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Love Question

What's wrong with me?

I'm turning 16, and I haven't had a boyfriend yet. In fact, I haven't even kissed anyone yet! There must be something wrong with me :(

I think it may be because I'm really shy. I really try every day not to be, but I just can't help it. It's not nearly as simple as going over and just talking to people. I can't explain it. I really want to be more outgoing, but I can't :(

What do I do?
 XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

CullenProperty said:
Nothing is wrong with you. Just cause some people start dating when they're around 12, doesn't mean EVERYONE on the friggin planet has too! Plus, if your rumored to be kissing/hanging out with so many different guys, you could be called some horrible names too. So, don't fret about kissing or having boyfriends; the time will come when it's ready. Plus, it's better to have one really good boyfriend, than to have a million okay boyfriends. Gosh, I need to listen to my own advice. I'm just like you, wanting a boyfriend now, when I could be spending my time on other subjects. :) Hope I helped.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah,i agree with you.....
irena83 posted over a year ago
Thanks :)
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
I agree, too :)
sybhell posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
QueenVictoria73 said:
Honey, there is nothing wrong with you. I've been sixteen for a while, and I just got my first kiss a little while ago, and it was half a fluke. Don't think that you need a boyfriend, either, lots of teenagers don't, the only reason people think that way is because girls who do like to rub it in everyone else's faces. Another thing: don't try to force yourself to be anything, especially outgoing. If you want to try to change, then try to always be true and be yourself. I know how it feels to want to be bubbly, chatty, loud, and always cracking jokes, and the center of attention, especially when you are classified as "shy". I know how it seems that is the ideal person to be, but it doesn't have to be that way. What does "Shy" mean, anyways? Is it just being a quiet person, or is it being extremely self conscious and afraid to say and do certain things in front of people. the way to get over either of those things is to stop trying to be outgoing, because that will make you think even more about what you look like to other people and what they think of you, and just be yourself. When you stop worrying, then talking more, being funnier, and getting more attention will come naturally, and you will feel a lot better about yourself. And when you feel better about yourself, you become more attractive to other people. Also, since you've never kissed anyone before, it's going to feel even more special when you do. So i hope that helped!
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posted over a year ago 
Ya she's right and shy is like a persons personality like: doesn't talk a lot kinda not at all ppl forget ur there cuse they didn't hear u or u don't speak or like....hmm.... A better way to explain this is....someone that is quiet doesn't comunatate (talk) a lot with others and or like doesn't meet people a lot or often because they are shy. I hope I gave u a desent defanation sorry
Jess531 posted over a year ago
K5-HOWL said:
Nothings wrong with you

PS. Im a veggatarian but I find this picture very funny xD
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Nothings wrong with you

PS. Im a veggatarian but I find this picture very funny xD
posted over a year ago 
love the saying but i don't get the pic w/the saying w/it...
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Its from a site called unrealted captions. lol so the picture has nothing to do with the picture but in my mind one dude is telling the other to hand over the meow mix!
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
Black_cat_ posted over a year ago
allrity then.... that's just kinda stupid
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Jess531 said:
There is nothing wrong with u. A lot of girls haven't had there first kiss or prob haven't had a bf don't be upset ur not alone a lot of girls think somthings wrong but there's not. A guy is in love with u but he thinks u don't or wolnt like him back. Guys are really shy when it comes to girls :) don't think negative always think positive it helps a lot. Cuse I'm shy to but if u think positive than it helps don't think "what are other people going to think if I do that" don't think about it just do it. Some guys like girls that are wild and take risks or some chances. Bacily don't be afraid to be your self :)
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posted over a year ago 
stephmfan215 said:
dont feel so self conscious. its fine that you havent had a boyfriend and that you havent had a first kiss. some people start dating when they are like 12 and thats just going too fast. just enjoy life with out boys in it. if you really want to have a boyfriend then the next crush you have start working up the gut to talk to him. get to be friends with him. if you have any classes with him then talk to him there. once you get to the stage when its not awkward to say hi to him when you pass in the hall then its a good sign. you dont have to be totally out going in order to have a boy like you. just be your self while talking to boys.
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posted over a year ago 
Eline_K said:
Don't beat yourself up over this, you are perfectly normal!

I had the same problem. I had my first kiss when I was 17, it was two weeks before my 18th birthday. And I can tell you, it was worth waiting for!

I wanted my first kiss to be special, with someone I cared about and felt completely comfortable around, and I got exactly that! So my advice, ignore what everyone thinks and go with your instinct! If it doesn't feel right (enough), wait for the one that does!

As for the boyfriend, don't worry about that too. I just turned 19, and never had a real relationship. Not because I don't want to, but because the right guy hasn't came along just yet. It does bother me, but I don't let it get to me.

My time will come, and so will yours!

So what if your shy! If that's who you are, don't forcibly try to change that. The right guy will like you for who you are, including your shyness! If you have to act differently around a guy to get him to like you, he's not worth it!

Hope this helped!


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posted over a year ago 
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