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Love Question

NEED HELP PLEASE...Don't know what to do =\

K so there is this guy who is in pretty much all my classes and at first I thought he was real cute and I was starting to get that feeling when you like some one and I saw him look at me a couple of times so I sent him a friend request on facebook and a couple of days later he sent me inappropriate messages like "I will add you if you suck my dick" and "give me head baby" he barely knew me and he was saying this shit so it made me really upset and I started hating him but then like a week later he messaged me on Facebook saying how sorry he is and that he was just messing around with friends and he said that he was sorry if he hurt me....and he still looks at me and I'm trying not to like him but he is in every one of my classes and I don't know weather to try to get over him or make an effort to get in with him Plus he is kinda popular could you guys tell me what to do and tell me if u think he likes me or not thanxx =)
 charmed_girl13 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Sinna_Hime_chan said:
Well, yeah, he likes you, but he has a really awkward/no skill way at showing it. I'm sorry, that would be a turn off to me. It means that either he is really only interested in one thing, or even despite the apology (which- at least he apologised anyway), it still means he sometimes talks to people & females that way...and he either is in the habit of doing that or he doesn't have a lot of class or tact. If I was a fortune teller ~ & I am NOT, lol, I would see doom, and only because he might get himself in trouble later, even if you two DID hook up & he never ever treated you that way, he might still talk to other females like that when you did not know.

I'd really think about it before giving yourself permission to be set in that sort of set up. If you do...then you have to understand you really have no room to complain -much, if something DOES happen like that. You took a knowing chance.

If you go ahead, I wish you good luck, really, but if it happens, I hope you won't repeat.

That's my take.
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posted over a year ago 
I reckon it would be a bad choice but I don't know how to stop liking him it is ok if we don't each other much but he is in every one of my classes and we are doin dancing in sport and I have to full dance with him sometimes it is really awkward...the drama class I was in didn't include him but now he got switched to it ...IT'S LIKE FATE IS TRYING TO SET THIS JERK UP WITH ME -_-
charmed_girl13 posted over a year ago
hehe sounds like you cant get away from him ...... just ask the person that is in charge of school to switch at lest 1 or 2 classes away from him that is wat i would do.
hannamary posted over a year ago
hetaliaitaly said:
hmm well i dont think a person that loves you would hurt you like that even if it is a joke i think you should act normal but dont take sympathy on him just because you love him.
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posted over a year ago 
Boy, we throw around the "LOVE" word casually around here. LUST is casual, liking someone- love is a little DEEPER. She's never even gone out with the guy. Sheez! It's a crush!
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
SBKITT1 posted over a year ago
gee thanks
hetaliaitaly posted over a year ago
friends_4_ever said:
really dont get in a relation with him!!!
if he talked 2 u that way then he must talk with other females these way and if he really likes u he might apologize for u again ....and then start talking 2 him...BUT NO RELATION caz he may hurt u with these words again!!!
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posted over a year ago 
exacly i have to agree with friends_4_ever it makes so much sence
hannamary posted over a year ago
thnnxxx veryy much:)
friends_4_ever posted over a year ago
bvegas2020 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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