Once Upon A Time Random statements of mine; which do you agree with most?

Pick one:
Zelena is a problematic fav of mine: I understand why people hate her but I love
The Sultan is the worst parent in the Once universe, closely followed by Pan
Characters I most want to see: Morgana, Jafar and Anastasia
Regina and Henry's relationship is one of my absolute favorites on the show
Will was a great character in Wonderland, but annoying and pointless on OUAT
My favorite interactions are Regina and Rumple, probably because of Lana and Bobb
My favorite scene is Regina ripping out Snow's heart in 2x17
Amara is far more responsible for corrupting Jafar than the Sultan was
Will is probably the least stoic character on the show, that or he just has extre
Henry is such an underrated character
Villains are more interesting than heroes 90% of the time
From favorite to least favorite, I'd rank the seasons: 2, 1, 3, 4
I wasn't interested in the show until Rumple and Regina's first scene in 1x02
The only true love pairing I ship thus far is Anastasia and Will
I didn't even like Cora until 2x16 (now she's my 2nd favorite character)
I would have liked Outlaw Queen more if it hadn't been for the fairydust
I love interactions between enemies from the same fairytale, like Snow White and
Before I started watching the show I thought it was called Swan Queen because of
 anaswill posted over a year ago
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