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Naruto Shippuuden Question

NaruHina vs. NaruSaku?????

There is a big liking to the idea of Naruto and Hinata getting together. Now there is not a doubt they would be a cute couple, but is there true chemistry between them? Many people vote for Hinata out of pity, because she's always romantically ignored by Naruto. Others gave the argument that Hinata deserved Naruto because she's loved him all along. It is true she is shy, sweet, and nice, but in all fairness...she doesn't really know him. Some say she does, but there's a difference between watching someone from afar and actually talking/getting to know them. In the future, if they show more than just Hinata telling Naruto she loves him, but like them walking/talking/eating together...I'd hope they'd end up together.
Now I’m not going to lie, in part 1 and early part 2 I hated Sakura, because she always seemed so selfish. No matter how much Naruto did for her (or how much danger Naruto was in) all she ever cared about was Sasuke. Naruto had already risked his life to save Sakura’s so many times to not even receive thank you. I was sure she was nothing more than selfish chick, but during part 2 she matured greatly. She’s began to think/care more about Naruto’s well-being. Some call it a sibling connection, but I don’t believe so. I believe she is too stubborn to admit it, but Sakura knows her relationship with Naruto is evolving. If you all think about it, she’s a better match for Naruto than Hinata. She’s not afraid to speak her mind/she is the one of the few who can keep Naruto in line/She’s seen Naruto at his best and worst, and still remains at his side(In part 2).
(Well there, me and a friend wrote this *that’s why this is so long* but hmm….they both have their pluses and minuses….so you decide!!!!)

NaruHina vs. NaruSaku?????
Good reasoning. I prefer NaruSaku, because Naruto loves Sakura since he meet her.
Locadorable posted over a year ago
T-William posted over a year ago
Since Naruto had justed ended Naruto and Hinata did ended up together and had 2 children. But Naruto still care for Hinata but I think Naruto just return Hinata's feeling. But I don't think Naruto likes Hinata that much but he still care for her. Although I'm a NaruSaku shipper normally in everything like fanfictions I still support NaruHina even though i don't like it.
Animecouples posted over a year ago
 T-William posted over a year ago
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Naruto Shippuuden Answers

