Naruto Create your own Jutsu

Ryuuikari posted on Sep 24, 2013 at 10:16PM
Feel free to make and create your own jutsu. Try and be as creative and original as you can !

<general format>

- Name -
- Type - {Ninjutsu / Taijutsu / Genjutsu}
- Sub-Type - {None / Fūinjutsu / Kinjutsu / Medical / Senjutsu / Space-Time} etc.
- Nature Transformation - {None / Fire / Water / Earth / Lightning / Wind / Yin / Yang} etc.
- Rank - {E / D / C / B / A / S}
- Description -

Naruto 231 replies

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over a year ago karlijroifm said…
Then It creates a flaming chidori replacing the chakra type with fire making Hōō sen or one thousand phoenixes
over a year ago karlijroifm said…
Kazoku zen'in o mottomo osoroshiku insan'na hōhō de satsugai suru
or murdering everyone in your family in the mosthorrible and gruesome ways jutsu chakra usage 100% (and for naruto that's bad news)
over a year ago Kakashi_Haktake said…
Style (Nature) Fire, Birth Justus : fireball justu Justu: Fire Style: Fire Gatling Justu
What It Does: Sends 5 to 10 Fireballs at the opponent (5 if just learnt, 10 if mastered) in a rapid type fashion
over a year ago Miro56 said…
Name: Mirai Bijon No Jutsu (Future Vision Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-Type: Space-Time
Nature Transformation: Lightning
Rank: A
Description: This jutsu is used most in battle, the user looks into the future and predicts an attack that the enemy is going to make and dodges or counters it. The victim wont see the user's movements, and it takes up quite a bit of chakra, the hand seals are Ox, Snake, Boar, and Tiger. This jutsu is a clan exclusive jutsu but even members that are not in the required clan can learn this jutsu from a teacher. This jutsu is lightning style because the user moves at a speed which not even the most skilled shinobi even with the sharingan cant see.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Miro56 said…
Name: Senpou: Raikiri Senko (Sage Art: Lightning Blade Flash)
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-Type: Senjutsu
Nature Transformation: Yin-Lightning
Rank: S
Description: This jutsu makes the user move at a speed so fast that the victim of the jutsu cant even see them move. This jutsu is just like the raikiri but a lot more strong, if this jutsu hits anything it pierces through that thing. It's powerful enough to stop the sharingan or byakugan from detecting the user's movements, This jutsu can even overpower wind style which is strong against lightning style, this jutsu can be transformed into a ranged jutsu by manipulating the chakra into making the lightning current stronger and when it makes contact with the ground instead of making a extremley big hole it creates a current that can go up to 5 kilometers in distance. The lightning current version of the original jutsu doesn't overpower the original jutsu but they are definetley close in power levels. This jutsu can also be shaped into a chain if the user has mastered the art of using the current and the original jutsu, once the chain makes contact with a person or a object is electrocutes the object, the chain version of the original jutsu is more often used on humans and the power of the lightning on the chain is so powerful it can paralyze a person or even kill the person targeted by the chain version of the original jutsu. It's hand seals are Ox, Snake, and Tiger, It's lightning style because it moves at a speed so fast that not even the most skilled shinobi can't see it, it's also combined with yin release because its a senjutsu sub type and a sage jutsu which only the most powerful lightning chakra natured ninja can use. The downside is that after the user uses the jutsu their arm is numb and it needs 12 - 24 hours to heal. The other downside is that it cant be used if the user is in a bad condition.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sameme1 said…

