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Love Question

How can me and my little sister convince our mom into taking us to a New Year's Eve concert that starts at nine p.m.?

Me and my little sister love this band and we are dieing to go see their New Year's Eve concert! Our mom thinks that it is to late and that we might have someone over mad all that bitchy stuff but me and my sister are crying to death to see these people in concert! It is this huge family that performs in Branson, Mo and their littlest brother might be there and my little sister is dieing to meet him because she has a huge crush on him and she and the only girl in the family are really good friends so how do we? My dad already asked his sister what they were doing for New Year's Eve and she doesn't know yet then there is my bestfriend we might invite over if my aunt is busy! We told my mom last night that we wouldn't make fun of her (because use is really short), we wouldn't complain on going to school ( because we are homeschooled and we hate school), we wouldn't complain on eating our veggies basically we wouldn't do anything that we do that annoys her and that almost had her to where she almost said maybe or I will think about it and at 9:00 p.m. The doors open and you can just walk in and it is free so the main question is, is there anything that we can say or do that would make her say yes?
 haygoodfan posted over a year ago
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