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Love Question

What do you think about this?

My boyfriend left his girlfriend (lets call her "A") for me... and like well i didnt ask him too, but i did mention it to him.. but he broke up with her cause she was really moody and would get mad at him to the stupiest things.
Anyways, we've been going out for well.. it will be 5 months on monday (2-28-10) and a month before that he broke up wit me for a night.. it wasnt even a day. it just broke my heart... im really i guess suicidual and will torture myself if im sad/depressed.. so yea did a bunch of stuff to myself(not gona go into details)
And he said he broke up with me becasue he didnt have time for a relationship, but i was still heart broken. then the next morning he said he made a big mistake and wanted me back. And of coarse i took him back.
Then just a few days ago.. he broke up with me AGAIN! and of coarse i was crushed AGAIN! and i did even worser things to myself.. i cried and cried nd the reason he broke up with me is that, him and "A" were talking to each other and they both realized that they still liked each other. just hearing that hurt me even more!!
The next morning, nothing. We didnt get back together. Stupid me. I love him you know... and ill do anything for him... i begged him to come back to me.. people at school were teling me he was gonna hook up wit "A". That was just not my day. Then, he told me she was getting mad at him cause of something.. and how he doesnt like her anymore, and realized why he broke up with her. Then i heard that he asked her out, but she said no. So im thinking... maybe he only came to me becasue he got turned down by "A".
What do you think about this? Sorry its so long, i just wanted to fill you in as much information i can give you.

I think they have the right idea, I really hope you get over him.
thespikedturtle posted over a year ago
 PuNkRoCk123 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Hellohoudini said:
First of guy and I mean NO GUY is worth hurting yourself over! Promise that you'll never that again! For real...NO GUY!
Second...yes break-ups hurt and something you feel like you're never gonna love again...just remember and keep telling yourself..."There are plently of guys out there that will love you enough to 'want' to stay with you and will ignore temptation"

Dont take this guy back...tell him that you can be friends but nothing more. Dont let guys have any kind of power over you. Be strong. Know that you are worth someone treating right and trust me...there are descent guys out there that wont treat you as though you are "replaceable" (which is what this guy is doing).

Hang in there!
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posted over a year ago 
Miranda-Cullen said:
do not take him back or date him ever again he is just useing you he never loved you and he prob never will i had the same prob but my friends all came and talked to me they sat me down and said you dont realize what he is doing to you cause your blinded by love but he is a stupid player and you deserve much better dont waste another tear on a boy that never loved you be strong and trust me you will get threw this i no it seems hard now but it will get better trust me i no this for a fact

i hope this helped
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posted over a year ago 
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
lolibarbie said:
Well, DON'T take him back even if he begs, sends you flowers, does things for you. All he wants is to make "A" jelious! He can get over you because no girl should be used to make another girl jelious. And if you and "A" are friends then that would be awquard, if not, then okay. But, there are WAY better guys than him in the world. And everyone's pain only eases with time, you will get over this heart-breaker eventually, and hopefully soon.

Hope it helps-
L. Ashley K. <3<3
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posted over a year ago 
chagrin91 said:
Get over hm there is plenty of fish in the water forget him it seems he didnt like you tat mch and he was playing with you if you really want him back hook p with somebody else he will come back am sure
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posted over a year ago 
dearjohnlOv3r23 said:
hey gurl ohkay listen to meh on this 1 kay?
DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK,, hes just using yew. i know this hurts yew. im so emotional about that stuff. "A" dont worry bout her. this has happened to me before. its gona hurt bad. heres my motto::
no problem.
i know u love him. but hes just trying to hurt you. and if he says something like baby i love u only u im not gonna hurt you again.
thats just an excuse. i know boys. if u ever need help. advice. ANYTHING! lemme know.
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posted over a year ago 
sadie_kay said:
You are too young to be that caught up with one guy. Just have fun while you can. I know how it feels to have your heart ripped out by a guy and feel like its the end of the world. But once you find someone else who treats you 100% better, you will ask yourself why you fell for the first guy in the first place. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but the best thing to do is move on and just have fun in life. It's what I'm doing, and it has helped my depression a lot!
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posted over a year ago 
Aglaia said:
Let me tell you this - boys are stupid, but for some unknown reason we, the girls, like them... Especially this guy... Maybe he has good personality and he is cute, but apparently he treats girls like they're toys to play with... So my opinion is that he doesn't deserve you... It will probably be hard but you have to realize that he is not the guy for you (in my opinion) and he is not worth your tears... This is going to sound cheesy but even if it takes a long time, you have to get over him... There are other guy better than him that you may fall in love with... Just forget the whole story and start clean... =]

Hope it helps, Catie =]
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posted over a year ago 
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