Name Twin summoning
Type : Ninjutsu
Sub-Type : space-time
Nature Transformation: None
Rank: A
Description: You have to make a blood contract with yourself from another dimension. You can summon this twin that looks like you for aid or be revered summon for their aid. They look and act like a shadow clone, but has normal properties of a human. If they die or get hurt, you feel their pain or also die, but they are easy to cooperate with. They can get hungry and do have feeling so they can't get manipulated easily without genjutsu. If they summon you, you will act as the summoning and so you would need to help them with their problems. You can only summon one twin, they aren't clones.
over a year ago Noob-user07 said…
Name: Katon - Homuramai Koutei (火遁・炎舞皇帝)
Translated: Fire Style - Flaming Dance of the Emperor
Type - Ninjutsu
Nature Transformation - Fire
Rank - B
Seal: Tiger, Hare, Bird, Ox, Monkey, Tiger.
Description: After performing the hand seals, The user
places their hand into the ground and forms a flaming
cyclone nearly the size of a huge tree. Anything thats caught
within the cyclone gets burned for a lot of damage and may
cause extensive burns. It can be used both offensively and
defensively, as the user is immune to the effect and the
cyclone sucks anything that are unfortunate nearby, it can
be used as a shield. Depending on the shinobi skill, the
jutsu can last about 10 seconds per minimum.
Weakness: If the user is damaged while performing the jutsu,
the cyclone will disappear. This jutsu also cost half of the
users chakra.
over a year ago Mega-X said…
Name: Lightning Style: Thunder Clone Jutsu. (Sandā Kage Bunshin).
Type: Ninjutsu.
Sub Type: Kinjutsu, Bunshinjutsu.
Nature Transformation: Lightning.
Jutsu Rank: S.
Description: The user creates a shadow clone infused with Electricity. Due to its physical state it can perform lightning Style techniques and interact with the environment. If the clone is injured, it will immediately electricute the person touching it.
last edited over a year ago
narutouzumaki07 commented…
cool and imagine wood clones but you can combine them with other clones over a year ago
over a year ago Mega-X said…
Name - Storm Style: Voltec Finish
- Translation: (Arashi Borutekkufinisshu)
- Type - Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
- Sub-Type - kekkei genkai, space-time
- Nature Transformation - earth / Lightning / Wind
- Rank - {Kage}
- Description - The user would move the wind around them in a spiral like shape, during which they concentrate that energy around their leg while infusing earth and lightning style chakra into it, then it could be used like a single strike or like a drop kick. The Main drawback is similar to the original rasen-shuriken (not the projectile verison). but it would both pierce a hole through your opponent and paralize them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Mega-X said…
Name - Sage art: Storm Style: Limit breaker rasengan
- Translation: (Arashi Rimittoburēkā Rasengan)
- Type - Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
- Sub-Type - Senjutsu/ kekkei genkai/Kinjutsu
- Nature Transformation - Fire / Lightning / Wind- yang
- Rank - {SSS}
- Description - The user would move the wind around their hand in a spiked ball like shape while infusing fire and lightning style chakra into it, then it could be used like a normal rasengan.The Main drawback is similar to the chidori. but you could this as a combo attack. Plus this attack does have a second form which is the limit broken rasengan or the (Genkai ga yabura reta) rasengan.
last edited over a year ago
narutouzumaki07 commented…
op over a year ago
over a year ago 1027493 said…
name: wood style: tower log jutsu
type: ninjutsu
Nature tranformation: Wood
Rank: A
Description: this is a wood style ninjutsu that has the hand sign as 卯,亥,戌,巳。it's a jutsu that when the hand signs are made you put both of you hands flat on something then it will create a a tower of wood up to 10F-120F. 1% of chakra may equal 1F and if you want to summon the tower up to an height between the 2 numbers then stop using the chakra on the tower to stop it from getting higher. WARNING: inside the tower may have the temperature up to the amount of chakra you use so use a certain amount of chakra close to 55% of chakra.
over a year ago fihrvidjrvi said…
sage art :five fox flame jutsu
five flames appear around you rank ss
hand signs : boar dog serpent ox hare horse tiger dragon ram
over a year ago random_account said…
name: lava clone
type: ninjustu
sub type: kekkia genkia
nature: lava (fire and earth)
rank: A
description: the user makes a clone made of lava When the clone gets hit it will not disappear instead it will burst sending lava everywhere
over a year ago Fttyyv said…
Gravity style rasenshuriken
Nature transformation : light& Gravity
Type senjetsu ninjutsu
You first need alot of chakra then make reasonable use
ING light release and the added Gravity release it will spin faster than light killing every body
You included
narutouzumaki07 commented…
uh its not useful if you die no offense but i don't wanna die you know over a year ago
over a year ago yuki_uzumaki said…
name: fire style: blazing stream
