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Love Question

Please, please help me...

Okay. I am in eight grade right now, and in sixth grade, I fell in love with a guy. But I made an awful mistake. I told him, he told the whole school, and now I can't even talk to him without getting nervous out of my mind. I still like him and its been two years. Everyone calls me "obsessed". I'm so, so, so sick of it does ANYONE know what I can do to get over him? Don't give the usual "oh don't think about him" or "like another guy" crap. I need real advice PLEASE its ruining my life.
a lot like my situation only mines not as long
hontwilightfan posted over a year ago
It's also like my situation, except I never got the guts to tell the guy I like him. I'm glad I didn't, because he doesn't like me... so it's kind of a win-lose situation. Anyways. I'm not sure what to say about your situation... Good job on having the guts to say that you like him to his face, even if that's what ruined your life. The people who are calling you obsessed are wrong. It's hard to get over a crush. !! Idea randomness. I'll post it as an answer. =)
purpledemigod posted over a year ago
 hisblueeyes posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

roseteaxx said:
I totally understand how you feel (I'm going through something similar, so bear with me...)

You may not like it, but I think you're just going to have to wait for it to pass. This guy sounds like a jerk. I think you understand that. I know it's so easy to say that, to say "he's a jerk, and I don't need that, so I'll just like someone else." But it's not that easy in reality. In real life, you can't always change the way you feel. It's really annoying right now, but do not worry. You eventually will find another guy to like, and hopefully, this one will be far more decent.

As for the rest of the school, don't worry about them. Middle school is the time when you care most about what others think of you. But remember; you don't need their approval. They're calling you obsessed, and if they are bugging you over it, remind yourself that they aren't the ones you need approval from. Like Dr. Seuss's famous quote goes, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Like I said, I know it's so much easier said than done. But have confidence. You will get past it eventually. It's just a phase. (And if you are really desperate at some point, it sometimes helps me to find something I really, really love (for me it's Harry Potter, but for you it may be something different) and focus on that for a while.)
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posted over a year ago 
allieclark123 said:
this has happened to me and i didnt get over him till my boyfriend came along and told me he loved for who i was and tht he would never brake my heart!! ik you dont want to hear this but go for someone else tht like u for who U R not for wht you can be!!!! srry if this didnt help!!! GOOD LUCK!!:(
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
geepers his loss, as now you can see how mature he really is, but so too can the whole shcool, who else heard you say those words, i bet there was more said. he had a treasure before him and he could have had more. i hope you have woken up to him, for he isnt a real person , very immature, and you love someone , jeepers, what did he do for that, he didnt save your life. and you still havent got over him. jeepers, ok sleep tonight where your feet normally go, and if u havent changed feelings , u may need asprin and a call to the doctor, lol. but rememember the crap. if you had been stuck somewhere he would not rescue u, hed run and save himself, or go look for an umbrella. but do something for yourself at the end of the week . reward yourself for the hard work u have put into ur studies, change a little something of you,clothes , hair, bag, scent,hat,ribbons,mohawk, and become stronger. dont jump into the deep end again unless u check the water, and do ur homework. ud like. but u never know what is hidden. u r obssed in finding love for its waht we all look for in our journey of life, he will never quite get there, for he loves his own reflection, and others block his view, and if u cant still get over him, watch out as u may trip over his umbrella. u made no mistake, u had words changed, u picked the wrong guy to like. now back to work your future there will be time for that, when you become powerful and rich from your smarts of awesome paying job of LOVE;-]
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posted over a year ago 
this helped ME! lol xxx
hontwilightfan posted over a year ago
tdacrazy6 said:
That happened to me, too. It's not the best situation. I ignored it though. They said I was obsessed even though I just confessed. All I said was, at least I had the guts to tell him. I didn't get made of (besides my brother)
This all started because you decided to confess. I think you should talk with him.
I did that, too. If he says don't talk to him or people call you obsessed, demand to talk to him. Hope this helps ^w^
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
I would listen to the first 4 who answered this question. But I'm going to tell you something that they forgot to mention.

Maybe he likes you. In 6th grade most boys care about sports and video games. Most don't give a damn for girls. Have you ever considered that you were the 1st girl to actually like him and he freaked out because his life wasn't ready for a relationship?

If he's still a jerk to you, he may still actually like you. Most guys don't fully mature until about 40. So he still thinks that being mean is flirting. With that said though, he's still not ready for a relationship with you yet. He's still immature and maybe one day he'll grow up. But while waiting around, I suggest getting some real relationship time with someone else. If it was meant to be, he'll come around. I know, it hurts. But trust me it's worth it.

If he's nice to you now, forgive him for what happened two years ago. And why not remind him of your feelings without bluntly telling him? Charm him into liking you. And if you end up getting him, to hell with the people that call you obsessed. If you don't, at least you know you tried. And in the end, you'll love knowing you went after it instead of backing down.

All My Best Luck~
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posted over a year ago 
purpledemigod said:
I was reading another question before yours: MarMar_XigLux's question about her imagining a perfect guy. You gave an answer saying that you did that too. Maybe you can use that to take your attention away from the guy that you like.
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posted over a year ago 
bvegas2020 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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