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Music Question

What's with everyone hating on Lady Gaga???

I've seen so many hate articles, answers, picks, and more of Lady Gaga, what's the deal?

First off, I respect everyone's opinion. I may not agree with it, but I respect it.

Anyways, ppl are saying talentless shit "artists" like Katy Perry and Justin Bieber are so great, but Lady Gaga sucks. Wtf? How does she suck? She has an amazing voice. Yeah she does stuff close minded ppl might find "wierd" but she has a great voice.

Anyways, if you don't like Lady Gaga, please give a reason, & not stupid answers like "she's wierd" or "she sucks"
& at the first sentance, I ment to say Lady Gaga haters, sorry about that lol
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
 LadyL68 posted over a year ago
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Music Answers

Renarimae said:
I don't hate her, in fact, I think she's really talented and I like a lot of her songs. I do think she's weird, but I like weird, weird is different, unique, and interesting. In my opinion, it's mean-spirited and stupid to hate and wish harm or even death for someone just you don't like his/her music. If you hate their music, it's just fine, but it's unethical and pointless to start hating on them and wishing that they'd get hurt or even die. Where's your consideration, people?
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posted over a year ago 
agreed! best answer
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
Thanks! :D
Renarimae posted over a year ago
PaisleyPark said:
You are being a hypocrite.

Do not tell people not to hate on Lady Gaga when you just did the same to Katy Perry and Justin Bieber.
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posted over a year ago 
Well i don't go arround telling Katy Perry & Justin Bieber fans that they suck and have no taste, like Gaga haters have told me
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
katnappe-gurl3 said:
i hate her too i can't stans her stupid costumes.... Justin Bieber is wayyyy talented then Lady Gaga
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posted over a year ago 
I HIGHLY dissagree with your opinion. But thanks for sharing.
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
MadamOcta13 said:
I wouldn't say that I "hate" her, I just find that she does things for attention. Such as wearing nothing but a leather bra and underwear to a baseball game and giving paparazzi the finger because "she didn't want any attention that day".
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posted over a year ago 
I see your opinion,
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
I agree with you.
PaisleyPark posted over a year ago
LoveDraco123 said:
I'm not going to say I dislike her, because I really do hate her.

Her music sucks, okay? It's all that computerized, mainstream shit that's all around the radio nowadays. About her having a nice voice? No. Her voice, in most of the songs, is altered using auto-tune. Her lyrics are stupid and pointless. Singing about a bad telephone reception? Fuck. Seriously?!

Moreover, she dresses like a whore. I agree with everyone who is saying she's an attention seeker. She's absolutely retarded. I don't think she's talented at all.

I'm not gonna say I like Katy Perry, but she's better than Lady GaGa, in my opinion.

I hate Justin Bieber's music but I respect the kid, and I've said this about a thousand times.
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posted over a year ago 
The whole first to paragraphs you wrote are exactly what I think about Katy Perry. She's a talentless whore who's only famous because she has boobs.
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
^ All a matter of opinion. ^_^
LoveDraco123 posted over a year ago
Twilight_Dream said:
I don't HATE Lady Gaga. I actually like many of her songs. But I STRONGLY dislike her personality and the whole persona she gives off. She does the vulgar and tasteless things she does for attention and its not even unique. Madonna did it before her, and Cher before Madonna. And how she says that all of the things she does is in the name of "art" is just plain bull crap to me. She just wants to act like a slut and get away with it. And surprise surprise, she has. I guess in a way she has talent for making songs, but in no way do I believe she has as much talent as everyone says she does. This "talent" that everyone says she has is just her insane costumes and the way she carries herself. Pretty up on herself. BTW, I don't like Katy Perry or Justin Bieber either.
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posted over a year ago 
Rosel_15 said:
yes she is weird but that's cool
BUT she is a whore and acts like one...BUT i love her music
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posted over a year ago 
and also attention whore
Rosel_15 posted over a year ago
how is she a whore???
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
reneemonique said:
Well, why do people hate on Michael Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Kesha? Jealousy maybe? Because of who they are? What the promote? Things they do? Or is it just because of "The weirdness"? It's lame, to think that people hate on LG because the media spreads rumors thats she's a "man" or "Bisexual"..wooh...whta IS the freaking point!
I like Lady Gaga, and proud to be sort of a fan. I would truthfully say that I cannot name her songs, back to front or whatever because I only know a fair few, but I get her. I dislike the fact that people in the spotlight get to wear raunchy outfits on TV and then Teenagers go out showing a little bit of arm and get labeled a slut, or something. Mature people woudn't hate on her they would simply ignore her. If they think she's "scary" or a "fraud" then these people have no hearts, but then again...most stars get this stuff from the media, and people online and in the real world take into account things that they have said and rumors spread. She probably is a really lovely human being, who is falsy being mistaken for a monster.
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
I only mildly dislike her. She just seems like an attention seeker to me, and I don't really like her songs.

I think the main reason people hate on her so much is that she's easy to make fun of.
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posted over a year ago 
XD That sounds just like her in the beginning!
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
All of them suck and there are bands that are 10x popular then the 3 of them combined.
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posted over a year ago 
xxAjulietxx said:
honestly I dislike her because I hate her voice and most of her songs, in my opinion she has three okay songs. In my opinion, her voice sucks and all of her songs are all about boys and sex, which may be okay for two or three songs, but all of them? NO. Yes she does some crazy stuff, I used to like her for her uniqueness but it was the meat dress that drew the line. Being a huge animal rights activist, that was offensive, not to mention that meat could've gone to starving people around the world. She dresses like a whore, in almost every video I've seen, she half naked with one guy or a bunch of guys hanging around her waist or touching her breasts. She is nothing more than an attention seeker, she isn't talented at all. Also by "dissing" katy perry and justine bieber, makes you a hypocrite.
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posted over a year ago 
TayTayBieber said:
some people think shes "inappropriate" for kids and "a bad role model" just because she has body suits and bad stuff in her music videos. but who the heck cares about that ? just be happy with her music.
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posted over a year ago 
louvreangel said:
Well the truth is, I hate 'herself'. I mean, I hate her lifestyle, costumes, behavior and everything about her. But I LUV her voice and songs so much.

Maybe, those people who hate Lady GaGa just envy her or doesnt like her music style. I dont know, there are too many kinds of people and too many genres of music. Just as you hate Katy Perry and Justin Bieber they hate Lady GaGa.

By the way, it is wrong for you to call Katy Perry and Justin Bieber "shit" too. See? You do that too. You insult them. So they insult Lady GaGa, if u know what I mean. And, I hate Katy Perry and Justin Bieber too. I'm just saying, try not to care about those people who call her 'shit', 'worthless' or anything else. We luv her and that's it. Do not mind the others :)
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posted over a year ago 
evanescence_ said:
i dont really hate her but i think her voice isnt special! and i dont like her style...who the hell would wear real meat?! yuck!!! she got NOTHING special on her!she tries to get attention with her crazy outfits! thats not a real singer!!
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posted over a year ago 
xXSweeneyXx said:
Because she's different and people like to stick with what they typically see and know.
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posted over a year ago 
Gaga_fanatic said:
Girl, you took the words out of my mouth right there.

No idea. Either they're jealous or have bad taste. Or they can't stand the fact that she's not the stereotypical, talentless "pop singer" like Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, ect.
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posted over a year ago 
SabrinaR said:
its the same with every artists xD youll have your haters, and youll have your lovers :)
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posted over a year ago 
iamagagamonster said:
wat?? people are hating on her? OH HELL NO! they're probably biebans that hate her
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posted over a year ago 
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