Once Upon A Time Episode 6 - Tallahassee

RoxStar09 posted on Nov 05, 2012 at 01:23AM
A thread where we can discuss tonight's episode while watching it at the same time.

Once Upon A Time 8 replies

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over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
"I don't mean to upset you Emma, but I think we make quite the team," - Hook

Aww :)
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
Snow makes such a wonderful mother. <3
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
"Woah, woah, woah!"
*deliberately hugs Captain Hook*
"About bloody time,"
"I suppose that makes for an excuse, but next time don't stand on ceremonies,"

over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
"WTF how do you know Emma?!"
"i'm August, and trust me, it's a long story,"

WOAH. HOW DID - AUGUST?? This episode, man. I'm just - <3
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
Noooo, why did August convince Neil to leave her?! WHY DID HE DOUBLE-CROSS HER?
NO. <|3
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
Anyone else catch that blooper? When Neil and Em' were making a getaway from the convenience store and she looked like she was about 9 months pregnant? What happened to her belly bump in the hotel? xO

Maybe they'll show her in labor later tonight..?
LowriLorenza89 commented…
Her pregnancy in the store was faked to create their getaway distraction. Once they're outside, we see her pulling a bag out from under her clothes. over a year ago
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
"If I knew she were okay, I feel like I could move on,"

"It should be me! I should be the one doing time!"


"If I can't be there for her, then tell me that you will be,"

Neil :'C
over a year ago RoxStar09 said…
"Go. Because you could have killed me.. and you didn't," - Giant

"Look at me. Have I told you a lie? I brought you here, didn't I? Why kill me now?" - Hook

Omg. That look Mary Margaret gave Emma when she fell off of the beanstalk was raw emotion. I LOVE IT. <3 Besties for life. <3