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Love Question

What do you think love means to you?

We all have our own opinions on everything. So here is something we all need to explain. Also it might help out others that need help finding love. Don't you think? :)
 Frances_17 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

lolibarbie said:
Love is when you can't fall asleep because reality if finally better than your dreams. Love is undescribable. There is no fathoming the power of love, it is so strong. People can never tell what love feels like, because most likely that person has never experience true love. Love is something that one person really doesn't expirience unless it is true. When you fall in love it is so hard to fall out.

Love is every feeling in the world tied into one joyous word.

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posted over a year ago 
six5tall said:
Love means to care, to understand one fellings, to be there when your other needs you , to comfort, hold, relate, listen, you are the one that will drop all that is in front of you to go to that person and be matter what. Love is in the heart of the person, a felling, a gift, a touch, a thought. Love can be all things if you want them to be. Being open with others and felling what they fell. But most of all .....our lord and savior is pure love. He loves all of us the same. And in all of us is he. Our creator. Love others as you love yourself......He tell us that in the bible. So go out today and show someone that you love them.....Just being there for them will show that. And tell your Lord in heaven that you love him too.
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posted over a year ago 
I think love mean being able to stay together through thick and thin and no matter what people say, you'll always trust eachother. Love is when you want to change yourself into somebody better for him/her.
jariahvue posted over a year ago
I agree, I was just letting others know the same thing.....just difference in words. But you are right, thanks for the come back.
six5tall posted over a year ago
I love your answer.
Frances_17 posted over a year ago
felicity1111 said:
love is when u cant sleep cause ur think about them
love is when u want to cuddel even when hes sick
love is when u miss him less than 5 minutes after he goes home
love is when u r so in love that u cant think when ur not with them
love is amazing
love is awsome
love is when u dont care what they look like u just love their personality
hope this helps
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posted over a year ago 
faiths said:
i think lovve can come from anyware (especualy from the hart) the number one thing people serch for is .. love or true love it is almost impossible to ind to day because so manny selfish mean and crule people are out thare and my deffinichion is love is a passonate amasing possibility you have a feeling to do anything for them the sad thing is it is offen mistaken for a crush
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posted over a year ago 
ljsb said:
&es it might help people like me understand the meaning of love is not really clear for me......
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posted over a year ago 
ButteBaby_K said:
Love is a deep connection between two people that connects them in everything they do. ie. If your hurting they know your hurt not from personal experiences, or something they've read or heard. But from what they feel thru the other person. Love isn't just between men and women, guys and gals. It's between fathers and daughters, best friends, and cousins. Love is so much more than physical attraction. And that seems to me anyway, to be all love is anymore. At first at the very least.
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posted over a year ago 
animelove30 said:
Love means feeling confident and proud that I have someone there beside me. I feel happy. I want to shout to the world that I'm in love and someone loves me back. Love is about understanding each other and to share your interests. Love is trusting each other and feeling like you can tell your partner any thing. Well that's what it means to me. And just in case if you're asking, I am in love. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
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posted over a year ago 
cherry7878 said:
A BROKEN HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
ellie_bellie135 said:
It's unexpainable. It's not lust. It's not distructive or disorganising. It's seeing someones faults but loving them anyway. It's being willing to stay with someone even if it's hard. It's something you should take seriously. And it's not something 12 year olds feel. No, honey, he's not your soulmate! Go play with a doll! Ahahaha! Too harsh? Well anyhoo, that's what I think.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes too harsh. But it SHOULD be taken seriously. That means going to marrage intending to stay with it, not thinking that if it doesn't work out there's always divorce. And it means not chucking out the word to every guy you meet from 10 onwards.
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
zomeister said:
Love is something people can't explain. It's a feeling. My love needs to be my best friend, my father, my brother. You need to share ideas or stuff with that person. You need to make the difference between real love and something that will last two weeks.
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posted over a year ago 
prity10 said:
love is a mixture of happiness sadness pain hurt smile romance fight angry fun trust understanding faith sacrifice ect between 2 ppl
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posted over a year ago 
nikkilin_8 said:
To me love means to do whatever it takes at any cost to make your partner happy even if you just weren't meant to be in their future
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posted over a year ago 
nuria_lovs said:
To me love is an incredible feeling you get .when every little thing remind you of your lover .when just them being away for an hour puts a little ache in your heart. love is Caring for on another being faithful loveing eachother for who they are .love can be confused with infatuation when you think you love somebody but the love isn't really there. Love is cherishig eachothers feeling and words .love is self explanatory. That my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
LEPS said:
Well love is evol(evil) spelled backwards
That should explain enough
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posted over a year ago 
ShuicideEda said:
Love is patient, love is kind, It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevere Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
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posted over a year ago 
LivialovesU said:
Caring and understanding that special someone. <3
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posted over a year ago 
aliselee_lee said:
i see a lot of answers here about love. i think when you fall for love somehow you demand too much out of it. If you leave the feelings behind that usually gets tagged along with "love" like sharing, caring or not able to sleep etc.ect and only experience the "love" in its true form that is when you will know what love is!
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posted over a year ago 
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