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Love Question

Have you ever kissed a guy/girl?

how many times? where? give the persons name. did u like it?

give a discription.

my first was with Jake in his basement. just a small one, though. Now im going out with Aiden and we've kissed all he time. our first was at the movies but we've made out a lot of times since then. omg hes so hot!! <3
not yet =(
melikhan posted over a year ago
nope waiten for the right guy(:
dearjohnlOv3r23 posted over a year ago
nt yet ...m waiting 4 d dat romantic date :)... anjel
aesha143 posted over a year ago
 stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

brokenheart2828 said:
Caution: exteamly graphic!!!

too many to count. With my ex, on our way to classes and in a bus parking lot. Isaiah. i loved it. We were a liitle more than one week into our relationship and we made out in the School bus parking lot. we were cold so we were standing extreamly close to each other and we looked at each other and made out in front of a good 10 6th graders and younger. after twice making out an Aid came over and yelled at us for imprinting on Vunerable kids. we broke up maybe 4 times after that and got back together 3. that only lasted less than a month. he broke up w/ me on christmas :(. now hes dating someone else.

My current boyfriend, too many times to count (but less than my ex...for now) in the school cafetria. his name is Kaci. our first kiss was on feb. 12 (the friday be4 valentines day) it was only a peck, and on our 1 month anniversery (the 15th) my first true french kiss (almost fell over, seriously) it was great. he has to leave early at the end of the day so we hugged as he was ready to leave. he pulled away and looked at me in a way he had never before and then he leaned closer. i followed suit and then we kissed. best thing ever!
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posted over a year ago 
omg i luv making out!!! (sry i know that sounds weird) my boyfriend and i do it so much. lik at lunch and we go to each others houses a lot and make out there. hahaha im sounding so weird but it really is great. and the guy im with is rly good
stephmfan215 posted over a year ago
Miranda-Cullen said:
yes i guess i mean it was really akward and a bunch of my friends were there it was a spin the bottle type of thing and it was with a guy i didnt even no and still dont so ya lol
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posted over a year ago 
Black_cat_ said:
Yeah, it was my first kiss, she was really beautiful but she didn't want anything other than a kiss. it was amazing and i never felt anything like it b4, was magical and surreal but at the same time i knew it was real, that i had this beautiful girl in my arms and had her lips on mine. *sigh* it was bliss, but other than that time no, iv never kissed anyone i was in love with
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posted over a year ago 
nanavs16 said:
nope,but I REALLY WANT IT!!!maybe 1 day i'll feel it...
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posted over a year ago 
halunik said:
I kissed my first boyfriend when I was 14 or so. It felt great, really. we were standing in front of my house in the evening and I was afraid that my dad coud see us, but that was incredible. I felt that kiss on my lips during all evening.
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posted over a year ago 
kairi13050 said:
my current boyfriend was the first guy i ever kissed on the lips, and i like it a lot. and it was at where i am currently living, and so far we've kissed quite a bit. and he's coming over today and all i've thought about last night and today was those lips. mmm. : 3
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posted over a year ago 
GrenadeGirl337 said:
i have... and it sucked @$$!!! 1. hes almost 1-2 years younger than me 2. his breath smelled, and 3: it was for winning a mario game thing. i turned to face him and suddenly; BAM! there it was. hes all, 'THATS for winning the game.' (i am lmao right now!!!) and im like, 'dude, did you brush ur teeth?!' and so i won another one, and he kissed my hair.. well, it was really my ear through my hair but... whatever. i really wish it was his older brother... ;D
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posted over a year ago 
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