Movies Guess the movie!

jlhfan624 posted on Jan 21, 2011 at 12:41AM
I don't know if there's already a forum for this...probably, but it's not active anymore. So I'm starting a new one. This is a very simple game. All you have to do is post a picture of the movie WITHOUT any text or clues on it whatsoever. So it should be like a still from the movie or a screencap maybe. The next person comments what it is and posts a picture of their own for the next person to guess.

If you do not know what it is, try not to post a new picture right away. Instead, ask for a clue. Examples of clues you may give:
"Also starring ____"
"It was made in ____"
"Starts with ____"

If nobody guesses your movie within a day, you may say what it is and continue the game with a new picture.

Simple. Have fun!

Movies 366 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 366

over a year ago sunshinedany said…
This one's easy.....
This one's easy.....
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
big smile
Easy! Love this one, "The Usual Suspects" (1994)... Try to guess mine ;)
last edited over a year ago
Easy! Love this one, "The Usual Suspects" (1994)... Try to guess mine ;)
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
big smile
^^ I've watched this 5 or 6 times !...A Bronx Tale (1993)
This one's kinda easy as well :)
^^ I've watched this 5 or 6 times !...A Bronx Tale (1993)  
This one's kinda easy as well :)
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Correct! I don't know that one, could you, please, give me a clue? Like who's in it?
last edited over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
Mel Gibson. over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
What year did it come out? over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
1985 ... over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
..Is it "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome"?
..Is it "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome"?
sunshinedany commented…
Yes,it is Madmax 3:). About this pic. Also staring _____ ? over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
Clint Eastwood over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
yep ;) over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
Yaayyyyy, lucky guess,LOL..... What about this pic. Know from what movie ?
Yaayyyyy, lucky guess,LOL..... What about this pic. Know from what movie ?
over a year ago rosemina said…
Is it Heat?
Is it Heat?
sunshinedany commented…
Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp ! Starring ____ ? over a year ago
over a year ago rosemina said…
Robert De Niro
sunshinedany commented…
I was more like "who besides De Niro". Lol. Should have asked what year ? over a year ago
rosemina commented…
Lol how did you figure out it was De Niro, since he's not in the picture? Anyway it's 1978! xD over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
LOL :))) over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
May I take a guess? Is it "Night and the City"?
over a year ago rosemina said…
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
big smile
This is really hard. Please give us another clue :) Starts with ________?
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
big smile
Is it "The Deer Hunter"?
over a year ago rosemina said…
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Cool :). So, can anyone figure this one out?
Cool :). So, can anyone figure this one out?
sunshinedany commented…
I think this would've made a cool icon for "Life as a house" club... over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
Life as a house ?
opaquemystique commented…
How'd you know? ;) over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
Wild guess. Am I right ? over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
Yes. over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
^^^ What about this one ?
^^^ What  about this one ?
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
^Well.. that looks like Brad Pitt, what year was it released?
last edited over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
1997 over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Is it "7 Years in Tibet"?
sunshinedany commented…
Yes, you can post a new pic :) over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Try this one:
Try this one:
sunshinedany commented…
Roman Holiday ? over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
Yes it is :) over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
This should be easy cause you like classic movies :)
This should be easy cause you like classic movies :)
opaquemystique commented…
Starring________? over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
Paul Newman and Robert Redford over a year ago
over a year ago rosemina said…
Is it the Sting?
sunshinedany commented…
No. over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Is it... 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'?
sunshinedany commented…
Yes, it is ! Your turn to post a new pic. over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Try to guess this next one:
last edited over a year ago
Try to guess this next one:
over a year ago rosemina said…
opaquemystique commented…
Starring Alfred Molina over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
Is it "Enchanted April" ?. If not, tell me. it starts with letter ____?
opaquemystique commented…
You got it right, again! It's your turn ;) over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
^^^ What about this one ?
^^^ What about this one ?
opaquemystique commented…
What year? over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
2001 :) over a year ago
over a year ago opaquemystique said…
Is it K-PAX?
sunshinedany commented…
Yes, it is .. the only movie I can see Spacey with sunglasses :))) Your turn, sis. over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
This game hasn't been played for some while now. Anybody care to take a guess ?
This game hasn't been played for some while now. Anybody care to take a guess ?
over a year ago puloobestreet said…
Romeo Must Die
last edited over a year ago
Romeo Must Die
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
Also starring ?
puloobestreet commented…
Leslie Bibb over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
"Starts with ____"?
puloobestreet commented…
T over a year ago
over a year ago sunshinedany said…
The Skulls ????
puloobestreet commented…
There's no "the" in the title. It was made in 2007. over a year ago
over a year ago 3xZ said…
Whoa! Anna Paquin looks lovely in that Trick 'r' Treat screencap!

Whoa! Anna Paquin looks lovely in that Trick 'r' Treat screencap!
over a year ago puloobestreet said…
I know right! She's so pretty. That's Wanted! GREAT scene XD
last edited over a year ago
I know right! She's so pretty. That's Wanted! GREAT scene XD
over a year ago fanfly said…
^Shawshank Redemption?
puloobestreet commented…
Yes :) over a year ago
over a year ago fanfly said…
^Love that movie!
^Love that movie!
over a year ago fanfly said…
Anyone need a clue?
over a year ago puloobestreet said…
"This is size-10 chaos."
last edited over a year ago
"This is size-10 chaos." 
fanfly commented…
Great quote! over a year ago
over a year ago fanfly said…
Also starring?
puloobestreet commented…
Sam Rockwell over a year ago
over a year ago fanfly said…
Is it the Way Back?
puloobestreet commented…
Yep over a year ago
fanfly commented…
Oops, I realize the actual title is the Way Way Back. lol over a year ago
over a year ago fanfly said…
I haven't seen it yet but it's on my list because I love Sam Rockwell.
I haven't seen it yet but it's on my list because I love Sam Rockwell.
over a year ago puloobestreet said…
Same here. I heart Sam Rockwell way hard. & this definitely top 5 movie for me!
^I luv Saoirse so I know this... It's 'The Secret World of Arrietty'
last edited over a year ago
Same here. I heart Sam Rockwell way hard. & this definitely top 5 movie for me! 
^I luv Saoirse so I
puloobestreet commented…
I've seen her Filmography and saw she did a voice & watched the trailer. So I've never actually seen the movie... Is it right? I can take my pic down if it's wrong over a year ago
over a year ago fanfly said…
^No, you're right!

As for your pic, can you give a clue?
puloobestreet commented…
Sure. Also starring the beautiful & hilarious Anna Faris over a year ago
over a year ago TornUpPaperYoyo said…
Take Me Home Tonight
last edited over a year ago
Take Me Home Tonight
over a year ago puloobestreet said…
LOL! White Chicks
last edited over a year ago
LOL! White Chicks
over a year ago sharpaywildcats said…
The Social Network
The Social Network
over a year ago fanfly said…
^Great Expectations!
^Great Expectations!
over a year ago sharpaywildcats said…
Killer Elite
Killer Elite
over a year ago fanfly said…
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
over a year ago sharpaywildcats said…
Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road