My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Fading Light RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Aug 12, 2015 at 07:56PM
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages as we do. When they are born, they start out small. Then the bigger they grow, the stronger they get. They make many mistakes when they are young but eventually, they learn to distinguish right from wrong, friend from enemy, conquest from massacre. As they evolve and reach their peak, they are like a mighty stallion at the prime of his life. Powerful, determined, sharp-minded and fueled by the passion and willingness to change the world. But just like us, empires grow old eventually. They become weak, desperate and fragile. Internal illnesses sprout up like weeds in a once beautiful but abandoned garden. The smell of decay attracts the prowling enemies and they gather around to finish what time has already started...

The changelings came from nowhere 8 years ago and brought terror to all. We have managed to stop their mad Queen and foolishly believed that such a victory will mean the end of the war. But we were wrong... so horribly wrong. When we thought our world was safe, it fell apart before our very eyes.

The battle at the Isles of Romani was merely the beginning. The beginning of OUR end. We have fought valiantly till our last breaths. But we were no match for these new weapons the beasts of the abyss have created. When we truly realized what we were up against, it was already too late... One by one, the Southern Kingdoms have fallen. Zebria, Antelopia, The Plain's Nation... they were all consumed by the endless armies of the changelings.

Before we could react, the monsters were pounding on our gates. We had to learn the new ways of war quickly. We gathered the greatest minds of our kind to create weapons that could rival the changeling technology. Factories emerged from the ground one after the other within weeks. We witnessed as our leaders decided to use the new inventions of doom. But the abyssal monsters did not stop. We responded to fire with fire but the only thing that we achieved is to smolder the world to dust.

Through great courage and sacrifice, we were able to stop the changeling invasion. But the effort was too much for our country and the war ripped it into three.

The pegasi were warriors by nature and could not accept surrender. They have seceded from what was left of the Equestrian empire and formed Western Equestria. The winged soldiers continued the war with the changelings and successfully defended their territories for years...

The dwellers of the tundra; the elks, the hypogriffs, the deer and the griffons created the Northern Federation and broke off all contact with the rest of the world. The griffons, who were once great warriors, just hid in their cold, desolate mountain like cowards.

The remaining regions of the former Empire took the name of Central Equestria. Their King was able to protect the most valuable and strategically important cities, like Manehatten. But he only prolonged the agony of his nation...

Year after year, the war waged on... Every side suffered tremendous casualties but none could triumph over the other. The battle has become a stalemate. The front lines have solidified like a frozen lake. But the so-called truce did not bring too much relief... Disease, hunger, violence and riots spread like wildfires only the never sleeping factories remained constant... the pale Sun always hides behind the dense, black smoke coming from their chimneys, like if it was ashamed of the world. Well... the Sun has every right to feel that way...

So I guess the saying is true... Countries do have the same life cycles as we do. And ours is dying. When the ponies lose faith in their own country, that country is doomed to be lost in the sands of time... After all... this is the Age of the Fading Light.

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)
Voiced by: (optional)

*** ***

Useful tips:

- This is the sequel of the Eye of Anubis RP. However, you don't really need to have too much knowledge of the previous RP. Only a few characters are the common link. So that shouldn't hold you back if you wish to join! :)

- This RP takes place in a time period AFTER the Medieval times of Equestria. The premise is more or less like our world was during the Great Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Lots of new technologies, machines, factories and overall pretty bad life conditions.

- The RP takes place 8 YEARS AFTER the events of the prequel, however, there will be some flashbacks.

- The RP will be full of twists, the tables will be turned every once in a while which will mean that the fine line between antagonists and protagonist will not be as unambiguous as usual.
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages
last edited on Aug 12, 2015 at 08:03PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3438 replies

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Showing Replies 1401-1450 of 3438

