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Music Answers

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 Showing Music questions (1 - 60 of 60)
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Answer: You should download some Michael Jackson songs...HE...
Answer: Justin Bieber,Justin Bieber,And Justin Bieber!
Answer: Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. The movie. ...
Answer: well nothing , cause i would have no idea what the ...
Answer: All the rap or Pop shit like Katy perry and lady ga...
Answer: Paul Stanley "Tonight You Belong to Me"
Answer: I thought this was the 'Music' group?
Answer: KISS ^_^
Answer: I like at least one song from every genre. But I l...
Answer: Anything by Kesha -.-
Answer: there are a lot of songs that I love.I can't pick j...
Answer: Justin Timberlake - TKO B-)
Answer: Let's Dance - David Bowie
Answer: "New Divide" by Linkin Park
Answer: Mine is Up in the Air by 30 Seconds 2 Mars Demons ...
Answer: That's What Makes Potatoes Beautiful.
Answer: 1. For Your Life - Led Zeppelin 2. Young Man Blues...
Answer: David Bowie aka GOD
Answer: SummerTime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
Answer: Mr. David Bowie
Answer: David Bowie
Answer: Lungs by Florence + The Machine <3
Answer: Born to Die by Lana Del Rey
Answer: Skillet (pic) Breaking Benjamin
Answer: Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Answer: Rihanna - Mad House
Answer: David Bowie has the most beautiful voice imo and o...
Answer: the chiselled physical perfection of David Bowie......
Answer: Justin Bieber, I hate his music, can't stand his vo...
Answer: Nirvana Stone Temple Pilots Oasis Foo Fighters ...
Answer: Mockingbird. It's soooo good XD aha I learnt the wh...
Answer: "You cannot learn a thing, you think you know" Poe...
Answer: Somewhere over the Rainbow~ Judy Garland
Answer: Simon and Garfunkle's "Bridge Over Troubled Waters"...
Answer: I know I keep talking about this one...but I just l...
Answer: Blown Away
Answer: EVERY singer that the radio stations decide to play...
Answer: a year without rain
Answer: London Grammar - Strong
Answer: What If
Answer: I was about 8 or 9; Evanescence's Fallen.
Answer: Up in the Air
Answer: There are a few but this one really doesn't fit. It...
Answer: Words of Love by Buddy Holly. Short but sweet =)...
Answer: Bowie - Bring Me the Disco King
Answer: Heartbreak Skyscraper
Answer: BOWIE!!!!! I'm not a prophet or a stone age man...
Answer: 1. Goodbye Stranger - Supertramp 2. Dream On - Aer...
Answer: Nightwish's The Poet and the Pendulum is 13 minutes...
Answer: Elvis, Beatles, Bowie, MJ
Answer: With you for sure
Answer: Kontrust's Sock and Doll (Alternative Metal)
Answer: Used to hate : Happy 23 Chasing The Sun I Knew ...
Answer: Changes David Bowie Still don't know what I was...
Answer: When I'm under pressure, I listen to Under Pressure...
Answer: Better Faster Stronger
Answer: Pink Floyd Black Sabbath (I would say the Beatles,...
Answer: Because love is the strongest emotion there is, peo...