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One Piece Question

Some how, i felt that kuma is protecting them. If he didn't force them to other place that day on Grove 21 kizaru will kill them. If kuma really wanted to kill them he could already do that on thriller bark right. So the main point is do you think kum

dun bother bout the last sentence they cut it away -.- and the they refers to the strawhat crews
486693 posted over a year ago
Dude This Is Old News. Yes Obviously He Was Helping Them He Somewhat Owed Luffy.
joshv009 posted over a year ago
Spoiler alert much?!?
purpleMcNuggets posted over a year ago
 486693 posted over a year ago
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One Piece Answers

joshv009 said:
Bartheloma Kuma Did help luffy and his crew to escape from there.
I believe he owed Monkey D. Dragon something, a favor I guess. And because of that he had helped luffy.
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posted over a year ago 
amie7396 said:
i think kuma is owed by luffy's dad who is monkey d dragon..kuma was a pirate before so i think that luffy's father help kuma in the past..maybe save kuma from those kuma helps luffy so the blood of revolutionary leader stay flowing
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posted over a year ago 
----EnsO---- said:
i agree...bartholomeuw kuma indeed is helping them...i'm sure that he told dark king rayleigh the truth about what he was doing...that's why he didn't kill them at thriller bark and that's why he sent them away from the sabaody archipelago so admiral kizaru can't kill them...
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posted over a year ago 
mizuki007 said:
if you'v read up to the latest chapter you would know that rayleigh asked kuma to have mercy on the mugiwara crew because he thought that luffy will create a new age
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posted over a year ago 
Lulu50000 said:
Yes, I believe that Kuma was trying to help them. He very easily could have just killed them, but he didn't. Instead, he sent them fliying to a bunch of islands. Also, I found it very, very interesting that they each landed on the island that would help them the most (Luffy landing on the island of one of the Shichibukai who have the power to help him help his brother. Zoro, who landed on the island of the world's best swordsman. Nami, whp landed on the island that is most technalogically advanced in weather and how to use and control it to your own advantage. Usopp, who landed on an island with lots of little plants that can be shot with a sling shot. Sanji, I'm not sure how it helped him, but somehow it did... Chopper, landed on a very medically advanced island. Wheather Kuma meant for Robin to be found by Dragon or not, I don't know. Franky, landing on the island which used to be the home of the Marine's top scientist. And Again, I'm not sure how Brook landing in the middle of a Devil summoning ceremony helped him, but somehow it did.) There's absolutly no way that they all could have landed on these specific islands by accident. It had to be planed. And that really makes me wonder where Kuma's loyalties lie and what his story is. He was one of the top revolutionaries under Dragon, and Ivankov said that he had always hated the world Govt., so why would he join them and then offer up his body as a lab rat??? One could just say that he simply switch sides, but that's a pretty big switch... It doesn't just happen over night if it even happens at all!!! But, then he helped Luffy... Did he know that Luffy was Dragon's son? So, one theory could be that he joined the marines, but he still respects Dragon, so he saved his son. What are his real motives??? Because some of his actions point to one thing but his others point to the very opposite!!! Where do his loyalties lie? What are his motives?? And what is his real story??? All these questions need to be answered! It is eating at my brin just thinking about it!! He's so complicated and I want to know why he did all the things that he did!!! Oda Sensei had better answer these questions soon, before I go crazy!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry it's so long. When I right things, sometimes I get really into it...
Lulu50000 posted over a year ago
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