over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *reacts as anybody else when being strangled, but her eyes show no sign of fear*
Ragnar: ENOUGH! *swings his hoof, and with a spell, he sends Steel Sword flying back and crashing into a rock*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Rushes to Steel Sword, who is lying on the ground)
Steel Sword: (Wha- What was that.... That isn't my kind of magic... I never once used a spell like that... Why would I use it now)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *immediately recovers, unsheathing her two swords, letting out a war scream and charging at Steel Sword*
Ragnar: TSURA STOP! *grabs ahold of Tsura before she could run off*
Tsura: Let go of me! That skank tried killing me! *hisses in a threatening way*
Wheat: Tsura! I will call the asylum and make them prepare another room for you! Behave yourself in this situation!
Tsura: *slices her blade in the air, aiming for Wheat's neck*
Wheat: *dodges the attack* Gah!
Ragnar: Tsura! *skillfully grabs ahold of her sword, then knocks on the ground* You'll grab everyone's attention like this!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Steel, what were you thinking. You could have killed her. What's gotten into you
Steel Sword: (Stands up, with eyes full of tears) I..... I don't know..... My anger must have awoken some sort of untapped magic........ A magic I don't want to see again. I didn't think I would ever harm someone, and here I am, harming those who are on my own side..... Why am I doing this
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Let me at her!
Ragnar: Tsura! Enough!
Wheat: *grabs Tsura's hoof, penetrating her eyes into the gypsy's* Come on, Tsura.. Control yourself..
Tsura: *growls*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Steel, I know you didn't mean to, but you should apologize to Tsura
Steel Sword: (Keeps her head down in sorrow) Of course (Walks to Tsura, ignoring the anger that she has, and places her hoof on her shoulder without fear, but sadness) I am sorry about my sudden anger, Tsura. I know it means nothing to you, but I am (Lets go of her shoulder and walks past her, not wanting to waste more of Tsura's time)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *settles down once she sees that Steel Sword is away from her sight* Finally! Go grab a noose and hang yourself if you feel better!
Wheat: Tsura.. She really didn't mean to hurt you. Neither did your husband or Summer.
Tsura: How do you know that, Wheat?! You were lied to as well.
Wheat: ...I know.. But forgiving is the only thing I have left in me.. My hatred.. It seemed to dissolve over the years.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Can only remain quiet at what he witnessed)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: I guess...Thank You. You were always there when I needed somepony, I could never thank you enough. *hugs her briefly then smiles warmly* You're a great pony.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *frowns, then quickly walks to Longsword* Are you alright?

Meadow: *blushes a bright red* Really? I am? Thank you.. *curls a streak of her mane behind her ear nervously* You were always there when I needed you as well.. You didn't judge me no matter how weak I was.. Haha..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: I- I'm fine....... are all the survivors okay
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *scratches his mane sheepishly* Did I? I feel like I missed a lot these recent years...and you were not weak, just that you had different strengths than us. You already proved that you were strong for keeping up even with those insults...even more so now. *smiles*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Gives her a comforting hug) I know, but we can get through this. And I promise you we will, Wheat. Nothing is going to stop us. Like I said, as long as I am with you, I am as strong as a mountain
Jade_23 commented…
Repost, sorry. Alinah and I posted at the same time. xD over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *smiles at her husband* Thank you.. I really need some comforting words at a time like this.. *sniffs* I fear the end of us all if we cannot stop this.

Meadow: Tell you what..! How about we observe the stars? You love doing that! You'll explain every constellation we see until we fall into a deep sleep. How does that sound?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Looks into her eyes deeply) Wheat, we will stop this. I promise you that
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: I know we will.. We always do.. Right? *kisses his cheek* Hmm.. I wonder how Willow is doing with Catapult and the others..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Right. Let's go check on them. Hopefully, they are doing alright
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: Yeah...I'd like that.

Percival: *notices Astral and Meadow* Looks like my boy has grown up...*continues helping civilians with their injuries*
Crystal: *goes towards Percival looking shy* Hello sir...You're Astral's dad? My name's Crystal Rose, Er...just wanted to let you know that he's helped me through a lot. I'm very grateful to your son.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Yes.. Just don't mention Tsura and Ragnar to any of them.. *trots off the rubble*

Meadow: Yeah.. We're all grateful to have your son with all of us.. He's great company.. And a great friend..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Of course (Goes to help them)
(Okay, I'll be off to bed now. Great RPing with you guys as usual)
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *flies down with an icy look on his face and sighs*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Good! Now let's go.. Last time I saw him I left him on a bench.. I didn't want him to destroy anything else..

Tsura: *raises an eyebrow at Thunderstorm* What's wrong, Thunder? You look awful. Didn't mean to hurt you. Eh, I did. But you asked for it. What, didn't get the girl?
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(...Was watching Friendship Games xD Love rivalries so's like me and my sister,haha)

Percival: I'm sure he was. It's really great to hear for a father to know that his child has accomplished this much. *smiles*
Crystal: Yeah...*smiles*
Astral: *blushes as he looks away* I feel kinda shy now...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Okay then (Goes to the bench)
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *gives Tsura an angry glare and talks in an emotionless tone* I am not as weak as I seem. I don't need pity. ..And as for Meadow, well, she's my friend. If she wants Astral, so be it. Like you said, he's better than me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Fia: *she suddenly appears amongst them with fading white flames* Oh...sorry to interrupt, I'm just here to say that the survivors are all present and cared for. We are ready for the next phase of the mission your Governor has to offer.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *lifts Thunderstorm's chin* It's alright. Maybe one day you'll be good enough.

