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Love Question

I have a major issue. (sorry if this is confusing)

So like in late October there was this girl that met and she was like my gfs enemy. But somehow i start to like her so fast. And she will say she likes me too and such. And i get so lost i live my girlfriend for someone i just like. And after that, its like she just leaves and finds outher guys.
Then i have to fight for the one i LOVE.

I dont think this makes any scence but yeah.

Anyways in December the same thing happened! I was so happy when we talked again. But then she leaves me after a WEEK.

My question is how could you like someone so much after that time?

Because after 2 months seeing her with someone else brings me down. What does that mean? I think am crazy. And i hate it. I also am like hating her atm for other reasons. But gahhhhh? Whats wrong with me haha
 E-rock posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

kitty2264 said:
You're not crazy. It didn't take me long to fall for my bf either. Actually, I think I fell for him in a matter of weeks. Or maybe we're both crazy. Lol just kidding. Love makes people do crazy things. And if you really love her, you'll find a way to make it work out. I hope that helps.
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posted over a year ago 
stephmfan215 said:
wait a minute... let me get this straight i dont really understand. u left ur gf for this other girl. but then the other girl tht u left ur gf 4 left you for another guy. and then it happened again? is this right? or did i just read it wrong??? sorry im just super confused
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah. I was being dumb,
E-rock posted over a year ago
ya sorry. i wud help if i cud
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
I just dont get why i still like her
E-rock posted over a year ago
is it lexy??
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
dearjohnlOv3r23 said:
eric,, it doesnt make any sense.. explain it too meh again (:
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posted over a year ago 
idk message me haha
E-rock posted over a year ago
dearjohnlOv3r23 posted over a year ago
jameswilson said:
It's called infatuation.
You can start feeling really "in love" with someone really fast.
You know it's real if you stay with them and still care for them after learning all about them and accepting their faults. If you feel tired of them after a month or two, it was just that old feeling of puppy love.
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posted over a year ago 
Emma01 said:
Love Shouldn't Be Confusing.

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posted over a year ago 
but it is *sigh*
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
friends_4_ever said:
tryy 2 forget about her!!!!for sure u deserve awayy better than her!!!
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
u r confused, u need a break. learn to be freinds and try not to fall in love so easily.seems like u have a lot to learn,and the dating scene seems to be lost. u need to relax and focus on yourself, and fine tune and find what it is about, that what you want mos from your own future. take your time, enjoy life and study the right one will come along,unfortunately,she likes you but not in that way.take some time and focus, and find where you are going for where you are heading with a broken heart is no fun. freinds always have more fun and enjoy the laughs as friends do. and find some activities to bind your time, or even do some volunteer work, for it will pay off. find yourself, and you will see the change , and so will she, great luck for your future;-]

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posted over a year ago 
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