this powerfull atleast he is capable to fight with whitebeared....that shows his power amazing...strength.....and he is kind that makes him unique......heh eh eheh
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nope i dnt think shanks have ate the devil fruit...remember he was totally against luffy 4 eating devil fruit....and made him understand that he lost (luffy) lost his ability to swim...and if he have eaten the fruit he might be sink with luffy instead he was able to help luffy.........but seriously he is amazing....he is this powerfull without the power of devil fruit power......he is more like my one piece idol....with one arm he is this powerfull atleast he is capable to fight with whitebeared....that shows his power amazing...strength.....and he is kind that makes him unique......heh eh eheh
posted over a year ago 
Ariane117 said:
i really don't think shanks has devil fruit powers....remember luffys past he was saved by shanks in the OCEAN and all of us know that devil fruit eaters can't swim....and maybe shanks has a big bounty because he beat some strong marines and maybe the marines raise his bounty because they found out he was part of the pirate king's crew......
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posted over a year ago 
akay said:
first of all he is stronger then mihawk, and a lot of people believe he does not have a devil fruit power which is reasonable since he swam when luffy was young and the fact he despises devil fruits and wont eat them, but 10 years from when luffy was a kid is a long time anything could happen
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posted over a year ago 
Time_Master said:
1: Shank doesn't have any power besides Haki

2: He is equally strong because he has experience and is trained, you don't need a Devil Fruit to be a Badass

3: no he has not eaten a Devil Fruit

4: Yes, he uses a sword, he dislikes using ranged weaponry.

5: I'm pretty sure they didn't say anything about his bounty in the Manga, so where you are hearing this from is from liar lips

there, answered your questions.
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posted over a year ago 
gajeelsama said:
Nope. I am pretty sure he hasn't eaten a devil fruit
He was able to swim when he saved Luffy, and he lost his arm that day.. and people used to say that he was very powerful before he lost his arm
Even the almighty pirate king Gol D. Roger didn't eat a devil fruit..
I think shanks is a very talented swordsman, and knows haki, that's why he's very strong
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posted over a year ago 
Byakuyan said:
shanks is not a devil fruit eater, we know this because he saved Luffy when he was a kid and was about to drown, shanks is physically powerful as he is able to stop whitebeard's spear with just one hand and we know how crazily powerful whitebeard is, so to be able to stop his spear shows us hows strong he is, he is also a haki user and can use all three haki's, hes a swordsman, with a saber and is stronger than Mihawk because Shanks is one of the emperor and if Shanks was equal to Mihawks he wouldnt be one of the emperor, he would be one of the seven warlords, so my deduction is that Shanks power is that hes just a crazy powerful swordsman with an enormous physical ability and can use all three hakis, thinking about it, Shaks is similar to Dark Knight Ryohei
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posted over a year ago 
For now I'll have to disagree with Shanks being stronger than Mihawk. If anything, from what we know, it'd rather be the other way around. Before Shanks lost his arm, those two dueled regularly, but after that happened Mihawk lost all interest in fighting Shanks, indicating he considers him inferior now.
Locomotion posted over a year ago
^ Lol, so what? That doesn't mean that Mihawk is more powerful than him, through his considering Shanks inferior. Shanks stopped Akainu's attack, with one arm and one sword - I don't think Mihawk could do the same, personally. As far as I'm aware, but Shanks could likely defeat any one in One Piece at the moment, except maybe Blackbeard.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
This argument aside, you brought up a point I'm surprised I never noticed before. Shanks hadn't eaten a devil fruit at the time that Luffy had met him. He might have eaten one since, but we don't really have a reason to assume that. So thank you for finally giving me the proof I needed to confirm my own opinion.
silverexorcist posted over a year ago
^ He might have eaten one, yes. I wouldn't imagine he'd do something like that, but the possibility is there... perhaps Oda will have some kind of surprise for us, or something.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
zahir1912 said:
shanks weild the qoncueror haki, only those who weild it deserve to be king so yonkou is a perfect place for him,and shanks never eaten a devil fruit.. and about mihawk i think they are friends thats why when shanks came to the war mihawk just left...i hope its helpful:D
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posted over a year ago 
shockdrop said:
His power could be like instantly creating this .
Diamanté said that this was haoushiki haki so he could do that.
Full armament haki.
And the abilty of silvers Rayleigh with the arament haki extension.
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His power could be like instantly creating this .
Diamanté said that this was haoushiki haki so he could do that.
Full armament haki.
And the abilty of  silvers Rayleigh with the arament haki extension.
posted over a year ago 
GodSlayer237 said:
Shanks is imo the strongest character of One Piece. He has one hand no devil fruit and yet at Marineford when he challenged The Three Marine Admirals, the fleet admiral Sengoku, the strongest marine of all time Garp and Blackbeard no one dared to challenge him. He has the strongest haki in the OP world and has taken out WhiteBeards crew and even damaged his ship. He is perhaps the second strongest swordsman, since Mihawk considers Shanks his rival. His crew especially Benn Beckman is well respected even by the Admirals. Shanks is also a very powerful diplomat and doesn't hesitate while attacking fellow Yonkos.
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posted over a year ago 
moid98 said:
Yeah!rumors says that shanks ate badass badass fruit ...

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posted over a year ago 
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