Meadow: Don't be! *nuzzles his cheek against hers* We will shower you with compliments all day long!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (See's Willow, with Catapult's children) There she is, Wheat.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(I believe we should wait for Mirage.. I don't want the same thing that happened in the first RP to happen again.. He's probably busy. :P But I'm sure he'll be back in no time... :)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Good idea. Besides, I have other RPs to keep me busy anyway :P)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(Same.. *coughs* Kingdom in the Sky RP.. *coughs* xD)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* xD....always wanted to do that.)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Hey guys! I'm back! sorry for my absence! Had a car accident recently but do not worry, I am perfectly fine. so, I usually wouldn't ask for such a thing but due to my unusual circumstances, would someone mind summarizing the events of the past couple hundred posts for me in a nutshell so I could catch up?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Nothing much. OmegaKing made some evil undead queen, Jade's characters are pissed at yours (:P), My character learned a new spell that hurts people, Alinah's characters found her father, and they have all been searching for survivors in the factory)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(Pretty much everything Wind said. xD Nothing changed, we're still searching for survivors in the rubble. Ragnar and Tsura arrived. We've just had side conversations basically. :P)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(Damn. Bad timing.......I'm actually going to be absent for a week or less for a school comptetition. I dunno if I can get internet connection but I'm pretty sure that's not allowed with how the competition is supposed to be about (woo! Journalism! ) So...yeah,be gone tomorrow and I'll see you in a week! :)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer walks around aimlessly in the rubble. Her snow white coat is quite a contrast to the dusty, worn out faces around her. The mare observes everything in detail; the dust, the smoke, the destruction, the gloomy sky, the shattered souls... even the few remaining guards seem to have lost all hope, wandering around like zombies, despite her efforts to convince them to help. The unicorn climbs up on a small pile of rubble to get a better view of the area. When she looks down at the crater, her sharp eyes spot Ragnar and Tsura along with the others. Seeing the stallion she once loved so endlessly opens the valves in her soul. Her warm, yet sorrowful voice echoes all over the place as she begins to sing an old song that was born in the time of the First Griffon Wars.

Marching alone like a good soldier does
I'm setting sail with anchors holding me down
Pack up my bags, stow them away
Bidding farewell to all that is safe

Will I come up for air, come up for air?

After a while the coroners calling me
Lolling me, waving goodbye
I'm out here alone, oh God, can you save me now?
Sinking my heart turns to stone

Withering away her shrinking violet eyes
So full of life these lights have dried me out
Into the sea I needed a drink
I never thought this would consume me whole

Will I come up for air, come up for air?

After a while the coroners calling me
Lolling me, waving goodbye
I'm out here alone, oh God, can you save me now?
Sinking my heart turns to stone
Sinking my heart turns to stone

Save me, take me home over and over again
Save me, take me home, wishing that this all would end
Save me, take me home over and over again
Save me, take me home, wishing that this all would end

After a while the coroners calling me
Lolling me, waving goodbye
I'm out here alone, oh God, can you save me now?
Sinking my heart turns to stone

After a while the coroners calling me
Lolling me, waving goodbye
I'm out here alone, oh God, can you save me now?
Sinking my heart turns to stone
Sinking my heart turns to stone

Save me, take me home
(Will I come up for air? Will I come up for air?)
Save me, take me home
(Will I come up for air? Will I come up for air?)

Save me, take me home over and over again
Save me, take me home
(Wishing that this, wishing that all this would end)

She sings with great passion, while tears are flowing down her cheeks. Since her eyes are closed she does not recognize the smaller crowd of ponies she managed to attract until the bystanders join in with the song, singing the ancient, forgotten tunes with her...

(Link for the song. I think the tunes suit this scene pretty well)

over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat Roll managed to join the ancient, forgotten song she once was told as a filly. Even Meadow is able to pick up the pace. Tsura and Ragnar just stand where they are, observing the Equestrians curiously as they huddle. Meanwhile, the two gypsies just stay irrelevant in the crowd. Ragnar manages to twitch his ears to the beat of the soothing voice that fills the air. He quickly erases the thought when he looks back at her sister, who just stands there, emotionless staring into the air and crowd.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Not able to sing much, he listens to the song, letting it pass into his ears)
Steel Sword: (Stands by Longsword, hearing the music enter her ears)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
While Summer sings, Catapult just idles with his children, from a short distance from Tsura. At first, the stallion does not even move but summons upon a great deal of inner courage and walks toward the mare, instructing their children to stay behind at a safe distance. Knowing the behavior of his own wife, Catapult does not approach her too much, knowing exactly how she would react of she'd feel his touch. So he just stops two steps away from the gypsy and addresses her on a soft, quiet, yet cold and determined voice.

