My Little Pony Friendship is Magic MLP Violence is Magic RP

klaine_forever posted on Sep 02, 2012 at 08:24AM
Ok, basicly a roleplay for those who like MLP violence as in Cupcakes and such


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 58 replies

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over a year ago LavenderLily said…
So you could be any pony?
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Who do i kill first!?
Who do i kill first!?
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Name: Dawn
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
You can be any real charecter of fan made, exept I totally call Pinkamena
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Ill be Fluttershy... YOURE GOING TO LOVE ME.....
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena :*holds a chainsaw* Give me a smile, Fluttershy!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Flutteshy: *rings a bell and bunnies cone to her* My bunny army, ATTACK!!!!!!
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
I'll be Rainbow Dash
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena : *chops angels head off* Hahahhaha!
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Hey pinkie Wanna go someplace?
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
*uses The Stare* HOW DARE YOU!!!!!
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Hey Fluttershy wanna go to cloudsdale?
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
*continues staring* sure Rainbow Dash, RIGHT AFTER I FINISH THIS PATHETIC PARTY OF ONE!!!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
Oooh!This sounds fun!I want to be Applejack.Can I be my OC Cotton Swirly instead?
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
I'll just be Applejack!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*Runs to rainbow dash*Hey,like all of that applebucking didn't pay off!*Kicks rainbow dash in the face*
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena *under influence of The Stare* All hale Fluttershy!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*Throws a grenade at everyone* How do you like them apples!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
FLuttershy:That's right slave! *sees rainbow getting kicked* I COMMAND YOU TO KILL APPLEJACK!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*grabs a saw* Hey,fluttershy,how about buying some new hair extensions!*saws off fluttershy's hair and arm*
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy : *gasps in pain**flies into the air* *rings her bell again* SWARM HER MY CUDDLY MINIONS
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena : *under influence of stare* Kill...Rainbow dash...kill....*cuts rd's back hoofs off*
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Misses rd's legs. You wanna do this the hard way? WE'll DO THIS THE HARD WAY ( turns into super rainbow dash) and throw applejack to the moon!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy : *sewoming her arm back on* *loses control over Pinkamena*
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*Comes back flying from the moon and shouts in pain* Oh,your gonna get it,Rainbow Dash!*yanks off Rainbow Dashs wings*
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Hah Kicks her so hard that AJ loses her eyeballs
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*holds her eyeball holes* How could you!Now,let me give you a lesson on tying the rope on someones head and choking them to death!*puts her eyeballs back inside and ties a rope around Rainbow Dash*Haha!How about losing your oxygen and air!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *Tackles Applejack off Rainbow Dash* You know what's bloody, cold and clueless? *Starts brutally punching Applejack, blood spurts everywhere* YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*fights back the pain and starts punching and kicking back* You already know I am never going to die!*Runs to her hideout and brings back a chainsaw* Now,let me just help you and your friend.....TO NOT FLY!*Cuts off both of their wings*How do you like me now!You and RD can can have your own little army!Looks like it is one versus two!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy: How about i take who's dearest to YOU?????? *runs to sweet apple acres**comes back with applebloom and a knife* NOW SHE'LL NEVER HAVE A CUTIE MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cuts off both of her flanks* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*runs to apple bloom* how could you,fluttershy!*hugs apple bloom and goes to fluttershy's cottage*Now you will never be a nice animal caregiver!*drops a grenade inside fluttershys cottage*Ha!All of your animals are dead!*brings big mac*Big Macintosh,show fluttershy the violent part of you since she tortured our little sister of not having a cutie mark!*carries apple bloom to sweet apple acres while big macintosh is kicking and punching fluttershy to death*That's right!Keep up the good work,big mac!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Rarity: *walks to big mac* Oh, dear! I beg your pardon Big Macintosh, but that is NOT how to give a proper beating. It goes more like this... *slas big mac across the face* That, kind sir is a BITCH SLAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bucks Big Mac barely out of reach of fluttershy, giving her time to use a basic healing spell*
