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Love Question

Plz help me! thx!

There's this guy i like, but he barely knows i existed. he knows i like him, but whenever i'm around him i act like a complete fool. & we pretty much have only 1 thing in common & that is that we both like sports! we hang out a lot but i mess up on things & it makes me blush!
what should i do? plz anyone help! thx
 dsgirl posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

musicluva1219 said:
Hmm, that's rough. I'm sorry. When you're around him try not to think about it, act like you normally would. I think you may be trying to impress him which is why you are messing up on things. Maybe you should get to know him more and you might find some more things in common. And don't worry if you blush a lot, I do too. But my hair is long and it's to the side so when that happens I usually walk to the other side and hide my face a little bit. It works! Haha, sorry...I know its not the most helpful advice 'grow your hair'. But it's an option. Good luck! I hope I helped! ~♥~
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posted over a year ago 
My hair is long too! but my mom barely lets my have my hair down because it's really curly & gets all notted! But thx i'll try again this year
dsgirl posted over a year ago
Oh...try brushing it more so it's not as knotted? I'm sorry, this is all I have for you. Alright, don't give up! ~♥~
musicluva1219 posted over a year ago
2000000 said:
thats what its like for me to!!! i think you should just be your self and just be nice.
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posted over a year ago 
thx! i really like him! my friends always say he likes me back, but i know he dosen't!
dsgirl posted over a year ago
Don't give up on him! Things could change. Stay positive! :) ~♥~
musicluva1219 posted over a year ago
Mena09 said:
stop acting like a fool! stop trying to catch his attention, play hard to get...act NORMAL, as if he didn´t exist (guys hate when girls act crazy)

Stop blushing...just kidding, but yeah pretty much ignore him a little bit, it won´t hurt...
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posted over a year ago 
I tried that before & my friends kept saying..... "he likes u, he likes u!" & it got really annoying. lol
dsgirl posted over a year ago
then ignore your friends,,,just kidding, but seriously if you play hard to get then he will notice you...
Mena09 posted over a year ago
dancer4lifexox3 said:
Well you said that you both like sports, so wait untill your in a comfortable environment, like P.E. or a gym. If you see him around start by like goin "Hi {insert name)" then after you get used to sayin hi to him, start talkin a full conversation, and if your clutzy, stay sitting, or in the same spot... I don't know if this helped...but i hope it did.
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posted over a year ago 
Thx but that would be really hard 'cause he's a year yonger than me!
dsgirl posted over a year ago
o im sorry
dancer4lifexox3 posted over a year ago
That's okay, but i've know him 4 like 5 years, so we're really good friends!
dsgirl posted over a year ago
Nice advice! ~♥~
musicluva1219 posted over a year ago
Amberla said:
I hope you two have got together since back then where you asked but if not, just forget about him... I tried the same thing where my guy knew I liked him but he just ignored me and made my life a living hell...
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posted over a year ago 
booklover13 said:
when you do foolish things, make a joke out of it. talk about whatever you have in common- in this case, sports. block out your friends because even while they mean well, sometimes friends can just screw things up. treat him like a friend. contrary to what people may think, there friend zone is where you start :)
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posted over a year ago 
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