Catapult: Tsura. We need to talk.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Oddly, the gypsy doesn't even flinch when she feels Catapult's presence. Despite the purple bruises on her face, She just dilates her blue pupils, and lifts them at the stallion with a creepy, intimidating glare.

Tsura: We need to talk? ..Talk about what, Black Feather? The fact that you're a coward and a liar of a husband and father? Don't embarrass yourself even more. Go waste your time on another mare before I rip your throat out and use your wings as decorations for my room.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: *his features become steely but the loving warmness remains in his blue eyes* I am not intimidated by your shouting. You may hate me all you like but I did what I did to protect you. You have no idea how difficult it was to live a double life for eight months. Pretending that everything's all right but knowing that it couldn't be further from the truth. How could I tell you AND the kids that we're near the end of the world?! Our world! How could I tell you that the changelings had at least seven covert agents watching your every move! And those were the ones we knew of! They would have sliced your throat without hesitation, or killed you in your sleep. And our children too! You have every reason to feel that I have violated your trust, I get that! I'd probably feel the same way in your place. Believe me, I wanted to tell you every single day! but then you would have sought help from Landslide or somepony else. The changelings had spies everywhere, even in the Palace! They would have known that something was up. Yes, I am fully aware now that it was a terrible mistake to hide the truth from you. Nothing went down as planned and even our children got in harm's way. but you gotta understand: I did what I did not because I felt that you were not worthy of my trust but out of love. And the fear of losing you or the kids. That's why mother tried to keep me out of most of the plan. It's not like it counts anymore, but I've only met with them twice a month in secret. You'll probably never forgive me but i still apologize for the deception. There's no excuse for that. I just wanted the best for you... to live a happy life, away from the ugliness of this violent world... but somewhere along the way... I got o protective of you that i forgot to let YOU decide what's best for you. but I still love you Tsura! I never lied about that!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *sings in a soft voice as he slowly remembers his mother singing this once to him*
Crystal: *listens with her eyes closed as she does not know the song,but at this point,its one of the best she's heard* The Queen sings good...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *lowers her eyes and looks away, knowing that Catapult has a point.* Well.. I don't love you. What is that called when the wife no longer wants to be married?
Ragnar: *grins at himself* A divorce.
Tsura: Yes, well.. Whatever that is, I want it.. *lifts her eyes and pierces them into Catapult's*
Ragnar: Hmm, lad, seems like I didn't need to separate my sister from you after all. You'd do it yourself.
Tsura: You are just a worthless piece of trash, after all.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: *flashes angry eyes at Ragnar and hisses* Stay out of it, Ragnar! This is between me and Tsura! Besides, you of all ponies have no right to judge me! You have all those years and resources to find Summer Pride! So despite all your distaste for me, we do have that in common. We would both do anything to protect the mare we love! We would move mountains for them if we'd have to! So if that falls under the category of being a worthless pile of garbage... then I'm indeed one! Like I said: you have no right to place judgment upon me, especially since you don't have children, therefore you do not understand what it's like! Your sister gifted me with THREE! You and I have sacrificed everything for our love. We both loved a mare... loved her and lost her! FOREVER! but Tsura and the kids are still alive and safe, thus my mission WAS a success in a way. That's all I've ever wanted! So I must accept to consequences. A steep price indeed... but I'm willing to pay it. To me, all that matter is Her. *takes a step closer to the stallion and pierces his broken but strong blue eyes into his* So look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't have done the same for Summer Pride if you were in my shoes, knowing I knew! That the changelings would kill her immediately if they suspected anything! It's not a question of trust, it's a question of life and death! *pauses for a couple of seconds, and his glare becomes even more intense* That's what I thought. So don't you DARE to lecture me again about the ethics of right and wrong! *turns around with a quick and unexpected move* now, if you excuse me, I'll have to find a place where MY children could eat.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: *constricts his eyes like a predator looking at its prey, preparing to attack. His anger is disrupted by his sister.*
Tsura: Let him go. I made my decision and he made his. We're not here to make up what was lost. We're here to make Landslide give shelter to our people whether he likes it or not. That's why we agreed in coming. Steel promised. Unless she's like the others and lies. *grits her teeth as she watches the stallion walk away from her. She unexpectedly raises her sword in anger, and although it seems as if she is going to throw and puncture Catapult's chest, she stabs the sword on the ground* Go talk to your lover and convince her to give us property.
Ragnar: I rather talk to Landslide. She thinks that I left her to die. Hah! Then she blames me for everything. She'll rip my heart out. Literally.

