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Love Question

If Your Best Friend & Your Ex Boyfriend Loves You But You Feel Like You Love Your Friend More What Does It Mean?

Two Months Ago I Was Dating My Ex Boyfriend Chris & I Really Like Chris Unitl One Night I Talk To My Best Friend Jake He Starts Kissing Me & Me & Him Have a Sexual Relationship, My Ex Boyfriend Always Try To Make Me Have Sex With Him But I Cant Because I Would Not Tell Him Me & My Best Friend Had Sex Unitl I Told My Ex & I Told Him I Want To Break Up But Now Im In a Sexual Relationship With My Ex & With My Best Friend Please Tell Me What To Do?
 kim4312 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

jameswilson said:
If you're really fourteen like your profile says I think you're to young to be having sex with anyone.
However, if you feel you're mature enough for it I have no place telling you not to. All I can say is go with the person you trust more. Take a hard look at who knows you better and who respects you more. Who do you trust?
You will be safer and feel better about your decision if you choose that person.
Good luck
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posted over a year ago 
I couln't agree more. you stole the words before I could think them. & Kim, listen to to this guy! he's right
sweet_n_silly posted over a year ago
dancer4lifexox3 said:
um, i thinkyou should go with the one you love more. A relationship isnt worth b in in it if you don't love one of them, or you are taking the love away from one for another. I say break up soon with the one you feel less of a connnection with it, before one of them finds out, but i think they both deserve truth, but if you aren't comfortable sharing, thats your little secret.
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posted over a year ago 
That Might Help Thanks
kim4312 posted over a year ago
does ur mother know ur having sex? wow I would not do that if I was u! any way if u read twilight u would know what to do lol well if u didn't I'll tell u it bella is a new girl in town and she goes to school and she see this guy Edward who fall in love with her and bella does the same any way this other guy Jacob also loves her and she just think of him as a friend then Edward leaves bella and she goes into a depretion an then when ever she does somthing stupid or dangerous she has a hilution of Edward and one day she saw these bikes and they didn't work cuz they were old and needed parts anyway jake knew all about bikes and how to fix the so she was over there every day with him and he was totals in love with her and he brings her almost out of the depression and she tried to kill her self for like the 4th time and alice (Edwards sister the one who have visions of the futrue) sees vela and the cullens (edwards family) come back the jake fights for his love and he looses a battle that was already fought any
9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
My Ex Boyfriend Only Uses Me Maybe To Make Other Girls Jealous & My Best Friend Jake Makes Me Feel So Much When I Ear His Voice In My Ear Everyday & Everynight
kim4312 posted over a year ago
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