NCIS Fanfiction would you please tell me if you like this so far...its a mcgee/abby story of when they first met at school..:) harsh comments welcome

Mcgeeky posted on Feb 26, 2010 at 10:46PM
spelling and puncation is bad and will sort it when its finished.

I walked to my last period class, which was computing. I had a smile on my face as computing is my favourite period. I opened my bag and took my ipod out of it and place the headphone pieces in my ear and switched it on. Ahh my favourite music rise against . I noticed i was humming and screaming. A teacher looked at me so i took my earphones out and turned off my ipod. The last thing i wanted to do was draw attention to myself and have the school phone my parents. I was nearly at my computing class when a girl came up to me and pushed me.
“watch where you are going dumb ass” the girl shouted at me as i fell to the floor, i held back the tears, abby scivito did not cry and i wasn’t going to show anyone how much it hurt. I sat sliently on the floor and wiped my eyes and hung my head in shame. Nobody came up to see how i was, people were walking past me like i didn’t exist, cause i am just a freak, nobody sees me as a real girl, nobody realises i can actually cry. I gathered all the stuff that fell out of my bag, nobody helped me pick it up, my books and papers were everywhere, and i will probably will be blamed for this, the girl will say i attacked her and because i wear gothic clothes and spikey braclets with dark red lipstick and i look different the teachers will believe her and i will probably be kicked out of class, which will be great and i will be sent to bording school, suppose it will be not too bad, i started to think of the benefits, that i will finally get out of this hellhole. I got up from the floor and ran to the toilets, my eyeliner and massacara had ran down my face and my hair was a mess, i couldn’t be bothered fixing it but knew i had too, so i took the makeup wipes out of my bag and took off all my makeup and redid it. I checked my watch, i was late for computing, my teacher would understand, mr mcwhinney likes me as i am his favourite pupil, he will believe his chess mate, or else i will stop playing chess with him. As i walked down the corridor to my classroom, i felt my heart beating i was nervous and i don’t know why i was but i was. I stopped at the door. “miss scivito your late”“im really sorry” i explained about the girl pushing me over and he nodded and told me to go and sit down, i removed my jacket and bag and placed them underneath my desk. I was about to go to my computer when i noticed a unfamiliar face sitting in my usual seat. I wasn’t in the mood, i went up to him and turned off the computer. “HEY! Why did you do that”“cause your sitting in my seat!”.The boy swivelled around in MY chair to face me and he looked at me, i had never had a boy look at me in the way he did, i did not understand what he was looking at i was nothing special.
The girl standing infront of me was like an angel,i had the automatic feeling that i wanted to spend my life with this stranger i had just met, i did not mind she had switched off my computer, i was in her rightful place.“i’m really sorry” i apologized, i actually meant the words and looked at her, i was taking in every single detail, her long black hair,her bright blue eyes, her stripey mini skirt her long beautiful legs, her makeup that stood out and made a statement, i wasn’t really interested in girls i would much rather play with my computer but she was different and i couldn’t stop staring. After what seemed like forever i managed to mumble something like “my name is mcgee, i’m new here” she innocently smiled at me. My hands were sweaty and my heart was beating it felt like it was going to explode “hey Mcgee, my name is Abby, nice name but i still don’t like that your in my place i have taken an instant dislike to you which will probably never be resolved and i will hate you forever”.I laughed undecided whether she was serious or not.
I was shocked when Mcgee actually moved, normally guys tell me to go away, but he got up and moved to the computer next to me. I smiled, he had a rather geekish charm, that i admired. He had an odd fashion sense, a black blazer with a white shirt and a tie, his bad haircut made me laugh but he was gorgeous, this feeling was strange to me, i had never felt this way about anyone before and i was unable to decide what to do with this new found feeling. “your lady” i didn’t know how to reply to this so i awkwardly smiled.
“so where you from Mcgee?”
“i’m..urm...urm..” i paused scared to make a converstation with the girl sitting next to me. “urm i am urm i urm” i stared at my computer screen and pretended to carry on with my work. I couldn’t face talking to her, she was perfect and i was nothing, she was beautiful, and i was just some new boy that she will probably forget within the next hour. I splutted something otu like finland and slapped my head. Stupid Mcgee!!!, why say something so silly, you were born in Wasington DC. Abby smiled, i love the way she smiles, it makes her even more prettier, she is always smiling.“cool i guess...well i was born here, so mcgee tell me bout yourself?” I didn’t know what to say, i didn’t want to scare abby or make her think that i was a bad person. So i replied that i fight, i drink, i smoked, i have been in a few gun fights , i was describing my brother Tony, he managed to get all the girls, if she knew that i enjoyed sitting home every night on my computer and going to elf convetions then she would run a mile.
I didn’t believe it for a second, this guy didn’t seem like a jock to me and he definitely didn’t look like the kinda guy to do all those things, what a turn off, my heart sunk i was disappointed, i thought he was the guy of my dreams someone who actually would take notice in me and be my friend. I didn’t have many friends and i felt a connection with him, i frowned unable to keep the tears away. How could i have been so stupid! I didn’t want to cry infront of him, i wish i had never asked that question. “ I need to finish my project, or else mr mcwhinney will shout at me, i’m already behind” i turned to face the person on my otherside i didn’t want to see mcgee at all.
What had just happened? Abby is now in a mood with me cause i don’t know why, she started to cry and i don’t know why and i am too afraid to ask, i wonder what the matter was with her, she doesn’t seem like the type of girl to cry over something silly so this must of been big. I must of said something

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over a year ago Mcgeeky said…
“Abby” i reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. “WHAT MCGEE!” “i urm just wanted to know if your okay?,” her face was bright red, and tears were welling up in her eyes “yes i am fine mcgee, everythings ok” i knew it wasn’t but i wasn’t going to push her to tell me what was wrong. Instead i focused on my work exicted for the afternoon WOW club and programming club. I would find a cornor in the club to write a note to abby first, it then clicked, it was cause i lied of who i was. “ABBY i am not who i said i was i was trying to impress you you wanna know the real me?”
WHAT! I crossed my fingers, i nodded. He told me all about himself and i jumped up and swung my arms around him and closed my eyes. I KNEW you were lying! Why??” he said he was trying to impress me and i giggled, “geek is my style mcgee certainly when they are tied up on my bed ;-)” i winked, his face went straight “mcgee i’m kidding!” then he smiled. I let go off him. The bell rang for the next class “what do you have mcgee?”
When she hugged me i breathed in her perfume she smelt so good, i embraced her but didn’t know where to put my hands so i placed them around her waist, i never ever hugged a girl before and it was a relaxing experience, she liked me for me and i was happy about that, i told her i have biology and i would walk her to her next class but she looked at me like she was unhappy about this and said she had to go. So i said goodbye and headed off to biology.
“hey mcabby” oh it was Tony, mcgee had introduced me to him at lunch time, i don’t know exactly why he did this cause now tony makes fun of me for dating a geek, which is not all too bad but i seriously don’t like him. “oh hi tony!” i smiled sarcastically “no need for that kinda tone warelf lover” i looked at him, i wish he would seriously grow up