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Love Question

I need your help!

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for about five months now and we haven't kissed yet. This fact hasn't bothered me one bit until today. My best friend and I were talking when she brought up the subject of kissing and asked if me and my boyfriend had kissed yet. So I, being the awkward shy motherfucker I am, told her that I had no idea. She then proceeded to call me immature for being sixteen and never kissing anyone. This made me feel like there was something wrong with me, like I was an outcast. I looked to the Internet for advice and they all told me he didn't love me. I know that's not true though, we discussed it and he said he didn't wanna pressure me into anything I wasn't ready for. So I guess my question is, is it abnormal that I don't feel ready to kiss someone I have been in love with for 5 months now? Sorry this was so long, I felt like I needed a bit of background to get my point across. Thank you in advance for your help. ^.^
Not if, why. I meant to put why. XDD
oboe_player posted over a year ago
She asked me why me and my boyfriend haven't kissed yet. XD
oboe_player posted over a year ago
UPDATE: We kissed like 2 weeks ago I think. It really wasn't anything special but I'm glad we got to that stage. Thanks to all the people that answered this question with awesome advice. :DD
oboe_player posted over a year ago
 oboe_player posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

TomboyYaoiFan56 said:
What?! No, you're fine! If you don't wanna kiss anyone, don't kiss anyone, don't let what other people say guide your life, I'd say you're fine the way you are.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you so much for answering. :D
oboe_player posted over a year ago
iliveingallifey said:
Your fine but I would see the bright side if he docent want to pressure you into doing things that your not ready for he won't dump you for not being ready for sex later in life
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posted over a year ago 
Probably not :D. Thanks for answering. ;)
oboe_player posted over a year ago
fanpup0511 said:
NO!!!!! If you dont wanna kiss dont! I know the situation you are in only i was 11 yah 11 years old! i still dont have my 1st kiss and i dont really think im ready for it and if your boyfriend doesnt wanna pressure you its not because he doesnt love you its because he respects you
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks for answering. :D
oboe_player posted over a year ago
sshannahmontana said:
This thing happen to me too i have this bf we have been dating for about 5 months he really loves me but he said to my friend that he won't break up with me but if i want to break up he would accept the best thing is u have to make your own choice if u don't want to kiss so don't kiss if u love him u don't have to care about what othet people thinks
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posted over a year ago 
Catherine51197 said:
Firstly, it's no ones business whether you've kissed or not & secondly, I don't think couples should be kissing until they're at least engaged, but you've only been dating for 5 months which is definitely way to early to even be considering marriage. Don't pay any attention to what your friend says because she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about, & also (you may thank me later so just listen) if you did, it would hurt more if you ever broke up with him.
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posted over a year ago 
alexismanga said:
hey its perfectly fine. it just shows that you are resonsible and that he respects you, which is way more important than kissing. i am sixteen and never been kissed and am fine with that. don't worry about what others think you should do and just concentrate on being happy with the boy you love.
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posted over a year ago 
bvegas2020 said:
Looking for help? Join Whereweallmeet,with live dating agents to offer dating advice and ideas for you.
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posted over a year ago 
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