My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLP - Reboot Crossover RP

NocturnalMirage posted on May 24, 2013 at 09:50PM
I come from the Net. Infecting systems, people and cities, to this place: Equestria... My domain.
My format: Virus. To corrupt and conquer.
I come from the Net. Infecting systems, people and cities, to this place: Equestria... My domain.
last edited on May 24, 2013 at 09:57PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 29 replies

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over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Virus: *emerges from a dark vortex at the outskirts of Ponyville* Ah, another domain I will rule with an iron fist! Hah... this land is inhabited by ponies. This should be rather easy... Wait a minute... something's wrong... What happened to me?! I'm a pony too?! A minor inconvenience. No matter what form, I AM MEGABYTE! Who among you could possibly challenge me?!
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
I think you know who I'm using. Sean the hedgehog
I think you know who I'm using. Sean the hedgehog
NocturnalMirage commented…
great and welcome! :) over a year ago
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *lifting buildings*
Rainbow Dash: Why do you do this?
Sean: For a workout
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *approaches Ponyville from the direction of the Everfree forest, gets frightened looks*
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Pinkie Pie: Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie. Are you new here?
Rainbow Dash: Where's everyone going?
Sean: No clue. Let's check it out *follows others*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Hah! Talking ponies! That's rather unexpected. No matter. *raises voice and talks to everypony around, while a few vidwindows pop up around him, sO everypony can see his face* ATTENTION! RESIDENTS OF THE EQUINE HIVE! I AM MEGABYTE, YOUR NEW RULER! SURRENDER YOUR PID (Personal Identification chips) CHIPS AT ONCE AND YOU SHALL NOT BE HARMED! RESIST, AND MY WRATH WILL BE UNFORGIVING!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: walks up to FD and pierces his eyes into his* I suggest you watch your tone, boy. I'll ask one last time. Give your PID's to me!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Hmm. Morphing abilities. Interesting... I thought only Trojan Horse Virals can do that. Still... you don't seem to have a PID chip. Well, a minor setback.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Is that a threat, boy?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Hahahahaha! We'll see about that! *claws come out of hooves*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: You'll need more than pyrokinesis to defeat me, boy! AAARGHHH! *charges at FD, swinging his claws*
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *gets between the two* That's enough! *to Megabyte* None of us have what you want, and we have nothing against your kind. I suggest you leave us alone
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: You do not understand. I am a Virus. The only purpose of my existence is to corrupt and conquer. I cannot go against my code. My program must be fulfilled!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *grabs huge rock* Then let's see what you got *throws it at Megabyte*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *hooves turn into a blaster and destroy the rock* Hehe, this is rather entertaining.
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: Yeah, no one has ever dodged that before.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: There's a first time for everything. *fires plasma beams at Sean*
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *jumps over it*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *darts and jumps into the air, flying toward Sean, while claws emerge from hooves* You're mine, boy!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Arrgh! *there's a smoking hole where the arrow hit* You still think you can win. How commendable... How futile! *shoots a bullet toward FD, the bullet opens in the air and forms a large, electric net*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: Resistance is futile! Now... since you don't have a PID chip, I'll have to download information directly from your brain. But that is such a painful process, we can avoid it. Tell me what I need to know. I want to know everything about these... Princesses!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *K.O's Megabyte* I got him
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *gets up after a few seconds, shaking his head* Uh... I am growing weary of this.I will find more collaborative residents, and extract the information form them. *turns into a jet and takes off*
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *cuts net* This hole should be big enough for you to get out of
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *as a jet, writes down a cirlce in the air before he heads toward Ponyville* We shall meet again!
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: *helps Firedash out of net*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *arrives in Ponyville* This sector is mine! *starts to infect the residents, who become viral ponies*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Megabyte: *touches a carriage and upgrades it into a flying tank, then he continues to upgrade every machinery he can find. He arrives at Ponyville town hall, smirks* Finally! The Principal Office of this sector! Time to download some information!

(Oh, here's a vid of the original verison of the villain I'm playing. He has an awesome voice)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Seanthehedgehog said…
Sean: Firedash, what's wrong?