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Love Question

I want too know of I should end a gfs mom has prevented me from contacting her and she means everything to me so I went back to cutting myself and I'm thinking if it's over for me and Olivia :( please help me

My gf and I got in another fight I made her upset and she cried for ten minutes and her stupid fucking bitch of a mom got involved and ruined the relationship I'm thinking of suicide and ending the relationship
 Valorthefallen posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

thetscfan121 said:
DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!!!!! Killing yourself will just make this worse, and come on! you're 15 years old. You have an entire life ahead of you, and she might be a part of it. Can't you guys see each other at school? And what about your parents? Don't they have any advice on this? If they don't, then listen to me: she might be waiting for you. If her mother doesn't let you get near, there's one thing about us teenagers: we love to break rules.

Go to her house and try to get in without her parents noticing, and fix this mess! "She cried for 10 minutes and her bitch of a mom intervened." Maybe it is true, maybe it is over, but it's not if you can avoid that. I bet what you two fought over was stupid. Besides, fights between couples aren't something bad, they're like tests to see how much you two love each other and are willing to stay with each other. At school, just get her in a corner and TALK. Talking is the best medicine. But the number 1 thing you must understand is that, cutting yourself and trying to suicide yourself is just as stupid as anything. Do whatever it takes to get her and don't stop until this is fixed.

Damn, i write too much.
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posted over a year ago 
*'s a long distance relationship
Valorthefallen posted over a year ago
RealAmberEyes said:
But if u think of suicide, how do you even hope of making it work? how would you be togheter then??
i don't know your story but you need to wait for things to cool down a little bit. If you continue fighting, her mom will keep interfering because that's what adults do! it's their job and you can't do acting this way you prove them they are right and that you act childish, trust me i know what i say i've been through this. Like i said let everything settle down a bit, after a day of two, you all will be thinking clear and if your girl wants you and misses you WILL SEARCH 4 YOU. Just let her know you are there for her. No one is worth killing yourself for them,trust me. Don't push her, just go on with your life, let her solve the issues with her mom and if she needs you, she knows already you are by her side, right? Be strong and remember, many people in this world wish to live a happy healty life and they can't.
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posted over a year ago 
Whats left of me is trying to have fun and trying to stay strong I need help
Valorthefallen posted over a year ago
Wow...I like this answer better than mine...
thetscfan121 posted over a year ago
CCSunshine said:
DON'T KILL YOURSELF. I know that's what everyone writes but its the truth. Trust me, Ive been in a situation like that with my (ex) boy friend and with my family teasing me on top of it, i wanted to just jump out of my bedroom window. Its the worst feeling in the world. But after a while the pain slowly went away and it was great. so again, DONT KILL YOURSELF!!
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posted over a year ago 
My parents ignore my cries no one here's me exept what little friends I have (only 2 friends and my cousin Gemms) listen to me
Valorthefallen posted over a year ago
It's good, talk to your friends, and if you want, try and have a "chat" with your parents. Don't argue with them because they don't understand. They do, (they were teenagers too once) So talk to them and just ask for an advice.Is that simple. "mum,i want your help and advice" I was in similar relations with my parents and after a while tired of arguing, i just told them both, " i really need your help, you were supposed to be the adults, so do your job and help me!" and they did listen to me. You'd be surprised to find out how open-minded they can be. Let your pride aside and open-up to them,they can't judge you, they gave you life.They will never judge someone that's a part of them. And if, they don't help you then stand up for yourself,be that strong guy that you want 2 become regardless of everyone opinion.Everyone here is trying to help you the best that we can, and we don't talk for the sake of talking. If everyone would have commited suicide everytime they were in trouble the planet would be deserted. You are angry and hurt right now but remember that everything that doesn't destroy u makes you stronger,ok? just wait like i said before, concentrate ON SOMETHING ELSE and see what happens after. just do this for us that we try to help you here. Problems won't disappear, life isn't easy but that's the trick, we'd be so bored if everything was PERFECT, OK? BYE BYE, AND I KNOW YOU'LL MAKE IT RIGHT :)
RealAmberEyes posted over a year ago
earthwoman65 said:
You are young, you will fall in and out of love over and over before you find the right one. Nobody and I mean Nobody is worth killing yourself over. Just think of who you will be hurting if you do this. The ones who love you. When you get older and think back on this, you will wonder what you were thinking and what did you see in this person. You have so much to live for. Going to prom, graduation, getting married having children, grandchildren. So, please talk to an adult or a counselor at school. Please believe me, I do know what I am talking about.
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posted over a year ago 
I don't not to be offensive but I don't believe u
Valorthefallen posted over a year ago
Honey, I am 47 yrs. old, I have been there.
earthwoman65 posted over a year ago
bvegas2020 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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