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Love Question


I'm in love with a girl, I've lost appetite, sleep and I've even had fever and cried for her. True story.

I want to know what should I do, we two get along, we've even got our Gmails.

What should I do?
 Vaisin08 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

8xchristellax8 said:
jeez!!! if its messing u up enough that ur losing appetite and sleep, i think u should tell her how u feel. if u like her that much and u guys get along, then it'll be fine, trust me~ besides if she doesnt feel the same way, don't feel too bad. she isn't the last girl on earth. C: good luck man
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posted over a year ago 
Yes, but if she tells me that she has already got a boyfriend? I couldn't stand it
Vaisin08 posted over a year ago
And besides, If I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way, she'll probably hate me.
Vaisin08 posted over a year ago
maybe try and get to know her more. get closer with her and then show her subtle signs u like her. idk what to tell u if she has a bf....ask ur other friends for advice maybe
8xchristellax8 posted over a year ago
fanpup0511 said:
I suggest you tell her how you feel but say "i just wanted you to know how i feel it doesnt mean you have to break up with your boyfriend and if you stay with your boyfriend i understand and i hope are friendship wont change" just say that so she doesnt seem pressured and if she does stay with the guy eat ice cream and just be her bff and flirt a little and maybe she will change her mind later in the future and if she doesnt dont worry there will be a girl for you even better than you imagined and remeber EAT SOMETHING AND SLEEP!!! good luck :DDD
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posted over a year ago 
Catherine51197 said:
If it's doing that kind of stuff to you, you should probably tell either her or someone else (who won't tease you) who will help you & if you decide to tell her, you can choose to do it anonymously by (preferably typing so she can't recognize your writing) writing a note then posting it to her :)!!
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posted over a year ago 
sshannahmontana said:
U should tell her how u really feel about her i'm sure she'll understand but as a reminder don't love a girl too seriously u migjt get hurt someday
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posted over a year ago 
Open your feeling to her if u really love her u don't mind whether she has a bf or not u should at least tell her how u feel so u might get better and say u will wait for the day she likes u back
sshannahmontana posted over a year ago
alexismanga said:
ask her out. that's the simplest thing to do. if she says no you can play it off as joking around. there really is no point to beating around the bush
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posted over a year ago 
tvseries98 said:
dazzle her hint at her or tell her how you feel
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posted over a year ago 
bvegas2020 said:
If you are seeking for help then try Whereweallmeet, an online dating site with live dating tips.

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posted over a year ago 
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