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Love Question

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!! plz!!!!!!! :)

whats the PERFECT first date?
 PrincessGurl posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

amazingXmooses said:
anything that involves pink fluffy handcuffs, pineapples, whip cream, a chair, a cactus, a cup of tequila, highlighters, and a video camera to record it all ! (:
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posted over a year ago 
yes! i like ur thinking!!!!! lol :)
PrincessGurl posted over a year ago
hahaha nice!
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
thespikedturtle said:
It completely depends on the people going on the date.
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posted over a year ago 
ok, thanks, good advice! :)
PrincessGurl posted over a year ago
perfect adviceee(:
dearjohnlOv3r23 posted over a year ago
summerlynn1978 said:
Whatever you do, don`t go to a buffet. I went to a buffet and ate way too much and threw up. My boyfriend broke up with me so I cried for over a week. Then, at school when I say hi he whisperws crap to his friends about me such as, " She is throw up girl blah blah blah" and crap. So on the next date, I went to the mall but that didn`t work out because I got stuck with this lady and Victorias Secret who wanted a bra... But I needed that bra because it was the last one in stock. I didn`t get the bra thought the jerk did so what I did was.... Pretty much nothing! But that little 18 year old was such a jerk. She was a midget. So he broke up with me for fighting... ok now I`m just threatening you so sorry! Just try to see a movie but don`t ord2er too much food.
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posted over a year ago 
i'm so sorry at what happened, thanks for the advice! i'll keep that in mind :)
PrincessGurl posted over a year ago
omg thats awful. im so sorry!!!
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
stephmfan215 said:
what kind of person is it??? some people may want to go do something crazy, others may want a sunset walk on a beach or they could want to do something just about u 2. like a dinner out or just meet anywhere, so long as ur together. idk it just depends.
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posted over a year ago 
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