Michael Jackson Brett Livingston on Michael n Lisa,1994

pmjlover1997 posted on Apr 26, 2011 at 08:23AM
Lisa Marie Presley saved Michael Jackson from killing himself when the child sex abuse scandal drove him to the brink of despair,says the man who introduced the pop superstar to Elivis' daughter.
In an exclusive Enquirer interview,Hollywood artist Breet Livingstone Strong- a longtime friend of both Michael and Lisa Marie-spoke freely about his role in the marriage that shocked the world.
Telling his remarkable story for the first time ever, Strong revealed that:
* Lisa Marie fell in love with Michael first and pursued him relentlessly
* The newlyweds are truly in love with each other- and both of them want to start a family.
* Lisa Marie told Michael she wanted to be a singing star- and when he warned her she'd have to ''give up everything'' to succeed,she broke down in tears. But now she's dedicated to becoming a superstar and Michael has vowed to make her dream come true.
''When I introduced Lisa Marie and Michael in my wildest dreams did I think they'd marry,'' said Strong,40.

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