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Mindless Behavior Question

Would You Leave Your Bf For A MB Boy If You Were In A Committed Relationship?

:] i Wouldn't.
divafly_diva2 posted over a year ago
 KayHarris- posted over a year ago
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Mindless Behavior Answers

Imdalyric said:
No i would neva end it wit my bf 4 an mb guy because i wudnt wanna hurt my bf and mb is famous so i dnt wanna be known as "some chick who dates sum1 4rm mb" , i wanna be known as someone's "Girlfriend" (still luv u MB)
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posted over a year ago 
MrsProdigyWifey said:
if it was prodigy it depends on my relationship with my bf if its good then prod would have 2 wait but if the relationship is bad like we argue ova nun all da time then prod got wat he wanted cause i would leave my bf cause of the bad relationship
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posted over a year ago 
gabybaby13 said:
it all depend on which member
roc royal totally

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posted over a year ago 
nana143mb said:
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posted over a year ago 
N3WN3W said:
Nahh I mean thadd be cool one of em asked me out buht its more likey a chance of me staying with a regular then ending up with a celebrity cause stuff will happen :) buht if I was single I'd be like hell yeahh babe <3 lol
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posted over a year ago 
number1girl11 said:
tbh, yes i wud cuz going out wit sum1 from mb is a once in a lifetime i cudnt say no 2 any1 frm mb especially princeton.
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tbh, yes i wud cuz going out wit sum1 from mb is a once in a lifetime i cudnt say no 2 any1 frm mb especially princeton.
posted over a year ago 
of course i would who would not want to be with an mb boy OMG! u people have no love minds
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posted over a year ago 
samiah453 said:
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posted over a year ago 
rc-rocroyal said:
Yes Because like mindless behavior is famous and yea because they hit boys I love yall
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posted over a year ago 
RayRaycutie said:
I would but i dnt wnna d8 anybody else but sumone frm mb!!! i luv thm all!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Abriya_Young said:
No because i dont want to be some random girl that no oneknows being talked about in magazines and things like that
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posted over a year ago 
_NaeBear_ said:
Yess I Would Leave Any Boy For Prod Cuz I Feel like No Other Boy Could Be Better Than Prod...Well The Boys That I know Of Arent
And I Just Really Love Prod
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posted over a year ago 
kiberly said:
Hell no why would i is gud to be truthful and onest and greatful for what u have........
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posted over a year ago 
boo_baby56 said:
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posted over a year ago 
ErykahAgers said:
If things are not working out with my boyfriend or if I hang out with one of the MB boys and like them better and I see my boyfriend is interested in other people I would take the opportunity to go with someone else.
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posted over a year ago 
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