type: ninjutsu
nature tranformation:fire
rank: b-
Description: this fire style jutsu is skinny beam strike burning though anything in its way. such as a earth wall jutsu.
over a year ago g0azen said…
Name: Sealing Jutsu Samsaric Realm of Naraka
Rank: Absolutely Forbidden
nature: Yin-Yang
Sub-category "Shinigami Style"
Description: User summons the Shinigami and tranfers his/her mind patially to the death god.... after which an unbreakable illusion is cast on the victim... In this illusion the user becomes the shinigamis avatar and MUST kill the victim if he/she fails the users soul is extracted and all memory is wiped... However if the user is successful the victims soul is sealed forever without the option of being called back by any jutsu..... Should the user then wish to use the Reaper death seal he can substitute souls trapped by this jutsu instead of his own as a sacrifice
Type seal
Creator my oc Raiji shin Uzumaki
last edited over a year ago
g0azen commented…
Should the victim be proven immortal the jutsu restores the victims mortality allowing the user to harm the victim over a year ago
g0azen commented…
if this jutsu is mastered the user can call on deceased souls to help in the jutsus execution minimizing potential drawback over a year ago
narutouzumaki07 commented…
op you can't die while using reaper death seal and call back the dead bruh imagine calling hashirama senju from the dead bruh over a year ago
over a year ago KillerC said…
Name: Nebula Rasengan
Style: Fire & Wind
Info: Create the rasengan but adds fire chakra in the center moving
outwards, and wind chakra surrounding it moving inwards on the
fire chakra, just like heat and gravity moving against each other in a
real nebula in space. Adds immense destructive power to the jutsu
and pretty much scorches the target while compressing it with the
wind chakra so they cant move or make hand signs to do anything
to counter the jutsu. Only thing is due to it's explosive nature it must
be thrown and if not thrown and connected fast enough will die out
as if it was a star dying out and becoming a black dwarf
over a year ago g0azen said…
Name: Sage art; Shinigami Style Flesh Golem Rebirth
Rank: SS/Forbidden
Sub-category: Shinigami Style/Sage Arts
nature: Yin-Yang
Hand seals; Snake Rabbit Ox and Reaper Death Seal sings
Description: Similar to Edo Tensei except user can call souls directly from the pure land to inhabit any body and does not require DNA of that soul. If the soul is unwilling to leave the pure realm the user can force them too...... however this will cause EXTREME pain to the user should perfect sage mode not be acquired.... the soul will then fight for the user but cannot be sealed except by the Reaper... should souls be willing to aid the user they and the user himself get significantly stronger to the point where souls summoned this way are many times stronger than they were in life
over a year ago Tatake said…
I made This Jutsu.
Name: Flower Jutsu, Floating Gardenias.
When they use this they can create a giant flower and control it and the flower can be invisible if the want them to. They can ride the flower and in this case be invisible with the flower so this jutsu is a great escape or blind attack from behind.
over a year ago narutouzumaki07 said…
this is my jutsu
The Chidorigan combination of chidori and rasengan it is a s rank jutsu combine it with element realease or kekei genkai it is a s+ rank then combine elemental chidorigan with more element chidorigan or kekeki genkai chidorigan or element realease like light moukouton etc then it is a s++ rank jutsu and there is the armor steal jutsu that i also made in which you can steal weapons and armor from enemy susanoo's and upgrade your susanoo
last edited over a year ago
narutouzumaki07 commented…
the max lvl of armor and weapons your susanoo can get form armor steal no jutsu is lvl 5 over a year ago
over a year ago kenfo said…
name: blood style blood copy jutsu
Nature: water
Rank: A
it copies the jutsu of the enemy
over a year ago Yonbaba said…
Name:The 10 great Golden Dragons
Ability: This jutsu make it's user 5x Times Faster And the user Will Achive fire proof Body when used
Description: This jutsu As you guessed has 10 forms Or as i would like to call it the "10 wings" This jutsu also gives the user great advantage in Close-combat Because it improves user's Physical strenght
Rank: S
Weakness: If you use the 10th Wing you will lose 8 years of life
Apereance: When you use the first wing you'll be sourounded with Orange aura and Your eyes will be White as a ghost
over a year ago BlueJayWizard said…
Name - Water Release: Ōyamatsumi's Mortar and Pestle
- Type - Ninjutsu
- Sub-Type - None
- Nature Transformation - None
- Rank - D
- Description - Water Release: Ōyamatsumi’s Mortar and Pestle (水遁: 大山祇の擂鉢の擂粉木, Water Release: Mountain God’s Grinding Bowl and Grind-Powder-Wood) is a special technique developed by Arashi Tsuyuri herself, to somewhat grant her clever use of it in battle. The Water Release technique utilises a crushing motion driven by the pressure of water’s force, and aiming It directly at the target, effectively in an attempt to crush part of their body.