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Rainbow quickly runs to Twilight and uses her magic to heal all the wounds including her wings. Flies twice as fast as her normal speed and sonic rain booms over sweet apple acres. Now there's nothing but ruined flatland
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena: *snaps out of The Stare* Now Fluttershy, that wasn't very nice now, was it? *throws knife at Fluttershy and hits her right wing*
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy: BUTTERFLY SWARM!! *calls butersflies to cloud Pinkamena's vision while....
Rarity: HERE COMES TOM!!!! *crashes giant rock (the one from season 2) at Applejack. *turns around and faces Pinkamena*
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
Shouts in pain,gets the rock off,and walks to Rarity and rips off her horn* haha!Now you ain't gonna do magic!*Starts throwing apples at all of the butterflies*
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Rarity: OH, IT, IS ,ON!!!!!!!!!!
Fluttershy: *Calls in five bears* that surround applejack and ......(you know what bears do)
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*looks at the bears carefully* Wow,like I am afraid of a couple of bears!*Whistles and calls in the apple family*Apple family,attack fluttershy,rarity,rainbow dash,and those five bears!*start bucking everyone and me and Pinkie Pie walk to our hideout to talk*Okay,we need more people for our army to attack!I tell Pinkamena.
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Luna: (royal voice) BE STILL! (echo) STILL! *her voice shakes the ground and stumbles everypony*
(you should be Celestia too! it'll be an interesting battle!!)
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
(Hey there's no more sweet apple acres . Plus I destroyed the trees . You don't have any apples)
It's over Big Mac. Creates lightning with her wings and kills Big Mac
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Fluttershy: D-D-D-....Death?
Rarity: Go Rainbow Dash!!!!
Luna:*fixes Rarity's horn* (using magic of course)
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Pinkamena:*starts eating butterflies* Mmm, even better than cupcakes!
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
*Celestia comes flying and uses her magic to heal big mac and apple bloom*Maybe sweetie belles cutie mark can be,you know.....BLOOD!*Rips off sweetie belles flanks and braeburn comes to help attack*NOOOOO!Big mac!How could you?He was the only one that helped!At least he is alive!*Braeburn starts shooting rarity,fluttershy,and rainbow dash with a machine gun*
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
(adding guns was your biggest mistake)
Luna: *protects everypony with a barrier* (only lasts this turn)
Rarity *puts her magic to help the barrier strength*
Luna: So, Thou wishes firearms, THEN THOU SHALL RECEIVE LEAD!!!!!!!!! SEND IN OPERATIVES 115 and 117!!!
Nova: *flying high in the air* Yes my princess, firing on your command!
Callisto: Sniper rifle standing by..... *next to Nova*
(pic of Nova) (my other OC)
(adding guns was your biggest mistake)
Luna: *protects everypony with a barrier* (only lasts this tu
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
..........................................­...­and Callisto (my other other OC)
.............................................and Callisto (my other other OC)
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Oh no you don't Braeburn! Double rainbooms the heck out of him and his flesh is everywhere lung heart etc. Now just to be sure.. Smashes his intestines heart lung liver ... and throws his coat to the air and rip it apart with her teeth ( maybe too violent)
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Nova:* quick-scoping the apple family*
Callisto: *soars low and shoots close up before going back up*
over a year ago cupcake2456 said…
Okay,that's it!*Rips off rainbow dashs eyes and eats them,takes off her cutie mark to taste the rainbow,shoots her through the ear with a gun,flips her over and tosses her to the ground*That was my treatment for you,rainbow dash!Now it is time for your little treatment,fluttershy!*Calls in Winona and tells her to bite her ear off.Bucks her until she bleeds,ties her hair into knots on her skin so it can give her rashes and blood marks,rips out her butterfly cutie mark!*Now you are all blank flanks!
over a year ago DE4DLIESTP0NY said…
Luna: Quickly, The double tap maneuver!!!!!
Nova: * Shoots AJ in one eye.*
Callisto: *Shoots AJ in the other eye*
Luna:* searches Rainbow Dash for a pulse*
over a year ago LavenderLily said…
Twilight appears and heals Rainbow Dash and Rips applejack's skin . Then Rainbow dash Flys to Celestia and tore her horn and wings while Twilight Lazers her heart . No more Celestia