Maria&Jєnn♥ Choose your favorite Angela Montenegro quote♥ [Part 2]

Pick one:
#11.I can't fight, or shoot a gun.But if something bad happens, I can spit with..
#12. This is my bo-ho rocker artist, mid-week, take-a-deep-breath-and-pout look.
#13. You're kidding? It's like watching the clash of the horny Titans!
#14. I was turned on by tiger urine?
#15. [to Hodge and Zack]I love it when you two impersonate earthlings
#16. [Seeing half naked Booth on a cart]Are we experimenting on Booth? Because..
#17. Hodgins: [excited] Ohh, you know what that proves? Angela: That you guys..
#18. [about Brennan] She has enough pent-up sexual energy to power a small Mid..
#19. [while using Booth's computer] So while I'm in here, mind if I erase a few..
#20. [to Zack] Just because you have a doctorate now doesn't mean I won't use..
 natulle posted over a year ago
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