(On my wikia account).
Name - Water Release: Ōyamatsumi's Mortar and Pestle
- Type - Ninjutsu 
- Sub-Type - None
- Natur
over a year ago KekkeiGenkai said…
Name: Earth Style: Slumbering Dragon
Type: Secret Ninjutsu
Signs: Dog, Monkey, Bear, Boar.

The User summons an enormous dragon from out of the ground, flies into the sky, and slams the dragon back into the ground, creating a massive shockwave.
KekkeiGenkai commented…
Rank-A over a year ago
over a year ago 24k_Naruto said…
over a year ago 24k_Naruto said…
Name: Ninja Art: Sealing Whirlpool
Type: Fūinjutsu
Sub-Type: None
Nature Transformation: None
Rank: S-Rank
Description: It requires the chakra of 2 people so it is a very powerful sealing jutsu. Te 2 people would use the hand signs (Bird, Boar Dog, Rarn, And Snake.) And they would repeat those hand signs 8 times.As they finish a magic summoning sign would appear under the thing being sealed, (Search up magic summoning seal to understand) And then a ground whirlpool would appear out of nowhere that had weird signs and it would take about 30 second for the thing to be permanently sealed no matter how big or small. And it can never be change, once something is sealed it cannot be unsealed. That is why it is a forbidden jutsu.
over a year ago sihwoef said…
Name:dark reality palm
Description:-A kekegenkia that is only possessed by the Uzichiha clan which is the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan together you can use the jitsu about 5 time before the countdown which is 10 seconds you can use this jitsu to create any or seal any reality this is a rare trat that some other clans can get but its a 0.3 chance that they do another ability is that u can use it for a visual prow Lence on the white six path rinnegan
another is that this jutsu is almost invincible because it erases anything in it path but it create dark chakra which is dark flames it can also use ameterasu but better dark reality ametarasu
over a year ago ViolettAdrienne said…
- Name - Sotanhen
- Type - Kind've a combition of Genjutsu and Taijutsu
- Sub-Type - Kekkei Genkai
- Nature Transformation - Water
- Rank - The longer the user practices this Jutsu the higher the rank.
- Description -
This Jutsu is made for Protective people. It may be simialar to Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven since it has 128 punchs. If the user practiced this jutsu for a minunm of 10 years, this jutsu will be classified as a forbidden jutsu.
over a year ago Jonito2500 said…
electric style: paralyzing orb seal
handsigns: horse, ox, snake, rat, ox
creates a mini yellow electric orb which when it hits the opponent it becomes giant and prisons him inside it, it also paralyzes and its hard to escape
i also made a combination with rasengan
electric style: sealing thunderbolt rasengan
handsigns: horse, ox, snake, rat, ox
its a green rasengan with thunderbolt marks in it
the combination of rasengan and paralyzing orb seal is very powerful, it is more huge and has more explosive power than the normal paralyzing orb seal
over a year ago Jonito2500 said…
Lava style: Uprising Magma
Handsigns: tiger, bird, tiger, monkey, tiger, bird
Summons Magma down the opponent that goes up and burns him is very powerful but it can be missed
I also made a fusion of that jutsu with jiraiya's jutsu "dark swamp" that he uses while fighting orochimaru.
Lava style: swamp of inferno magma
summons a swamp that slowly appears magma that goes up and the swamp becomes made out of magma
9 months ago HappyHit11111 said…
Name: Sage Art: Dragon Style Tornado

Type: Ninjutsu

Sub Type: Kinjutsu, Senjutsu, Kekkei Genkai

Nature Transformation: Wind And Fire

Rank: S

Description: The user inhales then blowing the air out which then creates a giant tornado that destroys everything in its path, while also consuming chakra from the enemies it consumes to keep the jutsu going, while a fire dragon fly's around burning everything to ashes and leaving nothing in its path alive.

Note: This Jutsu Takes Lots Of Chakra, So Using This Will Make You Exhausted

Here is the hand signs if you want to do the jutsu: Serpent, Tiger, Horse, Ram.
last edited 9 months ago