Tanis: *observes his mother talking to his uncle in curiosity from a safe distance. His eyes, and her two sisters then follow the gaze of Catapult* What's wrong daddy? Did you get mommy and our uncle back?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: (Behind Tsura) I'm not a liar. I may have done something awful to you, but I regret it greatly. I assure you I won't do that again. And I can assure you, you're people will be safe. I may not be perfect, but I am not a liar
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: No one asked you. I simply stated my opinion. Listen better, hm? *spreads her wings, then prepares for flight until she realizes she cannot fly at such steady or fast speed because of the injuries*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Yeah, I get it, she has power over the dead but she's alive. another powerful character, okay. I just want to let you know that we kinda played the undead/zombie card out in the previous RP, the Eye of Anubis. so I hope those minions are not zombies of some sort. )

Catapult: No, son. Not yet. Mommy's not feeling well and... she's still mad at daddy. *sighs* She's gonna stay with uncle Ragnar for a while.

*** ***

Summer: *on her way back to the others, she overhears the pony in the robes. Fury distorts her face as she trots over to the scene, the crowd is opening before her so she could face the hooded preacher* LIES AND DECEPTIONS! Is this who you ponies listen to?! A paid agent of the alicorns?! Haven't they done enough damage by subverting what's left of our country?! Oh yes, I've seen in a hundred times before in my long life! Extremists and radicals always gain support at difficult times. They always offer solution and stability! And the outcome is always the same: Utter and total hegemony! "Oh, the alicorns will save us!" They will only ask for submission and silence in return! Who do you think dropped the bomb here?! It was them! Ponies like this hooded one are the hoof soldiers of a power hungry, mass murderer maniac and they need to be destroyed! Do not give in to the lies! They are trying to divide us o they could conquer! whatever they promise, they shall not deliver! They will force you into the yoke of oppression one more! They will take away our freedom, the freedom we have been fighting for so valiantly for in the Great Unrest! *looks directly into the eye of the cultist* You may have convince somepony, but not me! No, my friend! I have lived for too long, and I have seen too much NOT to see right through the jugglery! We have placed the power in the hooves of the alicorns once! And we shall never make the same mistake again! so I strongly suggest you to run back to your masters that we had enough of their oppressive reign and they shall not gain power! Not while I'm alive! Tell Einherijar that I, Summer Pride, the Queen of Equestria have returned and reclaimed my title and my kingdom! Tell him that I will personally rip his dark heart out of his chest if he does not yield before me! I've come too far and lost too much to be stopped now! If he does not stop torturing my country at once, I will come for him! He won't have any place to hide from me on this planet! I will hunt him down, I will find him and I will kill him! And all of his followers will share the same fate! Now get lost before I incinerate you where you stand!!!
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: *observes the discussion between the pony and Summer, then quickly flies to the red headed mare and stands in front of her in a protective matter* Fallen dead queen?! You are mistaken! She is the only true queen who will rule these lands. Not the alicorns, nor the changelings. She may not have the power of an alicorn, but she has other abilities beyond our imagination and a golden heart! Lad, the lady wants you to leave. Now, do not do further damage and get your flank out of here.

Tanis: Don't worry! We'll get her back! Just because you failed to get her back doesn't mean we will!
Vectra: Yeah! She'll listen to us!
Meriva: She loves us!
Tanis: Let's go!

After a few moments, while Tsura continue to wander in her mind, she lets out a sudden shriek as she feels the bite on her tail. She lifts a forehoof and stands backward, then tilts her head below to find the three little ponies staring at her with puppy eyes.

Meriva: Mom! Don't listen to dad! Come home with us! *pulls her tail*
Tanis: Yeah! I'll never pull the fire alarm at school again! I promise, just for you!
Vectra: We're hungry and we need to be groomed! Please come back! Don't be mad at daddy, whatever he did, it wasn't his fault!
Tsura: Gah! Foolish children, let go of me! I am not leaving you! I'm leaving him! You can see me whenever you want!
Tanis: Yeah, but it won't be the same as before..
Tsura: Go, shoo away with your father.
Vectra: *squints her eyes* If you stay, uncle Ragnar will stay as well. He told us a story where an anaconda would struggle it's prey to keep them still! *jumps and coils around her mother's hoof*
Tanis: *follows Vectra's steps with another forehoof*
Meriva: *wraps her body around Tsura's leg*
Tsura: Argh.. *tries to step forward, but then wobbles with her children stuck like glue to her. She then glares at them all*
NocturnalMirage commented…
awww, cuteness overload! :3 over a year ago