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Love Question

I really need some help...

So my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago saying that he cant handle a girlfriend (well a relationship) and school...he a junior so i guess that makes sense...i guess and well asked him..i said "So what, did you just fall out of love with me?" and he said "Im confused right now and im not sure i mean i guess that falls in that catagory." I was heart mean two days before we were fight about who loved eachother more....hah...and I just dont know what happened....he told me about a thousand times Its not you...its not you...but something still makes me feel like it was me! and he still wants to be we used to be...but we are just very awkward....i mean we have one class together and i can just feel his eyes on the back of my head! And I dont know what to do because i cant eat anymore....i can never finish meals...i just get nausous a few bites friends are all worried about me trying to give me food and stuff and freaking out but i mean i just dont know what to do!! and whenever i seen him i shake and my stomach like EXPLODES! When i go to sleep at night i cant get him out of my head! He was my first real love and I just felt like myself around him....Im broken and I dont know what to do...
 hetalia_ninja posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Waterwhip said:
EAT. Your not doing any good by not eating. Even you get sick. Please eat. Your not going to change the situation by starving yourself.

Be there for him. He's confused. In his head, everything is thrown around. He doesn't know what he wants, or what he needs. Have his back. A girl and boy can be supportive to each other for a long time and just be friends. But after a while, he'll fall for you. He'll realize who was always there. And he'll know what he needs. Don't think it's awkward. Think to yourself "this isn't awkward" and calm down your nerves. Keep yourself believing everything will be okay, because it will. Break the ice. Joke around. Use some sarcasm. He sounds like a smile would do him good.

And last, be strong. It's hard to be strong. It's hard to hide things and it's hard to smile. But don't give up on yourself. I know you're broken. But look around yourself. Everyone is broken. Keep wearing that label, and that's all you'll ever be.

I know I don't know you, but stay strong, for me :) and if you ever need to talk please feel free to message me
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posted over a year ago 
im sorry i didnt see this a while ago...but thank you so much! I starting eating again! and he got a girlfriend which threw me down a hole again but im surviving it and im getting better im happy again :)
hetalia_ninja posted over a year ago
connieandbecky2 said:
I had the same problem as you and I didn't eat either but my family and friends helped. You need to be yourself again before you even met him. Go out with friends and be yourself. You don't need to be yourself round him yes he migt be confused but give him time and he will explain he will come back they always will. Trust me with friends and family on your side what can go wrong.
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I had the same problem as you and I didn't eat either but my family and friends helped. You need to be yourself again before you even met him. Go out with friends and be yourself. You don't need to be yourself round him yes he migt be confused but give him time and he will explain he will come back they always will. Trust me with friends and family on your side what can go wrong.
posted over a year ago 
my sisters photo is right
grahamhouston11 posted over a year ago
bvegas2020 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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