Blaze_of_Ares said:
Hinata loved Naruto from the beginning even when everybody hated him. Sakura only starts liking Naruto after Sasuke left. Despite that, Sakura stills care for Naruto and knows him better than most people. Naruto love Sakura but Hinato loves him. My choice is of course NaruSaku, cuz they look like Minato and Kushina. I don't know what else to say :D
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posted over a year ago 
Ryuuto013 said:
I honestly don't understand why there are so many debates on who Naruto loves and who Naruto is gonna choose since it's obvious that Naruto has already made his decision.
After been looking through the anime, movies, manga and the games, I can surely say that there is no chemistry between Naruto and Hinata. Nowhere. Not from Naruto's side. He has never shown any romance interest in Hinata. He treats her the same way he treats Kiba or Shikamaru or even Shino. Naruto sees Hinata as his friend, nothing more.
It really annoys me when people say Naruto and Hinata should get together because Hinata "deserves" it or that Sakura doesn't "deserve" Naruto.
I don't like when people say that Naruto is in love with Hinata and that he just doesn't realize it either. Why not Hinata or Sakura?
Why not say that Hinata is just imagining her feelings for Naruto? From what I can see, Hinata has just been admiring Naruto from afar. She doesn't know him, they never hang out with each other and they hardly even talk. Hinata thinks/says that she wants to be like Naruto - Having confidence etc. That doesn't make it love.
And Sakura. She had a fangirl crush on Sasuke in part 1. Why not say that she has been in love with Naruto without realizing it?
About her "love" for Sasuke, even I can see it was only a fangirl crush. She was acting just like some Justin Bieber or One Direction fans. Fangirl crush. Not love.
Why would Sakura even love a guy who has tried to kill her 3 times anyway? She's not crazy.
The parallel stories between NaruSaku and MinaKushi is ridiculously obvious. I'm actually kinda surprised how much the anime director and Kishimoto are showing how similar the pairings are.
I can see that Kishimoto has been working really hard on Naruto's relation with Sakura. They're very close. If Naruto suddenly changes his mind, a lot of parts Kishimoto has made would be just a waste of his time.
But I don't think Naruto will change his mind. Hinata told Naruto that she loves him and Naruto didn't change a bit. He still loves Sakura and wants to confess to her. Naruto also said that even though he thinks Sakura still has feelings for Sasuke, he won't give up on her. That was what Naruto told Shizuka, which was AFTER Hinata's confession.
The big reason why Naruto just doesn't confess to Sakura is because he feels like he can't since he hasn't fulfilled his promise to her, which he told Sai.
The moment I read that Kishimoto based Sakura on his own wife made me laugh. Why? Because if that's true, then it's settled - Naruto and Sakura will end up together.
I just wanted to add that there is NO reason for the NaruHina fans and the NaruSaku fans to argue or debate. Kishimoto already has the end he wants. There's nothing the NaruHina fans or the NaruSaku fans can do about it.
It's just to wait and see what's gonna happen in the next chapter ^^
Peace x3
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posted over a year ago 
I agree. There are too many fights for nothing. It has gone that far that the NHs and the NSs are attacking each other. It's not right.
DestinyWolf posted over a year ago
DestinyWolf / Ikr? Fights, calling each other bad names, laughing at each other and even threatening to kill Kishimoto. And for what? Because they want a made up character to end up with a certain character, who's also made up. Seriously. Having an opinion and sharing it with other people is one thing, but attacking each other because of an anime pairing is WAY too much >__<
Ryuuto013 posted over a year ago
omg. i seriously agree to you !!!!
todaynicday posted over a year ago
Pug101 said:
Well, I think Naruto has more chemistry with Sakura. And Sakura is Naruto's type of girl, so yes - Narusaku.
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Well, I think Naruto has more chemistry with Sakura. And Sakura is Naruto's type of girl, so yes - Narusaku.
posted over a year ago 
DestinyWolf posted over a year ago
ziva said:
Hinata loved Naruto right from the beginning, even when everybody hated him and told her to stay away from him. She risked her life to protect him when pain attacked, Sakura didn't despite her being his team-mate. Plus Sakura only recognized her feeling towards Naruto when Sasuke left and the Naruto Shippuden was more then half way done. Plus even though she said she had feelings that was a lie and even Naruto saw that.
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Hinata loved Naruto right from the beginning, even when everybody hated him and told her to stay away from him. She risked her life to protect him when pain attacked, Sakura didn't despite her being his team-mate. Plus Sakura only recognized her feeling towards Naruto when Sasuke left and the Naruto Shippuden was more then half way done. Plus even though she said she had feelings that was a lie and even Naruto saw that.
posted over a year ago 
SUCH a well worded answer. Nice one. :)
ImAnEasel posted over a year ago
SkywardStriker said:
I don't care, either way. So long as all three of them are happy in the end, *shrug*, I'll be fine with any of these couples.
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posted over a year ago 
MattyB1099 said:
NaruHina because when pain attacked sakura did not help naruto when he was in need Hinata did so and she almost died trying to save him. Thats love right there :)

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posted over a year ago 
=D narohata!
cuddlfuzzy posted over a year ago
So true!!
ImAnEasel posted over a year ago
NaruXHinaXLove said:
Ok, Saku Naru ?? WAT She hates him, She joked about love Telling Naruto she loved him BUT SHE DIDN'T, Naruto would be dead without Hinata, And Plus, I don't see much of a future with Sakura.. (Without Sasuke anyway..) :( So, Yea. Naruto + Hinata = a little Spiky blue haired Blue eyed little boy or straight blue haired blue eyed girl.. that Would be so cute... :D
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posted over a year ago 
ImAnEasel said:
Sakura still cares for Sasuke very much. If she and Naruto got together, he'd be second best to her, let's face it. Naruto doesn't deserve that. After all Naruto has done for her and after all the trouble Sasuke has caused, Sakura was still caught wondering which one she'd save if they were both in danger. Also, let's not forget when she gave that fake confession she said Naruto used to be a loser. I really lost my temper at that point... Naruto was never a loser! He was always funny and kind at heart. If Sakura can't see that, then I just don't think she's right for Naruto. Hinata, on the other hand, has always loved Naruto, as you said. I also think she'd be a good match for Naruto. She's naturally a much kinder person than Sakura and always has been. Thanks to Naruto, her ninja way is to never go back on her word. She's brave and sweet and her ONLY fault is her lack of confidence, which I'm sure would improve no end if she and Naruto got together. Furthermore, let's not forget how Naruto reacted to Pain 'killing' Hinata. Perhaps, deep within his heart of hearts, Naruto does love Hinata but just doesn't realize it.
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posted over a year ago 
den912 said:
NARUHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
todaynicday said:
i vote for narusaku!
because as you wrote at first she doesn't like Naruto and looked only Sasuke. but now she cares him and thinks about him more than anyone. her mind is moving toward Naruto from Sasuke. also as anyone knows Naruto still likes her.
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posted over a year ago 
JsaKim said:
NaruHina seems a lot more suitable. Sometime in Shippuden ( a part where I'm not up to yet) They manage to understand each others feelings from just looking at their eyes. That's a deep connection right there. Naruto may not have had feelings for Hinata but he always cared about here supporting here during the Chunin exams in her fight against Neji in Part I. I just see Sakura as a respected teammate for Naruto. As a couple NaruHina would be more well-suited.
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posted over a year ago 
sweeneysparrow said:
In Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Sakura helps Hinata getting to know Naruto by making them do jobs together. She then gets told about the battles he had that she didn't know. Naruto even says Hinata is awesome because of how she stood up against Pain with no doubt about risking her life for him. He said it to Sakura and Hinata heard it(they don't know this because she was around a corner). Sakura told Naruto that he should tell that to Hinata and Naruto told Sakura that it wouldn't change the fact that she's awesome. NaruHina all the way. Also Naruto didn't love Sakura. He just wanted to win her affection in order to beat Sasuke in affection and popularity.
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posted over a year ago 
Daric24 said:
I am totaly agree with you Naruto should end up whit sakura. Yes she was self fish but at part 2 as you say she grown and was to stubborn to admint she love naruto. If naruto die she will never think about Sasuke again.
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posted over a year ago 
HinaMaki said:
I choose NaruHina, eventhough Hinata wasn't the female mc that is always by naruto's side, Yes I agree that the two didn't know each other fully but they look like a twin souls. A twin souls who could feel each others feelings and even supports each other during thier depressions. Hinata might not be attractive in naruto's eyes but she was the voice that is able to speak to naruto's heart and can touch his soul. Out of all the female in Naruto even Sakura, only Hinata make Naruto feel the love, acceptance, honor and gentlessthat he never felt before and undeniably needed by Naruto since his childhood. Also, this couple touches my heart. Also Hinata saved Naruto by risking her life for him and that's how she shows that Naruto is a very important person in her life that no other female in konoha shows that kind of feeling and admiration towards Naruto but no other than but one and only Hinata Hyuga. Also, I like thier opposite personalities like Hinata was an introvert while Naruto was an extrovert person which can make thier relationship in balance. Hinata have a genuine love for Naruto amd doesn't expect anything from him but to love him. They more likely to show romantic and serious relationship with comittment. Also thier relationship was also my ideal relationship in real life for I like a guys like Naruto and I can relate to Hinata the way she admires Naruto was the same I do towards someone in my life. Hinata also helped Naruto to go on in a fight when he tend to be discouraged. She is one of the reasons why Naruto defeated Pain. Naruto and Hinata empowered each other to continue and to be the better versions of thierselves and that bonds them together as a couple.
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posted over a year ago 
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